Scott's January trip...A photographic magical trip. UPDATED 3/16 - Final thoughts

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Great trip report Scott! You guys had a wonderful trip and I'm sorry Sissy had such an attiude. :confused3 Some kids are just never thankful.

Thank you for sharing your TR with us, I'm looking forward to your final thoughts. :goodvibes
Well regardless of how the kids acted at any time, you did a wonderful thing but taking them to WDW all by yourself, just so they could get a little happiness. You are an awesome guy!
Scott, that sounds like the return trip from "you know what"... I think 10 days with someone else's children, spending a FORTUNE on them, was above and beyond any type of generosity and you deserve your angel wings! :wizard: Teenager or not, Sissy's behavoir is unacceptable, :headache: and I hope her parents hear about it. I have a 14 year old, and she would never in a million years act like that.

I'm glad Jake seemed to appreciate and enjoy your kindness. I think Tiny did, too.. but she was probably right about 10 days being a little long for her to be away from home. (especially after eating all those hot dogs... LOL)

Great trip report - looking forward to the next one! ;)

Thanks so much for sharing your trip with everyone.

You were honest and didn't hold anything back which was refreshing.

Again, although I'm sad your TR is over, I am stoked that you have already begun your next PTR....and you are staying at a great resort....
I love making slideshows! Yours came out great, I love the music!
thank you.

Thanks for sharing your pix, your story and your time. I have enjoyed your TR. I hope to watch the slide shows later. DH is so not a DisneyAddict (unlike myself):sad2: He would never understand the infatuation of my sitting here for 2 hours listening to music and viewing pix. :laughing:
thank you for reading it all.
:rotfl2: I understand.

The security must have been very tight on that day. Sounds like it was a hassle. You feel safer when you see the security, but you wonder if it really helps. I am so very sorry for you to endure the nasty comments from Sissy. :flower3: It must've really hurt your feelings. How ungrateful can you be? :confused3 If there is ever another trip in the works like this for you, I hope you do not include her in your plans. Totally great that Jake had such a good time! :woohoo: I'm sure Tiny did as well! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us!
it was a hassle.
it made me angry more than anything else.
obviously alot.
No the only one I would consider is Jake. She did.
Thanks for reading.

Sad to see this ending but glad to know you and Biff are returning for some adult time! Enjoying the Pre-Trip BTW:)
thank you and thank you for coming over to the pre tr.

Scott. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't even know what to say. That's horrible what Sissy said. I owuld have ossed her on a plane, too. she's old enough to be an "unaccompanied minor", and her mom could have picked her up. :headache:
I'm glad Jake seemed so grateful. 1 out of three, anyway.
Weird about the kids giving away the thing you bought them. Maybe they thought their aunt would not accept them?? Maybe they were SUPPOSED to get stuff for others, and only go things for themselves? I have no excuse for them. You're right. It was tacky.
Honestly, I would tell their parents about the problems. I'm glad the rest of your trip went well. :confused3 I'm SURE September will be better.
If she said it to me earlier she would have been home earlier.
They did not get her anything because she only brought back a backscratcher for my Uncle when she went over the summer so they figured she needed nothing until they saw her car when we pulled up.
The trip was fine except for a few bumps. I let nothing bother me. September should be a blast.

Great trip report Scott! You guys had a wonderful trip and I'm sorry Sissy had such an attiude. :confused3 Some kids are just never thankful.
Thank you for sharing your TR with us, I'm looking forward to your final thoughts. :goodvibes
thank you. it was very nice.
they will be up tomorrow. I got in late tonight.

Cool movie. I wish I had the patience to do that.
thank you.

Well regardless of how the kids acted at any time, you did a wonderful thing but taking them to WDW all by yourself, just so they could get a little happiness. You are an awesome guy!
thank you.

I hate endings :sad1:
Be back tomorrow with comments. :grouphug:
me too.
look forward to hearing them.

Scott, that sounds like the return trip from "you know what"... I think 10 days with someone else's children, spending a FORTUNE on them, was above and beyond any type of generosity and you deserve your angel wings! :wizard: Teenager or not, Sissy's behavoir is unacceptable, :headache: and I hope her parents hear about it. I have a 14 year old, and she would never in a million years act like that.
I'm glad Jake seemed to appreciate and enjoy your kindness. I think Tiny did, too.. but she was probably right about 10 days being a little long for her to be away from home. (especially after eating all those hot dogs... LOL)
Great trip report - looking forward to the next one! ;)
the flight to WV was a trip.
I am sure they have, my Uncle does not leave things unsaid.
The other 2 were appreciative.

