Something About Nothing............ #14

Yeah, schools in my neighboring county have all been closed.
I read the school closings. It seems a person (from out of state) who has COVID was at some sort of an event down there and exposed people. I think the case up north of me was someone who went to a country with a lot of infections. I know they have to keep the privacy of the patients, but it's a little frustrating not knowing where these people were moving around in the area. Stores, restaurants, sports events, etc. We only know the counties that have it, not the actual cities or towns.
I guess time will tell what else closes. Scary times, but hopefully those that are sick, keep out if the public.
I hope so. But I know there have to be more cases here. We're just doing the best we can with hand washing, avoiding sick people (not including me!), etc. I fully expected Philly would have the first case here, but I didn't expect it up closer to us so quickly also.
Well I’m sure it will be all over the news soon but we now have an actual confirmed case of the corona in a resident in our area, they had been housing some in our area but this person had nothing to do with any of them she was supposedly traveling in the UK and returned home about 2 weeks ago and had symptoms for 10 days and finally went to the hospital today..........unbelievable..........
I hear you! I didn't expect us to be in the same boat so quickly, but I really think it's unavoidable at this point. It's here, spreading. From what I read about the Nebraska lady was that she got sick on Feb. 24, and her illness was mild until yesterday, when it suddenly wasn't. That's the alarming part.... that people could feel just cold symptoms and not know anything is seriously wrong. A lot of reports had people saying their covid infection was mild.
I think Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Indiana and Minnesota all reported their first cases today.
I couldn’t find any hand sanitizer or even an empty space where it should be.
Our stores are completely out of hand sanitizer. There's just none to be found. I keep some during flu season anyway, so we're good with it for now.
Next I went to JCPenney to pick up an order. They were having a mystery coupon sale. I got a coupon for 40% off. I looked around, but couldn't find anything I wanted to buy. I saw a girl shopping for prom dresses, so I gave my coupon to her.
Aww, that was really nice to give her the coupon! I bet it was very much appreciated.

One of my kids is in the medical/dental professional field and they caught a patient trying to steal a whole box of masks from one of their rooms. That's how desperate people seem to be getting. They told him that the regular masks won't protect him from covid anyway.

Praying everyone stays safe!
Charade.....answering for Lynne here, but the first picture she has there is the Hearst Tower. It’s quite near Columbus Circle.

mac......being productive is over rated!! Me time is much more important.......

DLPN it’s scary when you hear of folks being stupid and not seeking medical advice!

mrose........for the person to be caught stealing something is bad enough, but for it to be of no use, is just laughable. Hope you are feeling better soon too.......

We had rain overnight and now it’s quite windy.......

Bacon for was delicious......apparently I’m having a roast beef open sandwich for lunch, sounds nice......

Not much going on here at very quietly......

Have a great Saturday........
Thanks for knowing the name of that building, Schumi. We were all over part of Manhattan. And happy you are feeling better. The rain has moved out, so we have a cool and cloudy Saturday. Quiet house is a good thing, most of the time. And yay, bacon 🥓 on the menu this morning. Since you are feeling better, I’d be around for some left over bacon. 😊

And for most of us here,

So, have that awesome Saturday today, and relax, we are in March now, Spring is getting ever so closer.
I am up way too early for a Saturday. I have absolutely nothing planned for today. The house is clean and the laundry is done. Dh will be spending most of the day helping with a student film project, so it is just me and the cat.

The second, is a zig zagging walkway you can ascend to see the sights.
It looks sort of like a pinecone.

So far, both kids’ colleges have not closed, nor my township school, I guess time will tell what else closes. Scary times, but hopefully those that are sick, keep out if the public.
B's school had a group of students in Italy, but they have been brought home. Another group is planning to go to London over spring break. I believe that trip is still on.

One of my kids is in the medical/dental professional field and they caught a patient trying to steal a whole box of masks from one of their rooms. That's how desperate people seem to be getting. They told him that the regular masks won't protect him from covid anyway.
This is sad, but you are right. People are getting desperate and will try anything even if it won't work.

