Something About Nothing ... #12

Saturday it is and already a bright sunlight coming in my window since around 6 am. Interestingly, our sunrise is almost an hour earlier than Orlando. And will be about 10 degrees hotter today, too.

And with that plane issues, my 8 pm return flight in October became a 2:30pm, with no direct flights the remainder of the day. What to do, as I refuse to take an other than direct flight. Direct is about 2 and 1/2 hours. And all the connecting flights with one stop add a minimum of three hours, and many are a two stop. Um, no. Just no. I can change with no fee to another flight, even if it costs more, but really, the only other direct that day is 5:30am. So that is a no. I could stay another night, but then the cost of that night, as it most likely will not be at the same hotel, as I assume any addition to my great rate, will maybe have me loose it, and assuming there is room, as I think the hotel is filling up fast. Busy time, as it would be the Friday before Columbus Day. Just annoyed, I thought I would have another almost long day to enjoy instead of now getting to the airport around noon. Thankfully, my okay rental car cost did not change with the earlier drop off time. I am still hoping to get that lower. At least the diffferent time changes for our August flights, both were changed, was 1/2 hour earlier both ways. So, happy that we will be checking in a bit earlier in the evening, and coming home a bit earlier in the later evening. And the rates have gone up since we booked.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Time for getting washed up then taking my tea to let the dog out. Yep, older one again asked for my help so he could be away. And then I will go up to the pool, and meet up with the kids.

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Good morning everyone. It is supposed to be 99 here today. I play to stay inside almost all day. Tonight we are going to see some sort of Rat Pack tribute show. I really have no interest in seeing it, but dh begged me to come along. B surprised us by saying that she wanted to see it too. I’m not even sure she knows who the Rat Pack were.

It’s sad to hear about the Minion ride changing to 2D. Does anyone know if they plan to change the story?

Lynne - Sorry about the flight issues. My airport is so small that I think the only place we can get a direct flight to is Charlotte, NC.

It’s almost 10:00 and no one else is awake. I need to start doing some house cleaning, but don’t want to disturb anyone.
I checked Schumi's calendar for September dates.
I think you should change your schedule to overlap with mine....
heck make your trip for 3 weeks and you will hit all the homies then..

I booked my room last October (day after I returned home from UO)
and booked my flights in January so I am locked in and can't change them
Lol! I’m locked in too! Had hotel booked in May after we returned from last trip and when my friend gave the green light that she was positive the dates worked for her I booked air. I’m going on a red eye eek, and friend going on red eye from LAX, we’ll arrive within 30 min of each other at MCO. So we can have a full day otherwise if we take the early morning 6am flights we don’t arrive at mco till late afternoon, 5ish. I’ll see how this works. I’ll be running on fumes that first day, as I don’t sleep much on flights. But maybe I’ll adjust to time change faster.
That car in Monyk’s picture looks like it’s a McLaren 720s.......nice of my friends says the same thing about cars.....she knows how to put fuel in and that’s gets bored when we talk cars........we love em!!!

Seems the ride looks ok with just 2D according to some reports I’ve seen.....yes, saves a lot of money and down time to repair or update.

I’m with you.......although I’m a lady of leisure.....there’s still something about a Saturday.........

Hope your food was good last night! I’m sure it went down well......

I thought your dates were on the thread.......but wasn’t sure when you asked about a meet.

I’m sure there’ll be meets arranged nearer the time.

Just had breakfast.......well, Rice Krispies.......that’ll do today as I need to drive to salon soon. Interim appointment as my hair really doesn’t need coloured but, it’s at that awkward in between roots will get some attention. Then full head end of August.

Sun is shining but no idea what the rest of the day is to be like......still to decide what to eat tonight......I suggested stir fry but didn’t appeal to no ideas now.....may suggest a pizza.........

