Scrapbookers! Magazines?


Super Shopper
Aug 18, 1999
I am beinning to get into Scrapbooking - just doing lots of reading and research at the moment, hoping to have lots of time once we have moved to do all sorts!!!! LOL

I read in one of Fiona's trip reports that she had a Scrapbooking Magazine.

What one's do you buy - I would like to have a look at a couple, are they readily available here? :)

I have looked around a couple of websites and learnt so much, but sometimes I like to read a publication and keep it to hand, rather than relying on the PC/Internet.

So - any suggestions :) :) :)
Just chuckling Janice, I got here before Bev!!

You are quite near to Artbase in Hornchurch, if at all possible get there and look at everything "in the flesh" so to speak. They also do mail order, and are ever so helpful:

Artbase Scrapbook Shop in Hornchurch

The magazines I like are: Creating Keepsakes (CK) and Paperkuts. However a CK sister publication is Simple Scrapbooks that I think is very good (I haven't seen it yet), the former two are good but quite intimidating!! You can't order them from WHS etc, get them from Artbase or another good scrapbook mail order site:

Scraptastic Website

A very good book to start is "Scrapbooking Secrets" by Becky Higgins, not too expensive at £11-£12. Both of the above stock it.

Another thing to mention is that Artbase has an outlet at Lakeside. Now I know that's a hardship Janice, and a special trip would have to be made ;) ;) ;) BUT the Lakeside outlet only has limited scrapbooking stock (obviously they are an art shop as well) but if you are passing you could check it out!! The experts are at Hornchurch though.

I'm meeting Bev S this weekend at a scrapbooking weekend "Crop" at Scrapmagic in Surbiton, a dedicated scrapbooking shop address/phone here:

Scrapmagic in Surbiton

Beware, it's very addictive!!

Any more help required ask away or email/PM me
Honestly Fiona - Are you after my job!

Janice, Fiona has pretty much covered it, if you are near Hornchurch then you should get yourself along to Artbase and tell them that Bev and Fiona sent you. :D It is a fantastic shop -take a credit card....

I love the simple scrapbooks magazine - it's much less intimidating than the others.

online you can get loads of info from - take a look in the Gallery, there are 1000's of pages in there, some are lovely and some are not, but there's no shortage of ideas. - has a Newbees Guide which explains what scrapbooking is and why it's different to just putting your pictures in a photo album.

there are 1000s of other sites, but they are my favorites.

Also the scrapbooking forum on the Dis has a very good FAQ and some helpful people.

Thanks you two - I knew I could rely on you both for info :)

Fiona - Lakeside? No Problem - that's a done deal :) LOL

Hornchurch isnt too far either so a trip will be planned imminently :)

There is a good Art and Craft shop in Basildon too which have some info and
I have looked on there too - Hobbycraft

I think I want to get the magazines so will order them later.

I noticed that Scraptastic are in Stanford le Hope - which is literally 5 minutes away - but I cant tell if it is a shop or just mail order, need to look into that a bit more.

I have been looking at the websites you mention Bev, they are really great and full of info and I have been lurking on the Dis's Scrapbooking and Recipes forum for a while now - will take the courage to post very soon!

Dont want to look an idiot :)
You are soooo lucky being so close Janice!! Ring Mark at Scraptastic, there isn't a shop as such but you could pick up an order easily enough and save postage. They hold a crop (ie scrapbooking session) once a month, give him a ring and say Fiona Ridley sent you!!
I really can't decide whether to take the plunge with scrapbooking. Will it be another DIS (i.e. I'll spend all my spare time on it to the exclusion of all else ;)), or will it be like so many other hobbies I start and I'll spend a fortune on magazines and supplies that will just languish in a cupboard? Knowing me, there'd be no in-between!
it's definitely an addiction Deb! And you get to do lots of shopping too!

Janice - Mark and Shimelle (Scraptastic) don't have a shop - Shimelle told me once they keep everything in the under the stairs cupboard! But she also said people were welcome to come around and have a look in the cupboard if they wanted to!

Much better idea is to find out when they are having their next crop - they take over a church hall once a month and you can go and work on your scrapbook, and they set up the shop in the hall so you can have a good browse.

I really want to make it to one of their crops, but it's such a long way that I haven't managed it yet.

I haven't been to Hobbycraft, but go to a similiar shop near me, they do have lots of nice things but be careful that anything you buy is safe to use in your scrapbook. Some of the pens, glue and paper will be and some won't, and it may be hard to tell which is which. (Look on pens/glue for the words Archivally Safe , Acid-Free, or Suitable for use in Memory Books) - the paper is tougher. Canford and Canson paper/card is safe, anything else could be but might not be.

You see! There is so much to think about and to learn.

I would never have thought that some stuff wasn't suitable??

I need to get a grip and start looking at what I want to do.

Deb? We could be scrapbook newbies together - bless!


I think there are going to be lots of SB queries here - I find it hard to follow some
of the US terms too :)

Thanks for all the help and advice so far, I think this is going to be fun :)
Deb? We could be scrapbook newbies together - bless!

