Something About Nothing ... #12

Very quick drive by..........

Will look out for you Squirlz in next few days.......

It feels good to be home!!

Had fabulous flight over, very short at just over 8 hours 20 minutes........although Orlando immigration certainly takes away the time you make up!!

Hotel is beautiful all decorated for Christmas........

Got checked in and went up to say to the Lovely Club staff that were working........sat for a while then ate in Jakes........fabulous!

Slept well and about to head for breakfast then out for the parks today.....Kyle is heading for Cheesecake Factory........then the eye. Palm for dinner tonight.........

Two awesome today. Lucky Squirlz feeling much better and Pooh posting a trip report entry.

What was that I heard in the wee hours of this morning? Rain? Ah joy. Plastic bags will be in the car. Those cleats will be not so clean. Yep, round three on the road. Ready soon.

At least we got home at a decent hour yesterday. I need that washer that has a mini drawer for small loads. Eh, maybe should have left uniform unwashed. Oh well, clean for the drive over is fine.

Big cup of tea. It is damp and cool. Here is hoping for some sun soon. Just above freezing now. An not so warm 27 was the low last night.

Enjoy your Sundays homies.

Keisha, hope all was fun and back safely.

Schumi, glad to here trip is starting off well, and safe travels were had too.

Ah, time to be a mean mom, teens or at least my little one does not think speed in getting ready is important.

I need more tea. :rockband:
Its Sunday and my tv show is on

Good morning homies
Hope the two get to meet up during their stay
That would be cool
Ah Sunday night. It was a long day. Little one’s team won, so happy ride home. With traffic, was over an hour, so I am as tired too. My feet still are cold. Shower after dinner.

And the week is in full start. I am not looking forward to early commute tomorrow.

Hehe, little one thought the stores seemed crowded, as we passed them. Yeah, holiday shoppers like Sunday. Already longer store hours now.

I need tea.

Many say, is an unlucky number.
In Tarot cards, card number 17 is the card of the stars.
Ohio was the 17th state to join the Union in 1803.
Andrew Jackson was the 17th US. President.
Clorine has the atomic number 17
17 muscles are used to make a smile.

And I am smiling that we will be leaving in 17 more days.

Sigh, feels later than it is. DH is TV channel surfing as we wait for the ball game. Eh, I may take a shower and be in bed before the end of the game.
Spent today outside working on the flower beds
Two plants had flowers blooming

Yes been warm this past week for that to happen

Come later this week and all that will
Flowers will be dead next week

Lynne since little’s team won, does
this mean end of the season?
Congrats to her and the team!

35 more minutes and my tv show is on
The eve of another to do manage to creep around so quick?

@macraven I feel your weather pain. Being in GA, you're probably in for some of the extreme weather changes that we'll have in VA by the end of the week. I'm NOT looking forward to a high in the 30's.

@Lynne G 17 days!!! Woot woot!!!!!
Good evening. I should be going to bed right now, but I took a nap this afternoon and am now wide awake. Today began rehearsal week for B. She has a dance recital this coming weekend. I think she has some sort of rehearsal every night this week except Wednesday. Because of dance and vacation we have had to reschedule her music lessons. Thank goodness for phone calendars so I can keep up with where and when we are supposed to be.

On the downside, I feel like I am coming down with a cold. I’ve had a mild sore throat all day. I just can’t get sick this close to vacation.

Squirlz - Glad you are feeling better and you will get to take your vacation.

Chuckers- I’ll report back on the Marvel dinner. For what it costs the food better be good.

Pooh - Congrats on the grandchild! Boy or girl? I am not looking forward to the weather change at the end of the week. Our local forecast is calling for some snow on Friday.

Lynne - I made the mistake of going to Kmart today. Ours is going out of business, so it made the sopping much worse. I need to stay out of stores for the next few weeks.

Guess I should try to get some sleep now.
And yes, it is foggy. Left with 31 degrees, but will be close to 50 by this afternoon. They said it was 50 yesterday afternoon, but with the dampness, and some wind, it still felt cold. However, we'll save cold for the end of the week. High 43 and lower for Thursday and Friday, and some snow! Snow! Um, no. Rain tomorrow, so soggy be us once again.

Nice you have flowers Mac. With the hard frost a few weeks ago, not much is colorful now. Only some trees have colored leaves, and evergreens are about the only color now. With the holidays, lots of plants inside. Poor older one. Still having to take his medicine, as indoors is no fun for his allergies once plants and flowers come inside.

