SB: Scrappers stand up and be counted.

I started scrapping last August to create a history of "meets" for the then "Rita Aero's Reader's Clubhouse". Initially, because I didn't know what I was doing, I used only color photo copies of the pictures. That album was a bit hit, and I've since filled 3 more. (12X12, post bound, mostly double page spreads)

I also have 13 filled photo albums of Disney trips alone! so for me, the pictures are the thing. I don't think i've ever used a die cut other than accu-cut letters, rarely use stickers, don't own a rubber stamp (and still manage to have tons of "stuff"!) I love to do penwork and paper piece.

The only album i'm having trouble getting motivated to finish is a family heritage album for my son. I don't know if it's because most of the early pictures are black and white (I LOVE color!) or what but it's been sitting virtually untouched since last Thanksgiving, while i've turned out pages and pages of Disney, graduations, parties, and travel.

Has anyone the same problem I have? Probably 70% of my pictures do not have people in them. They're gardens and flowers, architectural features and scenery. I have scarcely any unposed children's photos. So-- many of the cute stickers and so forth don't work with my pages. Seeking suggestions!

Note to BethE: the only way to start is to Start! Once you've done that first page, I promise you, it will get easier!
With the kinds of pages you mention I generally do everything I can to put the focus on the pics themselves....double and sometimes triple matting, nice lettering, simple borders, etc.....then the pics really pop out. Sometimes a simple die cut can accent the page just right.

I also use this approach for portraits. I hate to take the attention off of a great portrait by putting too much "theme" around it.
Hi all
I'm working on a family album and I Disney album from our April 2001 trip.
Looking at this thread, it seems like we have quite a few active scrappers!
Ruth from Philly
Hi everyone!!

Donna, here!

I had every intention of making a scrapbook from my 2000-2001 vacations to WDW. I have a lot of supplies and photos, but I seem to be frozen. I am completely overwhelmed.

As soon as I clear off a corner of my dining room table, I am going to give it a shot.

I'm a new scrapper as well. I've came to this board and read the posts, asked some questions, and went to see all the online scrapbooks that you guys have posted for the last couple of months. I knew that I wanted to do this, but was afraid to start. I'm not very crafty. I took a scrapbooking class at the local Vo-Tech a couple of weeks aga with my DD. I have now finished 4 pages that are of my DS's first trip to WDW. Next I will do our 2nd trip to WDW. Seems that's pretty popular around here :)

mbs, I'd love to see your album that you did for your father, even just a few pages. My DH had a photo album of his kitchen cabinets that he has made, but I'd love to do something like that for him. Also, for any of you that have never posted about your scrapbook pages that are acsessable online, could you give us newbies a link to see them? I get more confidence when I see others pages. Thanks. Gerri
I'm here too! :p

I've been scrapping for about 3 1/2 years now. It's very addicting! I tend to scrap in spurts - I'll work diligently for a few weeks then won't touch them for a couple of months LOL! I get burned out and need a break every now and then.

I've done an album for every year, 1995 - 2000 (some are not fully completed yet though) and 1st year album for both my kids all done in 8 1/2 x 11. I've also done two gift calendars and a 5 x 7 gift album. I've started on a 12 x 12 Las Vegas 2000 album that I hope to finish by the end of summer, and I've started on our 2001 family album. I plan on starting on our 12 x 12 Orlando Vacation 2001 album next week. Other projects I hope to start on by the end of the year is a trip to Colorado from 1995 and perhaps our Wedding album and an Army album for DH. I'm also doing a School Days album for my 6 yr old, so that's in the beginning stages. I'm a scatterbrain when it comes to the family albums, I just scrap whenever the mood strikes and in various orders - organizing it all together when I'm done. My main priority is to get the Orlando one done as soon as possible - while the memories are still fresh in my mind for journaling. Plus, I had layouts in mind as I took pictures!!

I have TONS of supplies! I buy more supplies than I could ever possibly use actually. DH says I could open a store LOL! I recently bought some Isis carts to organize and they are really nice. I'm a sticker fiend, but rarely use them. I think I have at least one of nearly every sticker Mrs. Grossman's makes :). I love Paperkins and patterned papers, especially Paper Patch and Northern Spy. I also love to use Diamond Dust - I made a really neat title page for my Vegas album out of Diamond Dust and it turned out really cool. I have pretty much every paper edger scissors you can think of - hardly ever use them anymore though. That was in my "Cut Everything With Decorative Scissors Phase". I use both post bound albums and ring binders - I tend to buy Pioneer ones.

I also have a scrapbooking site - Stephanie's Scrapbooking Corner - but it's not been updated in a bit. You can see some of my layouts there if you wish. I plan on starting some new updates next week as I get some pages done in the Orlando album.
Gerri, I still haven't quite figured out how to scan and then post the pages on-line. The book for my father turned out so great that it took him almost 5 days to get through it. He just couldn't believe everything that I did, found, etc. The kids kept going to their rooms saying look, something else that Pop Pop made. My nieces were doing the same thing. I ended up with 32 sides in an 81/2 x 11 CM album.

I've started my 2000 album. I'm up to April and my 1st DS's communion. Since I've started scrapping only this year, I am amazed at the number of pictures I am taking now as I was this time last year. For instance, I only have 3 family pages worth for January 2000, but 6 for January 2001! I certainly am taking more pictures with the specific ideas of putting them on scrapbook pages. And I have never saved as much either. Monday was a b-day party for DS and I saved the scorecard from minature golf from all the kids playing to use on the pages.

Count me in as having "The Fever"! I absolutely love scrapbooking.

My first book was of my family's first (well, first after we had kids) trip to Disney World in 1995. I am now working in my 10th & 11th albums. I have 2 of Disney World trips (2 trips in each) and 5 for my son and 4 for my daughter.

