Something About Nothing ... #12

Um, nice offer MonyK, but neighbor chickens are all the chickens I need. Funny, teen chickens being bad. You are so nice to your house sitters. A happy birthday to GF. And have fun at the lake with the extended family this week-end. And a big WOOT! for the 4 days off starting tomorrow. I decided a 3 day one was appropriate, so I"m an XL, you're an XXL. week-end.

Well, the kids said the game was not cancelled as they came home around 11pm last night. They were grumpy, as they got soaked in the rain, and it took awhile to come home, with the storm, the trains were running late. But, sad they could not stay for the continuation. The game restarted at 11 too. By the time they would have gotten home, it would have been 4 am or so. And since both have to work today, waiting for resumption was not in the cards. Oh well. I think they really wanted to get this game in, as the team had to reschedule Monday night's game, and played it earlier yesterday, as a businessman's special, a double header day, that was not planned. They play tonight too, but we don't have tickets, so I don't think either kid would want to go, as we will be rocking and rolling with thunderstorms tonight as well.

And ooh, so muggy when I left. At 5;30am, it was 75, and phone says feels like 75, but with 94 percent humidity. Cloudy too, and not a bright sky to drive in. But, the commute was quick, and it's nice and quiet. Even with Chances of rain from 11am to 7pm today, we will see more rain, and chances of severe weather. Last night, there was flooding and high water rescues just North of me.

Ah sunrise was just seven or so minutes ago, and it's still a unlit mostly cloudy sky. But no matter, we will still see 80's and be oh so muggy. Then the sun returns tomorrow, with the heat, and a ckear sky.

So, with all this heat for some of us, all grab a drink of choice to salute this Thirsty Thursday.

418305 and yep,418308

With that, I hope the only thing to throw back is some cool drinks, and feet up.

Sending well wishes to Robo, and Kyle and all those homies that are not feeling well. Happy Thursday to you all. And I will get more tea. Yes, I know, it's already cool in here.
Schumi...I really hate it when my kidos are sick. I don't even like it when our poor dog gets under the weather. Those momma bear senses kick into overdrive and we can't seem to settle until they are feeling better. I hope that your lunch was good...and hopefully you get your lunch with friends. What I would give to have some good seafood again. Being land makes it a little hard to find good seafood.

I see clouds rolling in now. I was hoping they would stay away. Rain is forecasted here again. I was enjoying the last few days of warmer weather. I actually walked to my eyebrow wax appointment last night as it was such a nice evening. Needed to get them waxed / mostly tinted as the sun tends to bleach them almost white. They should be good again. Now to just hide those natural sparkles that seem to keep reappearing lol. I do have that naturally curly hair that In usually pull back into a clip or ponytail as well. I try to keep some of the curl out of my bangs...and the hubby kept laughing at me in Mexico...I had these wild horrible kinky curled bangs lol. No matter what I did...they were always wonky lol Imagine Monica from friends in the Bahamas episode lol. That is me!!!! My hair too gets a little big with the humidity. Good thing we don't have alot of that here. But it is still a challenge to wrangle up the curls some days!!!! lol

Well I should get back to work...or at least pretend to look busy :rolleyes1

Yes, not nice to see them so listless......seems to be taking it`s time to clear up!!!

I honestly cannot imagine being landlocked......our country is so small the sea isn't really very far away, even from the centre of the UK. But, I`ve always lived beside the ocean....both sides of the UK.....we are lucky, we live close to where some lovely seafood is fished...and where I came from in Scotland was the same...…

Monica hair is so funny......think we all know that look!!!! Have a great day...….

He looks great cleaned up, will say, IMO he was best part of the Ghostbuster remake

That pressure cooker misfire is something that reallly does tend to stick with you. I’m more of an oven girl but do use crockpots now & again, especially on the holidays & when it’s so hot. Have a huge electric roaster that I drag out now again when making large amounts of soup, etc.

Yes, he was the only reason I watched!!! I love slow cookers....yes, handy and ideal in the summer. Most folks think of them as a way to cook winter warmers here, but I do use mine a lot.

I went to the eye doc today and yes, I need new glasses. I picked out some new frames. It ended up not being quite as expensive as I had feared. I also bought more contact lenses for B. The company is offering a $200 rebate if you buy a year’s supply. I think this is the least amount of money I’ve ever spent on contacts. The doctor’s office is also offering a free pair of non prescription sunglasses with the purchase of the contacts. I’ll take B there tomorrow and let her pick them out.

