sailing with a senior parent


Aug 19, 1999
I am taking my mom on her 1st ever cruise. For the past 4 yrs. she has been devoted to taking care of my dad who passed away in Oct. and wouldn't leave him to go away even with family there to watch over him. She always sent us off on our trips with a smile and a wistful "Remember everything so I can feel like I was there too". Her excitment is contagious and we're all so excited about this next cruise we feel like it's our 1st. If anyone has sailed with a senior parent and has any tips, pls. let me know. What was the highlight of your parent's cruise? Anything we should avoid? Mom is 79 and a big kid at heart, but health problems limit her walking long distances without a lot of stops. She refuses to allow us to bring my dad's portable wheelchair for her. How can we handle fire drill? She doesn't do stairs well. Can't remember, but isn't it a pretty long walk to the CC tram? Any suggestions for Nassau? Looking forward to hearing your hints. Thanks!
I had to convince my widowed Mom (74) to come with us on a cruise. She'd never even been on a plane before! She is very healthy and has no problems getting around - BUT she wanted to stay on the ship and enjoy the Spa (especially the Rainforest).
Mom is coming with me twice this year on 7 night cruises since she really loved it now! Even flying!

Regarding the "fire drill" - I am certain that the CM's can assist you (her) in getting there since there are others who require wheelchair assistance. Maybe someone else on the Board can reply to that - or call DisneyCruise Line directly and ask.

It is a little walk to the tram at CC and Nassau is also a lot of walking.

I know she doesn't want the wheel chair but I highly recommend it for the "just in case" mode. I often take my cane but rarely have to use it - just knowing it's there helps me feel better.

Thanks Rae. I may insist we bring her chair. She actually can go some distance without it if there are places to stop and rest every couple blocks. I am so excited when we get to CC I couldn't recall distance,but you're right- it's pretty long. I will gladly volunteer to stay on board in Nassau. Nassau just doesn't do much for me.
sandee - you are so right about Nassau. Even Paradise Island/Atlantis Hotel isn't worth hassling with the locals over. Our first trip there we were one of the first off the ship and waited over an hour to get someone to take us to the Hotel! They wanted a "FULL" cab before they would take us - regardless of who we asked.
Then we had to pay for the bridge too! Just felt like one big rip off.

I wasn't impressed with Nassau either. Dock looks like a warzone, and the people are rude. One of the rudest people was the police at the dock who questioned our relationship with our son (we are caucasian, he is mixed race). We had all our documents but he just wanted to "shake us down", as DH says.
It's a third world poor country and I find that hard to deal with when I am on vacation. I've spent enough time in those countries to have memories to last a lifetime and I certainly hate seeing beggars (especially old and very young). My son (7) doesn't quite understand that we can't give handouts to everyone we seen.

There may be others who find something interesting, likeable about it - but I'd also prefer to stay on the ship. We didn't even get off to the ship at Freeport - not even to say we touched our feet to the ground at the dock. It just wasn't worth it.

Rae and Sandee-

I too had a similar experience with bringing Mom. When we bought DVC resale, we had a large amount of banked points that were soon to expire. My dad had passed away in July (right after my daughter was born.) I decided we all needed a vacation. My mom had not traveled in YEARS and I expected her to say no, but she gingerly agreed. So we book 3 cabins on the Wonder 4 day in Jan 2001 with the 4 of us (kids 4 and 7 months), DH's parents and sis, and Mom who was 77 at that time.

I will NEVER forget the good time we had, especially Mom. She needed that vacation so much! She opted not to go into Nassau, but loved CC especially the cool sand wheelchairs. She also had such fun with our servers, and I have a great pic of her in a Bahamian hat and dreadlocks (mom's blonde) dancing with our asst. server. She also won at bingo (twice!!)

Long story short, our cruise helped Mom start to get back on her feet after losing Dad. I hope you find it brings some smiles to your mom too.

I agree you should bring the wheelchair, she can always push it herself and use it for support or just a place to sit when she needs a rest. My mom was not happy about the chair either, but uses it when we go into "fast mode".

My mom enjoyed the shows, both the theater and in the "bars".

If she has trouble rising from chairs, call the line and request a table location toward the front and center of the restaurants, it is just too hard to see the activities buried in the back, plus it is a long way to and from the restrooms at mealtimes.

If you are going at a hot time of the year, deck nine can be very hot when the ship is docked, bring a spritzer bottle to keep her cool. A spritzer also comes in handy if she will not get in the water. My mother got very over-heated at CC and went back to the ship. Try to send someone off the ship the minute you dock to bag a shady spot close to the tram stop. The sand wheelchairs were a booger to push, I wish we had kept our own and just pushed along the path, then collapsed the chair and assisted her to a shady spot. We had traded hers for one of the sand type and left hers at that station.

We went on the seven day, but here is my "wheelchair" report link.


My wife walks with the use of crutches and, for the lifeboat drill, she was taken to the asembly area on the elevator. We mentioned to the stateroom hostess when we arrived that Linda was on crutches and everything was looked after.

At Castaway Cay, a cast member brought one of the dune buggies and transported Linda directly to the beach without using the tram at all - it was great service and they let our kids ride on the back of the buggy with her! You can probably ask when you get off the boat for this and they should accomodate you.

The only trouble we had was in Sint Maarten where they had to tender us to the shore. There were stairs up and down to the tender which were difficult for Linda to navigate. Other than this, we really didn' have any trouble.

We also brought a wheelchair with us on board but ended up not using it. We found the corridors and elevators were not really wide enough for a wheelchair so we left it folded up in the room for the majority of the trip.

