September 2010 PTR, My hidden agenda, muahahaha

That's one of the big reasons we're going in Sept! I can't wait for our party! Still working on costume ideas, though.
Hi Camille! :wave2: Right now I'm making some baby blankets for Project Linus for GAD. I used to scrap too but I had no room for it, lol. I never finished our Disney trip from 2007 and the ones since then I just put in photo albums I bought at Disney! I've make plenty of scarves and hats but have yet to try any other clothing. What do you make?



So far I've made baby blankets, and larger sized blankets. I did attempt a little duck as a stuffed animal for a baby gift, but I never finished it. :goodvibes I started to crochet about six years ago, I know this because it's when I quit smoking, I had to do something with my hands to keep me from going insane. I knew the very basics, like how to make a chain, and how to single crochet, and I think I even knew how to double crochet, but the rest was self taught with lots of those little booklets. I eventually moved up to the bigger books and I've never really gotten past doing blankets, much.
I hope to move on to knitting. Sorry to hi-jack Ty! :goodvibes
I never really started scrapbooking because I know how I can be when I get into something, I figure I better leave that for when I'm retirement age and actually have a room in the house I can call my own to do those things in. :goodvibes

We used to play the punch game, other times we would all pick a color and then watch fro that colored car, whoever saw the most of their color was the winner. I once counted semi trucks, there were so many I actually put myself to sleep counting.

I will have to go check that out, I would love to read some craziness.

Yea, we difinitely have decided to wait until Reese graduates, I just keep thinking about how I felt when I moved and started my senior year at a new school, I just can't do that to her. So in the mean time I will just keep visitng my brother, I think I am going to go again this January.

My kids play banana. It's calling out cars or trucks that are yellow, work vehicles don't count. :goodvibes
You call out the number of car or truck your on, and if you call it incorrect you lose that car to the person who calls it. In other words...if you see a regular car or truck that's yellow and it's your first car you call out...1 Banana, before the other people in the car call it, and so on. The game starts over every time your in the car, and you can get extra points if you see a Corvet-10, Hummer-5 or Beetle bugs-5. I know it's not as fun as the license plate game, but at least it's something new. It's actually more fun to play in town where you see more cars, rather than out on the highway. That's my contribution for games. :laughing:
It's going to be the GREATEST!! I'm really excited that God brought us together to share something we both love!

I quilt :)

:goodvibes I love you Leisa, your so cute! I would love to see some of your quilts.
I wish I could be there for your big get together, but we'll have to have another one or just me coming to visit you. If that's still OK? :goodvibes

But what serioulsy keeps us going back to the September dates is MNSSHP, we really want to do this.
I have a few ideas for costumes, I asked Kent if he would be willing to be a Disney character, he said sure, so I suggested Peter Pan and Wendy.
He thought it over and then said "I'll be Wendy, I don't do tights."
Umm really, you would wear a night gown but not tights?

So I nixed that idea, the weather is still going to be warm so we don't want anything too heavy. We have always done Sandy and Danny from Grease, I'm kind of burnt out on that.
I'm thinking I might just paint pictures on shirts for us, but I think I would feel wierd trick or treating at Disney without a costume.
I have to come up with something easy to make, not too heavy material wise and doesn't include my husband dressing in drag.

Ideas anybody?

There's so many funny statements in this post...I dont know what to comment on first! :rotfl:
I'll have to think on this one Ty. :goodvibes

Pictures are beautiful, by the way. And way to go Reese! Girls can make things happen if they need to, we are a resourceful bunch.
:goodvibes I love you Leisa, your so cute! I would love to see some of your quilts.
I wish I could be there for your big get together, but we'll have to have another one or just me coming to visit you. If that's still OK? :goodvibes

Of course it's ok!! You know I'd love that!! :woohoo:
I have a few ideas for costumes, I asked Kent if he would be willing to be a Disney character, he said sure, so I suggested Peter Pan and Wendy.
He thought it over and then said "I'll be Wendy, I don't do tights."
Umm really, you would wear a night gown but not tights?

So I nixed that idea, the weather is still going to be warm so we don't want anything too heavy. We have always done Sandy and Danny from Grease, I'm kind of burnt out on that.
I'm thinking I might just paint pictures on shirts for us, but I think I would feel wierd trick or treating at Disney without a costume.
I have to come up with something easy to make, not too heavy material wise and doesn't include my husband dressing in drag.

Ideas anybody?

Here's what we did for Halloween 2008


It was cold that year!

Last year I made iron-on shirts to wear to the party. It was very hot last year!


I don't know about going this year. That's a lot of money for 4 people.
The end of September probably will be hot so I would do some kind of Halloween shirt.



how gorgeous is our creek though?