Have a great Saturday.......
Yep, just me being blond, lol. Totally forgot I put dates in that thread!
Enjoy your salon touch up! You can go a long time between cuts! I seem to have to go every 7-8 weeks. I have bangs so when they grow too long it’s a pain. My hairdresser cut his hours to only 2 days a week, so now I have to book way ahead of time, like when I’m leaving I book next one and have to guesstimate when I’ll need next one. I hate that. Usually I wait till I need trim an phone. Mostly only had to wait a week to get in. But with cut back, ugh. It was for health matters so I understand. And won’t think of going to anyone else!
Saturday it is and already a bright sunlight coming in my window since around 6 am. Interestingly, our sunrise is almost an hour earlier than Orlando. And will be about 10 degrees hotter today, too.

And with that plane issues, my 8 pm return flight in October became a 2:30pm, with no direct flights the remainder of the day. What to do, as I refuse to take an other than direct flight. Direct is about 2 and 1/2 hours. And all the connecting flights with one stop add a minimum of three hours, and many are a two stop. Um, no. Just no. I can change with no fee to another flight, even if it costs more, but really, the only other direct that day is 5:30am. So that is a no. I could stay another night, but then the cost of that night, as it most likely will not be at the same hotel, as I assume any addition to my great rate, will maybe have me loose it, and assuming there is room, as I think the hotel is filling up fast. Busy time, as it would be the Friday before Columbus Day. Just annoyed, I thought I would have another almost long day to enjoy instead of now getting to the airport around noon. Thankfully, my okay rental car cost did not change with the earlier drop off time. I am still hoping to get that lower. At least the diffferent time changes for our August flights, both were changed, was 1/2 hour earlier both ways. So, happy that we will be checking in a bit earlier in the evening, and coming home a bit earlier in the later evening. And the rates have gone up since we booked.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Time for getting washed up then taking my tea to let the dog out. Yep, older one again asked for my help so he could be away. And then I will go up to the pool, and meet up with the kids.

Oh Lynne that’s horrible about flights. Is the 2:30 a direct flight? I always take the early evening flight too, on Alaska it’s 7pm goes direct to Seattle, then I just hop on my connection to Vancouver, barely have to wait. By the time I land and get off the plane, walk to other gate I only have 15 min before boarding next flight. I’d hate to take the early morning flight and loose a whole day. We usually leave Universal by 3:00 I give an hour to get to MCO and like to get to airport 3 hrs before flights. That airport is a hot mess. Security lines are so long
Good morning everyone. It is supposed to be 99 here today. I play to stay inside almost all day. Tonight we are going to see some sort of Rat Pack tribute show. I really have no interest in seeing it, but dh begged me to come along. B surprised us by saying that she wanted to see it too. I’m not even sure she knows who the Rat Pack were.

It’s sad to hear about the Minion ride changing to 2D. Does anyone know if they plan to change the story?

Lynne - Sorry about the flight issues. My airport is so small that I think the only place we can get a direct flight to is Charlotte, NC.

It’s almost 10:00 and no one else is awake. I need to start doing some house cleaning, but don’t want to disturb anyone.
Are they changing the minions story? Making a new film? I hadn’t thought of that.
Enjoy the Rat Pack. I bet it will be a good show. Funny that B wants to go!

Yes, I think I’d be hiding out at home in the basement rec room with those temps. Yikes. Or the mall! We have no AC at home. Except a portable unit I picked up at Costco a few years ago when we first started getting those prolonged (all summer) heat waves. Most homes here don’t havecAC as we never needed it before. Our summer temps were always pleasant. Never used to get stinky hot. But past 5 yrs we have. Except this year, lol. So far.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone! DH home glued to TV watching British Open.
Bacon is calling my name! And coffee.
I've been avoiding the Dis. My brand new 16 year old pulled the stunt of all stunts on us at the beginning of the month. It was ABSOLUTELY unexpected, I've never, ever, had a problem with this kid. She's always been nothing but responsible and dependable. Boys, unfortunately, I think cloud even the most sound of mind teenage girl's mind. In a fit of rage, I cancelled our September trip. Now, I'm seriously regretting that decision. I don't think she deserves any kind of reward, even if it means infringing upon my happiness too. I don't know what to do.
I've been avoiding the Dis. My brand new 16 year old pulled the stunt of all stunts on us at the beginning of the month. It was ABSOLUTELY unexpected, I've never, ever, had a problem with this kid. She's always been nothing but responsible and dependable. Boys, unfortunately, I think cloud even the most sound of mind teenage girl's mind. In a fit of rage, I cancelled our September trip. Now, I'm seriously regretting that decision. I don't think she deserves any kind of reward, even if it means infringing upon my happiness too. I don't know what to do.
Rebook your trip !
Think of another way to discipline the girl
Teenagers don’t always think when they are crossing the line
I had 4 boys and we had our struggles in the teen years so I know what hard decisions are

