"She ate human!" A June 2013 TR UPDATE 12/23


DIS Veteran
Jul 13, 2010
Hello and welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by my trip report! If you are up for a crazy adventure including four adults, four kids, two cities and a whole lot of fun, then this is the place for you! Before I get ahead of myself, let me introduce you to our traveling party! :)


We’re a pretty good looking group if I do say so myself. Starting in the top left corner is my dad. He is the best dad in the world. When he’s not working, he loves to cook, travel and read.

Next to him is my mom. Mom is an English teacher and when she’s not busy grading papers or planning lessons she likes to read and watch soap operas. This trip she especially enjoyed getting to see Kensington Palace as she’s a HUGE Princess Diana fan. I’ll have to take a picture of the bookshelf in our study, it’s full of books on the royal family!

Beside Mom is Aunt C. She is the resident photographer in our group, though Dad took a lot as well. She loves to plan trips and read about new places to go. Aunt C is very witty and fun to be around!

Rounding out the adults in our group is Uncle R. He is one of my mom’s brothers and is a math teacher. He is very into history, making us connect more than we have in the past because of the extensive history class I took prior to the trip. We had fun going back and forth about certain subjects with all of our trivia.

On the left side of the bottom row we have our littlest traveler, Thing3. Thing3 is my youngest sister, she’s 8 (or as she tells everyone 8 and a half). She is a competition dancer (and very talented if I might brag) and recently got into the honors program at her school. Her favorite parts of the trip were probably eating crepes in Paris and seeing all the Princess Kate related things in London.

Next to her is me, Thing1. I’m 16 years old and love to plan trips and write trip reports to keep the memories fresh in my head. When I’m not in school take and teach dance classes, am on the speech team and the mathletes team and am in the tech crew for our drama department as well as work for the theater program after school. My favorite part of the trip was seeing Westminster Abbey because it brought the royal wedding to life for me.

Beside me is my cousin, Kay. Kay is 14 years old but quick to mention she’ll be 15 next month. She loves animals of all kinds (recently they had 11 cats because she kept bringing strays home), running track and being in the plays and musicals at her school. Her favorite parts of the trip were eating macaroons and seeing the Eiffel Tower.

Rounding out our group is my other sister, Thing2. Thing2 was 12 when we left on the trip but came home 13. She plays the piano, percussion in her school band and is an a choir program outside of school. She loves fashion, making Paris a very exciting destination for her.

Now that we have introductions out of the way, let’s go over a few more details!
Who: We covered that!

What: A trip to London and Paris

When: June 12th – 30th

Where: London and Paris

Why: Part of the reason we took the trip was for Aunt C and Uncle R’s 25th anniversary. However, another reason was just because we love traveling with them! We’ve done at least a part of a vacation with them for the past three years, going to Hawaii, Disney, Michigan and now Europe together.

If you’ve made it through all of this, I applaud you! Thank you for reading and please leave a comment to let me know you’re reading along, I don’t bite, I promise! :)
Hello! :wave2:
looking forward to reading more of your TR, sounds like you all had a great time already :)
Hello! :wave2:
looking forward to reading more of your TR, sounds like you all had a great time already :)

Hello! :wave2: Thank you for reading along; we had a fabulous time!

Looking forward to this!

Thank you for joining me! :)

More More More !

PLEASE :thumbsup2

I'm working on it! :thumbsup2 Thanks for reading along!

Really looking forward to reading you TR xx

Thank you so much! :)

Great start....looking forward to more!

Thank you! :)

So glad you are writing a trip report! Hope you had a great time! Looking forward to more installments - popcorn::

We had an amazing time! Thank you for reading! :cool1:

Look forward to reading your trippie :thumbsup2

Thank you! :)

Cant wait to read more! :)

Thank you so much! :thumbsup2


I have the first update typed and ready to go! I'm hoping I can post it within the next hour, but we're having Thing2's birthday party this afternoon so we'll see if I manage to post and complete all my chores! If it isn't up today, I promise tomorrow! Thank you for being so patient! :)
I LOVE reading your posts! I'm heading to DLP in a couple weeks and am looking more or ward to it fryer seeing the beginnings of your trip report. Can't wait to read more!
June 11th:

The day before we left started out relaxed. I got up around 9 AM and layed in bed DIS-ing for a while before getting up. Mom got a haircut in the morning and Thing2 went to her friends house to go swimming for a couple of hours. We ate leftovers and things that would go bad for lunch before picking Thing2 up around 1 PM. Its our before vacation tradition to get pedicures, so thats where we headed next. During the course of the trip we frequently said that we wished wed have waited until after the trip to get pedicures because our feet need it more now than they did then.

