slo’s MONDAY 3/6 poll - Packing For Vacation

Packing for vacation

  • I’m a woman - I pack the day I leave

    Votes: 14 11.0%
  • I’m a man - I pack the day I leave

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • I’m a woman - I pack a few days before I leave

    Votes: 51 40.2%
  • I’m a man - I pack a few days before I leave

    Votes: 11 8.7%
  • I’m a woman - I pack a week or more before I leave

    Votes: 22 17.3%
  • I’m a man - I pack a week or more before I leave

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • I’m a woman - It’s different all the time

    Votes: 17 13.4%
  • I’m a man - It’s different all the time

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • I don’t go on vacations/travel

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Other - please post your answer

    Votes: 7 5.5%

  • Total voters


My tag used to say - I'm a Tonga Toast Junkie 😁
Feb 28, 2004
How far in advance do you pack for a vacation?

For Me…..About 5 days in advance.
Packing stresses me out - it always has :headache:
We’re leaving Saturday for a week in Melbourne, FL to watch my DD19 and her college softball team (no polls that week). I’m only packing a carry on suitcase which is stressing me out even more - LOL! That case has been sitting open on the guest room bed for a week now and does have items packed in it. I‘m planning on finishing my packing tonight, so the only things left on Saturday morning will be essentials and the cords for charging all my devices.
I get suitcases out 2 weeks before and start putting the easy things in.....toiletries, underwear, nightgowns, tooth stuff. Then slowly do the clothes.
And my backpack for carry on gets done slowly too.

Edited to agree with Kitty......list is first!! My list for our trip in 3 weeks has been made for about 3 weeks. I add things, edit things, as I go along
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Woman - night before if I’m leaving early morning which I usually do but if my some rare chance I’m leaving late afternoon or evening it’s that day
I hate to pack so no one comes near me and everyone avoids me ( I may be a bit crabby I’ve been told )
I have an extensive packing list and already picked out my clothes - so it’s just a matter of putting it in my packing cubes
I’ve already ordered groceries etc so not a lot to pack I just hate doing it
When my kids wee little and I had to pack for them I packed days in advance for them and I still packed night before
Often I’m up until 2am getting no sleep since I have to leave at 4 am to go to airport for trip having dragged my feet about packing and no I can’t sleep on a plane - do I learn from this ?? No I do not actually I get worse over the years 🤣🤣
Maybe I’ll make this a goal for me to work on this !! I’ll ponder this !!

Edit - I’ve been gathering items for my trip the minute I booked it / it’s the packing I have the mental problem with / I have the stuff and know what I want it’s just packing it that’s the problem
Depends on the trip.

I have a travel kit (toothbrush, hairbrush, contacts, band-aids, book light...) that just stays packed and gets restocked after I get home.

For a big trip (especially to a different climate) I tend to designate a laundry basket really early for things specific to the vacation that I don't need in daily life. I throw in things that I buy for the trip as well.

Then I lay out clothes two or three days ahead, and actually pack the suitcase the day before we leave. I have a checklist in the computer that I print out and follow.

And of course there are always a few things (like make-up and chargers) that go in the backpack after I've used them in the morning.
I drag out my big suitcase a few days before the trip and look through what is in it (I always leave some stuff in there) and see what needs to be replaced. I pack my clothes and toiletries just before I leave for the airport. If I am driving somewhere, I just use two small duffels instead of the large suitcase.
I’m a woman who definitely packs a few days before. Now when we go away every year to rent a beach house where we have to bring sheets, towels etc I start probably 2 weeks ahead of time. I find it stressful.
We don't care if we are wearing a same color shirt and jeans every day of the trip. Just give me 4 shirts, 4 pants, sets of underwear, etc. No worries of matching outfits, dressy shoes for a dinner. The medical stuff is more of a concern. That is packed last day and triple checked.
We have our cases constantly prepped - there's things we only wear in Florida so they permanently live in the cases. When we get something new - it goes in the case. Only things we have to pack just before are our toiletries.
I usually pack a day or so before I leave. That said, I leave for WDW Thursday and I have some things laid out but nothing in my carry on yet!! 🎒
picked other. I"m a woman, but I wait until close to the last minute, but usually the day/night before. I ALWAYS make a 'do not forget' lists, and stuff is not scratched off until it is in a case/car. but mostly don't actually open a suitcase until late the night before. Sometimes day of....if leaving later in the day
Hope you have a great and safe trip!!!
I pack the day of or if we're leaving very early, I'll pack the night before. Even if I make lists my anxiety starts telling me I've forgotten something, so I will unpack everything and repack it if I start too early.
It varies but usually we have early flights and have to leave for the airport at some ungodly hour. Bags are mostly packed the day before but still open; the toiletries and electronics go in just before we head out the door.
I used to love packing, was meticulous about it. In the last few years, my ADHD has manifested the opposite now and I can't do it until like 10 minutes before and it stresses me out SO much. Never know what to pack, etc.

My son will be down in Melbourne, too, watching his girlfriends sister play college softball down there, too! She goes to school somewhere in Iowa 🤷‍♀️

Small world!
I try to get most of the packing done the night before and finish up the day of (last minute things like toiletries). It can depend on what time I'm leaving, too. With a morning flight I make sure I'm 99% done before bed, but with an evening flight I'm more lax and do more packing day-of.
Usually day before. Generally early flights, at least going to destination. Returning home, usually later flights, generally pack same day. Toiletries bag mostly always ready to go... meds. shaver, tooth brush, a few OTC remedies, etc. I hate packing.


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