If the trip can be recovered, set up guidelines for her in advance for her to earn her being on the trip with you

One year at Disney, I cancelled the park day and we all sat in the hotel room bored
My boys understood then their behavior would change

Over the years I had threatened cancellations of planned events , but never went as far to really cancel
Lol! I’m locked in too! Had hotel booked in May after we returned from last trip and when my friend gave the green light that she was positive the dates worked for her I booked air. I’m going on a red eye eek, and friend going on red eye from LAX, we’ll arrive within 30 min of each other at MCO. So we can have a full day otherwise if we take the early morning 6am flights we don’t arrive at mco till late afternoon, 5ish. I’ll see how this works. I’ll be running on fumes that first day, as I don’t sleep much on flights. But maybe I’ll adjust to time change faster.

Yep, just me being blond, lol. Totally forgot I put dates in that thread!
Enjoy your salon touch up! You can go a long time between cuts! I seem to have to go every 7-8 weeks. I have bangs so when they grow too long it’s a pain. My hairdresser cut his hours to only 2 days a week, so now I have to book way ahead of time, like when I’m leaving I book next one and have to guesstimate when I’ll need next one. I hate that. Usually I wait till I need trim an phone. Mostly only had to wait a week to get in. But with cut back, ugh. It was for health matters so I understand. And won’t think of going to anyone else!

Oh Lynne that’s horrible about flights. Is the 2:30 a direct flight? I always take the early evening flight too, on Alaska it’s 7pm goes direct to Seattle, then I just hop on my connection to Vancouver, barely have to wait. By the time I land and get off the plane, walk to other gate I only have 15 min before boarding next flight. I’d hate to take the early morning flight and loose a whole day. We usually leave Universal by 3:00 I give an hour to get to MCO and like to get to airport 3 hrs before flights. That airport is a hot mess. Security lines are so long

Are they changing the minions story? Making a new film? I hadn’t thought of that.
Enjoy the Rat Pack. I bet it will be a good show. Funny that B wants to go!

Yes, I think I’d be hiding out at home in the basement rec room with those temps. Yikes. Or the mall! We have no AC at home. Except a portable unit I picked up at Costco a few years ago when we first started getting those prolonged (all summer) heat waves. Most homes here don’t havecAC as we never needed it before. Our summer temps were always pleasant. Never used to get stinky hot. But past 5 yrs we have. Except this year, lol. So far.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone! DH home glued to TV watching British Open.
Bacon is calling my name! And coffee.

I think we all have blonde moments!!! I`ve had a few of those this week alone...…..realised I forgot one friends birthday the day after I returned from New York...….oops......

Oh I have to get my hair cut every 6 grows like crazy......bangs are what we call a fringe.....I think that`s correct.....yes, my fringe has been known to be attacked by me between cuts...around the 4 week mark......she can always tell when I`ve attacked it.

A good hairdresser is worth their weight in gold!!! I adore mine and apart from when she left for a short time I only ever had her.....other girl was good but not the same connection there.