Charade.....answering for Lynne here, but the first picture she has there is the Hearst Tower. It’s quite near Columbus Circle.
Thanks for identifying the building. I didn't get to that part of the city the one time I was in NYC.

A week from today we will be at Busch Gardens. I wonder if the virus fears will keep people away.
Saturday, saturday...our nice weather departed & I was hit in the face by sideways blowing light snow this am when i took the pooch outside. Note to self, that is the best way to fully awaken quickly!

Well, on a positive note we did receive a surefire ‘out’ from RCCL yesterday. Can cancel & reschedule our cruise up to 48 hours prior & use the proceeds to book any cruise, any time up to departing 12/31/2021.

Likely, we will sit on that wild card and make a decision after watching the next week or so unfurl.

We are looking at the 2nd part of the trip differently, as we were then meeting my eldest DS family in WDW. Both of have separate, NR travel. DiLs AP is expiring the following week & she already purchased 10 day, expiring PH for my DS.

Would be nice “if” things go much further south, WDW & U would extend APHs that expire during this event & allow park tix to be used within a stated time ala RCCL. Will be interesting to see how things play out.

I found myself rolling my eyes when SWA crowed in their PR release that they have always offered flexibility. True, but many people also have SWA travel booked with funds that easily could be expiring during this time frame

I buy trip insurance on all cruises that must include all components of a single trip encompassing the time I leave/return to my home. Ideally, would flip it over with the cruise credit. May be forced to anyway if it won’t cover the Wyndham BC rental & expiring SWA airfare.

my 1st world problems vent is done in the big scheme of things, hoping this is the worst dilemma I face in this situation!

Tom helped set it up made all the teas and coffee with one of them......we all had a nice chatter and food was lovely.
Hmm, he may have a gift for hosting teas:)
I am currently at Walmart. They are sold out of rubbing alcohol. The hand soap aisle is starting to look bare. I did find some spray cans of Lysol on a side wall, but this is what the Lysol/Clorox aisle looks like. View attachment 479103
Looks like a plague of Locusts came thru. That sort of behavior is the lowest sort of common denominator. Just surprised to see how quickly it is evidencing.
Ack, as bad as the word snow. Crazy people, Charade.

From our waking today.

View attachment 479107View attachment 479108
I just watched an episode of Project Runway where they had a fashion show inside the pine coney looking building. Amazing design and even those professional walkers were treading very carefully down the steps. One of the judges had fear of heights and froze in his tracks on the 2nd floor or so the ascent up.
I couldn’t find any hand sanitizer or even an empty space where it should be.
Wait, they took the empty space too? Haha lame joke to try to diffuse the same sort of unease i felt seeing it twice i two days
Next I went to JCPenney to pick up an order. They were having a mystery coupon sale. I got a coupon for 40% off. I looked around, but couldn't find anything I wanted to buy. I saw a girl shopping for prom dresses, so I gave my coupon to her.
That was. Nice of you. I never have gotten one with the large discount. Was it the candy bar one with it on the wrapper? Those were my favorite sales there! Haven’t stopped there since late January. Stock was sparse, was thinking maybe they were getting ready to close it entirely.
Decided to be productive the other day and just about finished with cleaning now, reorganizing and tossing out things we no longer have a need for

it has really cut into my “me” time
Lol gotta have those priorities
Yeah, schools in my neighboring county have all been closed. So far, both kids’ colleges have not closed, nor my township school, I guess time will tell what else closes. Scary times, but hopefully those that are sick, keep out if the public.
No closings here, yet. Is it out of caution or is there a confirmed case?

File this under: we all need to make good decisions based upon the confirmed facts that are out there...

Was somewhat annoyed to hear that my DS was called into HR Thursday. They had put the same travel edict upon their employees that day that many are experiencing. It applies to both corporate and private travel.

