Something About Nothing ... #12

You talking about your wedding dress or just a dress?

Food poisoning is a quick way to lose weight...
Seriously, hope you are better now
My wedding dress. I bought a second one today. Hoping I can sell the first. We'll see.
Unfortunately I lost zero weight during this batch of foot poisoning. There was no upside to the feeling bad. :( Oh well, guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
Today has been a good and bad sort of day. The bad - I got to work and the spaces where I normally park were full. I parked in a different space. Under a tree. My car needed some serious washing.
The good - B passed the writing portion of her English SOL. (Mandatory state testing, and yes, they are really called that.) English has always been her weak subject, but she’s come a long way. Now she just needs to take the reading SOL and history SOL and she is done with them forever.

Tink - Hope you are having some nice days off.

TinyD - Hope you are feeling better and you are able to sell that dress.

Keisha - Fortunaely the power loss was at my office and not at home. I don’t have much food in the freezer right now, so it wouldn’ t have been much of a loss it we had lost power at home. B’s piano teacher is still without power and has a tree on her house.

Pattty - Hope you get better weather soon.

MonyK - Hope the hen is better now.

Macraven - Sometime you just need a day where you don’t do much of anything.

Lynne - I would send you some of our warmer weather if I could.

Yikes, I didn’t realize how late it is. I should get some sleep. Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment with my doctor about the latest kidney stone.
Well, it's over but not entirely. The IRS website had a crash this morning and we have over 50 tax returns held "somewhere'. I will check in tomorrow. i don't go back until next Thursday. Sunday is my ADR day for WDW. I have a few days of reprieve starting.....tomorrow.
I was thinking of you today since it is “tax day”

I saw that about the crash and wondered if you were twitllng your thumbs ....
Kidney stones?

That has to be painful
I hope you have good news with the doctor tomorrow and won’t have to go through surgery

Keep us posted how you are doing
Take a day off and I miss loads.......

Tink, glad you had a nice day with your friend, time with friends is precious.....and glad you got your flights booked!!!

MonyK......sorry about the chicken, hope she comes through it......

Janet......think that`s one of the reasons we don't have pets........I like to sleep and not be disturbed........I know on a cold wet miserable morning I don't have to get up to take a pooch for a walk..........I`m kinda lazy.......

mac........oh I`ve had days like that.......waiting in and getting nothing done.......(frequently) but sometimes days like that are good for excuse and I`m sticking to it.........:D

Lynne.......more snow? Guess you`re used to it though.......we are finally heating it......but it won`t last, it never does.

:wave2: to those I missed......

Had a weird day yesterday.....felt very shivery and hot.....went to bed for the afternoon and slept for hours. Felt better. Went to bed and woke around 1am burning up, shivering and achy.......weird. Legs, arms and face were all burning to the touch........Got some paracetemol which brings down temps.........finally got back to sleep around 5am......and got up at 7 for some reason.........hate feeling poorly.

So, a lazy day today........don't have much to do anyway..........

Have a great Wednesday...........
Word of the week, Camel. Yes, Camel, because: upload_2018-4-18_6-51-33.jpeg Yes, ladies and gents, it's that day of the week to celebrate the middle of the work week, so two more days, your are over the hump,and the week-end starts. And for you coffee drinkers:

Ah Spring, when the morning and evening is, well, cool. 37 out, but close to 60 for the few hours of the afternoon. Last night, a frost warning was issued, expect one tonight too.

Think, yay, for flight booked.

TinyD, oh no, I am sure you can sell the other dress. I hope you get what you paid for it. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Yeah, I think my scale lies, I never seem to loose weight when sick.

Charade, yeah, I have 4 favorite parking spots, and when they are taken, I'm annoyed. Today, is 3rd spot. I hope your kidney stone is not giving you any pain. I hope they can get rid of it soon.

Agavegirl, heard the news that the IRS website had crashed. Hope you were able to file the remaining returns yesterday afternoon, or this morning. IRS should have known better. Last minute fillers is not a new phenomenon. And yay, your ADR start on Sunday means 6 months until vacation. That deserves a Wahoo too.

Schumi, sorry to hear you were feeling so bad yesterday. I hope your day of rest is just that, resting, and feeling better.

With that, hoping to see some pictures from Buckeev, and other homies who'd like to share.

