September 2010 PTR, My hidden agenda, muahahaha

This costume thing is driving me nuts, but it also gives me something to focus on too.

This would probably be impossible to find but what if you could somehow get shirts that look like the top of Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum. You could just wear the tops with those spinny hat things they wear and comfy jeans on the bottom! We thought about doing this for our trip but ended up with Halloween themed t-shirts.
We're tryingt to figure out costumes too. What a hard thing to come up with something creative and fun, and easy to wear, and is comfy, not too hot, etc....

good luck!!!

I was starting to lose sleep over this, just staying up late racking my brain, we have a plan now, I will post on it soon.

Reese (beautiful name, by the way) will be MIA more when she's of car-dating age, but I have found that the Mom-time she spends with you (few and far between) makes for some very special times. It is those times that you are reminded of the unconditional love. :)

We are thinking about costumes too. Your post gave me some ideas. I was wondering if the costumes at MNSSHP were Disney-specific, or anything goes. I have no idea what we will do. Chris makes a great Captain Jack Sparrow and already has the costume. He just has to grow out his beard for a couple of weeks ahead.

Reese, my princess brat! Her real name is Mareesa by the way but she's been Reese to me for so long, she is in that phase (maybe it's not a phase but her making a life change) she doesn't want to be called Reese anymore, but she will always be Reese to me.

She is so busy with school, her music, friends and boyfriend right now that I suck up any time I can get with her, and OMG! once she is of car dating age I will have it even harder, but I plan to make a day for us each month, maybe twice a month to just go and have fun or maybe rent some movies and just chill together eating raw brownie mix.:)

MNSSHP costumes don't have to be Disney specific, I wasn't sure what we were going to do though, I think the Capt Jack sparrow costume is a cool idea, I saw a Captain Morgan costume that I know Kent would have loved, but it looks like it could get a little hot wearing it, the weather and hot costumes were our biggest issue.


I sure could use him here! Too funny!!!

The bidding is still open:confused3

Wow, that is some snow! And we live in Utah so we've seen snow!!!

And your creek is very gorgeous!

I vote for keeping your trip in September. I would be worried about leaving the kids home alone to deal with the issues you mentioned, although your daughter did seem to handle things quite well last time! :thumbsup2
We normally don't get snow like that, I called it a fluke, but Kent said that was the kind of snow they got every year when he was a kid. Maybe nature is getting back to normal now?!
I think Utah has some gorgeous country. I have been to Salt Lake city just pasing through, I was only 5 at the time but I remember some of it and I have a picture of my Dad and I building a snowman at a rest area, good times!

This would probably be impossible to find but what if you could somehow get shirts that look like the top of Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum. You could just wear the tops with those spinny hat things they wear and comfy jeans on the bottom! We thought about doing this for our trip but ended up with Halloween themed t-shirts.

That does sound like a good idea, I passed it along to Kent and he said first of all he doesn't do spiny things on his head:confused3 whatever! and then he said he knew we would argue over who got be tweedle Dee because face it nobody wants to be tweedle dum, that's like being the hind end of a horse costume.:lmao:
Ok we think we have a runner for costumes, it's the only one that has made it to the bomb diggity of costumes list, according to Kent it has pizazz!

He wants to be Woody, Toy Story is his favorite Disney movie, he swears that movie is more for adults then kids. and he wants me to be Little Bo Peep, he said Woody and Bo Peep kind of had a thing going so we would still be doing a couples costume idea.

Making his costume will be easy breazy, but I had to call mom and see if she could help me make a little Bo Peep costume, and she said we should have no problem doing that. She can sew and follow a pattern so I think we will get started on that this summer if we don't find another idea for a costume that is more appealing. Kent seems pretty set on this idea though.

He didn't want me to post this idea, he said save it and surpise everybody, but to me that just seems mean, I explained I can't do that to my Dis peeps. you will however have to wait to see pictures, I will not post what they look like until I have done MNSSHP and write my TR, I feel like that is a good compromise.

Now that we have this costume idea I don't drive myself crazy trying to come up with something, but I still keep thinking about costumes, I will still probably look at costumes when the halloween store opens for the season.