He was specifically questioned as to his interactions in Wilkes-Barre last weekend. He works for a large, well-known international company. They had all the employees meet & fill out a long questionnaire. Upon reviewing Corporate was alarmed to hear he was in a public place during the conference, a casino. Said they may request he be examined/tested or even quarantined at home with pay. Going to guess they consider WB a hot spot of sorts?

He’s agreeable to whatever, especially the free time off if they insist. A few people argued their civil rights were being trampled, as to being told what they could do on their own free time. Corp came back surprisingly heavy-handed...since they work in a non-union capacity without a contract, they are ‘at will’ employees.

I expect that certain edicts may be issued from CDC/government as to temporary measures deemed prudent to protect ‘the all’. Don’t think corporate HR departments are qualified to make that call in the interim other than following the updated general guidelines from the CDC.

IMO It’s starting to get a bit messy re hoarding and this sort of misguided, perhaps well-intentioned, arbitrary restrictions

Well I’m sure it will be all over the news soon but we now have an actual confirmed case of the corona in a resident in our area, they had been housing some in our area but this person had nothing to do with any of them she was supposedly traveling in the UK and returned home about 2 weeks ago and had symptoms for 10 days and finally went to the hospital today..........unbelievable..........
Wonder if she was self quarantining at home. We are told that the testing kits are finally rolling out in numbers that may make it possible to start to test at least some of those who present symptoms.
but it's a little frustrating not knowing where these people were moving around in the area. Stores, restaurants, sports events, etc. We only know the counties that have it, not the actual cities or towns.
People are so mobile, it’s stated to be so easily transmissible, but telling us most demographics will be mildly impacted akin to regular flu. It’s the rest of us who get to hold our breath i suppose.
I hope so. But I know there have to be more cases here. We're just doing the best we can with hand washing, avoiding sick people (not including me!), etc. I fully expected Philly would have the first case here, but I didn't expect it up closer to us so quickly also.
They say most who are healthy might not even know they were infected, regular flu-like symptoms some just mild. Hope they are correct on that.
Set another plate at the table
Bacon is calling my name

heck I’ll even come over and cook the bacon
And Schumi can supervise me

I can’t manage to chomp it lately, picked up some breakfast sausage patties. Going to fry them all up and tell myself it’s marvelous :)
:wave: everyone, I hope you are having a good weekend. I started off good this morning with getting up early and doing things but have puttered out.:sad2:. It is clear and cool here today. Brian is working on both bathrooms, Liv and Charlie are at work. Charlie did help Brian with some painting today. The house is looking really nice.

Brian had his phone interview yesterday, and he said he felt it went good. After she asked him regular interview questions she did ask about the relocation process and he assured her we could work it out. She seemed very happy about that. She told him she was going to finish up with interviews early next week and get back to him by the end of it either way. He thinks he will get one more interview either Skype or in person. We were starting to talk about it if he gets it and it was exciting and scary. He may have to go down before us and that freaks me out a bit. There is so much to do to sell and move out of state. I am hoping if he gets the job they will let him start more like beginning of June. This time would be less stressful. However, if he gets it can't turn it down. The timing of trying to sell and get another one fast will be tricky. We may have to go a little lower on the house if we want to sell it fast. We are going to start putting some plans and scenarios in place just in case he gets it.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes with my surgery and your experiences with yours.:goodvibes For the most part I am good then out of the blue I get anxious. I can't believe how much supplements and foods to avoid before it.

Thank you for the wishes for Brian and his job, I think they were with him yesterday:)

Keishashadow Glad that RCCL is offering a cancel/change program up to 48 hours.:thumbsup2 I know that must take some stress off of making a choice now. I hope the second part of your trip works out good for everyone. I am one of those people who hates getting blasted with anything cold while waking up, but your right it does work. Sorry to hear what happened to your son, that's good he is agreeable with whatever they choose. Glad he will get paid. I hope you can get in before June for your tooth and infection.

Schumi I hope you enjoyed your open roast beef sandwhich, I loved open turkey ones. I hope you get some nice weather, sometimes that helps pick you up. I hope everyday you feel better and will keep you in my thoughts:flower3:. Nice that your friends brought over such awesome food!

