Say it with me...I'm a snob

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<font color=purple>W. makes my liver quiver<font c
Feb 21, 2005
Today myself, DH,DD, DGM (my mom) DSis and her 3 DS's headed out for a day at Six Flags over Georgia. We slept in a little as I didn't want to get there really early and burn out quick. DGM paid for all the kids and herself, :love1: and DSis got free tickets for the rest of us :cheer2: . Okay, this starts out good enough as we are putting no money into this trek yet. We get to the parking area where they hold your car hostage for $10...did I mention TEN DOLLARS??? OMG :eek: And we had 2 cars. We start across the parking lot where the poorly trained tram drivers are anything but polite, but hey, I refuse to let their poor attitude ruin my day. They have better trained people inside the park for that. We walk in and are literally attacked by people wanting to take our picture. Our group of 8 is somewhat scattered and I say no thank you, but they insist :sad2: . My glasses are half way down my nose by this time and I lower my head to glare over them. This is not a friendly look :mad: They are wiser than they look and back off. We procede to the large bulletin board that informs us that 2 of my favorite rides are "down for the day". Okay, keep smiling...there's lots to do here ::yes:: I'll survive. The weather was nice, cloudy, not too humid (for GA) and an occasional gentle breeze...this may be a good day. I will later laugh at myself for that absurd observation :laughing: We hit the log flume... :bounce: love that ride. We head towards the Batman roller coaster when DH gets the bright idea to ride these swings...harmless enough :scared1: they were the swings from hell!!! As I disembark from Beelzabubs playground, I'm feeling a little shakey and since we have a coupon for $2 off a sports bottle plus numerous coupons for free refills I stagger over to concession stand and place my order for 1 diet coke in a sports bottle and hand over my coupon, certain I have just made the deal of the day. She hands it out the window and announces that will be $13.99 :earseek: I just as loudly announced there was no way I was paying her that much money for a coke...sports bottle or no sports bottle. I walked away leaving my DH and DD with this shocked look on their faces. :scared: I wasn't sure if DSis and DGM would make it as they are bent over laughing at me :rotfl: I am not a happy camper. We finally agree to pay for a lesser container of coke and head over to the new haunted house they have. They look at our party and say, "That will be $48". I say again, very loudly, "Now I know whats scary people are nuts" :crazy: I'm slowly becoming the outcast of our group. But between the 2 places, I have save $62 in less than 10 minutes...I think they should be worshiping me :worship:
We continue to meander through the park, waiting in line for a minimum of an hour for each ride that lasts 45 seconds. I'm loosing the address to my happy place...I think I lost it over by the haunted house. :maleficen I can't help but notice how dirty the park looks, very unkept. The staff have the personality of toads and the visitors are just as bad. And the number of pre-pubecent girls and teenagers running around practically naked embarressed me :blush: . I had a long discussion with DD how these girls have no respect for themselves or their body and if they don't respect themselves, no one else will. She's 9...Please God, let some of this sink in :listen: We have finally made it around to the Great American Scream favorite beside the Georgia Cyclone. Suddenly streaks of lightening come, the sky turns nasty and the mother of all rain, thunder and lightening storms falls upon us :umbrella: Rain the size of bumble umbrella, poncho or place to hide. Stick a fork in us because at this point, we're done. :headache: We trek the 159 miles back to the main gate in the pouring rain, soaked to the absolute bone, DH can't find his happy place, I've permantely moved out of mine and DD wants to know why we're leaving? I know I looked at her like she has lost her everloving mind at that point :rotfl2: We finally get to where the trams drive you the next 300 miles to the parking lot the size of small western town, just to discover that like all the rest of the rides, the tram doesn't operate in "inclimate weather" either. We hoof it for at least 15 minutes, literally in ankle deep water with lightening all around us to get to our car. :faint:
By now, I'm just happy to be alive! Okay, happy may be a strong word.
So now I trying to put the nightmare behind me and focus on the Mouse :earsboy: ...only 51 days to go, only 51 days to go.