Lynne.....not good on the flights!!! Hope you get it sorted...….I was supposed to have quoted you there but it didn`t work for some reason!!!! Yes, it`s annoying……..
I've been avoiding the Dis. My brand new 16 year old pulled the stunt of all stunts on us at the beginning of the month. It was ABSOLUTELY unexpected, I've never, ever, had a problem with this kid. She's always been nothing but responsible and dependable. Boys, unfortunately, I think cloud even the most sound of mind teenage girl's mind. In a fit of rage, I cancelled our September trip. Now, I'm seriously regretting that decision. I don't think she deserves any kind of reward, even if it means infringing upon my happiness too. I don't know what to do.

Oh my goodness!!!! I`m so sorry to hear that......

I agree with mac...rebook your trip and yes, punish her another way....I think you deserve your trip especially with this upset...….oh will keep my fingers crossed for you it all works out...…..

Big hugs crostorfer …….you can let off as much steam as you need to here...….
You are in a pickle of a mess !
I know your pain and aggravation

Can you book a return flight out of Tampa or Sanford for coming back home ?
Take the 5:30 flight on Friday instead with your airline and stay offsite Thursday night?

One year delta had a change and I did that
Checked out of rph at 2, stored luggage with valet
Did the park to closing then did late dinner at city walk
Left there at 1:30 and back at rpr and dozed in lobby chair
Had car service at 3 am
Once at airport and on plane crashed on the seat
Caught up with my sleep once home
Its not the best way to go but it can work
Sue, they are not changing the minion story just removing the glasses as show will be 2D

If I read of any other changes I will let all know
Read they already changed the sign to reflect 2D
I've been avoiding the Dis. My brand new 16 year old pulled the stunt of all stunts on us at the beginning of the month. It was ABSOLUTELY unexpected, I've never, ever, had a problem with this kid. She's always been nothing but responsible and dependable. Boys, unfortunately, I think cloud even the most sound of mind teenage girl's mind. In a fit of rage, I cancelled our September trip. Now, I'm seriously regretting that decision. I don't think she deserves any kind of reward, even if it means infringing upon my happiness too. I don't know what to do.
Yikes. Can you rebook and leave her home with a relative? Good luck.
I think we all have blonde moments!!! I`ve had a few of those this week alone...…..realised I forgot one friends birthday the day after I returned from New York...….oops......

Oh I have to get my hair cut every 6 grows like crazy......bangs are what we call a fringe.....I think that`s correct.....yes, my fringe has been known to be attacked by me between cuts...around the 4 week mark......she can always tell when I`ve attacked it.

A good hairdresser is worth their weight in gold!!! I adore mine and apart from when she left for a short time I only ever had her.....other girl was good but not the same connection there.

Lynne.....not good on the flights!!! Hope you get it sorted...….I was supposed to have quoted you there but it didn`t work for some reason!!!! Yes, it`s annoying……..
I tried once to trim them lol. It didn’t go well.
Today’s supposed to be our hottest day of this go-round. I’m sitting in a recliner directly under LR ceiling fan lol. Feeling so much more comfortable with the pressure bandage off my rear :). My DH/nurse, who else would do that job for you?, says it doesn’t look too bad. As if I care what it looks like, can’t see it hahaha. I believe he was talking it didn’t look infected

Robo - is the BD blowout this weekend? Need pics

Carole - truer words never spoken re hairdresser. Jury still out on mine. I managed to strip out the really dark toner at least. Going to be brave & give her one more try.

Couch surfing means you get control of the tv remote.
Hope you take it easy and rest.
The one thing i do defer to the DH is the remote in the LR. I clutch remote with such a death grip in the BR, i’vE woken up with it still locked inplace
Hot hot hot! Saying maybe 100 will be the high tomorrow. Will be in the pool by lunchtime. Was sweating just going from car into stores and pumping gas.

Yay! I will be couch surfing tonight, as kids went to my Dsis’s house tonight, for some pool time after dinner. So, quiet night fir DH and I. Maybe he will take me out to the diner for dinner. The idea of cooking is not my idea of movement right now. AC has been running most of the day.

Hope your DH’s foot feels better,Keisha.
Seems to be coming along nicely but still big red spot. Familly dr can fig it out next week
We also met with the roofing company. I was surprised to see that they still use a time clock/punch card system for their employees. I haven’t seen one of those in about 2 decades. We should have a new roof in a couple of weeks weather permitting.
On the job site? it’s still common here either with an actual old spook time clock, check in system via a card at various areas in their work environment or online system.

