Share your 'Success' Stories


DIS Veteran
Aug 13, 1999
Please share your weight loss and how you accomplished it. I always find this information a great source of inspiration. :)
Well..... I've lost 15.6 pounds since September 8th. Not a quick weight loss but slow and steady. I have been on WW and have actually found it pretty easy. I signed up for the E-Tools online and have found them extremely helpful!!
7 months ago, Ted and I were not what you would call "healthy" We were both VERY overweight and I was beginning to have health problems. I had HORRIBLE acid reflux, constant headaches and I begain to think I had type II diabetes. It scared me! Ted was having his own share of health problems too... he had terrible sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

One day, I decided enough was enough. I called my mom and asked her to send her WW stuff to me... I was going to give it a try..... I started first, but Ted saw how easy it would be and joined in. My coworkers saw what I had started and began to do it too..... it was REALLY good to have everyone around me on diets at the same time.

The weight began to come off pretty fast.... the more we lost, the more people would say things, and the better we would feel. It has made us keep going!

We have had to buy new clothes a few times... it is Exhilirating!! We joined a gym and actually (GASP) enjoy working out! I would NEVER have thought I am the "gym" type of person! I LOVE IT!

Totals so far:

I have lost 53 pounds... still going... do not have a goal, but know I have more to go

Ted has lost almost 70 pounds and is pretty much just trying to maintain (though he is still losing). 7 months ago, I wouldn't have dreamed we'd get this far!!!

No more health problems for me... My cholesterol dropped 87 points, reflux is gone, headaches are rare! Ted has almost completely eliminated the need for blood pressure meds and no longer even snores!!!

If we can do it, anyone can! It isn't easy, and we've had our share of "cheating" but you have to sometimes in order to stick with it!

I see this thread is old, but I'm so excited I had to share!

I've been doing Weight Watchers since 3/6/02, and have been doing really well at it. I weighed-in today with a loss of 5.8 pounds. That takes my total loss to 97.8!!!! I'm just 2.2 pounds away from triple digit losses!

I still have quite a way to go, but I'm thrilled with my success so far.

And to keep this on topic, how I accomplished it:

Back in March, after my January trip to Disney World, my father saw a picture of my friend and I on the teacups, and he said "Boy, you two really fill up a teacup!"

I decided that it was time to do something, so I joined Weight Watchers, and success has not gone away. I keep a few things in mind:

1.) I try not to focus on numbers. The numbers can be too depressing, so I take it one day at a time, and just try to eat healthy. A loss is ALWAYS a loss, even if it's not a full pound. I'd rather LOOSE .2 than gain .2.

2.) I'm not on a diet. A diet is a way of eating, NOT a way of eating in order to lose weight!

3.) I never feel deprived. I just find substitutions for things that aren't very healthy.

4.) This is NOT temporary. You cannot stop counting your points and excercising when you hit goal. You have to keep going and do this for the rest of your life! Because you feel BETTER doing it this way anyway!

Those are things I tell myself to keep myself motivated. I'm so glad I found this section!
The teacup remark is funny...but I understand how it would be motivating!

I started WW in March 02 and have lost 51.6 lbs. I am 12 lbs. away from my goal weight set by WW.

I have really changed my eating habits and now exercise almost every day. I find I can no longer tolerate really fatty foods and my stomach has shrunk or something...because I get full much faster.

I feel so much better, less tired, better breathing, lower BP, my heart used to 'palpitate' which happens much less frequently now.

Sometimes I catch my reflection in a window, and think "wow that's really me!"

A year ago I would have said "that couldn't be me!"

Weight Watchers combined with an exercise program (I walk and do a couple aerobic videos) cannot be beat.


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