Sarah and Frank's Planning Journal WP/GF-WHP/GFB 2-7-09 SAVE THE DATE VIDEO UP!!!


Frequenting Disney World Since 1981
Jan 11, 2008
Hello Hello Everyone. Well I guess it is time to start this dang thing. I've been putting it off long enough. I love reading everyone elses, now it's time to bite the bullet and post mine. :rotfl:

Where to begin???????? :confused3 Oh the horror! LOL!

Well, Frank (DF) and I have been together going on 6 years this August. With that said, lets go back.....waaaaayyyy back...back into time......:wizard:

One upon a time in a land called Boston, Sarah and Frank met. It was one year after Sarah had moved out to Boston from Indiana (after college). Sarah worked the door (Thursday nights only) at a bar in the Financial District of downtown Boston, called "The Place".

One night in August of 2002, Frank and his friend, Chris (Co-Best Man and designer of the most beautiful engagement ring ever!) happened to come to The Place to hang out and were using it as a meeting place for their friend, Kenny (Groomsman) who was visiting from L.A. Sarah, being one to have a keen eye for distinguished looking gentlemen, noticed Frank when he first entered the bar and thought, "I hope he has to go outside at some point so I can see him again and make my courgarish pounce!"

As luck would have it, Frank did go outside a few mins. later to give Kenny a call. While he was on the phone, Sarah was ease dropping on the conversation and heard Frank having problems giving Kenny directions to the bar (typical Frank, not very good with directions). So, she boldly walked up to Frank, interrupted him and proceeded to give him a hard time about his lack of knowledge of his whereabouts in his own hometown. At that point Frank said, "You can do better? Here you go..." and handed over the phone to Sarah.

Calling her bluff, and catching the vixen off gaurd, it was perfection, seeing as not many men had ever been able to hold their own with her before. The rest is history or.....shall we say the future???

The happy couple a few months later....
Like the story states, we have been dating since 2002. During this strand of time, we have moved from Boston to Indiana (my home state). Purchased a home, been living together close to 5 years, Frank adopted my dog Harley as his son, and we got a second dogson together - Salami.

Here is the happy family in one of my favorite photos...

Harley, Sarah, Frank, and Salami

So, you might be asking yourself how we got engaged....or you might not be. But for those of you who would like to know please continue. For those of you who don't give a crap skip to the next post.

:love: HOW IT HAPPENED:love:

We were in Boston from Dec. 27th - Jan. 1st to visit Frank's family for the holidays. On the 28th Frank took me into the city to visit his best friend, Chris at his jewelry store. (Chris' family owns a jewelry store in downtown Boston, where he designs the most beautiful jewelry I have ever seen.)

I thought we were going to visit Turco since we were not going to be able to see him while we were in town (he was going to NH for the New Years). We get into the store and Chris brings out 3 of the most amazing engagement rings I have ever seen! He has me try them on and asks me which style of the 3 I liked best. After a long deliberation over two of them I finally chose. We then left w/ Chris and went back to his house to visit with his wife and see their new baby girl.

The next day Frank said he had to go run some errands and I stayed behind and hung out with Frank's mother (perfecting our skills at Wii). We spent the day with Frank's family visiting.

A good friend of mine from when I lived in Southie, was bartending that night at the L Street Tavern (for those of you not from MA, it is the famous bar from Good Will Hunting). We decided to go see him and watch the 1st half of the Patriot's game.

Before we headed that way, I asked Frank to take me back to our hotel room so that I could freshen up my make-up and change my shoes. While back at the room, I touched up my make-up, switched my boots, and went to go get my purse on the bed. As I turned around I saw Frank facing me with his arm stretched out with the ring (still in the box) open for me to see! The best part was that he had a look on his face as though he was thinking, “I don't know what to do and hope this is okay." I screamed, "What are you doing?" He said, "I had it all planned out to take you to the Boston Commons and we would go ice skating, since that was the one thing you always wanted to do when you lived here, but never got to. Then, while we were skating I was going to accidentally fall down and..." "But it was rainy and super cold today so that foiled my plans. Plus, I've had this ring on me since 10am and I have been freaking out that I was going to loose it, so....." Then he got down on one knee. Neither he nor I can remember what he said after that. I just know that he got choked up at one point and I said, "Don't cry! You're going to make me cry!" The next thing we knew we were engaged!!!:woohoo:

Here is the ring...

Oh I love your ring! You get married 5 days after me!!! We will have to look for each other. I will be there for a week and a half! Can't wait to read your plans!
your ring is beautiful :lovestruc

Thank you so much!!! It is truely special to the both of us, since Frank's best friend designed it especially for us.

Oh I love your ring! You get married 5 days after me!!! We will have to look for each other. I will be there for a week and a half! Can't wait to read your plans!

Thank you, Toni!!!! I know, we WILL have to meet. We are getting there on Wed (2/4). I'm going to have to jump over and read your PJ, now...:moped:
Congrats! Yeah another Indiana bride!! Looking forward to hearing all about your plans!

Congrats! Yeah another Indiana bride!! Looking forward to hearing all about your plans!


:woohoo: Indiana girls on Indiana nights!!! :woohoo:
So glad you stopped by and said, "Hello." I've been wondering if there were any others on here. :)
:woohoo: Indiana girls on Indiana nights!!! :woohoo:
So glad you stopped by and said, "Hello." I've been wondering if there were any others on here. :)

:rotfl: Love that song!

So what plans do you have so far?? got a dress yet? ;) I'm hooked on dresses, as I just bought my VR dress this weekend!! :cool1:
Soooo here is the big question EVERYONE we talk to ALWAYS asks...

"Why Disney?"