When we got home we finished last minute cleaning and packing. Mom took Thing2 to piano lessons and Thing3 and I stayed home to wait for Aunt C, Uncle R and Kay to arrive. They got to our house around 4 PM and we visited for a while. It was cloudy when they got to our house but by the time Thing2 got back from piano it was sunny so I drove the girls to the park. We waded in the river and played at the playground for a while before going home. Soon after that we had dinner (pasta with broccoli and bacon, bread and ice cream).

While we were eating the adults were talking about a storm supposed to be in the area for the next day. The weatherman on the news just kept saying it was supposed to be the biggest storm in a long time, which I found kind of humorous because I hadnt heard about it prior. The girls went to hang out in the basement after dinner while the adults and I watched the Cubs game (they lost 12-2). During this time we tried to print boarding passes for our flight but the site was down.

Sometime around 10 PM the girls and I got ready for bed and decided to watch Dance Moms. After the show we headed to bed, though I couldnt sleep and was up until about 1 AM. Dad told me the next morning they finally got boarding passes printed around 11:30. Not too exciting of a day except for the boarding pass issue.

June 12th:

According to my trusty trip notebook, I woke up around 8:50 AM. We all had breakfast together that morning which was Mickey waffles, eggs, sausage and fruit. After breakfast we cycled through showers and getting ready. The girls decided to do some yoga (none of them actually do yoga..) outside my bedroom door. We finished packing carry-ons and ate lunch (leftovers from dinner and some cold cuts). While we were doing our last minute checks of everything, mailing Fathers Day cards, etc. the shuttle Mom hired to drive us to the airport showed up. We loaded up the van and by 1 PM we were on the way to the airport.

We got to the airport by 1:50 but we couldnt check our bags until 2:15 so we sat and waited.

For some reason when we checked our bags we went up one at a time (as opposed to in the past when our whole family went up at once). I checked my bag in and then went to wait by Uncle R and Aunt C, whod already finished. They both had stickers on their carry-ons but I hadnt gotten one. They said that if I didnt have one on my bag it wouldnt be allowed on the plane, so I had to go back up and ask for a sticker for my bag. Not a problem, Im just glad I noticed before it was too late.

Going through security there were two lines and for some reason we split up. Our line was much faster so in the end we waited. While we were in line, however, flight attendants came up behind us (we were in their line because we got directed there). They tried to cut in front of us but the security people told them they had to wait until we were done. They didnt really take kindly to that and kept making snarky remarks. It was an uncomfortable situation to say the least!

Once wed all met back up, we walked to our gate (and there was a moving walkway!). We grabbed some space and then sat on the floor to play cards.

Around 4 PM we decided to go find some dinner before it was time to board. Aunt C, Mom and I went to Torta Frontera and got sandwiches. They were very tasty, though I didnt like the guacamole. Everyone else went to Big Bowl and got Chinese food. There was some issue with the fryer though and Thing2 and Thing3 didnt end up getting food. I wasnt there but Dad said the cashier was quite rude to him and it was just a bad situation. In the end Thing3 got a PB&J from somewhere else and Thing2 chose a different meal at Big Bowl.

While we were sitting at our gate we could see the huge storm clouds approaching and we were getting nervous.

Finally it was time to board the plane! Thing3 and I sat in a row of two seats. Across the aisle from us was Mom, Thing2 and Kay and behind them was Uncle R, Dad and Aunt C. Before we took off, it started pouring rain.

We knew wed be stuck for a while when the flight attendants passed out drinks and pretzels before wed even left the gate. In the end we were only delayed about an hour. Once wed finally taken off Thing3 and I watched part of Cars on my iPad and colored. When they brought us the dinner menu, Thing3 was quite excited because shed looked forward to eating on the plane.

I had beef stew and she ordered pasta. Mom ordered chicken I believe because I took a picture of it.

(Thing3's meal)

(My meal)

(Mom's meal)

It was decent for airplane food. The flight was a bit rough but it calmed down quickly. We were served hot chocolate after a while, which was nice.

