***See last page : AK Swap Part II Final Details :

Momemouse and Piglets pal your packages came in today. Too cute for words. Thanks ladies,

Cyndi princess:
I now know what Im doing-
Have all the pieces bought

but have to go get a stupid glue pen today as I figure ya'll dont want them superglued and a glue stick wont hold them :)

I hopefully will have alot of the basics done this weekend :)

I have my ideas. I haven't bought the parts to it yet except for the die cut. This one was little harder to think up an idea than the last one. Just a little more challenging. But still having fun shoping for the pieces. And, I can't wait to put it together. Hopefully, you guys will like it.

Cyndi----mailed out my stuff today. There is a $3.85 stamp in one of the main ziploc bags (I think I put it in the same one that has my address in it).

Thanks for hosting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:
I just wanted to warn everyone that my stuff - the frames for Discovery Island - are going to take me until the deadline to finish. I don't know what got into me but I got all elaborate on y'all. So anyways I am envious of everyone being done as I am sitting doing this every night and on the weekends. I love it, though. I just wanted to let everyone know if they were thinking we would get our stuff prior to the end of June.

I hope everyone likes it. :wave2:
Once I learn to count I'll be done- 3 x 20 is NOT 40 then its not 17... AKA- I never cut out enough leaves each time (Course I *am* on a first name basis there now...) I should hopefully be done this weekend but who knows- Went scrapbook shopping ( 4 stores and 70 bucks later) I may be preoccupied for awhile :)

I won't have my items done until the deadline. I am doing some rubber stamping and I have an out of state wedding that is keeping me busy. I promise I will be done by the deadline!
Alice28 your package came in yesterday. Keep up the good work ladies.

Just a few reminders , June 30th is actually when it should be at my home, not when they should be finished. Just let me know when you send them, and you can email me if you think they will be a little late. I am flexible, and most of the ladies are patient and know it is worth the wait.

Also after hosting a few of these I will pass on, that it is much easier when you send a stamp. It makes it a lot faster for me to swap them out and get them back to you quicker. Remember to place your items in a indivicial bag, and please send your full address and name along with your board name ( which you can put on your item ) so that everyone can get credit for their work.

Lastly check instructions posted at the begginning of the thread to be sure that you have the correct measurements for the items ( ex. most journal boxes and titles should be double matted ).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me or post here. Lastly I would like to say how much I have enjoyed the swap so far. Yes, as many have said before it is a lot of work, but the items recieved in the MK swap speak for themselves. Can't wait to see the rest of the packages.

How is it coming along ladies ? I have finished my toppers except for some chalking, and my phrases just need to be printed out, cut and attached with my brads. It took me a while to visualize what I wanted to do , but I am pleased with the outcome.

I have my pping planned out and my kids gave the sample their approval, so now all I have to do is put them together. I am having a little trouble deciding on colors for the squares, but its coming along.
Hi! I am finished with one photo mat and I should finish the other one this weekend. Cyndi, could you pm me with your address. Thanks.
I'm coming along but slowly. I have my design down for the borders and just buying the supplies. My first order came today so, I should be able to finish it soon. I'm still undecided for the shaker box but I might go with what i orginally planned. HTH... Tina
I'm working on my paper piecing, right now, but for some reason it took me longer to get started this time. I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. I'm getting there, now, but I did have one question . . .

Does anyone know if it's safe to use feathers in a scrapbook. My theme is Flights of Wonder, and I'd love it if I could. Whadya think???


P.S. I'm talking about clean feathers that you buy at the store. Not feathers I find laying around in the gutter. :teeth:
Glad to know everyone is busy at work. The feathers sound cool. I'm not sure how safe they are , but we can always place them on a page seperate from pictures. I have never seen the flights of wonder, will have to add it to my to do list.

Yea!! Thanks, all! Feathers it will be.

And, if you haven't seen Flights of Wonder, you need to, Cyndi. It really is neat, seeing what the birds can do. Plus, it's funny.

Edited to add: I'm lumpy, too, Michelle, and not just when it comes to scrapbooking. :eek:


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