And I will still probably make us T-shirts as a back up, just incase it is way too hot for any kind of costume. We'll still get to wear the T-shirts regardless. and if I don't get to wear my Bo Peep costume to MNSSHP, I can still wear it to my sisters costume party in October. I will be bringing my dog to that one maybe, (depends if I drive or fly) and I will dress her up like a sheep. If my friend Lo comes with me I will drive, if not I'll fly.

Last year my sister went as Dorothy and her husband was the scarecrow, one of the party games was...each person that came to the party was given a toe tag, (demented idea, but funny too) and they had to write how their character died. Bo wrote, "Dorothy cut her finger on the tin man and died of tetanus." then they all had to vote by secret ballot on the best one. Bo won that.

Her MIL came to the party as the Octomom last year, she was in a hospital gown, had the long black wig and 8 baby dolls in a basket, she sent pictures and it was so funny. Her MIL won for originality.

I have been to all of my sisters parties but never her halloween one, she goes all out with decorations and games and prizes, (not to mention the food) this is going to be fun.

WE are having a surpise sweet 16 for Reese this summer at Bo's house, she already has all these great ideas for the party, I'm so glad that she is planning it for me.
I have to plan Reese's sweet 16 for her and her friends here in Pa, it won't be a surprise one though because Reese wants to have input on the details.

wow, I got so off track there.

So back to Disney.

We had some issues come up with our house and Kents truck, everything always happens at once ya know, I had to put the idea out there that we post pone Disney, but Kent said we are defintely going this September, he doesn't want to move it back, it's now or never for us. So who am I to argue with that? He said he will pick up as much over time as he can to guarantee our trip to Disney. I love that man!
I dig your idea of the costumes! I always thought Woody and Bo had a thang going! It's perfect. Getting your dress to stick out may require a hoop- that might be a pain. But very cute nonetheless!

I'm so glad that even though you are having some unexpected expenses you are still getting to go. THat's great!
Woody and Bo Peep sounds awesome! And I like the idea of recycling and dressing the dog as a sheep.

So funny about Dorothy and Tin Man. I'm not gonna ask where she cut her finger. :rolleyes1

If you check out my old PTR, there are some pics of Katie's Sweet 16. Maybe you can get some ideas. We rented her a pink limo and all her friends dressed in fancy black dresses, while Katie dressed in light pink. Made for beautiful pictures.

So glad the truck and house stumbles won't hold you back from a Disney trip! :thumbsup2
Love the Bo Peep and Woody idea! :thumbsup2 And your hubby is definitely a keeper!
okay, so i started your trip report yesterday and finished it today.

and now i have to get some work done!

but first, wanted to say that i love your writing style- its very entertaining. "m looking forward to seeing what you come up with because i have the same hidden agenda with my dh.
it's easier to think about Disney, disney is my escape.

Couldn't agree with you more!

Phew, finally all caught up. Love the Woody & Bo Peep idea. It'll be especially fitting since Toy Story 3 is coming out in June. Your hubby is the sweetest man. Definitely a keeper. The story about your ex made my heart sink. I'm so glad you ended up with Kent. It's your own fairy tale in a way. Amazing how you convinced Kent to get the park hoppers. You're a sneaky woman. I like it :thumbsup2
I dig your idea of the costumes! I always thought Woody and Bo had a thang going! It's perfect. Getting your dress to stick out may require a hoop- that might be a pain. But very cute nonetheless!

I'm so glad that even though you are having some unexpected expenses you are still getting to go. THat's great!

Woody and Bo Peep are a cute couple, I loved her line in Toy Story where she says, "Oh Woody, I'm putting the sheep to bed early tonight."

I hate when all the unexpected expenses come at 1 time, but Kent said he will pick up some major over time to guarantee this trip, I have picked up some extra hours at the store and I just got a raise, so it's all looking up from here.

Woody and Bo Peep sounds awesome! And I like the idea of recycling and dressing the dog as a sheep.