Does anyone else get this????

I want to reply and say, "WHY NOT?" It kills me how some people think it is childish that we are getting married at the happiest place on earth. But then I have to remind myself that they are ignorant and have not had the privelege of experiencing the one place on earth that can make dreams come true!

Sorry, my little rant is over. But here is the reason we choose WDW, aside from the obvious. Frank's family and friends are all in MA and would have to fly to IN for our wedding if we had it in IN. And, I am from a city an hour and a half north of Indy, so this would mean that all of Frank's family and friends would not only be paying a ton of money to fly to IN and stay in a hotel but they would have to rent a car and drive almost 2 hrs. on top of everything else.

So, this gave me a great sales pitch to present to my parents when we dropped the bomb of a DW. LOL Actually, my Dad was more excited than my Mom was when I mentioned the idea.

A little background...
Since I was 4, my parents have been taking me and my older brother (who got to go for his first time to WDW when he was 4) to the World for almost every family vacation. From 4 - 13 we went every summer and stayed at WDW for a week. Then, as we got older the trips got more spaced out due to busy schedules of sports and whatnot. Then, when Frank and I started dating my Parents took us both to WDW w/ them for New Years Eve. This was Frank's first time (at age 28) and he fell into the Disney Love Trance :love: and has been hooked ever since. So, when we were able to go on our first vacation alone (most of our vacation time is used to go back to Boston to visit Frank's family), we decided to go to WDW of course.

Back to my Dad. He is a WDW Fanatic! And it is so funny b/c he is this 6'4" 300lbs Head Football Coach that gets giddy whenever someone mentions WDW. So, I knew he would be puddy in my hands when we mentioned the wedding at the World. (my evil laugh inserted here)

So, as you can imagine it didn't take too much coaxing on my parent's end. They were on the DisTrain....choo choo!!!!! :dance3:
:rotfl: Love that song!

So what plans do you have so far?? got a dress yet? ;) I'm hooked on dresses, as I just bought my VR dress this weekend!! :cool1:

Yes, I do have a dress but I can't post it b/c the DF is laying next to me and periodically looks over my shoulder.

Maybe I'll PM you tomorrow w/ it. ;)
All in all, we have finally gotten everyone excited about our DFW!!! :cool1: :cool1:

I am a marketing manager so the persuasive side in me came out when doing our Save The Dates. I was getting such mixed emotions that I thought, our save the date has to REALLY be captivating. :idea: That is when I decided to put my broadcasting degree to good use and make our STD a DVD!!! :3dglasses popcorn::

Thank goodness for small favors, b/c it has paid off!!! People we thought would never come to the wedding have already bought their flights and are starting to tell us what rooms they want in which hotels we are going to have in our block. :banana: :worship: :banana:

I will post a pic and the link to the video soon, so everyone can have an idea of what I'm talking about.

Ok On with the details................

First I'll start w/ the BM dresses.
(By the way it makes me giggle every time I type or see "BM" b/c that is what my Mom made my brother and I say when we had to poop as kids, BM - it stands for bowel movement.)



I am having 6 BMs and they all have different body shapes and sizes so I am having everyone get the same color (Truffle) but the style is going to be different. As you can see above they all have the same theme going on to keep them somewhat uniformed.
I love this tux!!

Oh, and no matter what tux all of the guys are wearing Chucks!!!:thumbsup2
Yes, even the ring bearers (who will be 6 and 3).
Here is the Save The Date that I made

My Mom and I while sitting at the computer for hours burning the DVD's found inexpensive and perfect sized DVD envelopes.

I put together the DVD and also made the lables. Then I had Frank and my Dad stick them to each DVD.

The colors on the DVD are the colors of the wedding and the peacock feathers is what we are using for our centerpieces (which I will go into more detail later).





:headache: Uggghhhhh!!!!! I can't seem to upload my video on Google or Youtube b/c it is in DVD format. :headache:

Does anyone know a way around this or am I just totally missing the boat here?????
Can't help you with your problem but... I was at David's Bridal just today with my BM. It was exciting except that it's like 40 minutes from my house. Sorry for that rant! I think that was a great idea to do a DVD for the save the date. I've never heard of anyone doing that.
WOW your STD idea is AWESOME!! I soooo should have done something like that because so far i don't have much interest in my VR. Oh well, less i have to worry about pleasing everyone else again on MY big day! :thumbsup2

I love your BM dresses (funny about the BM, i agree that it stands for bowel movement, but also baby making :rotfl: from my mommy boards! )

Can't wait to hear more!! I sure hope you figure out how to post the STD. (yeah, that's another great one!:lmao: )

Can't help you with your problem but... I was at David's Bridal just today with my BM. It was exciting except that it's like 40 minutes from my house. Sorry for that rant! I think that was a great idea to do a DVD for the save the date. I've never heard of anyone doing that.

Ouch....40 mins. is a drive to go to David's Bridal. I feel your rant about that!

WOW your STD idea is AWESOME!! I soooo should have done something like that because so far i don't have much interest in my VR. Oh well, less i have to worry about pleasing everyone else again on MY big day! :thumbsup2

I love your BM dresses (funny about the BM, i agree that it stands for bowel movement, but also baby making :rotfl: from my mommy boards! )

Can't wait to hear more!! I sure hope you figure out how to post the STD. (yeah, that's another great one!:lmao: )



That is even funnier w/ associated w/ hanky panky :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao:

Jennifer you are cracking me up :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I thought of that as well when I typed it, but thought I had already shared to much w/ the BM comment. :rotfl:
:lmao: I got loads of them!!

DTD always makes me laugh too, as that is Doing the Deed!! :banana: :banana:


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