Charade I hope you and the cat had a nice day:D. I remember the candy bars at JC Penney. The one near me closed a couple of years ago so don't get there often, nice of you to give it to her, prom dresses are expensive. I love Bush Gardens Williamsburg, one of the prettiest parks I have been too. If we get Bush Garden annual passes I would like to take a trip back there in the future. I hope you have a great time next week and less crowds.

Mrose I hope you are feeling better now:). I understand what you are saying about knowing where it is. Our store shelves are looking empty also I decided to make my own hand sanitizer. Liv has really bad skin in the winter and can't use ones with alchohol. I am making one with Aloe vera, witch hazel and tea tree oil. I hope it is good.

Cam757 :bday: to your DH. The donuts sound amazing, I would enjoy the key lime one myself. I hope you have a nice dinner out this weekend to celebrate.

Lynne Glad that you had a nice trip, made it home safely and the pics were great!:thumbsup2 It does feel nice to be home after a trip.

Mac I have been going through things we don't need or want to take very slowly. I agree with you 100 percent on it cutting into me time. I hope you are having some well deserved "me time" this weekend:D. The cats probably want some of that:laughing:. I will be making turkey bacon tomorrow!!

DLPN I hope everyone in your area stays healthy :) . Good luck! We haven't had one in our area but it is only a matter of time.

I want to shout out to all the SANS family and I hope everyone is having a good Saturday night!
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Bobbie, all things will work out on your house listing and your relocation.
Don't let it make you panic.

When we listed our house, we took the first offer as we planned to move south.
We did not have a house to move to but did a 16 hour drive to Tennessee and stayed for 5 days looking for a house.
We had it all set up with an RE agent
Last day with the realtor, he showed us 3 houses in Georgia
Found one that was a good fit for us and signed papers. We had not considered that state when we started our plans

As we were driving back home, got a call the seller changed their mind
As it was within the 24 hour deadline, they could cancel

Since our house was under contract, we had to find a place to live
Waited 5 days at home and realtor lined up more hoses to view so did a return day 6 to Georgia this time
Found a house and all went fine.

It might be hectic at times but you will sell your house and find one you will adore in Florida!

I hope your husband gets good news and lands that job !
Hi Mac thank you for sharing your story :goodvibes . I feel better hearing it. You are right it will all work out Brian and I just have to work together on it.

Thank you for the good luck wishes, we are so on the edge of our seats with the job. I will keep you posted. :thumbsup2
To be honest, I was very shaken inside with worry of what do we do
Our house in the north was under contract with a closing date and weWe had spent a few weeks going through items and packing them
We were slower than a turtle

we had signed a contract with a long distance moving and storage company and it was coming in 5 days
I went and bought a lot of packing boxes and worked in the house from the time I got up until time I went to bed for 4 days straight

truck came a day early so they took all the boxes
It was a rush way to pack
But it did finally get me to toss things that had sat for years without anyone using things
mac.......I think you could make bacon just fine!! I did plan on bacon this morning, but we slept so late we decided to have it for lunch......will you make it in time?? 🚀 🥓 I do remember your move South, it was quite a challenge.......I love moving! Tom thinks I have gypsy blood as I have moved a lot.....over 20 times in my life......several with him though including different countries too. Fun!!!!

Keisha.....snow??? You’ve had such lovely weather too.......good news on the insurance For you if things do get worse......our insurance covers absolutely everything........except we won’t be cancelling unless it’s physically impossible to travel. Not that we were planning to cancel anyway.

bobbie.....the move will go just fine. Trust me I’m an expert mover...... :rotfl: Yes, I have the best friends!! Spent an hour last night Skyping one of my oldest friends. There are four of us who’s mums all made friends when they were pregnant, so we were all born within days of each other and stayed friends for all our 52 years.....despite some us moving around and leading our own lives, we all keep in touch regularly which is or FaceTime are both fabulous. You know I love a turkey sandwich too!! Hot or cold....doesn’t matter......