Thanks so much for sharing your trip with everyone.
You were honest and didn't hold anything back which was refreshing.
Again, although I'm sad your TR is over, I am stoked that you have already begun your next PTR....and you are staying at a great resort....
thank you for reading.
I tell it like it is.
I am so excited to stay at BCV. I cannot wait.
Whew...I just caught up all the way from page 210. My goodness you sure write a lot when one is away for almost three weeks. Lol. Not your fault I had to move to Va and stop at home in between all the moving madness. I love the fire work pictures from the p&pp very awesome! To bad you didn't get pics of the castle during the fireworks I've heard it looks really cool and spooky. I can't believe how Sissy was acting. Doesn't she know how lucky she was? If I got to stay in disney world for ten whole days you wouldn't be able to contain my excitement and you would probably want to hit me over the head with a baseball bat b/c I would be jumping off the walls and going on and on. :rotfl: Sorry that she was ungrateful. I would of been thanking you profusely! That darn TSA they just love to mess with bags. I swear mine gets opened everytime I fly. Minus our last disney trip. We almost had to check in at the airport too b/c one of our bags was way to heavy, but then we were allowed to redistribute to other suitcases and we were fine after that. Thank goodness. :woohoo: Sounds like you had a great trip and I've totally enjoyed reading your trippie! I'll be back to hear your final thoughts. I'm glad I got to finish reading this and comment on it before it got closed down. Thanks for all the wonderful words and pictures I've enjoyed every moment! :goodvibes
I'm boggled Sissy would say that to you.
Whew...I just caught up all the way from page 210. My goodness you sure write a lot when one is away for almost three weeks. Lol. Not your fault I had to move to Va and stop at home in between all the moving madness. I love the fire work pictures from the p&pp very awesome! To bad you didn't get pics of the castle during the fireworks I've heard it looks really cool and spooky. I can't believe how Sissy was acting. Doesn't she know how lucky she was? If I got to stay in disney world for ten whole days you wouldn't be able to contain my excitement and you would probably want to hit me over the head with a baseball bat b/c I would be jumping off the walls and going on and on. :rotfl: Sorry that she was ungrateful. I would of been thanking you profusely! That darn TSA they just love to mess with bags. I swear mine gets opened everytime I fly. Minus our last disney trip. We almost had to check in at the airport too b/c one of our bags was way to heavy, but then we were allowed to redistribute to other suitcases and we were fine after that. Thank goodness. :woohoo: Sounds like you had a great trip and I've totally enjoyed reading your trippie! I'll be back to hear your final thoughts. I'm glad I got to finish reading this and comment on it before it got closed down. Thanks for all the wonderful words and pictures I've enjoyed every moment! :goodvibes
r u all in settled in at your VA home now?
The castle was cool.
TSA held me up only with them, when I was alone no problems.
Thanks for reading along.

I'm boggled Sissy would say that to you.
me too.
Your trip report was great. I'm so sorry that your cousins (mostly Sissy) gave you a hard time. I cannot believe they gave away the souvenirs you bought them.

I learned a couple things from your tr.
1. 10 days alone with 3 kids is too long :lmao:
2. Bring an adult along on every trip.

You must be so excited that it'll just be you and Biff on the next trip.
I'm amazed that you didn't smack Sissy for her 'tude. Very ungrateful of her!

I hate tight airport security. Denver International can be a pain to get through security. Don't fly there!
Be nice now. They came out with 250 page rule when I was at 306 pages. Nothing I could have done. Had I known prior to starting the report, I would have hurried things along.

No honestly! :rolleyes1

BUZZ< you really do have a great sense of humor don't you:lmao:

:rotfl2: :lmao: u don't even believe that. :rotfl:
And neither do I Scott.

Well I just read the last installments. I am speachless about Sissy!