Hope Kyle is feeling better soon.

Thank you!

Glasses are never a bargain!! But glad you`re reminded me I got a reminder through about 2 weeks ago to make an appointment for my eye test.

Thanks, he`s at least out of bed today......not looking great, but out of bed is a start! And you`re welcome...….he is a stunner!!!

Ooh and the rain is moving NE, so hoping it does not slide more East or else we will be rocking and rolling with loud thunder, Er that was loud. Darn. And ooh the wind and rain. Hope the kids at the ball game South of us, is not getting this loud thunderstorm cell.

Hope Kyle is feeling better soon. Sending well wishes. Hope you are having a restful night, Schumi.

Well that was quick. Hope no other blob on the radar appears. Er, more noisy thunder.

Have a lovely, peaceful night to all the homies.

Thanks Lynne.....did have a quiet night in!!

Shame the kiddos got soaked!! Hope what they saw of the game was good......I hate getting soaked!!

Think we are having similar weather systems right now!!!

hey peeps!! Been trying to keep up and keep getting interrupted (or falling asleep last night).
so tires, kids needing stuff or sick (hope he feels better soon), crocheting, roofs, pools, our clients we wish we could wave wand and help (and who surely deserve a break already too!), dreams of trips, computers/ipads/shopping, FOOD and being pampered/blonded, moving houses, college schedules, instant pots (use mine occasionally), contacts (yep spent $300 on middle yesterday on year supply-but supposed to have $75 rebate)...
I insist on AAA for the tire changing stuff! and have a new laptop thanks to DH!! Much lighter, better screen and faster than old one.
Heat back here now too-heat advisory.

Dang baby chickens are now "teens" and are being stupid brats!! OMG! anyone want them? Have had to get yellow one off deck every night and put her in coop, the other two have insisted on sleeping on top of coop-scraped and bruised arms trying to get them down couple days ago (good thing face didn't get scraped or I'm sure some of the nurses in my NH would have wanted to have a talk).
Will have to leave instructions for our friends who are staying at our house this weekend (we've done house swaps before with them-DH BFF and his GF who is friend of ours as well-we set them up) while we are at lake and family reunion. Also the GF bday weekend-have a bottle of champagne and OJ for her to celebrate.

Work tomorrow and then 4 days off again-yay! and Oldest gets in late late tomorrow night for reunion.
And interrupted again I give up LOL

That`s a nice thing to leave them as a celebration MonyK…….house swap is a good idea.....hope you have a lovely sounds like a lot of fun...….

Ended up having brunch with friends as the husband was needed in a meeting later this afternoon. It was still lovely......and had a nice chat and catch up. With brunch out, I never know if I`m going to be hungry later or I have some food handy in case we do get peckish…...but hopefully not.

Weather is strange today...sunny, but very cloudy.....warm but cool....had two outfits on already today.

Thursday again...…...
That's awesome news MonyK. A big WOOT! for that lucky confirmation. See, Paris is getting all the boxes checked. So exciting.
Bobbie glad you got your appliances in. We’ve had front loaders here for years, but I only got one a few years ago, 5 or 6 yrs? Stupid Maytag wouldn’t die lol. It was hard justifying a new one when old one was still working well!
10 cats? When you were talking about the trailer I was wondering how many you have! That will be a tricky move! You’ll have to post pics of them in the trailer! We had 2. And that was tricky keeping them in the house. Too many coyotes here to have outside cats. Both were rescues. Still miss them.

Robo ouch. Hope this treatment will work. I heard those spiders are bad news.
Yikes on credit card. Like Schumi we’ve had chip cards for ages. But it seems no matter what security they put on cards, thieves find a way to hack them. I like the Tap method of payment. No swipe, inserting, or putting in code. Much more secure but unfortunately only can use that method up to $100.

I’ll have to look up what AP things will be happening during our Sept visit. I hope something good!

Lynne yay for sparkle touch up! I’m trying to hold off for Aug DL trip. Lol. Will see how long I can last, only a month to go. So I’ll make an appt for 3 weeks. I like to have it done a week before I leave. I’ve waited so long I’ll have to hold off for trip. If I do it now the timing will be all off, so no choice! Good thing I have light blond hair so roots aren’t very noticeable.
Sounds like you had a rough night trying to get sleep!