Rained heavy during the night.......only thing it did was make the grass grow even more.....think it’ll be getting mowed earlier this year....

Dinner is beef in Ale with puff pastry tonight......I’m looking forward to that!

Have a great Sunday........
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Bacon for lunch is just as good as it would be for morning

It’s one of thr food groups I can eat it any time!
Bacon? Got me out of that late wake up as I am on daylight saving time now. Yeah, loss of sleep is okay on a day off. And, that means kids may sleep to noon. Ack. It’s the having to get up time tomorrow that will see tired homies. On the positive, at least I will be coming home not in the darkness as much, as sun won’t set until a couple of hours after dinner. Eh, my morning commute will still be a bit dark. Sunrise is now close to 7:30 am.

Bobbie, hope everything works out with Brian getting the job, and house selling and buying. Breathe, things have a way of getting done when they need to, and good thoughts to you. And my home story is one where my real estate agent thought I’d never find a house, after looking at so so so many. After feeling defeated, the agent’s agency had just put a house on the market, so the agent asked if we wanted to see it right away. We did, and put an offer in less than an hour later. Fastest sale that agency probably ever got. The owners were nice, and the house has been ours ever since. And it is exactly where in the neighborhood I wanted. So find some time to relax, and good thoughts your surgery goes well. Sending lots of mummy dusthope for all to work out perfectly, and family and cats are happy and healthy.

And yay, a sunny Sunday, warmer than that cold 20 to 30 mph wind blowing on a 38 degree Saturday. All that ☀️ will bring us a high of 60, with light winds. Big yay, as saying Monday’s high will be 70. Break out those shorts! Yeah, there has been shorts seen all winter. It’s been a cool at times winter, but a least ❄️ one. Even Keisha’s snow has probably gone with the wind.


Good Morning homies!

Sniff, Spring Break is over, and my little one returns to college. At least in 6 or so weeks, I get her home for the summer. And a girl that enjoys vacation too. Saying if I buy her an AP again, we can go in May and August. Hmmm, numbers I need to review, but hey, may very well happen, as I have never been in May. Hmmm.

Goita go, list has to be reviewed, as making sure little one has what she needs. And have a cute Saint P’s Day box with her favorite candies in it. Made sure to put in some that is not as favorite, to share with the floor. I know she will. Nice thing is, her roommate enjoys the same candy as little one.
Pooch didn’t get the memo of time change. It’s never encourageing to crack an eye and not see daylight peeking into BD Sun eventually did rise & it appears as thought it’s going to revert to a beautiful day.:)

Was looking for new series to watch with the Mr. Had enjoyed old Westword (yul brinner edition). Took most of the first, slowly building first episode but we are hooked, Line & sinker

There is so much to do to sell and move out of state. I am hoping if he gets the job they will let him start more like beginning of June. This time would be less stressful. However, if he gets it can't turn it down. The timing of trying to sell and get another one fast will be tricky. We may have to go a little lower on the house if we want to sell it fast. We are going to start putting some plans and scenarios in place just in case he gets it.
Continued good vibes sent your way.

Putting on realtor hat, all markets are different but rates are low & it’s that time of year when listings are starting to populate. Many times i’ve Seen sellers get caught up in stalling via last minute projects they think will help their home sell. Biggest hint I can offer is A) find a great ‘sellers’ realtor, B) price it right & C) put half your possessions in storage, especially closets & cupboards, have them at least half full to project spaciousness
Thank you everyone for the well wishes with my surgery and your experiences with yours.:goodvibes For the most part I am good then out of the blue I get anxious. I can't believe how much supplements and foods to avoid before it.
They seemed to have tweaked the instructions since I last had surgery, as to two of the forbidden on the list...listed as “herbals” & “street drugs”. “Nutritional supplements” are liisted separately. None apply to me but thought it interesting
Sorry to hear what happened to your son, that's good he is agreeable with whatever they choose. Glad he will get paid. I hope you can get in before June for your tooth and infection.
Yes, employer hasn’t made a decision at this point. Would think since a week has passed, hypothetically, thinking it’d be a bit late in the game for effective infection control anyway...but what do i know.
I love Bush Gardens Williamsburg, one of the prettiest parks I have been too. If we get Bush Garden annual passes I would like to take a trip back there in the future. I hope you have a great time next week and less crowds.
It is such a beautiful, green park. My only complain is all the hills :)
We had it all set up with an RE agent
Last day with the realtor, he showed us 3 houses in Georgia
Found one that was a good fit for us and signed papers. We had not considered that state when we started our plans
Good realtor worth their weight & commission :)
To be honest, I was very shaken inside with worry of what do we do
Our house in the north was under contract with a closing date and weWe had spent a few weeks going through items and packing them
We were slower than a turtle
In a way getting it done under fire is a good thing, a finite deadline helps to move it along.

