Shuttergirl taking on the US hehe - NOW WITH some PHOTOS See Post 1 for links

Have a great trip Ms.Shuttergirl. Looking foward to hear what you think of NY the second time around, and about your adventures at WDW.

We flew out 170 days ago - to do the same trip. We were loking at all the photos last night wishing we were going back this school holidays.
Oh Ms Shuttergirl, I am so excited for you as, one time not so long ago, we were both planning our first WDW trips for late 2011 and now here you are going in just a few hours!! :banana: I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to hearing all about it. Please come home with lots of tips for me :cool1:
Have a great trip Ms.Shttergirl. Looking foward to hear what you think of NY the second time around, and about your adventures at WDW.

We flew out 170 days ago - to do the same trip. We were loking at all the photos last night wishing we were going back this school holidays.

It's funny I was wondering myself just today whether it will feel different the second time. I think it will be even better. I will definitely let you know what I thought.

Oh Ms Shuttergirl, I am so excited for you as, one time not so long ago, we were both planning our first WDW trips for late 2011 and now here you are going in just a few hours!! :banana: I hope you have a fantastic time and look forward to hearing all about it. Please come home with lots of tips for me :cool1:

I know Travel Mum, aren't a lucky girl. Of course now I don't know when I will get back again but I'm hoping for some pixie dust to be sprinkled over my husband :rotfl2:

Have a wonderful trip! Looking forward to seeing your awesome photos.

I will certainly be taking lots of photos, hopefully I can capture some good ones. Will definitely share when I get back.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. Will miss you all heaps.
You'd be in Sydney right about now...woo hoo! One flight down! :cool1:

(It's ridiculous how happy and excited I am about all of you who are travelling now! Don't go deserting me in January, when it's my turn!).
Oh I didn't get to say Bon Voyage! Have an absolutely wonderful time, Lisa! I can't wait to hear all about it and of course see your fabulous photos! :goodvibes
hey everyone. Well we've arrived in New York after an epic journey. 27 hours roughly from door to door. We're exhausted but glad to be here. The peak hour traffic on the way to our hotel was something to behold. I would hate to drive here and am glad we had a car and driver with a fixed price and did not have to pay for a cab.

Checked into Hilton New York at around 6.30, room is really lovely and we were given Central Park views, heaven!!!! Showered and changed and headed out to Times Square. We needed 3 things, food, phones and wireless internet. Found Best Buys (thanks aussietravellers) and got the phone and internet sorted although the guy took ages and DH and the kids were fading fast. Liv and I begged to go to Ellen's Stardust Diner and finally DH agreed. We all had burgers in some form, I had the chicken grilled sandwich which was yum and enjoyed the entertainment as always. When our server sang she sat beside my DS and he got all shy. Got some cute photos but am too tired to even contemplate looking through them yet. Ellen's was the perfect start to the trip. Its 10pm here at the moment and everyone is asleep. I'm a bit wired but after getting no sleep on the plane I need to try to get some zzzzzz's.

Ciao for now.

Luggage - this pile grew alot through the trip

Ready to spread our wings

A welcome site

Dinner at Ellen's - so many more photos of this to share but that will come later. We don't look too awful here right after no sleep for days


Walking back to hotel first night
So glad that you arrived safely! Hope you get a good night's rest and are ready to hit the streets tomorrow :). Can't wait to hear more (and of course see your fabulous pics!).
Glad to hear you made the trip ok. How exhausting!!!! Have a good rest, can't wait to hear more.
How exciting to have arrived and also to have another live report. Waiting in anticipation for the next instalment!
Glad to read that you arrived safely. Hope you all got a great sleep and are now adjusted to the time zone.
hey everyone. Well we've arrived in New York after an epic journey. 27 hours roughly from door to door. We're exhausted but glad to be here. The peak hour traffic on the way to our hotel was something to behold. I would hate to drive here and am glad we had a car and driver with a fixed price and did not have to pay for a cab.

