Something About Nothing............ #14

Janet.....I’m one of those that can’t abide the Beatles.....again, my niece who is a huge ”real” music fans can’t understand why I can’t stand them.......I call them the most over rated boy band does glower at me when I say’s like looking in a mirror when she does that!!
Haha I was a ringo fan from the get go. I do appreciate them for their place in musical evolution
LOL! It looks funny but it's supposed to deter raptors and coyotes. We don't have either of them that extreme here, but I guess there's a need somewhere for them to make these vests!
Whatever works. Two summers ago they moved into area. Would sit on a storage shed for hours and silently watch people in my pool. I was standing in deck at one point and noticed it was starting to move. It swooped over unaware DH on raft, then so close over my head I could feel wind It’s amazing how fast they move.
I should have stayed home today. Medicare is going to drive me to drink.
Hold out for the top shelf stuff
We have those large couch potato love me breeds to the chatty small ankle bitters who have the big dog syndrome lol. Our own dog, is now 14 and has slowed way down in the past 6 months, and has doggie dementia which is getting worse each month
Aw that’s sad

we’ve had same experience with the big boys wanting to cuddle and little ones be fierce
well except for mr chewie, he’s such a baby lol

know with our new GD, my plan is to keep a note of all the little things like this for the year and little stories...then each year on her birthday I will write her a letter telling her about her year through my eyes. When she is 18 she will get a box full of letters and pictures for her to learn little things about herself. I just think that this would be such a great reminder of memories.
What a great idea!
He had to get 2 crowns today.
Ouch that’s a lot of dental work in one day
Oh my goodness, she is something else. Dh once dragged me to. WCW wrestling match. I still haven't let him live that one down.
With 3 sins scattered over a13 year age span, figure I’ve at least bought Vince McMahon a closet
live in Northeast PA, on a mountain, lol! When we get snow... we get SNOW! We could have two inches of snow and the valley, a short 5 minute drive down, could have none.
Last time I went to a wrestling event was 3 years ago
And that’s all I have to say about that....hahaha
could use some advice please, for my daughter and her Universal trip in May.
If onsite FOTL no real need to plan Wait for the day with best weather forecast for VB
Whatever works. Two summers ago they moved into area. Would sit on a storage shed for hours and silently watch people in my pool. I was standing in deck at one point and noticed it was starting to move. It swooped over unaware DH on raft, then so close over my head I could feel wind It’s amazing how fast they move.
They move VERY fast... that's how they attack prey bigger than themselves. I never knew how big they were until one accidentally hit our living room window about 10 years ago. I think it got disoriented by the setting sun glare on our window and hit it head on. We ran outside to see what happened and it was standing there, dazed, and stood as high as my knees. It was pretty intimidating up close.
No, the week before Memorial Day.
Have u checked the free crowd calendars? UT has a good one

It’s been a few years but all of may is still pretty slow all things considering. Many northern schools not out un till 3rd week of month

Imo Mother’s Day proper & that same weekend seem busier at U vs WDW.

always left for home the Sunday prior to Memorial Day, can’t say it seemed Out of the ordinary. Nothing like 4th of July there which is packed
Are they going to be day guests or staying onsite?
I ask that because all onsite hotel guests are allowed admission to the park one hour prior to park opening
Only one park is open and the Potter section is doable in that first hour
Potter ride and a few other rides in the park are included
Are they going to be day guests or staying onsite?
I ask that because all onsite hotel guests are allowed admission to the park one hour prior to park opening
Only one park is open and the Potter section is doable in that first hour
Potter ride and a few other rides in the park are included
No, not onsite. They'll be staying with us.
I always check OI for crowd predictions as they are close with their statements
(Orlando Informer)

Let me look at the trip report forum and see if there was any info last year about the time period the kids are going to the Darkside in May
If they are driving in, make sure they give some extra time to get from the parking garages to the parks. Also, download the park app, as the times for the rides, and maps on it. If the weather is warm, I do do Volcano Bay either first thing in the morning, or later in the day. They can pick up a bus to it right from the parking garage. They should look for signs.

Otherwise, get there before park opens and do Islands first, doing the Potter rides at the back of the park, then ride train over to Studios, do all want in Studios, then ride train back, as different scenes. Then end doing what ever they want in Islands.
I'm sooo clueless with this! Thank you so much! What is the app called? I see several on my app store and not sure which one.
Universal Orlando Resort app. On my phone it is a blue color app and free to download and use. I downloaded mine from the Apple App Store.
Well- I bought the air tickets to France today- at least the ones from NYC over. I’m waiting for this months cc points to credit then will get our tickets from STl to NYC (and back) on points/miles. Feeling more real now, but that also means the graduations are coming up. Already have my Disneyland Paris stay sorted and the condo booked.
Have a birthday next month (milestone 1/2 century) and DH asked if I wanted to go to Disney for it...think he was half serious! But I can wait til the one in May lol!
Why do I live where the air hurts my face? So cold today, kept chickens locked up in their covered and wrapped run. Don’t think they cared much as when i opened door to check on them this afternoon not one made a move towards getting out!
that be some of us homies? :laughing:
that’d be me!
was the crazy lady stomping through snow with a broom yelling at the tree. :rolleyes:
ummmm I do that on a semi regular basis- hawks love the chickens! But the hens seem to instinctively know to stay under cover in the morning when they are really out hunting. Well most of them- did have one we nicknamed Hei Hei as she would just stand there looking up as hawks swooped by her - and one nearly got her one day- that was the first time the neighbors saw crazy broom lady!
just fling themselves wildly around so awkwardly.
yeah I can’t wait til this 25# bundle is 85# and still launching himself into my lap (not). He’s such a cutie pie though, and smart.
Not sure if it’s better than last year wanting to be Cirque performe
oh but the cirque performers are amazing!!
he gave me a baby bird, that fell on the ground, in his mouth, without hurting the bird.
yeah mines got the soft mouth too- he brought me an unbroken egg he’d carried around the yard in his mouth!
Turned on fireplace for a bit tonite- another new thing the puppy hadn’t seen. We bout died laughing at him as he tried to figure it out- cute head tilt and all. We’ve got a raised and wide hearth- and he’s still little enough he can lay righ there on the tile...
I don’t like going out on Valentine’s Day either, rather cook and stay home, probably have the DH pick something up from local butcher and maybe a few prepped sides that are easy to heat up. I think I’m allergic to the newest bottle of red wine I got- tried another glass tonight and got wheezy just like I did with first time I tried it a couple nights ago. Shame as I liked it, but guess it’s back to usual for me. Or if I can find the label of the white I got at Wine Bar George last month...