Keishashadow new roof looks good. I bet it’s nice having GD around! And teaching her how to crochet! Nice!
Hope DH foot problems get better.
I think I missed something about pressure cooker? I have an Instant Pot and enjoy it. I use it more in the winter than now in summer. I am afraid of the stovetop pressure cookers but ok with these.

Schumi thanks for the eye candy lol. Hope Kyle is better now.

Pumpkin I wish I could find someone who can dye my brows but anyone I go to ends up being too dark. I have light blond hair but there’s no blonde dye. Only brown or black. I wish they made a medium to dark blonde dye. So I’ve given up on that. And only occas wax. Due to over zealous plucking in my teens when it was fashionable to have brows on the thinner side, I don’t need much except the occas tidying up.
Fortunately there’s a lot of brow products out these days and I like the ones that are like mascara with the wands. Quick and easy.

Charade hope your clients dog issue works out. I don’t know why some people have to be jerks.
I always enjoyed going to pick out new frames. There’s a LensCrafters in my local mall that has a good selection, and I go when my fav lady is working. She has a great eye for what looks good on you. Now I only need an Rx for reading since I had cataract surg in my right eye. So I just go to Costco and get their stock readers, comes in a 3 pack so I can have a pair in several areas.
Your cartoon is hilarious!

Lynne eek that’s a lot of rain. You’re really getting the weather systems. I guess lots of flooding in the east. I was watching the flooding on the news in Toronto.
I guess some bad hair days for you! We don’t get much humidity here, but when I go to Florida my hair gets fluffy. I have hair products I pack specifically for Florida to keep the fluff tamed.

Monykalyn your chickens are at it again! Good luck to your friends chicken sitting lol. They are a handful! Husband came home with a doz eggs yesterday from our friend. Enjoy the lake.

Schumi I’ve always lived on the coast too. East coast when I was younger then moved to west coast in my 20’s. I couldn’t be landlocked. Guess it’s all what you’re used to. Good to hear Kyle is feeling a bit better.

Monykalyn yay for Paris condo!

Whew :scared: I think I’ve finally caught up. Weather around here has been coolish. Rain yesterday morning but cleared later. Remaining week and next are sunny days and temps in the 70’s. I think highest is 77F. This has been the coolest summer so far that we've had in 5 yrs. but no complaints! And this also means much less forest fires.
Youngest dd and BF are moving this weekend. Again! Her karate instructor offered them the carriage house on his property for a good rent so they’re taking it. It’s a bit further away (from us) being closer to the city. She showed me pics, it looks very nice, spacious and updated. Kitchen is beautiful. Maybe now she’ll have some of the family dinners :upsidedow

Sun is coming out. I should get going and do some weeding today maybe later. At 1:00 I have a massage appt. she does a combo of therapeutic massage and movement. Hopefully will help with my bursitis in hip. She has a good rep. I know several people who go or have gone to her incl my husband.

Maybe delicate topic but I’m switching from typical antiperspirant with Aluminum to a more natural product. Too much bad stuff coming out on aluminum incl link to breast cancer. Has anyone made the switch and what product do you recommend? I’m a bit nervous about switching and heard there’s a purge your body goes thru after quitting aluminum products. Any advice is welcomed.
just had to share-supposed to be working:
woke up to email saying our timeshare exchange went through and got the condo in Paris!!!!

Excellent news Monyk!!!

Do you now which area roughly you`ll be staying in? It`s been a while since we`ve been to Paris, but Tom and I have been around 20 times over the years......but must be 10 years since we`ve visited.
Afternoon :wave: it's a rainy day on and off here today. I went shopping with Charlie and their best friend Alex while Liv is working. Tonight's dinner is tofu tacos.

I was happy I started my trip report, it is nice to look back at the trip. If anyone wants to follow here is the link

Probably some games with the kids tonight which I do enjoy. This is going to be a hot weekend for us trying to find ways to stay cool.

I didn't intend to have that many :cat: but we would do a lot of rescuing and sometimes they just don't find a home. We are not taking any more in, and we have a few older ones that are sick. The trailer will be the perfect fit for this, I will take pics to show you when it is done. It is not easy having all these guys I have everyone help clean daily. It's good though that when people come to my house have no idea how many I have. I hope the :cat: don't mind the move!!!!

