Something About Nothing ... #12

Good evening everyone. How is it July already? We have no plans for the 4th. I guess I should do that shopping that I didn’t do yesterday

How hot will it get? 99 for us.
Wow. We didn’t get quite that hot, but close.

Little one already looks like she is dark tan. Ah, both kids got my DH’s dark Mediterranean skin. Little one is closer to DH’s color than older one. Pasty white for me.
I used to tan when I was younger. Now I just burn. I try to stay out of the sun as much as possible.

DH has cardinal ballgame tickets on his bday - it's in August. A day game. No one wants to go :rolleyes1. Stl heat is brutal in August!
I can understand not wanting to sit through a game during the summer. When we lived in Miami I bought my husband tickets to the Florida State/Miami football game for our anniversary. The game was in October, but it was still so hot out that I decided not to go with him. I was also 8 months pregnant at the time.

Kyle's 25th birthday is July 3
Happy birthday Kyle. One of my friends has 2 daughters (not twins) that were born on July 3.

I cut my leg very bad the other day and it's starting to look infected! Going to leave the wound open today and put hydrogen peroxide on it and see how it does.
Prayers for quick healing.

I twisted my ankle while coming in from our utility house and wound up in a heap on the pavers.
Oh no. Another member of our team on the DL. Hope you are better soon.

B and I decided to go out to the Appomattox Courthouse today. Since we were just at Fort Sumpter, it seemed the thing to do. B has been once when she was in elementary school, but I have never been there. We didn’t stay too long since it was so hot. We also went out to James River State Park. Five years ago B planted a tree there when she was working on a Girl Scout badge. We decided to go back today and see how the tree was doing.

Yesterday I got the proofs for B’s senior yearbook pictures. Now is the difficult process of choosing one.
Hope you enjoyed the pool janet......I’m sure you ended up there........have that cocktail for me.......:D

Sounds like a nice afternoon get togethers are lovely!

Mac.....yep, I’ll bet they had pool time too..........wish I was there with them.........::yes::

Charade.......can’t remeber if I mentioned to you before, but I used to tan beautifully......went as brown as a berry........then after I had Kyle something changed and I just burn now if I’m not careful........even in this country where the sun isn’t as strong, I can burn easily. It’s no fun.........hope you get your shopping sorted out.......clothes shopping can be fun and a success or downright depressing!!!

Another gorgeous day here........loving this!!!! Should be like this till at least till we go on our trip........

Did pop out to refresh groceries this morning........came home and there was a delivery trying to get in for was some clothes I had sent for and the other package was something my husband did look at me strangely when I told him what I had ordered...........

Ladies, have you ever looked at your closets and thought some of those hangers are, I counted how many I needed :blush: and ordered a whole new load of padded hangers, matching colours and they will look lovely inside my closets..........that will be a little job for me later when the sun has gone down.........and dump the older ones. Will move on to Tom’s closets next.......although I doubt he’ll want coloured padded silky ones........:rotfl:

Chicken salad wraps for lunch and barbecue will be utilised again tonight.........

Rest of day will be in the garden..........lazing around.........

Have a great Monday............:wave2:

Good Morning. When your kid says it's hotter and sweatier than Florida, you know it's hot. A matching 99 high temperature today, with just a bit of humidity to make it feel like it's 107 out. A toasty second day of July.

For those of our Canadian homies, I hope you had a happy Canada Day.

Charade, I'm still waiting for little one's senior picture proofs. She heard will be in my email maybe this week. I'm still amazed she's going be a high school senior. Was talking to one of my cousin's that has kids in the same 4 year spread as I have, and her kids are 4 years older than mine. We both remarked, we're not that old, right? LOL Time is a flying.

Tink, hope your ankle is feeling better.

Patty, hope your cut is clean, and healing fast.

Mac, hope you are feeling well, and watching those ball games, inside with the AC on.

Schumi, glad your closet looking lovely. I buy hangers every so often, as they seem to disappear or are used outside, and left outside. Sounds like a really nice day, to laze around, and enjoy our garden.

upload_2018-7-2_7-15-4.jpeg - Keisha. Hope your trip is fabulous. And you got a swim in that clown pool.

So, all you homies,
If you don’t get around to washing your clothes, do the Mac way

Buy new clothes ....:rolleyes1

I like your way of thinking, Mac!!

Now I'm laying on the couch with my right foot elevated and an ice pack on my ankle.

I twisted my ankle while coming in from our utility house and wound up in a heap on the pavers.

So I will definitely be chilling today.

Ow! Hope you are better soon! We're dropping like flies with leg injuries!