So funny about Dorothy and Tin Man. I'm not gonna ask where she cut her finger. :rolleyes1

If you check out my old PTR, there are some pics of Katie's Sweet 16. Maybe you can get some ideas. We rented her a pink limo and all her friends dressed in fancy black dresses, while Katie dressed in light pink. Made for beautiful pictures.

So glad the truck and house stumbles won't hold you back from a Disney trip! :thumbsup2

I dress Falula up every year, I actually saw some cute sheep costumes fro dogs at Target last year, hopefully they will come out with it again.

Your DD's sweet 16 sounds like a blast, what a great way to celebrate with a limo and all, I think my sister and I are planning to use Reese's love for hippies and peace as her theme. We are thinking on having a huge bon fire. My Mom and I are going in on a new guitar for Reese and she will be the entertainment, that's what she loves anyway, My sister is also puttin gtogether a DVD of Reese growing up, we'll play it at her party.

Love the Bo Peep and Woody idea! :thumbsup2 And your hubby is definitely a keeper!

Yup, I'm definitely keeping that man! He's a good one.

okay, so i started your trip report yesterday and finished it today.

and now i have to get some work done!

but first, wanted to say that i love your writing style- its very entertaining. "m looking forward to seeing what you come up with because i have the same hidden agenda with my dh.

You read my TR? awesome! That was a fun trip, I hope this one is just as fun, no squabbles or anything. I have to eaze him into Disney, maybe do some subliminal messaging.:wizard:

Couldn't agree with you more!

Phew, finally all caught up. Love the Woody & Bo Peep idea. It'll be especially fitting since Toy Story 3 is coming out in June. Your hubby is the sweetest man. Definitely a keeper. The story about your ex made my heart sink. I'm so glad you ended up with Kent. It's your own fairy tale in a way. Amazing how you convinced Kent to get the park hoppers. You're a sneaky woman. I like it :thumbsup2

I can't wait to see TOy Story 3, I think Kent and I are planning a date for that one, he loves Toy Story.

I think Kent and my story is fairy tale like, I got my prince charming at end.
I love the idea for the costumes. Woody and Little Ty Peep and her lost sheep. :goodvibes

Hope all is well, is it starting to warm up around there? We've had some beautiful days here since the beginning of the month, a cold snap for a day or so, but back to beautiful again. I love Texas in the spring. :cloud9: I say that every year.....cause I do! :goodvibes
Now I need to get my plants out and make my yard all pretty before we go to Disney World! Sounds silly to plant before we go, but when we get back we'll be having people here for Ty's DS17 high school graduation, and the last thing I want to do is plant stuff when I need to plan and get the house ready for company.

Are you getting your plans together for Jim's graduation yet?
I haven't the foggiest idea other than to just have a B.B.Q, big cake with his College Logo on it, and invite everyone here that means something to my boy and just have a good time until he needs to be back up at the school for Project Graduation. :confused3 Other than that, what else is there? I mean we could all go out to eat, but that wouldn't be very intimate and not near as much fun as getting rowdy here with friends. We can get pretty loud and rowdy. :laughing: As a group of women we would go out on a Tuesday evening after women's group and were almost thrown out of a resturant for being to loud. :eek: I know, right! WE CAN GET PRETTY LOUD! :woohoo: It's all good clean fun though.
Wish you were on, I needed to chat with you for a sec. Hope you'll be on tonight. :goodvibes
I love the idea for the costumes. Woody and Little Ty Peep and her lost sheep. :goodvibes

Hope all is well, is it starting to warm up around there? We've had some beautiful days here since the beginning of the month, a cold snap for a day or so, but back to beautiful again. I love Texas in the spring. :cloud9: I say that every year.....cause I do! :goodvibes
Now I need to get my plants out and make my yard all pretty before we go to Disney World! Sounds silly to plant before we go, but when we get back we'll be having people here for Ty's DS17 high school graduation, and the last thing I want to do is plant stuff when I need to plan and get the house ready for company.