Schumi I am glad that Kyle is up a bit. Sorry that he is sick. I know it stinks when our kids get sick no matter how old they are. It is nice that he still is at home so you can be there for him. Glad you had a nice lunch it sounds good. I would love to live by the ocean but it is expensive here and where I would want to live would be hurricane season a lot. It is always so beautiful near the ocean. Thank you and quiet sounds good.:thumbsup2 The eclipses sounds beautiful.

Robo I hope this new addition of meds helps the bite. Sorry to hear that, steroids are never fun. Oh that is awful about the credit card fraud. I have been trying to keep a better eye on mine. I hope it all works out and you have no other charges. I hope your hair appointment went forward and it looks the way you want.:D

Keisha your GD looks so cute and happy up there. Oh, how nice to have her with you. Oh I learned crocheting when I was about her age. I did it for a while then got bored and stopped. Glad that your roof is done and a good clean up. I have seen places where the crew leaves nails and debris. I hope your dermatology appointment goes well. I hope your DH is feeling better.:goodvibes

Pumpkin I hope your hair behaves for you. Oh, that is so frustrating with the humidity. I have curly hair also and some days it is impossible. I did cut it much shorter now and it seems to help. Don't get me started about sparkles, at times I look like someone dropped a container on me. :laughing:

Charade glad that your eye appointment went well:). I just did it in May and need new glasses. I need no-line bifocals so I started using Zeni Optical on line. It is so much cheaper for my glasses. I just sent a pair back I didn't like them now I will order a new one. That is a good deal for the contacts. Brian always mentions how expensive they are. I hope everything works out with the girl and the support dog. I have to live near a city, I don't like being away from things.

Monykalyn I guess teens of all species are the same:laughing: gotta love the teen years. I would love to have one but don't think some of the kitties would like that. Congrats on getting the timeshare for your trip:D. I love when a trip is coming together. The lake trip sounds great have fun! I like the house sitting idea:scratchin

Lynne That stinks that the kids got soaked and didn't see everything. I hope your weather isn't too severe. Brian keeps coming up with all these designs for the outside some of them are really funny. :woohoo: for an XL weekend. I will have some of the school year stuff with Charlie but not as much since we are not his legal guardians and get left out of stuff (his parents' decision) I know he would rather have us and that is what counts. I can't believeLiv starts so soon, but Florida starts early. I love the pic of Boromir (Sean Bean) one of my favorite movie series., he is so cool!!!

Sue we keep ours indoors because we live on a busy street. I have them split up around the house so it doesn't seem like that much. We have a rotation of cats.:rotfl:I am enjoying my new washer. I could never go back to a top loader. The bigger drum is nice since Charlie likes to stuff it. It is interesting that you are switching to a non-aluminum deodorant. I this many years ago when I was pregnant. Breast cancer runs in my family so I try everything I can. I had heard some bad stories back then. I actually use a natural salt one. It kills the bacteria before it can cause an odor. It does not really keep you dry. It is called Crystal (mineral deodorant) It is a roll-on and it works well. Honestly, CVS and Walgreens carry some good non-aluminum products now including the Crystal brand. Toms products are very popular for them. The only thing is most of these deodorants won't keep you dry. There may be some new ones coming on the market. As long as you don't mind that they are good. I have used some antiperspirant through the years on special occasions.

:wave: Mac I hope the weather is being good to you.

Hello to all the other SANS family who is MIA, I hope you are all doing well. Have a great night!

Bobbie I totally get it. I can’t go near a shelter or I’d come home with all the kitties. When I was a kid I came home with every stray I found.
Now I can’t have any. The 2 dogs I have don’t like cats. One of the dogs is a rescue. She’s a cocker spaniel. My friend worked in an Emerg vet clinic and pup was bought in with stomach obstruction. Apparently silly dog swallowed a rock. Owners told vet to put her down when they found out the diagnosis and cost of surgery. She was only a few months old. Vet had them sign dog over to her and she did the surgery. All the clinic staff helped nurse her back to health. When it was time to find her a home, my friend knew exactly where to go, lol. I think I have sucker in flashing lights across my head!