But what serioulsy keeps us going back to the September dates is MNSSHP, we really want to do this.
I have a few ideas for costumes, I asked Kent if he would be willing to be a Disney character, he said sure, so I suggested Peter Pan and Wendy.
He thought it over and then said "I'll be Wendy, I don't do tights."
Umm really, you would wear a night gown but not tights?

So I nixed that idea, the weather is still going to be warm so we don't want anything too heavy. We have always done Sandy and Danny from Grease, I'm kind of burnt out on that.
I'm thinking I might just paint pictures on shirts for us, but I think I would feel wierd trick or treating at Disney without a costume.
I have to come up with something easy to make, not too heavy material wise and doesn't include my husband dressing in drag.

Ideas anybody?

Your creek is gorgeous! I like the idea of Kent as Wendy. Stubble and all! I can't wait for MNSSHP. I never thought I'd want to go to a hard ticket event a WDW, but then I started watching the youtube videos of the special parades and events, and I was super excited. Plus, we're still hoping for free dining....
I haven't even put much thought into costumes yet....
I just had to come start on your PTR after reading your last TR. It's great!

Your family is beautiful and Kent sounds like a great guy! Tell him to give Jamey Johnson a listen to since you say he's all about country music!

I refuse to miss an episode of Friday Night Lights too, except I want to marry Coach Taylor! Do you have DirecTV? I LOVE that they play the season before the networks do and it's commercial free!!

Hi Ty! Somehow I found your TR. You are going near the time we're going. I have scanned through your first few pages, but need to catch up on the details. I have a 17-year-old daughter graduating this year, so I can empathize with you :)
That's one of the big reasons we're going in Sept! I can't wait for our party! Still working on costume ideas, though.

I know! I have heard such fun things about MNSSHP. This costume thing is driving me nuts, but it also gives me something to focus on too.

My kids play banana. It's calling out cars or trucks that are yellow, work vehicles don't count. :goodvibes
You call out the number of car or truck your on, and if you call it incorrect you lose that car to the person who calls it. In other words...if you see a regular car or truck that's yellow and it's your first car you call out...1 Banana, before the other people in the car call it, and so on. The game starts over every time your in the car, and you can get extra points if you see a Corvet-10, Hummer-5 or Beetle bugs-5. I know it's not as fun as the license plate game, but at least it's something new. It's actually more fun to play in town where you see more cars, rather than out on the highway. That's my contribution for games. :laughing:

Bananna sounds like a fun car came, I've never even heard of it before, but we will probably give it a try.

There's so many funny statements in this post...I dont know what to comment on first! :rotfl:
I'll have to think on this one Ty. :goodvibes

Pictures are beautiful, by the way. And way to go Reese! Girls can make things happen if they need to, we are a resourceful bunch.
Well please think hard because I am driving myself nuts trying to come up with something.

Here's what we did for Halloween 2008


It was cold that year!

Last year I made iron-on shirts to wear to the party. It was very hot last year!


I don't know about going this year. That's a lot of money for 4 people.
The end of September probably will be hot so I would do some kind of Halloween shirt.


Hi Mary,
Great costumes, If I knew for sure what the weather was going to be like it would be so much easier deciding on a costume, I really do like the T-shirt idea, that is my fall back plan.

It is a lot of money for 4 people, would your MIL's feel bad if you and DH decided to go on your own as an anniversary present to yourselves? Would you feel bad about it?

I wanted to do MVMCP last year, I had done it before but wanted to go again, I ended up not going because Mom and Janis didn't want to and I felt bad going without them.

Your creek is gorgeous! I like the idea of Kent as Wendy. Stubble and all! I can't wait for MNSSHP. I never thought I'd want to go to a hard ticket event a WDW, but then I started watching the youtube videos of the special parades and events, and I was super excited. Plus, we're still hoping for free dining....
I haven't even put much thought into costumes yet....

The creek is beautiful, but when it floods watch out, that little creek has flooded and wiped our pool out twice.
I could see Kent as a beard stubled Wendy, :lmao: He really doesn't have the figure though to wear a night gown like that.

I heard that free dining for Sept was going to be anounced roughly around the 27th of this month, if rumors hold true this will be incredible news for us.

I just had to come start on your PTR after reading your last TR. It's great!

Your family is beautiful and Kent sounds like a great guy! Tell him to give Jamey Johnson a listen to since you say he's all about country music!

I refuse to miss an episode of Friday Night Lights too, except I want to marry Coach Taylor! Do you have DirecTV? I LOVE that they play the season before the networks do and it's commercial free!!


I will definitley tell Kent about Jamey Johnson. Most the time he finds somebody he likes and then plays it until the CD disinigrates.

Another Friday Night lights fan. Yay!!!! I like Coach Taylor, but Riggins is so yummy! ANd yes, I watch it commercial free on the 101! I can't wait for the next season to see how Riggins fares in jail.