We all (except for Kay) managed to sleep two or three hours and woke up in time to read a little more and get our breakfast box. The breakfast box had a granola bar, muffin top and a cup of orange juice. I didnt eat anything because I wasnt feeling well, but put the granola bar in my bag for later. We ended up having to circle in the air for half an hour because there wasnt room for us. Once we did land, we had to take a bus to the terminal because there wasnt a space at a gate for us. We got our luggage fairly quickly and were on our way to the train. We filled out our landing cards and went through customs (everything went smoothly) and went to baggage claim. I ate my granola bar and was feeling much better. Aunt C and Dad went and bought tickets for the Tube for us while the rest of us watched the baggage. We made our way to the train and managed to get everyone and all of the luggage on the train. Now, keep in mind, wed been awake quite a while, so we were a little slap happy. We were on the Piccadilly line headed to Cockfosters and after being on the train a few stops we couldnt help but repeat,

This is a Piccadilly line service headed to Cockfosters. Please mind the gap.

Sorry to whoever had to listen to some crazy Americans!

Once wed gotten to Kings Cross/St. Pancras (cant remember if we had to switch trains or not?), we had to find something to eat. Uncle R and Aunt C got a sandwich and some blackberries to share from a little grocery store in the station. Dad and I went to this bakery (I promise I get better at writing down names!) and got him a ham and cheese sandwich, I got an avocado, tomato, mozzarella sandwich and we got Mom and Thing2 a baguette to share. Thing3 was overtired and cranky and didnt want anything so she ate some Doritos we must have gotten back at the airport. Kay was also not feeling any of the choices so she at the other half of Thing3s PB&J from dinner.

Once we finished eating, we checked in for the Euro Star. Going through security and customs was&an adventure to say the least! Thing3 isnt strong enough to put her bag on the conveyer belt by herself, so I always help her with it. Kay had put her bag on and was waiting to the side while I put my bag and Thing3s up too. The security officer started telling Kay, not shouting but in a raised voice, to help [her] sister. It didnt register to Kay that the comment was directed to her because we arent sisters, so she continued to stand there. It was really funny but the security person seemed angry!

There was a little bit of a debacle here because Dad had a knife in his bag. Hed brought along a picnic knife in case we wanted to have a picnic somewhere. I guess hed read it was good to take along. Issue is, the knife he picked was double the size aloud on the train. His whole suitcase had to be unpacked right then and there for them to check and make sure he wasnt trying to take any more knives through. He went and paid to check the knife and wed get it again once we got off the train. While he was doing that, Mom, my sisters and I were going through the passport check. The man didnt speak English and after Thing2 went through started gesturing wildly at me, saying something I couldnt understand. I just stood staring at him because I had no idea what was going on. I was wearing a hat at this point and apparently he couldnt identify me until Id taken it off. Once wed gotten that sorted out it was a breeze and soon we were all waiting for the train.
Within twenty minutes it was time to board and boy, were we glad to sit down! I sat next to Thing3, Kay and Thing2 sat together and each set of parents sat together. I wish I could say I read some enlightening literature or soaked up the view from the train, but in reality, I was asleep before the train started moving! Ill stop here for now, the next update should have less of me rambling and more pictures. Thank you for reading along!
Hi Thing1! I'm here now! I cannot wait to hear all about this much anticipated trip! Thing2 and Thing3 have grown up so much since your last trip report to WDW.

Also I see you now have braces- not sure if they're new- but OUCH. :sick: My brother got them a few months ago and was in agony, poor guy. :scared:
When we last left off, I was sleeping on the train to Paris. We all slowly woke up as the train was entering the station, although we were still pretty sleepy. We got all of our luggage off the train and moved to a railing where we set up what we called a home base. Mom and Uncle R stayed with the girls and I and the luggage while Dad went to pick up his knife :rolleyes2 and Aunt C moved to a quieter area to try and call Malek, the man we rented the apartment from. Aunt C was having trouble understanding him though, so Uncle R and Dad, who both speak a little bit of French, had to step in and try to help us translate. He told us to ride two different trains, go out Sortie 2 and look for a man dressed like a security guard in yellow.
I dont remember what trains we had to take exactly except for the fact that we had to take the RER A and RER B to meet Malek. We got on the first train we needed and I made the mistake of being overly cheerful and saying We havent even gotten separated. Well..I suppose I jinxed us because Dad and Thing2 didnt make it on the next train. Not a big deal, they just waited for the next one, but kind of humorous Id just commented the matter.