I wish I could join y’all for a meet up, but that won’t be happening this year. Dh and I have been talking about a trip to Disney World in 2021 for the 50th anniversary of Magic Kingdom. We were there for the 25th, so it seems only fitting that we should be there for the 50th.
Makes sense to me!
What do we think of Minions now being 2D? Not quite sure what to think of it........

And Jamie Lee Curtis and Nick Castle (original Michael Myers) have said they’re going to do two more Halloween movies.........much as though I love them.....not sure it’s a good idea. I hated the fact in last years movie they changed them from being brother and sister......that was the whole premise of the first movie. He wanted to kill his sister. They shouldn’t change things......
I saw Ms Curtis spill the beans on tube yesterday. Have yet to watch the last offering, still sitting on my DVR

First i heard of the minion change, sad to read.
I went to the Motherland on their 25th anniversary.
It was a great trip.
No idea if I'll make it for their 50th, won't go if it will be packed
You were also there for the 40th. I talked you into buying a ton of collectible pins when you were on the fence. Have a pic of us in front of HM somewhere...need to look for it
and this was posted on 7/17

It's the latest in what seems to be a developing trend away from 3D-based media for Universal. In addition to the Minion Mayhem changes, Universal shelved a 3D version of Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey at Universal Studios Hollywood less than a year after that ride's opening. And when Fast & Furious - Supercharged made the drive to Orlando, it left its 3D version behind in California. Universal Studios Florida also closed its Terminator 2:3D show in favor of what's widely tipped to be a live-action stunt show, too.

Running a media-based attraction in 2D rather than 3D saves a park the cost of buying, cleaning, collecting and (potentially) replacing thousands of 3D glasses. And a switch to 2D potentially can save a park on projection costs as well, as 3D video demands stronger projection lighting to overcome the inherent darkness of 3D glasses' lenses.
While some fans enjoy the gimmick of 3D visual effects, the format bothers others, and some with visual impairments simply cannot see video in 3D. The use of 3D on motion base attractions carries additional risk, as 3D can amplify any disconnect between the physical motion of one's seats and the motion depicted by the video on screen.
Boo, they can polish that turd all they want, it’s all about the Benjamin's
I checked Schumi's calendar for September dates.
I think you should change your schedule to overlap with mine....
heck make your trip for 3 weeks and you will hit all the homies then..

I booked my room last October (day after I returned home from UO)
and booked my flights in January so I am locked in and can't change them
So many DISers, so little time lol

Just had breakfast.......well, Rice Krispies
As in a Rice Krispie treat? Only way they’ll cross my lips. Did try chicken with them crushed as a breading medium. It was arwful
Saturday it is and already a bright sunlight coming in my window since around 6 am. Interestingly, our sunrise is almost an hour earlier than Orlando. And will be about 10 degrees hotter today, too.

And with that plane issues, my 8 pm return flight in October became a 2:30pm, with no direct flights the remainder of the day. What to do, as I refuse to take an other than direct flight. Direct is about 2 and 1/2 hours. And all the connecting flights with one stop add a minimum of three hours, and many are a two stop. Um, no. Just no. I can change with no fee to another flight, even if it costs more, but really, the only other direct that day is 5:30am. So that is a no. I could stay another night, but then the cost of that night, as it most likely will not be at the same hotel, as I assume any addition to my great rate, will maybe have me loose it, and assuming there is room, as I think the hotel is filling up fast. Busy time, as it would be the Friday before Columbus Day. Just annoyed, I thought I would have another almost long day to enjoy instead of now getting to the airport around noon. Thankfully, my okay rental car cost did not change with the earlier drop off time. I am still hoping to get that lower. At least the diffferent time changes for our August flights, both were changed, was 1/2 hour earlier both ways. So, happy that we will be checking in a bit earlier in the evening, and coming home a bit earlier in the later evening. And the rates have gone up since we booked.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Time for getting washed up then taking my tea to let the dog out. Yep, older one again asked for my help so he could be away. And then I will go up to the pool, and meet up with the kids.

not fun to have time shaved off a trip, going to assume due to airmax issues?