Charade, the two closest Kmarts near me, one closed several years ago, and yeah, I remember it kinda crazy it's going out of business sale was. However, our closest Kmart that was still open had such sparse aisles, I was not surprised to see it vacant the other day.

Mac, Hope the Walking Dead was good. Older was was going back and forth with watching that and the ball game. I watched neither. Though there was not really anything interesting and I decided to make it an early night.

Hi Keisha. Hope your return had no drama, and you're all healthy. Is the house getting ready for the holiday family visits? Hope GD is getting excited about Christmas coming soon.

Schumi and Squirlz, hope you get a DIS meet, and all are enjoying a fabulous holiday trip. So happy Kyle could make it, and Squirlz feeling so much better.

Metro, hoping all is well, and you get a DIS meet or two with Schumi. Here's hoping the last 2 weeks of December are unusually warm there, with no or very little rain.

Chuckers, yum. I'd eat that pizza. My kids don't like Red Baron pizza. They will eat frozen pizza, but not that brand. We ended up with baked potato, steamed broccoli, bacon and cheese for dinner. Little one ended up with pasta, and older one had a zap a meal, but not sure what it was. He complained that I didn't cook. Yeah, you were home all day, a meal when we arrived, starved, would have been nice. Slacker.

With that, I need tea.

Chuckers- I’ll report back on the Marvel dinner. For what it costs the food better be good.

Thanks! It is very pricey and my hopes aren't that high for good food. In my experiences, breakfast buffets are the only ones that have good food.
Happy Monday All! 21 Days until Christmas and a 5 day weekend for me! :)

All that time I worked for GameStop over the Thanksgiving weekend and they screwed up my paycheck. I got about 10 hours instead of the 25 I should have gotten. They admitted there was a problem, but I don't think I'll get that money until 2 Fridays from now. Oh well, at least I'll get it.
Happy Monday, homies! For a Monday, I'm surprisingly afraid, be very afraid. LOL!

Sorry about the messed up check, @Chuckers frustrating!

Lots to do today. Oil change to do on my car....oh, I'm not going to do it.....are you crazy? I'll be taking it to Subaru and let THEM do it. My take my laptop and knock out another TR update. Hmmm, that's actually a good idea.

Finally got our Christmas tree up yesterday. Have to get new batteries today for all the ornaments that need them.....bought new ones last year but darn if I can find them.

And now for our big news of the weekend....our first grandchild...IT'S A BOY!!! I would've been over the moon either way, but I know boys. I'm a boy mom, I have two much younger brothers....I know boys. I do have four nieces, but boys are my comfort zone. I'm so excited to start shopping! Yes, I have HP onesies from our trip......and yes, a toy wand. :cloud9:

Have a great one, homies!!
Metro, hoping all is well, and you get a DIS meet or two with Schumi. Here's hoping the last 2 weeks of December are unusually warm there, with no or very little rain.
Morning...all is well...beautiful weather so far but a cold front is coming Thursday and will cool down quite a bit at night. Looking forward to seeing Schumi and the guys Wednesday night. :D
And now for our big news of the weekend....our first grandchild...IT'S A BOY!!! I would've been over the moon either way, but I know boys. I'm a boy mom, I have two much younger brothers....I know boys. I do have four nieces, but boys are my comfort zone. I'm so excited to start shopping! Yes, I have HP onesies from our trip......and yes, a toy wand. :cloud9:

Have a great one, homies!!


Congratulations on the new grandson, Poohs. So nice to hear. Wonderful news. Hope mom and baby are doing well.
Pooh is a grandma now
Many congrats !

Blue boy has arrived
You’ll have fun with him at Christmas
Start your shopping now !!
Congrats on the grandbaby pooh.....oops that didn't sound right :duck: but you know what I meant :laughing:

Chuck that stinks about the paycheck and right at the Christmas shopping prime time. At least it will be closer to your trip when they get it straight so less chance of spending it all.

Love the moon pic Lynne. Not looking forward to the cold that's supposed to be here on Wednesday just in time for me to go back to work. I'll be bringing in the plants lemon tree has grown so much that I have to move to another spot inside and it takes 2 to lift it:faint:

I took 3 vacation days in hopes that I could sneak in a mini-trip to see the new Christmas decorations in potterland but it didn't work out so I'm doing all the stuff that I 've been putting off at least that's the plan :rolleyes1

Hope Schumi and squirlz are having a blast in the parks today.

Time for more coffee :coffee:


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