Something About Nothing ... #12

Quickest drive by.

Almost an hour and a half till dinner, I’m starving.

Sweet potatoes are on our menu go with spicy pulled pork that has been simmering all day.......spicy sauce all made up.......

Robo, I’m in the mood for Strawberry Daiquiris now and glad you’re having nice visit.

Vicki, keep that door locked!!!

Janet, plain latte for me, or cappuccino.....I like both!!!

Did get new shirts, yes, shirts, not one but five, still, they’re very nice.

Didn’t get gas grill, we can live without it for another few weeks till we get back from Orlando the stores weren’t fully stocked yet......we may buy online of course direct from company, did get new pans and two new laundry hampers, not exciting at all.

Got friend popping round for a glass of wine, just for an hour till her husband picks her up.......I love my friends!!! And love an open house.......:D
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First time ever the ATM machine ate my bank card this am. I’d love to be the person viewing the security tapes. Had to do the walk of shame to retrieve said cards this am. At least they offered me coffee :)

So you had a polite conversation with the ATM when it ate your card?:rolleyes1 I haven't had that happen yet, but what a pain! Now where do you get some $$??? :headache: Ugh!

I LOVE Instacart:love:! Shopping while having my lunch! Will pick up my groceries on my way home today!:thumbsup2

I think it's Fish fry Friday!! :)
So, sweet potatoes and pulled pork were delicious.....and friend decided to stop for dinner too......then her husband came up and declared himself famished...….thankfully I had cooked for an army...…..all went down well......think she had one or two wines, and as he doesn't drink she had his as well!!!!

She`s the friend who has the Rocky Horror Picture Show Party every year.....we miss it as we are usually in Orlando...….but pictures look an absolute riot!!!! Pure fun...…..

My guys are going for haircuts in the morning...….so lazy morning for me.....hope its as nice as it was today, can`t believe it`s February...…..into the 60`s......tomorrow has to be even warmer...….did get lots of washing done, dried, ironed and put away......always makes me happy...….I know!!!!

Enjoying a glass of wine..…new bottle as friend demolished the other...…..

Have a great Friday night……….
Um, no fish for me. Thanks anyway, Patty. Ended up with home made cheesesteaks. Older one did not like the cheese. Oh well. Some left over if DH is hungry when he gets home.

Went shopping with little one. Lots of traffic out. Once sun went down, much cooler. 20’s overnight. Hehe, she calls my car an idiot magnet. Yeah, over the line, no signals, braking for no apparent reason, seen on the phone, and seen drinking. Yeah, she’s an angry driver that has had all of those drivers in front of her. I have to giggle every time she asks if that is an idiot. That description is usually then followed by, figures, plate from the state next to us. Apparently, we also had dumb, dumber and dumbest in front of us as we inched up a hill. Lead foot is also hereditary, apparently too.

Now relaxing. Bought rolls of black licorice. The Wegman’s grocery store is the only place I can find them. I remember them from the penny candy store I used to go to when I was little. It was a big deal to have a nickel to spend in there. I was a fan of those black licorice pipes too, but have not seen them in years.

Cool feeling, so tea almost ready. Older one bought a Marvel throw on the ship, it is so soft. He ‘s hot, me, throw around me.

So happy it is a Friday night, and not a Sunday one. I fully expect to sleep in. We will see. I may be awake early, but will be slow to get up.
I hate waking up from a dead sleep
when one of the cats jump on me while in bed

I came to the living room and lay down on the couch and they jumped on me again

They must think I’m something to sleep on
Fish looks nice Patty....doesn't it go cold beside the coleslaw and stuff......if we get fish and chips from the "Chippy" as we call it over here, it`s well wrapped so it stays toasty hot...….

mac, you must be warm and comfy for them to jump on you like that...…..

So, Saturday again......guys have had their haircuts, house has been mostly cleaned, well, the rooms we use daily anyway....will get to the rest...…

Shrimp coated in our cocktail sauce which is basically a mix of mayo and ketchup with some cayenne pepper in a wrap for lunch today…...first time I got shrimp in America I looked at what she served to me as cocktail sauce in wonderment........but, it`s nice for a change when we`re in the States...….

Pizza for dinner tonight...…..request from my guys.....they`ll go to next town to pick them up as it`s quicker than them delivering out here.....

Have a great Saturday guys whatever you`re doing...…..
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Oh our cocktail sauce usually has horseradish in it, Schumi. Spiked catsup.

Nice, hot shower, DH left to do stuff. Older one needs gas for his car, so I will offfer a diner meal if he will get moving soon, and also go to the grocery store with me.

Sunny, and at freezing, but hey I will take it. Rain will be heavy in the overnight tonight.

Mac, cat heaters are nice sometimes. Oh I can be a sofa sleeper, with the tv on loud.
It is a beautiful day here and we are waiting in for a company to come give us a quote to get our driveway done, and a whole grass area at the front ripped up and get the same stuff as driveway!!!! I think my DH is in a serious spending mood right now...….:cheer2: hmmmm……

Hope the guy appears soon and we can get out somewhere while it`s so gorgeous outside......he`s already late but has called to say he got lost???? Still, least he is on his way......
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Good (very late) morning!

Its a nice day here- which means I should get out and enjoy it- but not feeling very motivated at the moment. Saturday is clean sheets for the bed- I wash the ones on the bed and put them right back on- avoids the poor folding attempt.

Dinner will be at my Mom's tonight. Rumor has it we are having meatloaf.

Patty- that fish looks so good!

