Show me a lizard pic

Important note (yes, this is from an animal lover) - please watch out while you are walking and pushing strollers. We've seen way too many of these guys squooshed on the sidewalks.

This is so true especially at the Poly as they are everywhere! We didn't get any pictures of our beloved "Bob's" as we call them (long story, it's an inside joke with our family) but to us all the little lizards are "Bob's".

We saw some baby Bob's at the Poly they couldn've have been more than an inch long. Didn't snap pics or try to catch them though, just observed them and adored from afar LOL. Saw a couple in the parks but literally dozens at Poly- they have to be fast to get out of the way of those housekeeping and bell services golf carts lemme tell ya!

"Dragon. Not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing." ~Mushu
I don't mean to be gross, but if you catch them will their tail come off? I grew up in Georgia and if we tried to catch them by the tail it would come off and they grew a new one!
I know the tail of "glass lizards" will come off if you try to catch them by the tail - I had that happen to me in eastern Oregon when I tried to catch a lizard! - but I don't know if these little geckos have the same defense.

Here's one of several we caught on our trip last November. He's a little guy!

That path between the Polynesian and TTC... I call it Lizard Beach because you can't take a step without several of them running away from you.
Well me seeing a lizard is an everyday thing, unfortunately :rotfl2:

It's not that i hate them, i just hate them when they get inside your house. We have to kill them then... :/ We had one sneak in our cabinet and jumped out and landed on my dad, i probably screamed loud enough that even the whole state of FL could hear me :lmao:

They are cute little fellows but i won't ever pick one up, i've been very afraid of them since they jumped on my dad. And everytime one enters my dad just picks it up and throws it outside but if we find it lying around and try catching it for hours then we kill it. And frogs... AH! :scared1: We have a lake across our street and there are thousands when they enter the house i scream, it's usually the baby ones my cat ate one once and began to foam out of the mouth so we had to take him to a hospital. You have to be very careful living in FL :laughing: I didn't know that in some places you guys never seen them :confused3 I'd be glad to pick up a couple and send them to you guys , honestly... it's not a problem!! :lmao:
I don't mean to be gross, but if you catch them will their tail come off? I grew up in Georgia and if we tried to catch them by the tail it would come off and they grew a new one!

I believe most of them can and will pop their tail off as a defense but the tail will eventually grow back. They'll just have to endur the constant snickers and name calling from the other 'full tail' lizards until it grows back.

A great place to photograph a lot of them is at Epcot near the miniature city with the train. We love snapping pictures of the reptilian 'habitants' and as they head into the Lizard Lounge.
Not only does my dad catch them, he then puts them on his ears and walks around wearing them like earrings!!!! It's gross!
First time to post a picture on here, so I don't know if it is going to work.:confused3
These were in Epcot.

I love the lizzard on top of the guy's house - the guy looks like he's shaking his fist!
My family just thinks critters are fun, lol.

We live up here where it's rainy and cool, not many lizards but we have fun catching frogs, salamanders and garter snakes. ;)
Wow I am glad to see I am not alone in my enjoyment of these little critters. It helps with the long walks back to the room in the afternoon with ds. We have him watch for lizards. He takes this very seriously and is always excited when he spots one, no matter how often that is.
Wow... finally an interesting thread! Yeah, they'll be around all winter unless it gets down to near freezing. The brown anoles are the ones on the ground, the green anoles are usually higher in the trees. We have a lot of them around our gardens, on the lanai screen, side of the house, in the trees, etc.

Yeah, the tails will come off if they are frightened, sometimes they don't even have to be touched. Be careful when you pick them up, they can carry salmonella. Only the males do the "throat thing", usually red with yellow but I've also seen white with red edge with yellow spots. Puffing the throat is said to attract the ladies, but to other lizards, it looks like they have a big fearsome mouth.
This little guy was on DW's shoulder as we were exiting one of the parks. From the way she reacted, you'd have thought Godzilla himself was stalking her. She made me get it off her before I could get a picture of it still on her shoulder, so here's one of it on my hand. Must have been all of a week old.

Wow... finally an interesting thread! Yeah, they'll be around all winter unless it gets down to near freezing. The brown anoles are the ones on the ground, the green anoles are usually higher in the trees. We have a lot of them around our gardens, on the lanai screen, side of the house, in the trees, etc.

Yeah, the tails will come off if they are frightened, sometimes they don't even have to be touched. Be careful when you pick them up, they can carry salmonella. Only the males do the "throat thing", usually red with yellow but I've also seen white with red edge with yellow spots. Puffing the throat is said to attract the ladies, but to other lizards, it looks like they have a big fearsome mouth.

Thanks for the info. I take it by your name you are a fan of the lizard. I live in MI so any time I see one here it is in a tank.


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