Saying Goodbye to Disney?

I can see how my comments can seem cold to those with “less money than me.” Being wealthy is a completely subjective and relative term. We ALL make choices based on limited resources, no matter where we sit on the socio-economic ladder. This specific author is a local AP holder who probably went to Disney 20 times a year and is now complaining because he can no longer go as often because of the high crowds and prices. Maybe the whole point is to get people like him to come less to make it more enjoyable for others who come less. Do I wish I can go to Disney more often? Of course! But because of the higher prices, I choose to go less often. This is what Disney wants and I’m ok with that. I am certainly not happy about the diminished benefits. But maybe those benefits will get better when there are less people in the parks? All I’m saying is, no one is entitled to Disney. It’s not a non profit or government agency. It’s a business. Complaining about a business trying to maximize profits only falls on deaf ears. Just my opinion.
The only problem with your view about a company maximizing profits is that even know the company will state that they need to maximize profits because they have to answer to the shareholders they let very few of those dollars flow through to the shareholders. Worked 22 years on Wall Street and I know how to identify a company that is truly doing that. Disney is a company I would tell anyone not to invest in if you are looking for earnings, which by the way is the reason you own a portion of a company. When Disney raises prices most of the money goes to executives that have a contract that gives them enormous sums of money for meeting revenue goals. We are talking tens of millions of dollars going to multiple top executives. The only reason for the price increases is to line their pockets. Not to mention they reduce the number of people they have to pay, eroding the experience of the guests. And for that their contracts give them another bonus. You don't get it! People are aware of this and they are tired of it. This is not cost of doing business increase, this is a company that has decided they can charge whatever insane prices they can with no respect for the for the people that have been doing business with them for years and years. And as a side note, never met Walt but having read about who he was and what he wanted his parks to be he would be spinning in his grave, This is all a money grab by the top people at Disney. Not like we have never seen this before, remember ENRON and more recently the OxiContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma. People are tired of corporate greed! They are not whiners they are they are tired of lining the pockets of greedy people.

To summize:

They raise prices
They pay less people
They reduce early morning hours
They reduce late hours
They don't pay reasonable earnings based on revenue to their stockholders
They do away with magic express

I don't understand how this could be considered just doing business.
We are all entitled to our opinion and I do respect yours but lets face it the company has greatly reduced it's expenditures and has continually raised prices. People have a right to complain without being called whiners.

I'm finished, have a wonderful life and continue to line the pockets of the Disney elite executives.
The only problem with your view about a company maximizing profits is that even know the company will state that they need to maximize profits because they have to answer to the shareholders they let very few of those dollars flow through to the shareholders. Worked 22 years on Wall Street and I know how to identify a company that is truly doing that. Disney is a company I would tell anyone not to invest in if you are looking for earnings, which by the way is the reason you own a portion of a company. When Disney raises prices most of the money goes to executives that have a contract that gives them enormous sums of money for meeting revenue goals. We are talking tens of millions of dollars going to multiple top executives. The only reason for the price increases is to line their pockets. Not to mention they reduce the number of people they have to pay, eroding the experience of the guests. And for that their contracts give them another bonus. You don't get it! People are aware of this and they are tired of it. This is not cost of doing business increase, this is a company that has decided they can charge whatever insane prices they can with no respect for the for the people that have been doing business with them for years and years. And as a side note, never met Walt but having read about who he was and what he wanted his parks to be he would be spinning in his grave, This is all a money grab by the top people at Disney. Not like we have never seen this before, remember ENRON and more recently the OxiContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma. People are tired of corporate greed! They are not whiners they are they are tired of lining the pockets of greedy people.

To summize:

They raise prices
They pay less people
They reduce early morning hours
They reduce late hours
They don't pay reasonable earnings based on revenue to their stockholders
They do away with magic express

I don't understand how this could be considered just doing business.
We are all entitled to our opinion and I do respect yours but lets face it the company has greatly reduced it's expenditures and has continually raised prices. People have a right to complain without being called whiners.

I'm finished, have a wonderful life and continue to line the pockets of the Disney elite executives.
I respect your opinion. I’m sorry that Disney has become the worst company in the world for you. Like I said, no one is forcing anyone to go to Disney. No one is forcing anyone to work for Disney. I still find value in the experience. You obviously do not. I hope you find your peace in your next adventure. Aloha.
Most people, when asked the question "If a company you have been doing business with for 20 years just kept raising prices and continually provided less and less service, would you continue doing business with them?" A very large portion would probably say no. I just use this example to illustrate that the people you describe as whiny and entitled are just people with common sense and obviously much less money than you. Just sayin
....Worked 22 years on Wall Street and I know how to identify a company that is truly doing that. Disney is a company I would tell anyone not to invest in if you are looking for earnings, which by the way is the reason you own a portion of a company....
....funny you should mention this because my DH just sold his Disney stock after almost losing his shirt...he decided to cut his losses.
Just commenting to say that our family is right there with you. I grew up in Disney and up until the pandemic hit, we were taking regular trips with our kids. I am just so glad that we didn't end up buying into DVC so that we were stuck. Disney isn't what it used to be and it is really disappointing. We are taking our last trip and then it's time to see the rest of the real world.
I have owned DVC since 1992 and even today, I have never felt for one minute that I was "stuck" with it. It has brought both me and my family members so much joy and we've enjoyed experiences that we would never have been able to afford otherwise.


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