Checked into Hilton New York at around 6.30, room is really lovely and we were given Central Park views, heaven!!!! Showered and changed and headed out to Times Square. We needed 3 things, food, phones and wireless internet. Found Best Buys (thanks aussietravellers) and got the phone and internet sorted although the guy took ages and DH and the kids were fading fast. Liv and I begged to go to Ellen's Stardust Diner and finally DH agreed. We all had burgers in some form, I had the chicken grilled sandwich which was yum and enjoyed the entertainment as always. When our server sang she sat beside my DS and he got all shy. Got some cute photos but am too tired to even contemplate looking through them yet. Ellen's was the perfect start to the trip. Its 10pm here at the moment and everyone is asleep. I'm a bit wired but after getting no sleep on the plane I need to try to get some zzzzzz's.

Ciao for now.

YAY, so glad you all arrived! That drive from the airport is a nightmare, but going back at around 6am only took us 20 minutes a couple of days ago :cool1: So hopefully your journey back to the airport will not be as long :thumbsup2

Glad you found best buys. They were painfully slow when we went too :rotfl:

Looking forward to reading your updates.
Day 1 was spent shopping and walking more blocks than you could imagine. We would have walked more than 40 blocks, maybe 50 today. Wow. We spent tons of time shopping and Macy's is my new favourite department store. Bought a ton of Clinique stuff, the kids clothing floor was like a dream.
Seriously, a dream. Amazing high end brands that you would have heard of for grown up fashion, all with children's clothing lines and the prices were
astounding. We bought DS8 gorgeous Levis for $25, DD12 got some really beautiful things, a pair of Guess jeans for $29.95. I could go on and on.


We went all over then had lunch at Planet Hollywood, a fave of ours from
last time. Then we were pooped since we had all been awake since 3.30am
LOL so we came back for a sleep for 2 hours. Then we headed to 5th avenue to wander past all the shops we can't afford LOL. Went to FAO Schwarz which we all loved so much again. Great toy store. We made our Muppet, he looks a bit like Danny Zuko from Grease so the kids have called him Zuko. Loved the big piano again, that will never get old :lmao:.







We then wandered some more, everyone's legs were sore, and then we went to Appleby's for dinner, it was yummy and we got there just in time because everyone was starting to fade.

Hope we get a better nights sleep. We are off to Central Park in the
morning for breakfast at the Boathouse if possible and then a big wander. In arvo off to Madam Toussauds while DH shops and then dinner at Bubba Gumps.

We have been just going with the flow rather than following any set plan and
feel like we have seen even more of NY than we did in 6 days last time.

All the dignitaries are in town for the big UN thing and there are cops
ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE. On every corner it's madness. There must be quite a few staying here at the Hilton too because there are swarms of cops
outside the hotel too.

So for now things are going very well but we need the sleep thing to settle down.

Some other images from today:-




View from our room at the Hilton


I think one of my favourite things about NYC is the walking! We walked everywhere :).

Enjoy Madame Tussaud's! That was a highlight for us :).
We had another ordinary night, wow it's a problem. We headed off to Central Park bright and early with the plan to eat brekky at the Boathouse. The park was beautiful, lots of joggers around and lots of dogs. IMagine our surprise to get to the Boathouse and find dogs absolutely everywhere and most off their leash which I found astonishing. I like dogs but am not crazy mad for them and I really dislike it when people have their dogs off their leads. I know many people are confident that their dogs are well trained and will behave but unfortunately our children get a little anxious around dogs they don't know and it annoys me when people let their big dogs wander up and jump and lick with no thought to the children's reaction. The family sat down and I lined up to order and while I was waiting, dogs were having full on snarling fights with each other and the owners were just sitting there drinking their lattes not worrying too much. After a while I looked over at my husband and knew he was thinking the same as me so we got the hell out of there, hungry or not we couldn't have stayed.

