"Secret Vacations"

Tom A. Swift

Earning My Ears
Mar 8, 2015
Thursday night my wife and I decided to pack a bag and head for Disney World. We are annual passholders and I have points to cover the hotel... So why not?

This is our 3rd trip this year and trust me... We feel very blessed to have the ability to get so much "Dis-time" this year.

As we packed for the trip (took about an hour to book the hotel and get the car loaded) we discussed how to cover our tracks with our friends and family. Why?? YOU guys know why. We get tired of the "Your going again?", the "Why do you guys go so often??" and of course the comments about how much money it must cost.

So how about you guys... What lengths do you go to in order to take your "secret vacations"?
We just don't talk about it with people very much, unless they're Disney people. We don't try to "cover our tracks" or anything, we just don't bring it up. As you obviously know, people can be really obnoxious. My stepmother for example, just gets mean about it because she's so jealous.

Just tell them you like it, you can afford it, and it's none of their business anyway. I'm sure you can come up with a less blunt way of putting it, but after a certain point, I have a hard time not meeting rude with rude, LOL!!

Next year we're going to Disneyland for the first time in addition to a potential Star Wars Weekend trip, and either a Halloween quickie trip or a week at Christmas. I have no desire to hear people react to that. So I just keep it to myself, and share the photos after we're back.

I hope you guys have an awesome time on your last minute trip!!! Enjoy yourselves and don't worry about what anyone else thinks :earsboy::earsboy:
I am a single mom working 2 jobs and going to school and we have been to Disney every year for the past 4 years. I don't tell anyone anymore because I always get a lecture about the money I am wasting and why we don't go anywhere else. I consider our trips a necessity.:) They don't understand this is our happy place to recharge and stay close without interference from well meaning people. I just tell people we are going out of town. This year for Christmas!:yay:

Some people just never get the REAL Disney experience. They think its just a theme park.
We haven't even been more than once in a year--yet--and people judge. Just wait til I really get brave!
My family has traveled to Disney many times, it was earlier when my children were little people understood and were excited for us, but now my children are adults in their early thirties and late twenties, and many do not understand and criticize. Our family has and does travel and vacation in other parts of the world, but Disney is our happy place where we can really relax, let down our hair and enjoy. What do we do... we tend to be very vague and just say we are going to Florida for a bit sun, relaxation and rejuvenation, one time someone saw a photo of my daughter and I at Epcot with the Eiffel tower in the background and they thought we had gone to Paris. Unless someone has gone and has experienced the magic they would not understand.
My DH and I just decided to purchase APs. His words, "go for it. Just don't tell anyone." This is why we talk about it here!
I agree with others, its not any one's business what you do with your time or money! lol. And we only go about every other year and still get the same reactions. People who are "Disney People" will never understand....until they go and then they become Disney People them selves lol.
my wife posts pics of our trips and most people like it. sometimes we'll get someone who says, went there again?

we just ignore them. life is too short to pay attention to negativity.

As long as my family loves going there, we will go. no matter what anyone else thinks.
Since WDW is our one "major" vacation a year we hear the "Why would you go there again?" a lot. We simply reply... "Because we can.". :)
None of my family or my husband understand my obsession with Disney. We went for the first time last March. I have a girls trip planned in January and a family vacation in Oct 16'. I will be more than happy to go to as often as possible for as long as girls and I enjoying going.


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