It official....I'm a Disney snob! And proud of it. ::MickeyMo
I dont know if I appreciate this post... you see DD8 and I have "free tickets" to get into 6Flags... not that I was looking forward to it.. but now... I know I definately AM NOT!! This is my nightmare staring at me!! :faint:

PS You truly have a gift for writing!! (just hope you understood the tone of my first sentence!! )
You are way to funny! Sounds like a nightmare. i don't think I could do another theme park besides Disney and Universal. They definitely set the standard. Disney's tops of course, So I proudly join the disney snob squad! :smooth: :rolleyes1
I live in metro Atlanta and she was not kidding about the mother of all storms. Wow. Brave soul who walks to the car in that! I agree that once you go Disney it kinda ruins it for any other theme park.
hugsquared said:
We start across the parking lot where the poorly trained tram drivers are anything but polite,

Wait one second....Your SF park has trams!!!! I don't care if they run or not :rotfl2:, at least they have them. You are so spoiled. ;) Imagine paying $10 to park, then having to walk a country mile to the park in the searing sun. Then after a long, exhausting day in the park, having to walk a country mile back to your car. All for the "bargain" price of $10...shouldn't they be paying me for that torture?! Well, that's parking at my local SF.

You gotta love SF...or not. :teeth:
I think I just woke the kids (at the neighbors house) because I am laughing so hard :rotfl2: I am sorry you had a bad day but you have a great outlook on it.I'm still laughing :rotfl:
Oh, my goodness! Those swings ARE horrible. We took our 7th graders there in May this year, and I was sooo sick after I got off of those. I thought I might lose it during the ride. We actually had a great time. Sorry about the weather, that makes a BIG difference!

Lori P. :)
Sorry you didn't enjoy your trip there. Your story is too funny! :rotfl2: Thanks for sharing! I'm a Disney snob myself!!
Well, not to laugh at your misfortune at the closest thing we have to an amusement park around these here parts, but :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :earboy2: OMG, it sounds like you had a bad day. Sorry. You did us a huge service though. A friend is coming to visit us in a couple of weeks from Florida. She wants to visit Six Flags while she is up here. We told her that there was no way that we wanted to go. She couldn't understand why. This will help make our case. Thanks for sharing the :laughing: Maggie
I mentioned to my DH a few weeks ago that maybe we should take our son to Six Flags (we have one here in Denver) and he just laughed and " He wouldn't even like it - we just got back from Disney !!" I guess he was right so since we bought season passes - it is back to Disney !! :cool1:
We moved to Georgia a year and a half ago. I have been hesitant to go to SFOG since the SF Great Adventure in NJ was always a nightmare.


You're story had me ROTFLOL :rotfl2: but it has saved me SO much. I don't ever want to lose my happy place, so I will not be venturing out to SFOG anytime soon. I was wondering why every Coca-Cola can in the state of Georgia has all kinds of savings off of the place. Now I's an evil plot between Coke and SF to take Georgian's money and happiness!! They want to steal everyone's happy place! :teeth:

Well, even though it was a horrible experience for you, your DH and DD, please be consoled by the fact that you will give everyone who reads this thread a big smile. :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
:rotfl: sorry for your experience, but you have my side hurting I laughed so hard :rotfl:
I have not set foot in a Six Flags Park in almost 20 years. None of the posts i have seen here on the Dis about them are making me change my mind. I have done Disney parks Anheiser Busch parks Universal parks and Hershey park and find them for the most part pretty good!
We are planning to go to the 6flags in DC next month. DD won tickets from a radio station. She's so excited. After reading this, I guess I won't talk it up too much! I hope when we get there, I won't be standing around like Dorothy saying "There's no place like Disney, there's no place like Disney, there's no place like Disney."
I'm sorry to laugh throughout your entire post because I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time. You have a great style of writing!
I've recently resigned myself to being a Disney snob (without a Six Flags trip) and I'm proud of it! I agree with mjmcca in that every report I've read about Six Flags is not good, not that I have any desire to take time away from my WDW! :love:

We live in Michigan and my DH REFUSES to go to Cedar Point! He says after getting FOL at IOA and always planning right to walk on most everything at Disney, there's no reason to go to Cedar Point. He says the park is ugly cause all it is black top and rides!!!

So we know what you mean!
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