So sorry Scott:hug: I am bit by bit taking each niece and nephew on a trip and thankfully I have not run into anything like that:eek:

At least Jake showed he was grateful and in the end you showed what a great big heart you have!
We are pretty settled in Va. I am still adjusting, but its not a big deal. I miss my family and my dog, but the first week is usually the worst. Our apartment is really nice and we live in a gated community so its pretty safe. Can't wait to hear your final comments!:goodvibes Thanks for asking:)
Scott! I'm finally caught up and so sad its over. What a roller coaster of a trip you had! So sorry about the teenage attitude. I'll be Sissy: "Wow Scott. You are the best cousin ever! Thank you so much for taking us to Disney World. It has been a once in a lifetime experience and I'll never forget it!! What can I do to repay this awesome gift?":worship:

Thanks for bringing us all along for the ride. I've really enjoyed your awesome pictures and all of the thought you put into planning this trip. You are a great cousin! I'll be headed over to your pre trippie if I ever get my computer back! I look forward to your final thoughts!
Your trip report was great. I'm so sorry that your cousins (mostly Sissy) gave you a hard time. I cannot believe they gave away the souvenirs you bought them.
I learned a couple things from your tr.
1. 10 days alone with 3 kids is too long :lmao:
2. Bring an adult along on every trip.
You must be so excited that it'll just be you and Biff on the next trip.
Thank you.
Yeah, she will go anywhere with me again.
I could not believe the girls gave away the crowns from BBB. :sad2:
yes it is.
yes do bring one.
I am thrilled it will be the 2 of us.

I'm amazed that you didn't smack Sissy for her 'tude. Very ungrateful of her!
I hate tight airport security. Denver International can be a pain to get through security. Don't fly there!
"P" asked me if I did for the earlier incidents. No I did not.
I might go out there as a friend lives there. :scared1:

BUZZ< you really do have a great sense of humor don't you:lmao:
And neither do I Scott.
Well I just read the last installments. I am speachless about Sissy!
So sorry Scott:hug: I am bit by bit taking each niece and nephew on a trip and thankfully I have not run into anything like that:eek:
At least Jake showed he was grateful and in the end you showed what a great big heart you have!
don't encourage him. he will get a big head.
she was pretty much out there.
be grateful.
he was.

We are pretty settled in Va. I am still adjusting, but its not a big deal. I miss my family and my dog, but the first week is usually the worst. Our apartment is really nice and we live in a gated community so its pretty safe. Can't wait to hear your final comments!:goodvibes Thanks for asking:)
that is good.
i can understand that. I would miss them too.
Ooh sounds like a nice place. I love gated communities.
i can't believe sissy said that! :eek: i don't mean to pry but did you tell her parents? i know you told your uncle but i'm not clear if that's her dad or not. anyway, her parents need to know about her ungrateful attitude. i would be HORRIFIED if my child acted that way and didn't appreciate someone being so kind as to take them to the best place on earth!!!!

sorry to see your trip come to an end! i'm sure you're looking forward to the next one but without the attitude this time! ;)
Hi Scott! I have lurked for your entire report! I had to come on and post and tell you that I think you did a fabulous job on it!:thumbsup2 I loved your no holds barred, honest commentary whether it was good bad or ugly, like Sissy's attitude:scared1: It was incredibly generous of you to give your cousins that experience.:goodvibes Thanks for sharing your journey with us here on the DIS!:thumbsup2
Scott, I was way behind and just got caught up! I just wanted to say thanks for a great TR! I've loved it and your photos have been wonderful. You did a wonderful thing for your cousins and I'm sure Karma will treat you well, even if the kids didn't :rotfl: Now I need to hop on over to your pre-trippie! I'm jealous you get to go back so soon! I'm sure you and Biff will have a great trip. I would love to have a trip to the world with just DH and myself and leave the kids behind, but I don't think that'll happen for quite some time! And again, sorry about Akershus--my fault!
i can't believe sissy said that! :eek: i don't mean to pry but did you tell her parents? i know you told your uncle but i'm not clear if that's her dad or not. anyway, her parents need to know about her ungrateful attitude. i would be HORRIFIED if my child acted that way and didn't appreciate someone being so kind as to take them to the best place on earth!!!!

sorry to see your trip come to an end! i'm sure you're looking forward to the next one but without the attitude this time! ;)
I too wondered that and forgot to ask.... I would be mortified if I found out my kid acted like that with someone who was taking them to such a special place... on their own dime!
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