Thanks for your input on the deodorants. I came home with 2, Tom’s and Schmidt’s. I’ll see which one I like. Also got a charcoal stick deodorant recommended on some sites I read to use at night while detoxing. I realize I won’t be as dry as with antiperspirant but hope I’m not too wet. I read after awhile your body gets used to it and you don’t sweat as much as in the very beginning. I hope!
Breast cancer runs in my family too. I guess now that I’m not working it’s a good time to try it. is where we are staying although I exchanged through Interval International, we've got a 2 bedroom. Will do a week here and rent a car to explore a bit, probably couple days at Disneyland Paris, then move into Paris to explore the city more. I hope to tack on a couple days in Germany but we will see.

Miss having a kitty or pup around the house. Good luck with the moving Bobbie!
Silly Lola was on deck trying to sleep again. and the screen I used to block off top of nesting box was knocked down so expect the other to brats tried to get up there...
I've not looked into the natural deodorants...

Dh and middle kid took off to lake to help his mom get stuff ready for weekend. Son and I went to movies to see Spiderman...intrigued by the post credit trailers...Enjoyed the movie. Only about 10 of us in big theater. Reminds me I am way behind on Agents of SHIELD again...

Need to get the other kid from airport around midnight. Salon busy this afternoon so made appointment to get toes done tomorrow am instead.

Too bad on the rain for the ball game Lynne. Rained in Stl when son, DH and his dad went to game Monday night. Son got a nice sweatshirt out of it-grandpa felt bad he didn't have a jersey. Kid would rather have the sweatshirt anyway LOL!

Happy pre-Friday Eve!
monyk, congrats on getting your lodging booked in Paris!
Makes it seem real now, doesn't it.

How are you gonna manage to wait until it all happens......

Sounds like you had a very productive day but all your days are so busy.
(life is always busy when you have kids and chickens at home)
Thanks for pointing out tomorrow is Friday.
I have no schedule anymore and and get my day of the week notice by reading the Dis.

Bobbie, a person can have too many cats.
The most I have had at a time was 3.
The two I have now eat more canned food and always hitting the stores to stock up on what the do eat ......reminds me when my boys were teens and ate constantly...

Sue, if you ever come to visit me, I will put my cats in the closet (because i'm the type of homie that wants my guests to feel at home with me)
The neon light flashing over your head states, I love 4 footed creatures, bring the puppies to me..
So wonderful you gave them a home!

Schumi, I bet once you start thinking about it, you will remember the area that monyk will be staying at.
You are the whiz on travel!

Wondering if Lynne conked out early tonight as she usually is around before she goes to bed.
But isn't she taking off work Friday?

Thats all I know for now.

Expecting charade to come post once she wakes up...

All have a good night and see you in the morning, if not later tonight here
Quick check in before bed. Don’t know where the day went. I have to get up early tomorrow. We have sort of a campus orientation for B. We are supposed to have a high of 97 tomorrow. It will be hotter here than in Miami. FL.
Good night everyone.
Quick check in before bed. Don’t know where the day went. I have to get up early tomorrow. We have sort of a campus orientation for B. We are supposed to have a high of 97 tomorrow. It will be hotter here than in Miami. FL.
Good night everyone.
I'm glad you finally dropped in.
You're late.

Next time bring a note from mom to excuse your tardiness

.... is where we are staying although I exchanged through Interval International, we've got a 2 bedroom. Will do a week here and rent a car to explore a bit, probably couple days at Disneyland Paris, then move into Paris to explore the city more. I hope to tack on a couple days in Germany but we will see.

Miss having a kitty or pup around the house. Good luck with the moving Bobbie!
Silly Lola was on deck trying to sleep again. and the screen I used to block off top of nesting box was knocked down so expect the other to brats tried to get up there...
I've not looked into the natural deodorants...

Dh and middle kid took off to lake to help his mom get stuff ready for weekend. Son and I went to movies to see Spiderman...intrigued by the post credit trailers...Enjoyed the movie. Only about 10 of us in big theater. Reminds me I am way behind on Agents of SHIELD again...

Need to get the other kid from airport around midnight. Salon busy this afternoon so made appointment to get toes done tomorrow am instead.

Too bad on the rain for the ball game Lynne. Rained in Stl when son, DH and his dad went to game Monday night. Son got a nice sweatshirt out of it-grandpa felt bad he didn't have a jersey. Kid would rather have the sweatshirt anyway LOL!

Happy pre-Friday Eve!
Wow! That place looks gorgeous! Great find! You don’t need any more critters! You have your hands full with those chickens lol! They sure keep you hopping ::yes::
monyk, congrats on getting your lodging booked in Paris!
Makes it seem real now, doesn't it.