Hi Ty! Somehow I found your TR. You are going near the time we're going. I have scanned through your first few pages, but need to catch up on the details. I have a 17-year-old daughter graduating this year, so I can empathize with you :)

I have started reading your PTR, I don't remember if I commented or not though.
With your DD getting ready to graduate do you feel ampty nest syndrome kicking in yet. I can barely look at jim without wanting to bust into tears.
I have started reading your PTR, I don't remember if I commented or not though.
With your DD getting ready to graduate do you feel ampty nest syndrome kicking in yet. I can barely look at jim without wanting to bust into tears.
Oh absolutely! I think I broke down in tears when I ordered the cap and gown. At least you have another one staying in the house for a couple of years.

I might have some games for you. We always play "21". That's nothing related to being on the road though, and you can play it in lines at Disney too. One person starts with either "1" or "1-2". The next person can add on either 1 or 2 numbers (thus if the first person said "1", the second can say "2" or "2-3"; if the first person said "1-2", the second can either say "3" or "3-4"). The person who gets to say "21" is the winner of the game. It's fun, fast and very strategic. Easiest when played between 2 people, but it can be played with more.

There's another one involving cows. I will have to ask my sister.
The cow game, from my sister:

It's called ZIP.
When you see a pasture of cows you say "zip" and count starting with one. Add to your number by saying "zip" first when you see the cows. Whoever says "zip" first gets the points.
If you say "zip" and it's not cows (horses, goats, etc) then you lose a point.
When you pass a cemetery - you say, "cemetery" . Whoever says it first wipes out all the points from the other players.
It's stupid, but very addictive and fun. Helps pass time.

Here's another version:
Step 1 The object of the Cow Game is to accumulate points by counting cows visible from the moving vehicle.

Step 2 Players are assigned a side of the road according to where they sit in the car - passenger side or driver's side.

** For players in the middle seat, see options below.

Step 3 Players count cows they see from the car, on their side only, and must keep a running total.


WHEN A CEMETERY IS PASSED, all cows are lost for the player whose side the cemetery is on. The player's count reverts to zero. Count resumes from zero with the next cows passed.

Step 5 Play continues until the end of the trip, or until everyone agrees on a halt.

The player with the highest cow count at the end of the trip wins.

Step 6 ***There are several options for the middle seat passenger.

1. This person can serve as referee or arbitrator for count disputes.

2. The middle seat player can keep a written score.

3. This player could also choose a side and be co-player.

4. The middle player can also choose an object or animal other than cows and contribute his score for competition, under normal rules.

Step 7 Simple, but surprisingly effective, the Cow Game builds skills other than math in young children - like observation, patience, learning to accept small setbacks or defeats, as well as fair play and honesty.
I'm hopping on for the ride! I hope you're able to "swoon" Kent over to the Disney side! I never thought DH would go for it, he's too hard core, etc. But I didn't have to worry when our little girl lit up, all smiles and laughter, he's sold on Disney magic :) (or at least for now!!)
It's so wierd I feel like I know you, like really know you from your trip report:surfweb: so maybe we'll run into each other at POP in the fall--that would be so cool!
I love your river! Very pretty.

I'm thinking Alice and the Mad Hatter. Kent of course being Alice. She is all grown up now and I'm sure she is of whisker age.

Or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They were so adorable in the new movie. You would look cute with little whirlygig hats.

On another note, there was a dead beaver on the side of the road and Jay wouldn't stop to pick it up. I was crushed! What does a girl have to do to get a little beaver??!! You can bet that's what he is saying now, hee hee.

Oh, are you watching Survivor this season?
After finally finishing your trip report I'm subbing over here. And I see I've got a few installments to get caught up on. Behind the 8 ball again. Some day I will be officially caught up.

Scanning through here I saw you mentioned that Kent is big on movie quotes....and you're looking for a travel game. There's gotta be a book of movie quotes. Maybe you could quiz him while he drives?
Oh absolutely! I think I broke down in tears when I ordered the cap and gown. At least you have another one staying in the house for a couple of years.

I might have some games for you. We always play "21". That's nothing related to being on the road though, and you can play it in lines at Disney too. One person starts with either "1" or "1-2". The next person can add on either 1 or 2 numbers (thus if the first person said "1", the second can say "2" or "2-3"; if the first person said "1-2", the second can either say "3" or "3-4"). The person who gets to say "21" is the winner of the game. It's fun, fast and very strategic. Easiest when played between 2 people, but it can be played with more.

There's another one involving cows. I will have to ask my sister.
I just can't imagine not having Jimmy around, his personality is bigger then life. Yea I'll still have Reese, but she is turning 16 this summer and her social life will take off, I'll probably never see her once she's allowed to "car date"
The numbers game sounds like it takes alot of thinking at first, that's one we'll probably try. Thank you.

