Saying HELLO from EPCOT =0)


<font color="red"><br>Laughter is the bloom<br>of
Apr 21, 2000
Here's something fun we started doing a couple years ago.I thought y'all might enjoy it. Erich, was 6 at the time and at 8 ,he still loves doing this and has taught his step brother Jonathan.He practiced saying hello in the WS languages before we went to WDW.He was so excited about going to each country and talking to a CM that trip!The CM's seem to be really happy when you greet them in their native langauage!! So here's a few that we know!

Mexico...Hola (OH-lah)

Norway...god dag (goo-DAHG)

China...Ni hao (nee HOW)

Germany...gutten Tag (GOOT-en tahkh)Good Day

Italy...buon giornio (boo-on JOR-no)Good Day
or ciao (chow)hello or good bye

Japan...ohayo gozaimasu (oh-hi-yoh-goh goh-zy-ee-mahs) Good Morning

Morocco... Salam alekoum (sah-LAHM wah-LAY-koom)

France...Bonjour (bohn-ZHOOR)

There's also a place in Innoventions West Side that you can send a FREE e-mail hello back to family and friends at home! Be sure to check out the IBM e-mail postcards while there! There was no wait while we were there this past October.The best thing is if ya don't like the picture it took you can keep taking one until you get it right! There's another place in Journey into Imagiantion.This email postcard place is a BLAST! You can send your regular old picture type card OR you can turn yourself into your favorite animal or even a cartoon character! This email station is nice because you can send the postcard to, I believe it's 5 addresses at once.

Enjoy! Ciao!
Hi Lisa, good to "see" you! Hope you're having fun at WDW!

Great tip for the World Showcase. I'm going to teach my kids these phrases for our next trip. They will get such a kick out of speaking to the CM's in their native language.

Have fun!


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