I hope this helps - have a great cruise!

We leave in 10 days for FL and cruise on 3/16. Mom called me a little while ago and asked if she would be able to get her picture taken with her favorite disney character..Goofy. I told her we'd find him somewhere on ship. I never bothered before with the characters aboard ship so never really noticed...will they pose with adults too?
Yes! Goofy is usually at the port at check in, so you can get an early start. Our first pic was with (you guessed it) mom and Goofy!
Hi Sandee,

We cruised a couple of years ago with my parents and mom, although younger than yours, has numerous health issues which limit her mobility.

We found that sometimes we simply had to split the group up - no way she could keep up with my two kids most of the time. Much like your mom she has to stop and rest periodically if the walk is long.

As for the drill she and dad (although it could be another adult) simply headed there early - the location is noted in the stateroom and you know it will be at 4 pm. So they carried their life jackets and strolled down at a leisurely pace.

She wanted to see the straw market (this was prior to the fire) and we just took our time getting there. She and my DD stopped to play with the steel drum band, people watch from benches, etc. We were at table 4 or 6 in the dining rooms and this was situated so she could see well enough without having to walk terribly far into the dining rooms. It is also off to one side so she didn't have to maneuver around too many on her way in or out.

There are plenty of places to sit and rest around the ship - just have to take a little more time. I have to say I honestly don't know how they went from ship to beach at CC - my family and I were off earlier and they joined us later.

Hi Sandee. My Mom sailed with DS9 and I last August. Gravity and genetics have slowed her down a bit, but her grandson and the allure of Disney made for terrific compensation! She is a graduate of "The Depression" and more often than not complains about her perception of my spending habits. HOWEVER, while on our first DCL Western Caribbean Magic cruise this past August I told Mom that I had rebooked the same cruise for all of us next year. I was expecting a financial fireworks tirade in ways that only Mom's can inflict upon a son. Instead, good ole Mom just smiled and said, "Thank you."

I am sure you and your family will have a wonderful cruise!
Bravo Buckaroo's Dad - you are not only an outstanding single Dad but a great son! I am sure she is very proud of you and very happy to be included in your vacation plans!

It's a pleasure to know you!

By the way, DH, DS and I are also sailing in August this year - 2-9 (Western).

Best wishes to you and yours!!!

Hmmm... always picking up wonderful little tidbits here. My mom moves slowly and after any amount of walking her back tends to hurt a great deal. Can we request the dune buggy for her on Castaway Key? The rest of us are just fine to walk.

Always grateful for the blessing of my parents and I want to do as well by them as they have done for me and my children.

THANKS... :sunny:

Peachy Deb :wave: :wave: :wave:
Peachy Deb - you summed up the philosophy, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Your parents should be proud to have such a loving and faithful daughter! I am sure your children will see your example and become the loving, caring adults you would like.

God bless you all!
I am sure she is very proud of you and very happy to be included in your vacation plans!

I guess that's true, Rae. But still in all, she is disappointed that I didn't become a doctor... (although I do like to PLAY doctor - lol).
You really are a scamp, my friend.....a real scamp! I wonder if you got it from your mother!!! Just wait til Buckaroo gets in his teens - you will see a younger mirrored image of yourself!! Be careful, VERY careful!!!

; )

We took my 76 year old FIL with us on the four night Wonder in December, and it was his FIRST VACATION EVER! Mom wouldn't come with us, but he came very reluctantly...

...and now he wants to know when we're going again! He's still able to get around, he loved having his picture taken with characters, he loved the ship, he even loved Nassau! He's never been a real "water person", doesn't know how to swim, but he thought Castaway Cay was beautiful, and he actually did swim for a few minutes, even though the water was a little chilly. He told us before we boarded the ship that he wouldn't be using the pool or the hot tub, but I'm sure you can guess that we couldn't get him out of the hot tub once he tried it.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't even try flying or taking a long distance train :rolleyes: so we took Greyhound from New Jersey to Florida. He says if we'll take him again, he'll fly the plane himself if he has to (he doesn't even drive a car!).

Beth, reading about your FIL has me even more excited for my mom. She is thrilled at the idea of getting to meet Goofy "in person". I just want this trip to be so memorable for her. I worry about her walking, her being bored, her not finding anything she can eat on the menu.....she actually told me laughingly that I needed to "chill "this morning on the phone.
Buckaroo's Dad, my mom is a product of the depression too and very careful with her $$. We were all stunned by the lg. amt. of money she inherited from my dad. He must have saved every penny because she got quite a windfall. She said she's going to the bank on Monday to get her "spending money" for the trip (I'm giving her this trip so I'll be taking care of her tip $$) She decided she's going to "go all out" and "pamper herself"...."if i see it and I want it, I'm gonna buy it"....then she announces she can't decide if she should take $40 or $50 with her. That's my mom!!

Your mom and mine must be cut from the same cloth! Have a wonderful time...wishing you all the best!

sandee - reading about your Mom deciding whether to take $40 or $50 with her reminded me of my Mom. We paid for her first trip (air and cruise) and she said, "Well, don't worry because I brought tip money!" About $50.00!!!!! I didn't tell her that tips were extra, she tipped the baggage people, and all the others who we encountered on the way and felt so good about it.

Glad to hear that your Dad saved up and now your Mom is secure in her retirement years. My Dad was equally as wise in his planning and Mom is a great budget conscious person.

I am so glad to know that there are others who love having their parents around them and with them. My biggest thrill is taking Mom on vacation and enjoying her company!



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