It worked out very well in our favor for June/July trip. Hate to say it but fingers are crossed they change our times for Sept/Oct one so I can snag the flights I really want (that were crazy high the day they were released)

I was waiting out the return home but finally pulled the trigger a month ago. wasn’t thrilled to pay $160 PP to come home. Just checked to see if any ‘switching opportunities’ after reading your thread, no but was shocked to see current pricing PP for our flight.

Auto rental finally dropped under $200 via autoslash quote thru alamo - yea

I've been avoiding the Dis. My brand new 16 year old pulled the stunt of all stunts on us at the beginning of the month. It was ABSOLUTELY unexpected, I've never, ever, had a problem with this kid. She's always been nothing but responsible and dependable. Boys, unfortunately, I think cloud even the most sound of mind teenage girl's mind. In a fit of rage, I cancelled our September trip. Now, I'm seriously regretting that decision. I don't think she deserves any kind of reward, even if it means infringing upon my happiness too. I don't know what to do.

Hmmm, if me, i’d Not associate the trip with punishment/as a reward. There would be other rather severe sanctions implemented.

Grounding was always the go to, enhanced by lack of any phone privledges or electronics (including internet access or video gaming). Even if it’s for just a specific period of time, it seems to Get their attention & let’s them know you are serious.

Good luck, most parents will admit that their spawn screwed up at least once. It’s all part of learning how to be an adult, & make wise decisions to navigate their way thru life. How they learn from it and go forward in a more responsible & safe manner is what’is important IMO
Janet......I’m howling at you with the death grip on the remote.......:rotfl:we joke we’ll have to prise the remote out of Tom’s hand if he ever gives up the ghost watching tv......oh Your mister is a gem isn’t he.....yes, some things only husbands will do.......

I love Jamie Lee.....but I have to admit the last Halloween movie almost cured me of my life long terror of Michael Myers. I wanted to love it, desperate to see it, but it kind of disappointed......they changed too many rule #1 don’t change the premise of the original.....don’t get me wrong I’ll still watch them......but the original is still a classic and always will scare the bejeesus out of me......

Good luck on the hair! And yes, we need the pictures of you and mac back on HM back then........

No Rice Krispies were just as Krispie treat with these crowns!! Yes, doubt we’ll be able to meet up with everyone in September.........shame really......

Went round to local pub for dinner.......well, Kyle didn’t come as he just felt like a pizza in front of the tv........dinner was lovely though......we both had steaks and creme brûlée’s and a lovely bottle of red wine.

Now I’ve made up a pitcher of sangria and we’re watching Austin Powers......forgot how funny they are.........about to watch the second one.......The Spy Who Shagged Me was the funniest of the two......hated the third one.......and just read there is to be a third.

Watched Bohemian Rhapsody about 4 times on the plane and missed Mike Myers every time, didn’t recognise him as the character he plays at all......not even with the in joke about not being able to head bang to Bohemian Rhapsody.....doh!!! (Wayne’s World reference if you haven’t seen it)

Machine gun jubblies........:rotfl:

Hope everyone’s Saturday is going well..........
Ah my goodness pool was so delightful, that even the cold hose was shocking but felt good at the same time. It is that hot. So hot, nary a breeze, not many birds to hear, puffy white clouds here and there, but oh the bright sun and perfectly blue sky.

Yeah, we had driving privileges revoked. grounding and not letting friends, going to friends, and cell phone taken. You did what!? Yep, I think all parents of teens have had those issues once in awhile. Hope you can still get away this Fall as all should be able to enjoy by then. Sending hugs. Studies have shown, the teen mind is not an adult mind until the mid 20’s. Dumb and not thinking of consequences comes with not being mature enough. Agree with Keisha, lesson learned is the most important part.