Wishing everyone a great day.....
Morning y'all. Date night was nice last night, even if we didn't win a single thing on the slots. Just not our night. Got home super early, but we enjoyed a nice evening snuggled up on the couch watching tv and me reading. Ate the girls left over pizza for breakfast this morning. And I pulled out some taco meat to make nachos for lunch today. Not sure on dinner plans, maybe leftovers?

It's raining and thunderstorms here today, but 50° out. Perfect day to stay in. Weather looks to be a little nicer tomorrow which is good since I'll be out and about with my mom doing wedding stuff.

Also got a deposit date for my tax return...finally! Can't wait for Wednesday to get here so I can pay off some stuff!!

for Sue’s love of her life
The Mr that made her his Mrs

Hope it was a fun celebration!
Thanks! It was very nice. Both daughters and youngest ones boyfriend. Had husbands fav pork roast. I went to the Asian bakery to get fruit cake. It’s a light sponge layer cake with whipped cream and fresh fruit on top. Lovely. We enjoyed his Port birthday present after dinner! He doesn’t like a big deal, just a low key birthday so that’s what it was.

A dreary, wet day for running errands. This morning I took dh’s car to the dealership for his state inspection. Then I went by the dental office to straighten out my bill. The woman I talked to was very confused. Thankfully another woman in the office understood better and was able to help clear things up. It was as I had suspected, they hadn’t applied the write off for the difference between what they charged and what their contracted rate with the insurance company was. I was also told that they had a new company doing their billing. I happily paid the $23 that I owed instead of the $70 I was originally billed.
This afternoon I am meeting dh at the university. We are going to meet with financial aid to go over a few things.

Have fun shoppping. I hate shopping with dh. If you will pardon the expression, he shops like a girl. He will look at everything, try on several things, and even go back and look again at the stuff he’s already looked at. I’m more of a go in, get what I need, and leave person.

I would love some warm weather right now. It’s supposed to get up to 65 on Sunday, which will be nice, but temps will start dropping again next week.
Glad dental billing was sorted out! Dreary drizzly day here too. Correction, just looked out, drizzle just turned to snow!

I hate waking up from a dead sleep
when one of the cats jump on me while in bed

I came to the living room and lay down on the couch and they jumped on me again

They must think I’m something to sleep on
Our cat used to like to sleep across daughters chest! The dogs sleep in our room! In the morning the cat would start batting her cheek to get up and feed him!

My mother loved liquorice Lynne....the real stuff not the over sweetened candy lots of places sell.....and it`s good for you.....apparently.

Fish looks nice Patty....doesn't it go cold beside the coleslaw and stuff......if we get fish and chips from the
"Chippy" as we call it over here, it`s well wrapped so it stays toasty hot...….

mac, you must be warm and comfy for them to jump on you like that...…..

So, Saturday again......guys have had their haircuts, house has been mostly cleaned, well, the rooms we use daily anyway....will get to the rest...…

Shrimp coated in our cocktail sauce which is basically a mix of mayo and ketchup with some cayenne pepper in a wrap for lunch today…...first time I got shrimp in America I looked at what she served to me as cocktail sauce in wonderment........but, it`s nice for a change when we`re in the States...….

Pizza for dinner tonight...…..request from my guys.....they`ll go to next town to pick them up as it`s quicker than them delivering out here.....

Have a great Saturday guys whatever you`re doing...…..
I never liked the black liquorice. Seems you either like it or not!
My mom made that cocktail sauce! Minus the cayenne. Baron of beef roast for us tonight. I love pizza. We finally got a decent pizza place in town that makes NY style pizza. Love it.

Tink, lovely flowers! The crocus were just coming up and cherry blossoms started coming out, then winter decided to happen!

Found out the Florida AAA sells Universal APs, with modest discount. Maybe save $12ish dollars, better than nothing. I’ll take what savings I can get. Canadian dollar isn’t that great right now. We loose around 30% so any discount is good. So I’ll probably wait till we get to Ft. Lauderdale and stop into a AAA, there’s one near my moms. May look and see if there’s one near our hotel.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
Vicki......beautiful flowers!!! Our wild daffodils are all coming through too.......And I’m so jealous of your peach tree.....we don’t have the climate for peaches......have to stick to plums, apples and pears.......but I love peaches!!! Hope your day goes quickly.......:)

Sue, I hear you on the exchange rate......ours sucks too......not as bad as the Canadian though!! We don’t lose too bad.......beef sounds lovely........

ck.......enjoy that meatloaf!!! And yep, love freshly laundered sheets straight back on bed......

Yep, pizza was lovely........we are all full........not beached whale full......but full.

No plans tonight, our friends are thinking we are cosy in here so plan a night in front of the tv with my husband.......yep, perfect Saturday night.........::yes::
Fish looks nice Patty....doesn't it go cold beside the coleslaw and stuff......if we get fish and chips from the
"Chippy" as we call it over here, it`s well wrapped so it stays toasty hot...…

The fish stayed pretty warm in the Styrofoam container. Yes- wrapped up would keep it warmer!:thumbsup2

Pizza for dinner tonight

Sounds great!

Mac, cat heaters are nice sometimes

Yep- free too!:goodvibes

Dinner will be at my Mom's tonight. Rumor has it we are having meatloaf.

Mom's meatloaf- YUM!!:)

Good morning work now so I'm just gonna share this bit of spring from the garden center

What a beautiful sight! :)Won't see that around here for months!

Date night was nice last night,

Yay for date night!:)

Have a good Saturday everyone.

You too Sue!!:)

Speaking of date night, Joe and I are going out to dinner and attending a theater show downtown! It's in one of the smaller theaters - so intimate. The show is called Almost Maine. Has good reviews!

Sending healing wishes to Mac! Hope the kitties warm your foot, but not jump on it!

Have a great night all!!
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