Are you getting your plans together for Jim's graduation yet?
I haven't the foggiest idea other than to just have a B.B.Q, big cake with his College Logo on it, and invite everyone here that means something to my boy and just have a good time until he needs to be back up at the school for Project Graduation. :confused3 Other than that, what else is there? I mean we could all go out to eat, but that wouldn't be very intimate and not near as much fun as getting rowdy here with friends. We can get pretty loud and rowdy. :laughing: As a group of women we would go out on a Tuesday evening after women's group and were almost thrown out of a resturant for being to loud. :eek: I know, right! WE CAN GET PRETTY LOUD! :woohoo: It's all good clean fun though.
Wish you were on, I needed to chat with you for a sec. Hope you'll be on tonight. :goodvibes
The weather is warming up a bit, we had nice temps for about a week, Rees even layed out, but now it's back to low 50' still beats snow so no complaints here.

I'm not sure what we are going to do with Jim's graduation yet, he said he doesn't want anything big since we are having a big birthday bash for his 18th in less then a month, then another huge party when he graduates from boot camp. So we'll probably just go to dinner at the restaurant of his choice which will more then likely be a pizza joint:sick:

I'm sorry I wasn't around when you needed to chat, I will PM you now.
I'm not sure what we are going to do with Jim's graduation yet, he said he doesn't want anything big since we are having a big birthday bash for his 18th in less then a month, then another huge party when he graduates from boot camp. So we'll probably just go to dinner at the restaurant of his choice which will more then likely be a pizza joint:sick:
I think we're the same. When is Jim's birthday? Katie's is April 18th. We are getting her a MacBook for college as her birthday/graduation gift, so we won't do a big party. Probably a cook-out at the house for family.
Are you getting your plans together for Jim's graduation yet?
I haven't the foggiest idea other than to just have a B.B.Q, big cake with his College Logo on it, and invite everyone here that means something to my boy and just have a good time until he needs to be back up at the school for Project Graduation. :confused3 Other than that, what else is there? I mean we could all go out to eat, but that wouldn't be very intimate and not near as much fun as getting rowdy here with friends. We can get pretty loud and rowdy. :laughing: As a group of women we would go out on a Tuesday evening after women's group and were almost thrown out of a resturant for being to loud. :eek: I know, right! WE CAN GET PRETTY LOUD! :woohoo: It's all good clean fun though.
Camille - sorry to jump in - I just noticed you're north of Austin. We are in Lakeway. Our daughter (a senior) goes to Lake Travis HS. She'll be going to Project Graduation too. What school is your son at? Where will he be going to college? Katie just accepted.
Hi Ladies!! Fun to see a friendship forming!!

Morning, Ty!!!
I think we're the same. When is Jim's birthday? Katie's is April 18th. We are getting her a MacBook for college as her birthday/graduation gift, so we won't do a big party. Probably a cook-out at the house for family.

Jim turns 18 on May 5th, (Cinco De Mayo) Jim wants to have a big party, I think his band is going to play at it as well as 2 or 3 others.

Hi Ladies!! Fun to see a friendship forming!!

Morning, Ty!!!

It is so amazing how many friendships from the boards turn into life long friends outside of Disney.

Good Morning Liesa
In my everyday life I am disorganized, I have a shoe box filled with receipts and important papers, I did buy a filing cabinet to better organize those things, but the filing cabinet became my Disney organizer.

I don't balance my checkbook every month, I just always round up. If something costs $5.67 I put an even $6.00 in the checkbook, it also kind of works as a savings account because at the end of the year I figure out how much is "extra" It takes about a week to figure out the extra, I can't write any checks, my account must lie dormant for a bit and then once I know for sure what the extra is I take it out and add it to disney. I could never tell you exactly what I have in my checking, it's always a guess. But my Disney account, that's my baby, I nurture her and give her all my spare change, I can tell you what's in that account right down to the half penny.

There is no order under my sinks. I open the cuboard under the bathroom sink and bottles and bottles of shampoo, conditioner and moisturizers fall out onto the floor. Some of those bottles are empty, some full, some are so old that the contents have dried up.
But once a month at least, I go through my supply of Disney travel doo-dads, shake the mini bottles to keep all fluids equally mixed. I might add something new and take away something old. I have designated 2 top drawers in the spare room dresser for this. I even have them labeled.