Schumi hope your weather blows through quick! I’m ready for the projected high of 60 degrees on Sunday (and we had windchills of single digits today)

hang in there friends it’s Friday eve!
Dix so sorry to hear about your job. :grouphug: I hope something opens up that’s even better.

Schumi great beach pics!

Keisha no way! Wow! Stones tix! Lucky ducky! They have only one stop in Canada, and happens to be here! But I’d probably have to sell my first born to buy 2 tix. :sad: Such a great band. And Beatles, really too many to list.
When is your WDW trip? I just made my ADRs too. I haven’t made one for Trails End, but want to just have to figure out what day. Love going over to the Fort.
PS- I loved Paul lol!

Monykalyn are you planning an Aug WDW trip too? That would be fun to meet up again!
Yes, it sure is like having a baby again with a pup! I bet those chickens aren’t trying to sneak in the house anymore, lol. Poor girls.
We have a gas fireplace in the living room and have a couple of doggy mats in front of it. The dogs love being right in front of it.

Charade hope you’re feeling better. Those therapists are a handful. Enough to drive anyone to drink! Did you print out step by step instructions on how to use scheduler lol!

Lynne we had 2 labs, a male who was too smart for his own britches. He figured out how to open the garden gate and door knobs. Then we had a female. Both yellow. Couldn’t keep the male out of the water. He loved it. Female was very un-lab like as far as water goes. Can’t beat a labs personality, best dogs ever.

MRose we haven’t met! we live in the Pacific NW, lots of Hawks & Eagles here. When I’m outside in the yard with my 2 small dogs (yorkiepoo & Cocker spaniel) I’m always on the lookout for eagles. We have a bird feeder in the backyard and last summer I just happened to glance out the window and notice a rat was in the bird feeder but not for long. So quick and silent some type of hawk swooped in and that was that.
We also have coyotes ugh. Lots of cats go missing here. I saw one of those spike vests on a dog here. No bristles though. Just spikes.

Pumpkin it sure is sad when our fur babies age. Been thru it too many times.

Mac did you leave the light on for me?!

:wave2: To all. Trying to catch up a bit. Getting back to normality. This week went back to the last school I worked at, and happens to be the closest. Autoshop teacher put in a new headlamp for me. While he was doing that I wandered up to my old office to visit, and ran into quite a few of the staff. Was nice to visit with everyone.

When Mr & I were out to dinner last Saturday he noticed the light was out. We took seperate cars to dinner because I had to drop him off at the mechanic to get his car, then we went to dinner from there.

Our usual Japanese place. But was a bit disappointed this time. We had one cup of tea, then they ran out? It was 6pm. We never got more. The Miso soup was not great, then Mr & I got our meals but oldest dd was with us & it took 10 min for her dinner to appear.

Yesterday was the usual volunteer church morning. Then I went to a card making class. It was lots of fun. Afterwards I got my Hep A injection from my doctor in prep for Mexico trip next week. My arm is sore!
I’ve been secretly packing in the basement.
We’ll be in a Puerto Vallarta. Can’t wait for some sun & beach time.
Springing the Birthday surprise to the Mr Saturday at dinner! He hasn’t figured out it’s for his birthday yet. Because we usually have Saturday night dinners with his brother and another friend or 2. Both daughters will be there, and daughters fiancé too.

Today had my monthly massage. Hip feels so much better. Then I went to Costco to pick up some Saturday night dinner stuff, steaks and nugget potatoes. Since Hot Tub store is on same block I stopped in there to get my hot tub water analyzed and buy some chemicals I’m out of.

Tomorrow I’m meeting my old ophthamology group for brunch. I’ve mentioned them before I think? We all worked together in the same office 30 yrs ago! But have remained friends all these years. Our little group had some bad news, one friend was just diagnosed with cancer so we’re taking her out. Lift her spirits a bit.

We don’t go out for Valentines Day either. Restaurants so crowded, service is awful, and food usually not up to par either. Same goes with Mothers Day, & Fathers Day.

Since the snow storm here in January while I was in Ft Lauderdale it’s done nothing but rain, rain and rain some more. We had 2 days of sun a few days ago, then it’s been back to the regular scheduled programme. More road slides from all this rain.

With all the talk of raptors, this afternoon coming back from my appt I passed 2 bald eagles in the trees, with their wings out drying off from the morning rain. What a sight!
Monyk......I’m sure I asked you before but I forget.....where are you staying in Paris?

It’s been a long time since we went there. We were lucky to have visited Paris over 20 times, and we did always enjoy DLP, but it’s very different now and seems to have more things to do now.

Smoking folks were a problem for us there, it’s just everywhere.

We did love their version of Space Mountain, much better than WDW SM. Glad you’re all sorted though, nice to have plans fall into place........

Back in a bit......


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