The books of the kids go from their birth up until today (well, not exactly today - I'm not that caught up yet!). Currently, I am about a year behind on each of my kids - i.e. I am working on pictures from about 1 year ago. I usually seem to just about catch up to the present when some big picture taking event happens like Christmas, a disney trip or birthdays and it throws me way behind again.

I love doing it. My daughter (7 years old) loves helping me and looking at the books. My hubby and son (10) enjoy looking at them as well.j

I have had people say to me, "those albums will be a great gift to your kids when they leave home". My response? "Gift to them?!? They can have them when I die!" ha
I'm here too! Currently trying to catch up on our family album - winter/spring pictures. Would like to be relatively "current" by the time I leave in 5 weeks for WDW. Once I come home, all I'll want to work on is that vacation album. Spent all winter doing a vacation album from a trip to Puerto Rico in November. Nothing better than scrapping beaches and palm trees when there's two feet of snow on the ground! ;)
I am new to scapbooking but I amm looking forward to my first BIG Disney cruise vacation (I leave next week!!).
I came to this board to get some pre-tips on what I should collect. I am finding some great sounding reciepes but......well, how about some scapbook ones? This was a good thread to start :)
I went on a Disney cruise in March. They have a cruise coloring book in one of the shops. Get one!

When you get home you can photocopy the pages you want to use in your scrapbook. You can then cut the pictures into puzzle-like pieces. Cut the pieces out of cardstock and put them back together (using the coloring book for reference. Add pen lines and you have great paper piecing to decorate your cruise pages.

Best of all they are themed perfectly and the pages are very inexpensive! You can even take photos to go with the coloring book pages you like if you are a compulsive scrapper like me. ;)
Count me in.
I am currently working on an album from our Nov 2000 trip and a general one from last year. Can't see the top of my dining room table!
Merry Poppins,
That was a really wonderful tip for my scrapbooking...Now, I hope I can remember to but the coloring book. LOL!
Count me in as well. I use CM 12 x 12 albums and just completed our WDW album from January, 2001. I am about to start scrapping our June, 2001 trip. I always have a current volume of Emily's life (we're on volume 4 now, she's 4 1/2). My biggest accomplishment this summer has been the creation of my scrapping room. It's an entire bedroom dedicated to scrapping and all my supplies are finally organized. I hope to keep up a little better now. Happy Scrappin'.

Hi! I just finished putting the photos in my latest Disney vacation (from May 2001) album. Now the journaling. I have been scrapping for a while now and this is my tenth album (second Disney). Of course, some are still works in progress. Are you ever really finished?

I visit this board often but don't post much. It's nice to know there are fellow scrappers as crazy as I am out there!
Count me in too!

I haven't been to the Dis boards in a while. I've been a thoroughly addicted scrapper for nearly 4 yrs. I'm working on my 3rd (well 5th if you count two smaller ones) Disney album. This one is from our November land and sea package. I had worked so hard on finishing the previous album that I couldn't even look at a Disney page until recently. So, now I'm working on the Nov 00 trip. I also have a March 01 trip to scrap and we are leaving for another Disney trip at the end of the summer.

Other than Disney albums, I aim to do an album a year (a thick one) for every year since the birth of my dd. I'm also starting to do smaller theme albums... a 5x7 album with pictures of our old house, a 12x12 gorgeous Tie Me To The Moon album with pictures of moving in and renovations to our new home, a school album, my sister's wedding album, and I've been trying to do small simple albums of short special trips that have way too many important pictures to put in my regular albums. Will I ever be caught up? No way. I like the process too much!
I haven't looked at the board in about 4 weeks. Please forgive me. I've been scrapping for almost 2 years and absolutely love it! The reason you haven't heard from me is that I am in the process of opening my own little scrapbook business, on the internet. I would love to tell all of you the name of the site, but I don't want to break any rules. My other latest project is my 14 year old son's baby album. I got 6 pages done at the Great American Scrapbook Convention while cropping with fellow "recipes and scrapbooks forum" friends. Love scrapbooking, d4disney :D
Michelle here...I have been working on my Disney book for 2 years now. It is an ongoing project. We went 9/00 and I still have to finish that trip before I begin the trip from this past March! I find it hard to get anything done at home. I cannot work on it until the kids go to bed and by the time 9-930 rolls around, I don't fell like getting everything out. I have been pestering my husband about going to a few 4 hr. night crops. In 4 hours I can get almost 5 pages done, depending on the complexity of them. I like going out since I have no kids, phone, husband, cat, etc. to cause distractions! Plus everything I want/need is at my disposal and whatever I buy goes on a tab. I am looking forward to getting back in the groove, though! By the time I get all caught up it will be time to take another trip to WDW!
I'm here and I'm a scrapper! I'm somewhat new to these boards. I hang out quite a bit on the collectors/pin trading boards, though. I've popped in a few times to these boards but never really posted until recently.

Right now I'm pretty much caught up on all my scrapbooks. I went to an all-day crop yesterday and completed 20 pages. The only pics I really have to work on right now are my vacation pics. We recently went to Outer Banks, NC (beach) for a family reunion and my sister's wedding. I have a TON of pics to scrap for that! I'm waiting for the new sand colored album & pages that CM has coming out in September to do most of the pics. But I do have a roll of b&w pics from the wedding (beach wedding) that I'm going to scrap on black pages with sand colored mats. I'll probably work on that this week or next weekend or something.
I'm a scrapper too. Started last year after our WDW trip in Oct. 2000. Now I'm finishing our "Trips to Other Places" book and then I'm going to do one on when we built our house.
My 7 year old DH got started this year as well and is really good at laying out pages!
I'm SO jealous of anyone who has a great room or area to keep everything organized. Sigh! Maybe someday...


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