Closet organization...what's that? I haven't thrown out anything since I bought this house 12 years ago, the clothing pattern goes like this....
From the store to the trunk of my car where it sits for 2 weeks, it eventually gets brought in with the groceries and is placed on the the rocking chair in the den where it usually falls to the floor behind it, a few months later I will be needing a clean shirt for work and wow, a pink shirt would look great with these gray slacks, I will remember that shirt and look for it every where and finally declare it lost forever, I will sadly put on a black shirt and as I am leaving for work I can see Kent in my review mirror chasing me, waving the pink shirt around like he's trying to kill bees, I slow down, he catches up all out of breath, "I..pant pant...found it....behind the ....pant pant....rocking chair." Then I remember putting it there, "Oh yeah, thanks."
I bring the shirt with me and change in the bathroom at work, normally halfway through my shift somebody brings the black shirt I was wearing to customer service, "I found this in the ladies bathroom." then I have to own up that it's mine, very embarrassing. that black shirt is still in my locker at work I'm sure, or maybe it's in the trunk of my car or behind the rocking chair, I don't need it right now so I'm not that worried about it, but continuing on, the pink shirt will at some point make it's way to the laundry basket, it might sit on the floor in my closet for a week before that happens though, once it's laundered it could sit on top of the dryer for a week before making it back up stairs to my closet. The shirt will eventually get old, wear thin or end up too small, or too big depending...Just saying:confused3 it then makes the treck up to the attic where it is put with all the other clothes that I am going to one day
A. Be able to fit into again
B. Be sold at the yard sale we always plan but never have or
C.taken to goodwill.
the pile of clothes in the attic is so high it's almost comical, good thing we have a huge attic.

However, I have a dresser (the one in the spare room) my Disney shirts are neatly folded, they never need ironing, I know where these shirts are at all times, I have even kept my Disney socks with their matches, I have been known to tear the washer or dryer apart when a Disney sock goes missing. I switch them out according to seasons, Winter will soon be placed in the closet in the spare room and summer shirts placed in the drawers.

My household tools (not Kents) such as hammer, duct tape a screwdriver, gorilla glue and a safety pin are found in one of my 3 junk drawers in the kitchen, if I can't find it in one of the junk drawers then I check on top of the fridge, not on top of the fridge, then I think back to my last project, "Ok I put a big hole in the wall when hanging a picture in my room, so I used duct tape to cover the hole and painted over it, so that means the duct tape will be under my bed and the hammer is........well I don't need the hammer right now, only the tape so I won't worry about the hammer."

My Disney tools however, Birnbaum book, Hidden Mickey book, personalized maps, highlighters, stickers etc...etc... sit comfortably on a shelf in my spare room.

My daily planner is a handful of written notes from Kent and the kids stuffed into my pockets and purse. Dr. appt reminder notes are stuffed into the visor of my car, grocery lists from years ago still hang on the refridgerator, but....

Up in my spare room (the disney room) I have maps on the wall with color coded push pins in them, a dry erase board with reminders of dates to remember and phone numbers to call. This is command central, it works like a well oiled machine.

Speaking of well oiled machines, I blew up my last car, apparently the engine requires oil.:confused3 lesson learned there, I now remind Kent all the time to check the oil.

Natural mini disasters, let's go there. If we have a power outage we can never find a flashlight even though we own 20, and when we do find one the batteries are dead because somebody left it on, or the batteries are missing because somebody needed them for their walkman ( I meant to put them back, honest) We don't have emergency candles, I do have scented candles and when we do lose power my house smells like a medley of fresh apples hot cocoa, pumpkin pie and coconut with a hint of spruce and fresh cut grass on a clean cotton sheet.

My Disney survival kit remains intact at all times, bandaids, tums, safety pins, mini sewing kit, mini flashlight with working batteries, spare tooth brush extra hair ties. anti bacterial handsoap, and a small drug store.

My disney trips and plans are based on facts, my taxes are based on hunches and a prayer.