How are you gonna manage to wait until it all happens......

Sounds like you had a very productive day but all your days are so busy.
(life is always busy when you have kids and chickens at home)
Thanks for pointing out tomorrow is Friday.
I have no schedule anymore and and get my day of the week notice by reading the Dis.

Bobbie, a person can have too many cats.
The most I have had at a time was 3.
The two I have now eat more canned food and always hitting the stores to stock up on what the do eat ......reminds me when my boys were teens and ate constantly...

Sue, if you ever come to visit me, I will put my cats in the closet (because i'm the type of homie that wants my guests to feel at home with me)
The neon light flashing over your head states, I love 4 footed creatures, bring the puppies to me..
So wonderful you gave them a home!

Schumi, I bet once you start thinking about it, you will remember the area that monyk will be staying at.
You are the whiz on travel!

Wondering if Lynne conked out early tonight as she usually is around before she goes to bed.
But isn't she taking off work Friday?

Thats all I know for now.

Expecting charade to come post once she wakes up...

All have a good night and see you in the morning, if not later tonight here
Noooooo,No need to lock them away when I visit, cause I’d be hunting to find them! Yes, I do love all animals! I’m such a sucker! When my friends vet office was looking for a home she brought the pup to me at work, lol saying Sophie needs a home and well, that was that.
My husband has gotten used to me lol. Before we got married he never had a pet. Thru the years there were times he never knew what he’d find when he came home!
Quick check in before bed. Don’t know where the day went. I have to get up early tomorrow. We have sort of a campus orientation for B. We are supposed to have a high of 97 tomorrow. It will be hotter here than in Miami. FL.
Good night everyone.
Night-night! is where we are staying although I exchanged through Interval International, we've got a 2 bedroom. Will do a week here and rent a car to explore a bit, probably couple days at Disneyland Paris, then move into Paris to explore the city more. I hope to tack on a couple days in Germany but we will see.

Miss having a kitty or pup around the house. Good luck with the moving Bobbie!
Silly Lola was on deck trying to sleep again. and the screen I used to block off top of nesting box was knocked down so expect the other to brats tried to get up there...
I've not looked into the natural deodorants...

Dh and middle kid took off to lake to help his mom get stuff ready for weekend. Son and I went to movies to see Spiderman...intrigued by the post credit trailers...Enjoyed the movie. Only about 10 of us in big theater. Reminds me I am way behind on Agents of SHIELD again...

Need to get the other kid from airport around midnight. Salon busy this afternoon so made appointment to get toes done tomorrow am instead.

Too bad on the rain for the ball game Lynne. Rained in Stl when son, DH and his dad went to game Monday night. Son got a nice sweatshirt out of it-grandpa felt bad he didn't have a jersey. Kid would rather have the sweatshirt anyway LOL!

Happy pre-Friday Eve!

Looks lovely MonyK!

We’ve never stayed that far out except when we stayed in Marne-La-Valee and DLP itself.......we stayed at the main Disneyland Hotel twice and Newport Bay three times. Beautiful hotels.

But we usually stayed in Paris itself....loved being in the heart of the City......and Germany is gorgeous too in parts!

Quick drive some friends coming for lunch and a chat this afternoon.......should be nice.

Lunch is simple and easy, charcuterie, seafood selection, pastas and salads and some store bought bread.......didn’t have time to make it.

Hope everyone has a great Friday.........
Yep, passed out and DH once again woke me up at 4. Good thing, that go back to sleep worked, and I woke to see if kids were moving as they have to work. Yep, knowing I can be lazy this morning let’s me catch up on my sleep.

And 418551

That place looks so beautiful to stay in the countryside of Paris, MonyK. Nice you can trade timeshare points for a 2 bedroom. That should be great to spread around in. And great you are doing some days at DLP. Pictures for sure would be much appreciated.

Sue, you sound like my Dad was. My Mom tolerated everything he brought home, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and even a bird. When I was growing up, the local dog catcher knew my Dad. And many a time, the overflow of what was caught or given, was dropped off at our house to hold until the dog catcher could take them to the private rescues, like the SPCA. As usual, some of those pets became permanent members of our home. I still remember when I was little, my Mom would whistle for the dogs to come inside. The bird we had, copied that whistle, and confused the dogs. The bird also cussed at the milkman. The bird was adopted by another family, so I bet it learned more stuff to say.