OK, I'm up for it. In for a penny, and all that. It'll be great fun. I've got a feeling I'll need a lot of help though. Just as well I know where to come!
Oops! Just read my post and I've a feeling a certain mod could be on my case! I know she doesn't like her name taken in vain! ;) Still, at least I'm not threatening any nasty marmelising techniques.
Ooh Goodie! We're getting quite a few Scrappers now - we'll have to get together for a Dis Crop!

Ask away - I love to talk about scrapping.

Also - there is an email group on Yahoo Groups called UKScrappers which is very good.

Many of the people off that list will be at the crop this weekend, so if it seems a bit quiet then that could be why, but normally is a very useful group.

Can I join a Dis newbies scrapping group too, please
I've always favcied having a go but have found it all slightly scary. Wrong typr of paper, glue etc :confused:
Does anyone know of any suppliers near me, Bristol to Birmingham say or any workshops I could go to?

Oh no - What have you all done;)

I have just been looking on those sites and feel like having a go myself. You are doing well with your recruiting :D

:) been reading this thread with great interest.

I have a friend who's very much into this and done some GREAT work on her first scrapbook based on things she did during Millenium year - she's very arty though. I'd love to have a go but find it intimidating - am content to admire her work :rolleyes:

Nick the Cat - am sure the others will point you to local suppliers but my friend acquired her materials, albums etc from Birmingham NEC 'HobbyCraft' fairs (I think they come twice a year - Spring & late Autumn). Through one 'stall' (I'm sorry I don't know the supplier's name) she arranged a weekly 'party' - where several friends got together at someone's house to learn how to scrapbook & they were able to acquire/order items. From what I've heard - its extremely addictive in terms of time and money, but fun!

Can I join the newbies group too, please. I've already made a good start on the shopping
, and I've done two pages so far. It's highly addictive, especially the shopping part.
I found out that there's a Hobbycraft in Tamworth, not far from me, so went over there yesterday. Couldn't find anything specifically for scrapping but got a few bits and bobs.

I've got a few different mags from Artbase and Scraptastic, and I like Simple Scrapbooking best so far.

This is great!! I have just got back (well last night!) from my weekend away scrapping!! IT IS TOTALLY ADDICTIVE AND SHOULD HAVE A GOVERNMENT HEALTH WARNING!! I met Bev S for the first time (and Bev, Dave FMs wife, and Heather too, GOS wife, so a mini sub DIS meet!!

Deb, don't get a job, come and scrap here!! However, I'm totally non arty and even I manage something, but am very slow!! Bev's album is amazing!! It was very sociable, and everyone helps out when you get stuck. As long as you have some photos and can wield a pair of scissors you can do it!

Hobbycraft don't do "scrapbooking" as such, apparantly the MD thinks it's a wishy washy American type thing that Brits don't do!! However, as Bev says there are the odd things (like punches and canson card) that can be got there!!

The three shops I listed before all do regular "crops", contact them for details!!

I wish I could have my own shop over this way, would anyone visit in Cirencester or Nailsworth?

Just dreaming.......:D
Deb, don't get a job, come and scrap here!!

I wish I could have my own shop over this way, would anyone visit in Cirencester or Nailsworth?

Funnily enough, I was going to post last week saying we should start a shop - it'd go down a storm in the arty Stroud area!
Can I come and work in your shop, Fiona and Debbie? Just my sort of thing and I'm sure not too far from Worcester;) ;) If not I'd visit often, well not more than once a day

Fiona or Bev - which is the best size to get started on 12" x 12" or whatever the other one is? Also with the paper do you stick it onto card before you start? Can you tell I'm a novice:rolleyes:

Hi - this is my first time replying to a thread so please be gentle!!

I wanted to let everyone know (especially those in the north) that there is a scrapbooking shop in Bridlington called The Paper Trail Company.

It is owned by a couple (Anson is American and his wife Jane is English) who are very very helpful. If you have Sky you may of seen Jane selling their products on QVC.

They also hold crops on an evening, or whenever you can get a group of 5+ people together.

Along with the shop they also have a mail order system for products on their website which can be found at

Hope this helps a few of you.


PS I started scrapbooking last summer and am onto my 4th album (lots of fun and very addictive) My supplies occupy most of my dining room table.
Hi Becky and welcome!!

Yes I'd heard of Papertrail too, but their albums are all A4 sized and most of us scap 12x12. I have enough problems fitting things onto that size!!

Christine, there are two basic types of scrapbook:

Postbound, you can extend the posts and add more page protectors. You slide cardstock into the page protectors from the top, so every page (or double page spread) is "stand alone" ie you can move it around if you rearrange your scrapbook. Bev and I much prefer this syle album

Strap Hinge, the album is more conventional with card pages, that you work on front and back, although the pages can be rearranged the back has to move with the front!! Fine if you like mainly white pages and are generally scrapping in chronological or sequential order and are a very organised person!! The album is still expandable, and a lot of people prefer them!!

If I need help in my shop I know where to come!! ;)


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