When I go to sleep at night my daily list of things to do is even longer, and when I wake up and walk out the door the next morning I won't know where my keys are, but my Disney list of things to do is crossed out in a nice straight line using red marker, and yes I use a ruler to make that line so straight.

Do you see the pattern here? I live in chaos, a hell of my own design. My life is like an air raid drill. But I have a fantasy seeing me through all of this, it's Disney, planning a trip is the only time I don't feel like I'm chasing chickens around.

But my problem here is Kent doesn't want plans, how do I go to disney without plans, I thought I could do it but the closer the trip gets the more I am in shambles. No ADR's to make, no park planning, no ride plan, no plans, none, nada, nothing, zilch, zero. This isn't healthy, I'm jumping out of the frying pan and into the boiling vat of water. where's my escape?

Kent said "Your plan is to have no plan."

How do you plan not to plan? I asked him this ya know.

"Just say you are going to Disney and be done with it."

I think he is setting himself up for something bad here, I need to plan, it's the only way to release the Disney build up, if I don't release it now then once I am at Disney I will explode all over the place, I will be a kid on a sugar overdose. This could be painful for both of us.

I think I might make one tiny ADR, just a little smidge of a reservation, maybe at Downtown Disney, he'll never know!
Ok that was awesome. You need to write a book. Very well written and humorous.

I think you need to make a plan to get Kent on a plan without him knowing it. :)
Do you see the pattern here? I live in chaos, a hell of my own design. My life is like an air raid drill. But I have a fantasy seeing me through all of this, it's Disney, planning a trip is the only time I don't feel like I'm chasing chickens around.

My life is exactly the same...every word of your post!
In my everyday life I am disorganized, I have a shoe box filled with receipts and important papers, I did buy a filing cabinet to better organize those things, but the filing cabinet became my Disney organizer.

I don't balance my checkbook every month, I just always round up. If something costs $5.67 I put an even $6.00 in the checkbook, it also kind of works as a savings account because at the end of the year I figure out how much is "extra" It takes about a week to figure out the extra, I can't write any checks, my account must lie dormant for a bit and then once I know for sure what the extra is I take it out and add it to disney. I could never tell you exactly what I have in my checking, it's always a guess. But my Disney account, that's my baby, I nurture her and give her all my spare change, I can tell you what's in that account right down to the half penny.

There is no order under my sinks. I open the cuboard under the bathroom sink and bottles and bottles of shampoo, conditioner and moisturizers fall out onto the floor. Some of those bottles are empty, some full, some are so old that the contents have dried up.
But once a month at least, I go through my supply of Disney travel doo-dads, shake the mini bottles to keep all fluids equally mixed. I might add something new and take away something old. I have designated 2 top drawers in the spare room dresser for this. I even have them labeled.

Closet organization...what's that? I haven't thrown out anything since I bought this house 12 years ago, the clothing pattern goes like this....
From the store to the trunk of my car where it sits for 2 weeks, it eventually gets brought in with the groceries and is placed on the the rocking chair in the den where it usually falls to the floor behind it, a few months later I will be needing a clean shirt for work and wow, a pink shirt would look great with these gray slacks, I will remember that shirt and look for it every where and finally declare it lost forever, I will sadly put on a black shirt and as I am leaving for work I can see Kent in my review mirror chasing me, waving the pink shirt around like he's trying to kill bees, I slow down, he catches up all out of breath, "I..pant pant...found it....behind the ....pant pant....rocking chair." Then I remember putting it there, "Oh yeah, thanks."
I bring the shirt with me and change in the bathroom at work, normally halfway through my shift somebody brings the black shirt I was wearing to customer service, "I found this in the ladies bathroom." then I have to own up that it's mine, very embarrassing. that black shirt is still in my locker at work I'm sure, or maybe it's in the trunk of my car or behind the rocking chair, I don't need it right now so I'm not that worried about it, but continuing on, the pink shirt will at some point make it's way to the laundry basket, it might sit on the floor in my closet for a week before that happens though, once it's laundered it could sit on top of the dryer for a week before making it back up stairs to my closet. The shirt will eventually get old, wear thin or end up too small, or too big depending...Just saying:confused3 it then makes the treck up to the attic where it is put with all the other clothes that I am going to one day
A. Be able to fit into again
B. Be sold at the yard sale we always plan but never have or
C.taken to goodwill.
the pile of clothes in the attic is so high it's almost comical, good thing we have a huge attic.