Schumi had a lush lunch with friends. Mac has been up feeding the cats, hope Charade will be enjoying B’s orientation.

Me, errands and letting the dog out, as usual, older one was supposed to, but since I have the time..... oh well, he is a good dog, and very friendly too.
Morning Sans family :wave2:




Robo, that credit card issue sounded scary. Good thing your credit card company caught it quick. And hope you get relief from that bite soon. Eek, steroids. Hope they do the job and you're off them quick. Hope your week of pampering (hair and nails) makes the rest of this week better for you. Hugs. And yay, for your sister's family getting their AP night tickets. If they want to say hello, to little one and I, let me know. Yep, and also curious what AP fluff they will, hopefully, be announcing soon.

Morning Lynne :wave2: hope the tea is good this morning. Yes, i’am So thankful that credit card company was on the ball. Spider bite site on forearm is looking much better with oral meds and topical ointments. Will see doc again on Tuesday and change meds if needed. Thankfully I was only put on short burst of steroids for five days.

QUOTE="schumigirl, post: 60849338, member: 149559"]
All our cards have been chipped for years...they can get round anything, nothing is completely secure. Hope you had a relaxing time at the salon.....

I agree the there is always a crook looking for a way to steal. So sad.

I had a very nice visit to salon. Hair is done and she did a great job. I have been with this hairdresser for years and she is wonderful. Granddaughter and I have pedicure appointments today.

Didn’t think it was possible but indeed our various roofs were done within a day. most Thorough clean up i’ve Ever seen. One of my garages, Ta-daaaaaa...

Keisha roof looks fantastic......your granddaughter is so cute. She was brave to stand up on the roof.

DH developed an issue with his foot on Friday, wound up in ER Sunday. a few shots in his butt & an Rx and all seems right with his world. dr tossed out an ennny, meeny, Minie moe list of possibilities that caused it to double in size. Will follow that up with visit to. Family PCP

Keisha sorry to hear your mister is having issues with his foot....hope the meds are helping.

Yikes! Hope it isn’t too bad. This is how I feel about being outdoors.

That little clip was so funny. Just what I needed :rotfl2:

Work tomorrow and then 4 days off again-yay! and Oldest gets in late late tomorrow night for reunion.

Monyk have a great 4 days off and enjoy your family reunion.

just had to share-supposed to be working:
woke up to email saying our timeshare exchange went through and got the condo in Paris!!!!

Yeah, to getting your accommodations sorted for your trip to Pais.

Robo I hope this new addition of meds helps the bite. Sorry to hear that, steroids are never fun. Oh that is awful about the credit card fraud. I have been trying to keep a better eye on mine. I hope it all works out and you have no other charges. I hope your hair appointment went forward and it looks the way you want.:D

Bobbie68 things are working themselves out. I was sadly secure in the thought that the chip they had in card was a fail safe, but it’s not. I will be more diligent in watching card more carefully.

This is where we are staying although I exchanged through Interval International, we've got a 2 bedroom. Will do a week here and rent a car to explore a bit, probably couple days at Disneyland Paris, then move into Paris to explore the city more. I hope to tack on a couple days in Germany but we will see.

That is a beautiful Resort.

Supposed to be 93 here today. The humidity is already 95%. So going to be another hot one.

Had a lovely lunch out with little sister yesterday. Always good to catch up with her.

Schumi sounds like you have a nice lunch planned for your friends. Have a lovely time. I’am sure your friends will enjoy all the good food you are serving.

Pattyw hope Mr Joe is getting better everyday and you are both doing well.

Realfoodfans was supposed to have a getaway with family if I remember correctly. Hope you are having a lovely trip with your family.

Great news on the addition of ghostbusters to list of houses this year for HHN.


To all the Sans family have a great Friday.
Whoop Friday! Slept in til 7. Wanted to sleepmlater but oh well. At least Lynne was able to catch up on sleep! Dd was up too and already down to get her chicken. Of course said chicken aka diva scolded her and attacked her feet (her way of showing how upset she is for the neglect). Getting toes done, couple errand and off to lake!