It is a what for dinner night. Pasta or pizza as with this heat, the idea of having a hot kitchen to work in is a big not feeling it. Heck, lunch was at this cute place that had great chicken and beef cheesesteaks. They were huge and tasty, so even thinking of dessert food as the main entree. Like a milkshake, or pie. DH brought home a watermelon, so I will chop that up too. Snacks.

Keisha, hope your bum area feels better, and hope DH’s foot is good too. No infections is a great sign all will heal.

Towel around me, moving slow with getting dressed. AC is cranking, and couch sitting too. Older one is playing some shooter game with his online friends, and no I haven’t heard little one or my Dsis leaving the pool yet. Time to see if they are still wet. Ooh hear the door.

Nice to see all post.
It’s Sunday here......

Been out stargazing up in the hills tonight behind us........saw the ISS pass over us as clear as can be, always amazes me the sight of that amazing feat! Studied Jupiter and Saturn for a while...

Got cold so we came back down carrying the telescope and had a blackberry brandy to warm us up.......must be bedtime now as it’s nearly 1am........

It’s Sunday!! Bacon this morning........
Almost dinner time here. Steak on the bbq, salad and new potatoes. Enjoying a glass of white wine. It’s quite nice out, so we’ll eat out on the patio.

The control of the channel changer lol. Guess most of us have been there. Don’t know why husbands think it’s their God given right lol.

Teens, ugh. I think we should all get gold medals for surviving them. My girls were pretty good. But had their moments! And girls are more emotional I think, but I don’t have boys for comparison. And I worked in a high school, lol. No getting away from them!
Good evening. I survived the theater tonight. I was mistaken. It was not a Rat Pack tribute, it was just a Frank Sinatra tribute. The singers were very talented, but I am just not a Sinatra fan.

I think I have been pretty fortunate with B. So far the teen years have not been bad. We’ve had our moments, but noting too serious.

Ah the remote. My biggest pet peeve is when I am watching something and dh picks up the remote and starts changing channels. Oh, were you watching that? It was too funny - when dh went to Vegas for a week back in April, I told B that we can watch anything we want that week. We couldn’t find anything on worth watching.

Speaking of TV, dh is watching some sort of restaurant rescue show right now. I think I should just go to bed.
Lynne.....pool time sounds glorious........enjoy it while you can! Yes, cooking while it’s hot is never a good idea......

Sue, dinner sounds good........we enjoyed our steaks tonight......they are one of the local pubs that do cook steak correctly......I don’t watch as much tv as Tom so I’ve never wanted to have it.......but it does seem to be a man thing!

I’m not a big Sinatra fan, but do like a couple of his better known songs. My cousins husband runs and plays in a jazz band and they do Sinatra tribute nights......haven’t seen them, we’ve only caught him play saxophone with another band.....they are good!

We were so lucky with DS. Never had any issues with him at all rebelling or being family member kept telling me every time he got a year older since he was about 5.....this is the year he’ll waiting. He says he’s too sensible to rebel.........

Weather looks good today........yesterday we had some torrential downpours in the afternoon.......but cleared beautifully last night.

I’m up far too early, especially as we didn’t get to bed till after 1am.......I’m a good sleeper usually, and although I like to get up early......not this early.

Time for a cup of tea...........
crostorfor hope things have smoothed over and you will reconsider your vacation is back on.
you can have a delightful time with any of us that are going when you are.

Some of us are going around the same time as few more are, some will be a hit or miss of being there when most of us will be.
and, maybe your daugther issue has been solved

well quiet in my house now that it is after 1:00.
Mr mac is sawing logs and the cats are hiding some place in the house and sleeping.

going to read a few more threads then go to bed.
I dearly hope when I go into my bedroom i won't find cats in my bed......
that's not gonna work tonight.........

Fear the Dead on sunday night.
Spent pulling up and reading all the spoilers for it.
Its the only way i like to watch the show as i need to know in advance if anyone dies or leaves that group.

sweet dreams to all


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