Scam Stories

That's why I have given up trading. And talking to people. And playing VMK.

But seriously, why are there people out there that take advantage of the nice folks?

I feel that I got out of it easy because I've only had my extra 4th of July Hat scammed from me.

EDIT: What color Typhoon Crate? I have an extra Wanted Poster hanging around if you so desire it...
Pirate-Emery said:
That's why I have given up trading. And talking to people. And playing VMK.

But seriously, why are there people out there that take advantage of the nice folks?

I feel that I got out of it easy because I've only had my extra 4th of July Hat scammed from me.

EDIT: What color Typhoon Crate? I have an extra Wanted Poster hanging around if you so desire it...
it is blue and you can keep the poster but thx anyway i will try to get the stuff replaced but if i dont, then you can give it to me if you like. i think i will get my stuff replaced though since i did last time with my gold doors and green super suit
pirate just gave me most of my stuff back (all but the wells) for free! (by pirate i mean CL_PirateSteff) thx pirate!
I am sorry this happened to you. I am sure you have learned from this, but for the benefit of others - never hand over everything for a trade without receiving your goods and / or having a trusted middle party holding the goods.

Trading is a part of this game, but when dealing with others you don't know, approach with caution.
I traded my golden mickey ears for a so called pair of thunder mountain teleporters. As soon as I accepted I headed for my room to try them out. I went in one and it led to someones room! :furious: In that room there was another another thunder mountain teleporter that led too my room again.

Unfortunatly, that room was not owned by the player who scammed me. And I do not remember who I traded with.

About a month later I went in the teleporter and it did not lead anywhere.
This morning, I traded for a churro pin and traded a lot of rare for it not knowing about the quest. What do I do?!?!
FrontierNatasha said:
i cant believe i fell for it being a nice person and all i guess i am just TOO soft!! this poor girl said that she was trading a stitch hat and i asked her to trade and i offered all the rare i had with me and she said to trade with her first that thats how she trades and i said that she was just lying and told her several times to show me the hat and she said she does that bc these other ppl who stole her stitch hat did that so she does that to make sure she doesnt get her stuff stolen so i just accepted and asked to trade again and she left so i reported but forgot her title and am still reporting. i just lost: two pirate wells, snow carpet, blue typhoon lagoon crate, super green pants and shoes, wanted poster, gold ears, magenta rocketship and stitch porters. dont you think im stupid?

i know who you mean! i met that girl before at my friend's stitch hat offer room! she was wearing one of those baggy ''flat'' t-shirts and her hair was in pig tails i think. it was a huge dramatic thing when she came in and said she was trading a stitch hat. the girl said she wanted to have the stuff traded to her first bc she always traded like that. she said she couldn't show the stitch hat ( although she gave no apparent reason ). my friend luckily didn't fall for it and sent me a message asking me to find a community leader, i did and brought him back to her room and everybody in the room got involved and started to ask the girl questions like: ''why can't you just show us the hat?'' and stuff and it was very clear she was trying to scam my friend. i reported the girl twice and by the time a staff member got to the room, the scammer had left. i can't believe how some people try to scam us, like why don't they just earn their wealth like the other honest vmk players? I don't understand how anyone could rip someone off for a quick buck and not feel guilty about it. :furious:
p.s. i'm so sorry about the stuff that you lost, but in future you should be a bit more careful and have a healthy caution about scammers.
I now what you're going to say, 'It's your own fault.' :sad2:

Well, someone was going to trade me two supposedly two star Invisibility pins for my Peter Pan Hat. I said I would think about it. I said, I guess I can. I wasn't that suspiscious. Then, she put up one Invisibility Magic pin and said she combined them. I started to get suspicious. But I decided, I would trade. We traded, I looked and saw it was a One Star Magic! I checked my Friends List and she was still there. I went to the same room as her and asked her if I could ask her a question? She said yes. So, I asked why it was only a one star magic? Her response; what? She then left the room and deleted me from her friend list. :furious:

So now, if anyone has a Pan Hat they are willing to trade for a one star Invisibility, just ask me. :guilty:
That was a very good trade you got already, I would keep the invisible since its retired and cant be obtained anymore and not to many people want pan hats..
That stinks. Moral of the story: Don't trade for any magic that is supposedly over 1 star. To easy to make up.

Anyway, I'd be more than gift a pan hat. I don't need the invisibility, and I've got a spare hat floating around. Where should I meet you?
no offense, but how many times does it need to be said on here "Do not trade for combined magic"
Well, at first it wasn't combined magic. That's why I bought into it.

And shadow_pirate, THANK YOU! I will post whenever I get into my room. It's called Hat House.
i was in a cute or boot room, and this girl asked me to trade and asked me if i had any furniture. i said yes and she offered mgm and nighmare before christmas pins. i said no thx and she said they were rare but i said no there not and she exited the trade. how stupid did she think i am?
When the monster teleporters first came out I didn't know about the game. I almost traded away my space suit and some rare hats with cowboy pants for 2 that "matched", they may or may not have. Then I had a bad feeling about it and said, "I don't think this is fair" and closed the trade. A minute later I found out the game.
someone offered a chest you can get for my super hero costume and their like this is super super rare im like you can buy it and they say no and i say yes and they say no and their like how you know im like i check the shops everyday and their like well then what shop you get it in im so fed up with this bye now i just leave


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