Ugh glad spider bite is better Robo. Remembered your warning as I reached into the thicket that is my garden (really needs weeding) to collect the umpteen pounds of tomatoes and zucchini and something chattered back at me. Have never heard that before and have no idea what it was. Bugs have now decimated zucchini plant. And a branch broke off pear tree- have never seen so many fruit on a tree before. Have worked hard to make yard pollinator friendly and holy smokes did it work! Think every. Loom must have pollinated!

a very nice visit to salon. Hair is done and she did a great job. I have been with this hairdresser for years and she is wonderful. Granddaughter and I have pedicure appointments today.
Oh have fun with granddaughter! Getting my toes done right now lol,

Patty and joe are doing well. Hoping they get to overlap their trip with ours and we can have drinks in Strongwater again!
Schumi enjoy your lunch. I’m going out for lunch with some work friends today. This particular group is from a high school I worked in a few years ago, we’re all retired now! And we’ve stayed in touch.
I need to plan my morning patio brunch. I usually have my neighbourhood friends over at least once during the summer for a morning coffee/tea, and nibbles. Generally muffins, bagels, fruit plate. Now that we’re finally having sunny weather for the next week or so I should slot in a date. Only 3 weeks till we leave for California.

Lynne enjoy your lazy morning. Good that you could get back to sleep. I woke at 3:30 but I was able to get back to sleep too.

Robo it’s so nice having a hairdresser for years, I do too and think I started going to him for 15 or 20 yrs. can’t remember. Took me a long time to find someone who could do a good job consistently. Either they did bangs well but rest of hair bad or visa versa. I have my hair appt next Friday. Daughter is bugging me to book our pre trip mani/pedi, cause it’s not a trip until we get them lol.
Glad spider bite is healing!

Monykalyn eek. If something chattered back at me reaching into something I would jump a mile high!

I can’t believe it’s already mid July. And waiting for beach weather. Unusually cool summer so far. And most of you live where the heat warnings are. Crazy triple digit heat warnings, be careful! Looking at the news weather maps seems all of N. America is under heat warnings except the Pacific NW!

Yesterday I had my massage. She is a miracle worker. She does a combo of massage and movements (I forget what it’s called) to put your body back in alignment. When I came home I went downstairs to put something away and for the first time could get up the stairs without hip pain. Usually I have to take the stairs one at a time. But was able to make it up like a normal person!

Is someone organizing a Sept meet up? Now that I’m firm on my trip, lol. I recall talk about doing that a few months ago. Glad we booked HRH months ago. Rates have gone up by $100 for my pool view room. I keep watching for AP Discount but suspect I’m not going to get a better rate than my SMSM rate. Odd HRH seems to be the most expensive and PBH the cheapest at the moment.

Better get a move on. Going to soak in the hot tub, have to take dogs out, and get ready for lunch, leaving house at 11:00.
Hope everyone is enjoying TGIF day!
Robo…..glad bite is better and you`re happy with the hair! Always feels good when hair is nice......have a great weekend...….

Lynne......hope you have some lovely weather and enjoy your extra day off....

Sue....we have the September thread which is now a sticky......meets can be arranged there :thumbsup2 Nearer the time specific dates can be chosen, or individual meets arranged as some might do.

Monyk….enjoy your weekend get together....should be fun!

yep....lunch was lovely...….although stretched longer than usually does though...….prosecco was flowing, music was age appropriate for our group (80`s) and food was beautiful.....even if I say so myself......I have the best friends!!!! Last one left around 5pm! They all arrived at 11am......

No dinner for me tonight so Tom went for a Chinese take out....Kyle wasn't very hungry yet, so he had a sandwich...…

Salon appointment tomorrow...….I like the length it is right now, so will just get a little off and same again late August...….

Have a great Friday evening......
:wave2: Making a quick stop in!!! Busy weekend here. Working the second job tonight and tomorrow. ( I work the second job to help with the shares the hubby bought into the business where he works - it is a good investment but for 5 years, we will need to lay a little lower than we wanted if we want to pay that off, still put away for retirement, help the kiddos with any college they want...and be on track to be debt free in less than 3 years - and I put the bug in his ear abut maybe taking a little of the money from the job and using it to take the boys to universal...and i'll need to keep bugging him about that lol ) There is also a street performers festival and rib fest going on downtown. We usually go watch some of the street performers and then hit those yummy ribs!!!! I have a rather large list of do to Sunday before Monday hits. So hoping that I can find a little time to hit my sewing room and start to sandwich MY quilt I am making for me. I've been sooo very tired all week and not much more energy to do anything but sit and binge watch Grey's Anatomy.

Sounds like many of you have some great plans for the weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


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