It was at this point that we created the Train Buddy System. It was fine that we were on two separate trains because there was a group of people left behind, not just one person. From that point on, we each had a train buddy to be responsible for. Kay and I were train buddies, Mom and Thing3, Dad and Thing2, and Uncle R and Aunt C.

When we got off the train, we pulled our luggage to a less crowded area to wait for Dad and Thing2 before we went to find Malek. Aunt C and Kay got impatient I guess so they decided to go look for him while the rest of us waited. Once we were reunited, we went out where Malek said hed meet us. A man approached Dad and asked, Are you from Cincinnati? Dad responded by asking Are you Malek? It was too funny and through the rest of the trip wed quote that moment.

We still had a slight issue though. While we had all found Malek fine, Aunt C and Kay werent there. We tried to call her but she didnt answer so Uncle R and Malek went back down into the station to look for them. After about 10 minutes we found them and all was well again. We wheeled our suitcases over to Maleks car because he said he could drive our luggage and some stuff to the apartment. We managed to fit all the luggage in the trunk, but there wasnt room for all of us. Aunt C sat up front with Malek and Mom, Thing2, Thing3, Kay and I squished into three seats in the middle row (our luggage took up the whole back row).

Since Dad and Uncle R had to take the RER A further down the line to the apartment, Malek walked them back into the station and bought them tickets and showed them where to get off. The drive to the apartment was probably half an hour but with Maleks stories and tips, it felt very short. On the drive there, we kept seeing signs for Disneyland Paris which made me quite excited for our day trip the next week.

While we were driving, Malek pointed out the bakery, grocery store and restaurant down the street from the apartment. He helped us unload our luggage and then drove to the station to pick up Dad and Uncle R.

The apartment was very nice, though it did have an odd smell to it. It was a small price to pay for the space and location however. On the first floor was Aunt C and Uncle Rs bedroom and bathroom as well as the kitchen and family room. Upstairs there was Mom and Dads room and bathroom and a room with two sets of bunk beds that the four of us girls shared.

(Aunt C and Uncle R's room)

(The stairs and part of the main room)

(The kitchen table and part of the family room)

(The kitchen)

(The family room)

(Our room. There was a window between the beds as well as a closet with space for our clothes, but we just used the closet for wet clothes or to hang up our towels)

(The upstairs bathroom)

(Mom and Dad's room)

Malek stayed for a little while and showed us the Wifi password, some maps hed marked with Metro stops and attractions and offered to take us on a nighttime tour in his car a different night since he didnt want us to be out by ourselves too late. He also said that if we came by the restaurant later that evening hed be there.
After he left, we unpacked a little bit, relaxed on the couches for a few minutes and texted our house sitter to check about storm damage. We decided we were too tired to venture too far for the evening so we walked to the restaurant down the street. Sure enough, Malek was there when we arrived.
The restaurant was slightly odd because there werent individual menus, it was on a big chalkboard that the waitress moved from table to table. As it was all in French, Malek came and read us the menu so we had a vague idea what we were ordering. Kay and I ordered Chicken St. George Supreme (Malek described it as chicken in a supreme sauce). Thing2 had pork which she said had good flavor but wasnt cooked as much as she would have liked. Thing3 just ordered fries and shared with us. Dad ordered lamb, Mom had a pork chop, Uncle R had salmon and Aunt C had duck. The food was all good!

Our parents must have been in a good mood because they let us get dessert. We ended up with some crème brulee, tiramisu and tarte tartin. On the walk back to the apartment we found some really large snails on the sidewalk.
Back at the apartment we took turns showering and climbed into bed, exhausted.
Thank you so much for reading! I know I said this last time, but there will be more pictures next update, as its not a travel day. Please leave a comment for me if youre following along.
Loving your TR, can't wait till you get to DLP :)

Thank you so much! :)

Hi Thing1! I'm here now! I cannot wait to hear all about this much anticipated trip! Thing2 and Thing3 have grown up so much since your last trip report to WDW.

Also I see you now have braces- not sure if they're new- but OUCH. :sick: My brother got them a few months ago and was in agony, poor guy. :scared:

Hi Meggie!! I'm glad you're here! Yes, they most certainly have! So have William and Rory, looking at your PTR! :)

I got my braces off in December, but yeah, I have to wear a retainer now. It doesn't hurt at all, just annoying to have in pictures. Thing2 has braces and they don't bother her too much.

Hope all is well! :)


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