

Earning My Ears
Nov 12, 2002
We are tavelling on the May 31 Eastern. We have a cabins near midship on deck 8. My wife has a history of getting seasick. Our experience has only been on stuff under 45 feet.

ANy thoughts?
the caribbean in general is known for its relatively calm waters and June should be calm.....we cruised during the july 4th weekedn this year and the water was perfectly a sheet of glass....

as for seasickness and little vs big boats...
when we were in NYC last year we went on the statue of liberty ferry......i got so seasick that i had to go straight back to the hotel and lie down for the rest of the day (and even in the evening, i wasn't the best at the musical we went to see)....

on the other hand, on the Wonder i didn't even have one moment of feeling ill.....not even one second....
IO am very prone to sea sickness, and it tends to persist for a week or so after I get off the ship. For me, Bonine works like a charm. I still feel a little bit like the boat is moving (even though everyone swears it's not), but I don't feel nauseus or woozy. I also take the Bonine at home for few days, and it really helps.

My brother, a sailor, claims seasickness is all in your head. I think some people are exceptionally sensitive to inner ear movement. Either way, a Bonine a day keeps the ickies away!
I got seasick on the Magic last week.

I had my patch on for the first 4 days, then convinced myself I did not need it anymore. I took it off, and about 10 hours later, got that unmistakable queasy feeling. I took 1/2 of a Dramamine, and proceeded to fall asleep on the chair on the verandah (not a bad way to go!). After that I was fine with a 1/4 of a pill every 8 hours or so. I also felt like I was seasick on Saturday when we were at DTD. It is so weird knowing you are on land and feeling like the world is rocking from side-to-side!


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