The cow game, from my sister:

It's called ZIP.
When you see a pasture of cows you say "zip" and count starting with one. Add to your number by saying "zip" first when you see the cows. Whoever says "zip" first gets the points.
If you say "zip" and it's not cows (horses, goats, etc) then you lose a point.
When you pass a cemetery - you say, "cemetery" . Whoever says it first wipes out all the points from the other players.
It's stupid, but very addictive and fun. Helps pass time.


this one sounds like fun too, we see lots of cows on our drives to Michigan.

I'm hopping on for the ride! I hope you're able to "swoon" Kent over to the Disney side! I never thought DH would go for it, he's too hard core, etc. But I didn't have to worry when our little girl lit up, all smiles and laughter, he's sold on Disney magic :) (or at least for now!!)
It's so wierd I feel like I know you, like really know you from your trip report:surfweb: so maybe we'll run into each other at POP in the fall--that would be so cool!

I plan to swoon like nobody has ever swooned before. I have 1 goal fo rthis trip and that's to make him a Disney lover, right now I would be happy if he were a Disney liker, but alas he is only a Disney tolerater. Maybe if we had gone when our kids were younger and he was able to see their faces light up, but they were older and their faces sagged with boredom for the most part.

That would be awesome if we bumped into eachother at Pop, If you do see me run over and holla!

I love your river! Very pretty.

I'm thinking Alice and the Mad Hatter. Kent of course being Alice. She is all grown up now and I'm sure she is of whisker age.

Or Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. They were so adorable in the new movie. You would look cute with little whirlygig hats.

On another note, there was a dead beaver on the side of the road and Jay wouldn't stop to pick it up. I was crushed! What does a girl have to do to get a little beaver??!! You can bet that's what he is saying now, hee hee.

Oh, are you watching Survivor this season?

Kent as Alice? he could never pull that off!
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle dum? Really? ummmmmm No! I need a costume that is going to slim me down even if it is just an illusion.

Dead Beaver and Jay wouldn't let you get it? just think of the stroies he coul dhave told.
"Yea I found my wifes Beaver on the side of the road."
"I restored my wifes dead beaver."

I could go on for a long time here, but I won't.

I am not watching survivor this season, I haven't watched for a while, I tried t last season, but it all seems the same now. I am however hooked on the amazing race again, my favorite team is Jordan and Jeff, they were on Big Brother last year.

After finally finishing your trip report I'm subbing over here. And I see I've got a few installments to get caught up on. Behind the 8 ball again. Some day I will be officially caught up.

Scanning through here I saw you mentioned that Kent is big on movie quotes....and you're looking for a travel game. There's gotta be a book of movie quotes. Maybe you could quiz him while he drives?

I am always behind on everybodys reports, my intentions are good, I just don't seem to have enough time anymore, take your time catching up, I'm not going anywhere, not till September anyway.

Kent is a huge movie quoter, we do play the movie quote game, he always wins.
I have been hun gup on costume ideas for quite a while now. I have lots of fun ideas but I have to consider the weather. We saw a Captain Morgans costume for Kent and if we coul dbe sure that the weather wasn't going to be sweltering we would have gotten it.

Here's a few ideas that I came up with and why Kent nixed them.

Bee and Bee keeper. I would be the bee and kent the keeper. He said no, those bee keeper hat's look annoying.

Football player and cheerleader. Kent said he didn't want to be a football player in highschool, and he doesn't want to be one now.

Cowboy and cowgirl. Kent said no, it's too simple.

Referee and football player, Kent being the referee. He said it didn't have enough pizazz.

So we are still stuck, I guess we'll just wait until the halloween store opens for the season. We don't want to be anything scary, or gory or untasteful for disney.

Ok now my mom suggested Kent go as a construction worker. Serioulsy Mom? Kent is a construction worker, every day! that's his job! why would he dress up to be something he already is? Silly lady.

We're tryingt to figure out costumes too. What a hard thing to come up with something creative and fun, and easy to wear, and is comfy, not too hot, etc....

good luck!!!
Reese (beautiful name, by the way) will be MIA more when she's of car-dating age, but I have found that the Mom-time she spends with you (few and far between) makes for some very special times. It is those times that you are reminded of the unconditional love. :)

We are thinking about costumes too. Your post gave me some ideas. I was wondering if the costumes at MNSSHP were Disney-specific, or anything goes. I have no idea what we will do. Chris makes a great Captain Jack Sparrow and already has the costume. He just has to grow out his beard for a couple of weeks ahead.

Kent thinking a shovel was going to be enough.

how gorgeous is our creek though?

Wow, that is some snow! And we live in Utah so we've seen snow!!!

And your creek is very gorgeous!

I vote for keeping your trip in September. I would be worried about leaving the kids home alone to deal with the issues you mentioned, although your daughter did seem to handle things quite well last time! :thumbsup2


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