Totally loving this heatwave we are having........and it’s to stretch into next couple of weeks :D We are not used to this at all.........

Yep - no complaints here! I complain enough in the snow so cannot complain about Florida heat at home!

Oh Patty, clean out, then apply antibiotics. Hope your cut heals fast.

Eek, sprained ankle no fun Tink. I hope you feel better quick.

Hot hot hot, and neither a breeze. I am in the shade.

Thanks, Lynne! Looking a little better today, will keep putting on meds and keep it open. I think having it covered with bandages in this heat hasn't helped.

You're in the heat wave, too!!

Up since 3 am to catch hotel shuttle to airport. I am an oozy ball of nasty. Everest and hope to talk gang into hitting clown pool

Yay! Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear the details!

Happy birthday Kyle. One of my friends has 2 daughters (not twins) that were born on July 3.

Happy B-Day to the girls! My sister also has a July 3 birthday!

Prayers for quick healing.

Thx Charade!

Happy Monday all!! Another scorcher here! We know cold and snow but not heat here! We have heat advisories scrolling over the highway traffic signs and opened cooling shelters because our temps are over 90!
It looks like we will get some rain today

I don’t mind but it means extra lawn mowing then
It looks like we will get some rain today

I don’t mind but it means extra lawn mowing then

Don’t believe I’m saying this but we could be doing with some rain.........

In the 80’s here and that’s been about a week now, and no change for the foreseeable.........

Will put the sprinklers on tonight, just over the lawned areas anyway.

It is hot!! Tom just walked up to the house to get some more iced water........told him we need an outside fridge down here..........I got the “are you kidding me” look.........:laughing: That’ll be a no then.........


Think how lovely your grass will look though Mac with the rain.........:D
Me and my big mouth.

Load of cooling cloud just rolled could feel the drop in temperature.........weird........

Can’t quite decide if it’s going to get thicker or sun will be back full tilt in 5 minutes.........
No rain for us, lots of blue skies and very bright out. Sweaty walk for lunch. Was glad to be in AC for a little while. Had to get an iced coffee, after the walk. Rain will come with the thunderstorms predicted to be from the fight of the low, cool weather system, trying to push out our high, tropical weather system. Saying some might be severe. Hey, at least only a random thunderstorm, mostly North and West of me, for 4th of July afternoon/evening. The 4th will be our 5th day of temps in the 90's. Then Thursday and Friday, low 80's. What a way to end this holiday week.

Grass will grow like crazy when rain comes later this week. All are baking right now.

Hope your weather improves Schumi.

Hey Mac! And you mow? LOL
Me mow?

I hire it out with a company
I have a lot of land
3/4 of an acre to mow

This year they started end of January and hope the last mow will be November.....just depends on the weather/temps

First year we were here nye was 79 degrees so mowing came early for us

Mr Mac mowed until we hired out for the lawn
Been on the Dis reading other stuff, so thought I should say "Hi". Need to stop procrastinating now and get some errands done!
Hey MonyK, hope all, including those chicken egg laying ladies, are doing well.

So hot, even the trees seem to be wilting. Very little breeze too.
It is not nearly as hot with heat index less the past few days. Was downright pleasant on boat saturday evening. Have some cloud/sun today so not as brutal.
Cuddle chicken has been in and out all morning. She did come in for nap on son too (i swear she was a cat in a previous life the way she snuggles with him) but she's been sneaking in if door doesn't shut fast enough.
Errands done, now researching zucchini recipes...have to get some calcium worked into soil by tomatoes too-have bottom rot which is usually a calcium transport problem. Planted them in a different bed this year.
Laundry started...only 3 days of work this week and 1 next week.

DD went to cast connections today, thinking we are gonna end up shipping things home so we can fit into car. Really need to restrain myself from buying more LOL.
Happy Monday everyone. DH finished his final walk through of his job and has a few hours of work tomorrow. Then, it's up to the lake house for us until next week sometime. It will be Wednesday at the latest though. Our Air Conditioner at the Townhouse died over the weekend while we were gone so the soonest we could get it looked at Wednesday July 11th. It's 86 and sunny for the next week. Good thing we got this layoff when we did.

Dark Shadows was very creepy but I watched it faithfully. I also like the old Universal horror movies and still watch them on Svengoolie on METV. The show is out of Chicago and airs on Saturday nights.

Keisha, have a great trip!

Charade, good luck finding something to wear. I do not like shopping. I buy most things online and send back what doesn't work. Of course, that's mostly because I can't walk farther than 90 feet.