I need tea, lots of tea. Finally bought a box and remembered to take it, no more of that awful blueberry tea, that does not taste like blueberry. And ewww, blueberry. At least the strawberry and mix berry were better tasting. Did I say I like tea? Black tea and sometimes Earl Gray are my favorite. The two times I traveled in England, I came home with tea. ::yes::

Morning. Somber morning as our hen died last night. She was our middle kids pet and she is taking it hard- been struggling this year already- have a referral to see a psychologist in a few weeks (long story why couldn't be earlier -yay to messed up gov run websites when you buy insurance on the marketplace /sarcasm off now).

Hope the wedding dress can be sold TinyD.
And hope those ailing with stones (kidney and gall) get those buggers out painlessly!

Hope you feel better Schumi. Our weird extremes in weather has most of us sniffling, no fevers thankfully.

Mac- I've had unproductive days like that. Sometimes it's nice to chill, but frustrating when you look back lol.

Yay to flights being booked. DH and I booked our return flights for may (when we go to drop DD off for second program)- on Allegiant. Week before the news on them came out. But it's the only direct flight into our town (without having to drive 2-4 hours). And other flights on major carrier would cost 3 x as much and take 3-4x as long. We've never had issues (knock wood).

And tea- my oldest loves loves tea. Has quite a collection and has her favorites from various tea houses in different states. She found one by her college in Arkansas that she will bring a book on nice days and just chill for a couple hours and drink a pot or two of tea!

At least we don't have snow in forecast this week?

RIP sweet Autumn


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Aww, sorry to hear pet Autumn is no more. Hard to loose a pet, and sends lots of hugs to MonyK's middle kid. It's okay to be sad over losing a pet, but know, memory of her is always, and happy times will come.
Monyk- I'm so very sorry about Autumn! :grouphug: out to you and your family and special prayers to your child!

Schumi- Hope you feel 100% soon!! Take it easy today!!

Lynne- Nice cup of tea sounds wonderful!

Charade- Hope all goes well at the doctor today!

Happy Hump Day everyone!!

I'm not talking much about our weather today! :( Let's just say it's another day I'm having hot soup for lunch!
Monyk, sorry to hear about your Autumn passing ...more hugs for you and your daughter :grouphug: I hope she gets the help that she needs, it's hard to be a kid in today's world. I think our generation had it easier without the pressure of social media and the internet.

Carole, hope you get lots of rest today and feel better soon.

Charade, good luck with your kidney stones....hope the doctor can blast them away.

TinyD...Ebay is you can sell that dress.

Agavegirl, glad you're getting a break and maybe the IRS will get it together soon so you can concentrate on the important trip plans and talking to us.

Lynne, my oldest likes tea...we have dozens of boxes from all the ones she's tried and didn't like. I have to get her to trash them occasionally since they take over all the available pantry space.

Hang in there patty, it will be spring soon :sunny:

Happy camel day to all :flower1:
Slow morning at work today. It’s amazing how having one therapist on vacation changes the whole dynamic of the office.

Agavegirl - I hadn’t heard about the IRS crash. I’m thankful we had our taxes submitted weeks ago.

Macraven - Yes, kidney stones. It’s what sent me to the hospital last Sunday. This one hasn’t been as bad as the last time. The last one involved infections, stints, and a couple of overnight stays in the hospital.

Schumi - Hope you are better today.

Lynne - No pain since I left the hospital.

MonyK - I am so sorry to hear about the hen. Hugs to your daughter.
Sadly, getting in to see a psychologist or therapist can be difficult even when you have standard insurance. My boss is usually completely booked at least 3-4 months out.

Almost time to go see the doctor.
We have a sunny day, and yet, still need that winter coat. Cool breeze or wind? only making it feel even chillier.

So happy to hear tea fans out there. I drink it mostly at work, but sometimes at night when it's cool, and always on the week-end. Older one will drink iced tea, little one, no tea hot or cold, and DH, sometimes, usually either, if a cup is not finished.

Glad to hear you are home from the hospital and not in pain Charade.

Hey Tink, hope your day has been a good one so far.

MonyK, hope all are doing okay. Sending more hugs.

Keisha, hello! How's that leg doing? Still shocked that dog owner was such a ....

Mac, hope all is well in your warmer weather. Cats behaving?

Oh, and Keisha, may be visiting Pitt next month. If you can give a call one of these days, I'd like to pick your brain on where to stay.

Sigh, more tea. :coffee: ::yes::

I'm thinking of changing our arrival at RPR from December 11 to the 7th. They charge for a change don't they? Of course I could just cancel the one and book again.


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