However, I have a dresser (the one in the spare room) my Disney shirts are neatly folded, they never need ironing, I know where these shirts are at all times, I have even kept my Disney socks with their matches, I have been known to tear the washer or dryer apart when a Disney sock goes missing. I switch them out according to seasons, Winter will soon be placed in the closet in the spare room and summer shirts placed in the drawers.

My household tools (not Kents) such as hammer, duct tape a screwdriver, gorilla glue and a safety pin are found in one of my 3 junk drawers in the kitchen, if I can't find it in one of the junk drawers then I check on top of the fridge, not on top of the fridge, then I think back to my last project, "Ok I put a big hole in the wall when hanging a picture in my room, so I used duct tape to cover the hole and painted over it, so that means the duct tape will be under my bed and the hammer is........well I don't need the hammer right now, only the tape so I won't worry about the hammer."

My Disney tools however, Birnbaum book, Hidden Mickey book, personalized maps, highlighters, stickers etc...etc... sit comfortably on a shelf in my spare room.

My daily planner is a handful of written notes from Kent and the kids stuffed into my pockets and purse. Dr. appt reminder notes are stuffed into the visor of my car, grocery lists from years ago still hang on the refridgerator, but....

Up in my spare room (the disney room) I have maps on the wall with color coded push pins in them, a dry erase board with reminders of dates to remember and phone numbers to call. This is command central, it works like a well oiled machine.

Speaking of well oiled machines, I blew up my last car, apparently the engine requires oil.:confused3 lesson learned there, I now remind Kent all the time to check the oil.

Natural mini disasters, let's go there. If we have a power outage we can never find a flashlight even though we own 20, and when we do find one the batteries are dead because somebody left it on, or the batteries are missing because somebody needed them for their walkman ( I meant to put them back, honest) We don't have emergency candles, I do have scented candles and when we do lose power my house smells like a medley of fresh apples hot cocoa, pumpkin pie and coconut with a hint of spruce and fresh cut grass on a clean cotton sheet.

My Disney survival kit remains intact at all times, bandaids, tums, safety pins, mini sewing kit, mini flashlight with working batteries, spare tooth brush extra hair ties. anti bacterial handsoap, and a small drug store.

My disney trips and plans are based on facts, my taxes are based on hunches and a prayer.

When I go to sleep at night my daily list of things to do is even longer, and when I wake up and walk out the door the next morning I won't know where my keys are, but my Disney list of things to do is crossed out in a nice straight line using red marker, and yes I use a ruler to make that line so straight.

Do you see the pattern here? I live in chaos, a hell of my own design. My life is like an air raid drill. But I have a fantasy seeing me through all of this, it's Disney, planning a trip is the only time I don't feel like I'm chasing chickens around.

But my problem here is Kent doesn't want plans, how do I go to disney without plans, I thought I could do it but the closer the trip gets the more I am in shambles. No ADR's to make, no park planning, no ride plan, no plans, none, nada, nothing, zilch, zero. This isn't healthy, I'm jumping out of the frying pan and into the boiling vat of water. where's my escape?

Kent said "Your plan is to have no plan."

How do you plan not to plan? I asked him this ya know.

"Just say you are going to Disney and be done with it."

I think he is setting himself up for something bad here, I need to plan, it's the only way to release the Disney build up, if I don't release it now then once I am at Disney I will explode all over the place, I will be a kid on a sugar overdose. This could be painful for both of us.

I think I might make one tiny ADR, just a little smidge of a reservation, maybe at Downtown Disney, he'll never know!

You just put me on paper! (well, at least the unorganized side- i need to get organized enough to make a disney area LOL).

as for the planning thing... My coworker always says that the best way to break rules is to follow them. Let Kent learn the hard way with a busy high crowd level park day- then when he says oh i wish i listed to you, you just pull out all the plans you secretly made and wait for the "you are right"


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