Patty, heal fast...that sounds painful. You too Tink (but not too fast, you want to take advantage of laying around with beverage delivery service).

Stay cool everyone!
Mr Mac decided this morning he would trim some of our flowering bushes and small trees

Next time I will hire a professional

Right now we are in separate rooms on our devices
It rained here long enough to water the flowers so I didn't have to.

My ankle held up okay at work. It's still swollen and has now turned all kinds of pretty colors. I'm under orders from Danielle to stay on the couch and text her if I need anything.

Patty, hope your leg is healing well.

Woohoo for keisha at the Boardwalk...but I'm not so keen on the creepy clown pool.

Rut roh mac...did mr mac prune too much?

Have a wonderful night everyone...I'll be on the couch watching the Braves game :goodvibes
Yes Tink

Days like this make me get real bad thoughts

But in the other hand, plants grow fast here due to the heat

Enjoy the game and keep your foot elevated
Mr Mac decided this morning he would trim some of our flowering bushes and small trees

Next time I will hire a professional

Right now we are in separate rooms on our devices
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: sorry (not sorry), this just sounds so familiar-especially when he tries to "help" in my garden and ends up pulling up my vegetable plants...

My ankle held up okay at work. It's still swollen and has now turned all kinds of pretty colors. I'm under orders from Danielle to stay on the couch and text her if I need anything.

Patty, hope your leg is healing well.
ugh hope both are healing well. Sprained ankles are especially insidious.

Did my nails (4th of July style!) then remembered I needed to clean the hens' had the boy scrub the waterers and refill the food.

And had DD book AKV for our last 2 nights this August. Now just need to keep it a surprise for DH for anniversary...but she gets such a fab rate as CM it may truly be only time I can afford to stay here.

Fireworks going off everywhere around us - planning street/block party on the 4th. Will be zucchini something contributed on my part.

Work tomorrow.

Hit 100 days until cruise.
Summer seems to be going by quite fast!!
Boardwalk-hmmm-hope Keisha and fam was able to get to Ample Hills Creamery-as Schumi would say-lush ice cream.
Tink, rainbow ankles are usually a sprain. Good for you for getting up on it. That may be best. Good luck. (I've sprained my ankle so much I lost count.)

Mac, I am too cheap to hire a professional for trimming things but I will definitely hire tree removal people. DH does a half way decent job on shrubbery.
I’m not really sure if I should say good evening or good morning. I should be sleeping now but made the mistake of napping this afternoon. I was really busy at work for a change. I am really concerned about one of our clients. She is severely depressed and possibly suicidal. She was supposed to have an appointment this afternoon, but ended up in the hospital instead. Sometimes it’s not easy working in a counseling office. I don’t Know how the therapists do it every day.

Ladies, have you ever looked at your closets and thought some of those hangers are, I counted how many I needed :blush: and ordered a whole new load of padded hangers, matching colours and they will look lovely inside my closets..........that will be a little job for me later when the sun has gone down.........and dump the older ones. Will move on to Tom’s closets next.......although I doubt he’ll want coloured padded silky ones........
I totally get it. I am in the process of switching all of my hangers to the flocked style.

Charade, I'm still waiting for little one's senior picture proofs. She heard will be in my email maybe this week. I'm still amazed she's going be a high school senior. Was talking to one of my cousin's that has kids in the same 4 year spread as I have, and her kids are 4 years older than mine. We both remarked, we're not that old, right? LOL Time is a flying.
We got our proofs via snail mail. Now I just need to figure out what to order. Each one of us chose a different pose as our favorite.

Happy Monday everyone. DH finished his final walk through of his job and has a few hours of work tomorrow. Then, it's up to the lake house for us until next week sometime. It will be Wednesday at the latest though. Our Air Conditioner at the Townhouse died over the weekend while we were gone so the soonest we could get it looked at Wednesday July 11th. It's 86 and sunny for the next week. Good thing we got this layoff when we did.
Oh no. Glad you have someplace else to stay while the a/c is out.

Charade, good luck finding something to wear. I do not like shopping. I buy most things online and send back what doesn't work. Of course, that's mostly because I can't walk farther than 90 feet.
I procrastinated too long and now I am going to have to go to the mall. I think I would enjoy shopping more if I had a different body to shop for,

Mac, I am too cheap to hire a professional for trimming things but I will definitely hire tree removal people. DH does a half way decent job on shrubbery.
Yes, please hire a professional for tree removal. My brother-in-law tried to help a neighbor cut down a tree and it did not end well.

Continued well wishes for our injured members. I’m going to try to get some sleep now.


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