I've got lots of beautiful photos from here but haven't edited them yet.



We ended up eating at a little deli that I had found online in my research for cheap eats before we left.


Then DH went off shopping and the kids and I came back to the room for an hour while I did some handwashing and they did some writing and drawing and zoned out for a while. Then we headed to Madam Tussauds Wax Museum which was alot of fun again. Love it. At the end the kids got to make their own super hero movie which was priceless, they had so much fun doing it and I giggled my head off watching them.












We did a bit of souvenier shopping, shared our first slice of New York pizza, then hit M&M World. We all enjoyed that, although I was a little shocked when the purchases of m&ms were rung up and I saw the total :scared1::scared1:. Ouch. It's best not to discuss how much, although the kids bags were ridiculously full :lmao:.



These little Alvin and the Chipmunks were a lifesaver. They kept DS busy ever spare moment and out of his sister's hair.


We came back for a nap which was not supposed to be long but ended up being nearly 2 hours. 'I swear we could've all slept for 8 hours if we hadn't set an alarm. The alarm kept going off for ages and then DD would hit snooze and we'd all just fall asleep again. That is unheard of for our family, very light sleepers as a rule.

Then we headed to Toys R Us which is just simply not as good as FAO Schwarz, although the ferris wheel is obviously pretty cool.

Then the moment I had been waiting for, dinner at Bubba Gumps. I have dreamed about this meal for a year. The Bourbon St. Mahi Mahi served on potato mash is out of this world and i knew it would be heaven. My DH decided to have it too which made me nervous because I had really talked this meal up, what if he didn't like it? WellI needn't have worried, it was sensational again and he is now a fan. I'm not kidding when I say I'm thinking about going there again on our last night :rotfl2:



We were going to go to Hoboken tomorrow to Cake Boss but a friend of ours was just there recently and he said the line was a kilometre long to get in the door. I was nervous about this but had promised DD we'd go so was just going to persevere with it. We discussed it with her tonight as we didn't want her to be disappointed if we couldn't get in and she felt it wasn't worth the risk to go all that way and perhaps not be able to get in so we have decided to skip it. In a way I'm relieved because we had planned to catch the subway there and to be honest I'm a little nervous about the subway. And I think the whole family is kind of liking just wandering and shopping and not having too many commitments to get to, we are liking the "holiday, take it easy factor" alot this time, as opposed to the epic fast pace journey of last year.

So I've given myself permission not to obsess about trying to do everything we had hoped and we will just do whatever takes our fancy each day. How liberating :rotfl:.

We think we may go to Wall Street area tomorrow for a little wander and then head to Anthony Bourdain's restaurant around there somewhere. We watch his show on Foxtel and love it and have heard from friends that the food is amazing so since we love yum food it will be worth the trek alone.

I have to mention the crazy traffic again, it's insane. I would not drive here EVER!!!!!!!!! And the crazy New Yorkers who don't take red lights seriously and just walk across roads in front of cars like it's no big deal. We have also seen two little fender benders but noone even blinks or gets out of the car, if it's just a little bump, they just move on with their lives and don't even get annoyed. Imagine that in Australia, there would be a complete row over it.

DH is still not loving the cabs here so we have walked everywhere so far. My feet are making me nervous. After the blistered feet from hell nightmare that was my trip last year, I have purchased every sock, shoe, bandaid, cream etc that is available to me to ensure no trouble with them. We have only just finished our 2nd day and I can feel things are going to go downhill and I am kind of freaking out. My plan is to change up my footwear, sneakers during the day and sandals at night. The main problem is my feet don't like being enclosed in socks and sneakers, they get too hot and moist and then blisters occur so I'm just really going to have to watch this because if I think I'm walking alot now, imagine once I hit WDW.

I've been taking tons of food porn and lots of photos but I don't have the energy to edit and share them, that will be later after the trip is over.

Hope you are all doing well.


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