S/O How long do your showers last?

How long do your showers last?

  • Less than 5 minutes

  • 5-10 minutes

  • 10-15

  • 15-20

  • 20-25

  • 25-30

  • 30+

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Depends on the day, 5-10 most days but sometimes I get pretty dirty and it takes a little longer to get grease, paint, grass clippings, seafood smell, etc out of/off the skin. On those days maybe 15-20.
Am I shaving my legs or washing my hair? If I'm only adding one of those tasks then maybe 15 minutes. If I do both then about 25 minutes (No, I don't wash my hair or shave everyday).
During our drought here in California we got in the habit of putting a bucket in the shower to catch the water while waiting for it to get warm then watering plants with it. We stopped doing that.
But we have continued the rinse off, turn off water, shampoo and soap up, turn on water and rinse off routine. Water probably runs 30 seconds to get hot water, less than a minute to get wet, less than a minute to rinse off. So under 5 minutes total, closer to 3. My wife has discovered that her hair looks so much better since we started doing that. She apparently was rinsing her hair too much before, and it rinsed most of the condition she put on out.
Zero amount of time - there should have been an "other" in the poll choices. :teeth:
I absolutely never shower (unless I'm on a cruise ship and am without a tub). My nightly bath takes about 20 - 30 minutes.

Me too - never shower unless I'm not a home (bathtubs that are not my own kind of freak me out). My bath also takes about 30 minutes or so.
So now, here on the DIS, are we actually going from clean towel shaming to shower shaming???

PS: I have fairly long thick hair, as mentioned on the towel thread...
I can wash completely, shampoo, condition, and rinse... easily in just over 5 minutes time.
Ten at the most.
The idea of just sitting there for twice that long just seems odd to me???

Heck, the hot water would probably run out!
So now, here on the DIS, are we actually going from clean towel shaming to shower shaming???

PS: I have fairly long thick hair, as mentioned on the towel thread...
I can wash completely, shampoo, condition, and rinse... easily in just over 5 minutes time.
Ten at the most.
The idea of just sitting there for twice that long just seems odd to me???

Heck, the hot water would probably run out!
Did I miss something? I don't see anyone shaming anyone else on this thread.
So now, here on the DIS, are we actually going from clean towel shaming to shower shaming???

PS: I have fairly long thick hair, as mentioned on the towel thread...
I can wash completely, shampoo, condition, and rinse... easily in just over 5 minutes time.
Ten at the most.
The idea of just sitting there for twice that long just seems odd to me???

Heck, the hot water would probably run out!

Can you better define shower shaming? Cause I honestly have no clue what it is or how it's happening here.
Oh...as for running out of hot water, I have three words for you...

Tankless water heater

Worth every penny and then some. :worship: :cloud9:


My ex could and did take 30+ minute showers and I could fill my giant tub at the same time - best upgrade ever.
I'm a big, fat, shower hog. I usually spend about 20 minutes in the shower because A. I just enjoy the relaxing hot water, and B. I shave my legs every day. In my defense, I do live on the beach in Florida, so I spend my life bare-legged. But even when I've lived in New England, I took long showers, simply because I like to! It was always worth getting up a little early when I worked, to fit my morning routine.

So now, here on the DIS, are we actually going from clean towel shaming to shower shaming???

PS: I have fairly long thick hair, as mentioned on the towel thread...
I can wash completely, shampoo, condition, and rinse... easily in just over 5 minutes time.
Ten at the most.
The idea of just sitting there for twice that long just seems odd to me???

Heck, the hot water would probably run out!

And WOAS, you are cracking me up between your dismay over people reusing towels and now getting so amped up over showers. For the record, I have about 11 hairs in my middle-aged, menopausal, fine-haired bob, and I LOVE the luxury of letting hot water beat down on me. I recommend you try it, it might help you relax some, lol.
It usually takes about 15 minutes for me to shower and wash and condition my hair. If I also shave, it takes me about 25 minutes.
Myself- about 10-15 mins if I am shaving. 5-10 if Im not. Now my DD15 is an entirely different story. That girl takes at least 30 mins...she will stay in there until the water turns cold...and we have a huge hot water tank! I have no idea what she is doing, but I can hear her singing the whole time. I am assuming she is just standing there singing for 20 mins.
It depends - 15ish minutes if I'm on a schedule & need to be ready by a certain time. Otherwise, I can be in the shower until the hot water runs out. I don't take baths, & the shower is my "personal therapy" time. I love how the sound of the water drowns out everything. A shower is also my "I need to figure something out" thinking time.

(Obviously, our reusing towels is more of a lazy-laundering thing than it is a water conservation thing.)

Edited to Add - Showers are also fun w/ DH - THAT'S the way we conserve water!
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I've always dreamed of having a shower with a bench and one of those ceiling shower heads.

I'd be in there at least 30 minutes.
I picked 10-15, but that's if it's a "Maintenance" shower. If I'm just going in to get myself clean I only take 5-10 minutes.


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