Speaking of getting it done, tonites TWD looks to be full of action
Keisha.....snow??? You’ve had such lovely weather too.......good news on the insurance For you if things do get worse......our insurance covers absolutely everything........except we won’t be cancelling unless it’s physically impossible to travel. Not that we were planning to cancel anyway.
That’s the spirit! We bought this policy last year when booking the cruise, typically less & better coverage if your purchase within anywhere from a week to three, depending on the carrier. Policies sold this year all changed covering pandemic sort of issues, other than a general cancel for any reason which is only offered by a few insurers & is quite pricey.
Dinner is beef in Ale with puff pastry tonight......I’m looking forward to that!
That sounds fancy! Don’t work with puff pastry often. When i do it’s the sheets for baklava, rather temperamental lol. I did see the other day they sell large than canapé sized precut/packaged squares now, thought they’d probably easy enough to pop on the rare pot pie when i make one.
mac....yes, bacon really can be enjoyed at any meal.....and with the advent of the maple bacon donut.....even dessert!!!!

Lynne.....we are two weeks behind in losing the hour this year...we are usually the following weekend to the USA, I think it`s the 29th...will need to check now, I`m not sure?? It was always welcome when we were young in Scotland, not walking to school in the complete dark was a good thing.

Keisha....yes, they added a fortune a few years when the volcano was erupting, if you wanted to add that our policy almost doubled....we didn't bother. Bit late to add it now anyway as we have a yearly policy. Yes, they`d need to be a ban on flying to stop us going on our trips.....of course you never know what`s round the corner, but you can`t live your life like that.

Puff pastry I always buy ready`s so easy and less fuss. And perfectly good, can`t tell the difference between folks that stand and make it from scratch and the jusrol stuff. I did the beef in ale overnight and won`t take a lot of effort to roll out pastry.....oh you`ve just made me think of baklava...only ever eat in it!!! I also buy ready made filo pastry too...far too fiddly to make.....

Been left on my own for a couple of hours while they go for a few circuits Karting. I`ve got a list of do`s and dont`s while they`re gone.

Sitting in office with laptop is one I can do!
"To go...or not to go..that is the DVC trip next month in question." :charac2:
almost no way to to get our WL Copper Creek spot again in the next 2 months. ARRGGG... :crazy:
Former 1st world problems.
Sunday Funday....well in my case, Sunday be lazy day.

Our plans to go out for a family dinner were canceled because DH is sick with a cold. He is just going to rest today. We had a little outing yesterday to pick out paint and flooring for our half bath. Definitely not my favorite thing to do. I am so indecisive when it comes to picking out colors and coordinating them all. We also went to Kroger to do some grocery shopping. It was nuts. I didn't bother looking for sanitizer but bought a huge bottle of hand soap. We needed it anyway. Our state only has one confirmed case of coronavirus and they are hours away from us.

Not sure what we will do for dinner. I made chicken taco soup last night so may just have leftovers tonight.

Brian had his phone interview yesterday, and he said he felt it went good.

Best of luck! Sounds like exciting times. I would love to sell up and move to Florida but it is probably a post retirement dream😃

Dinner is beef in Ale with puff pastry tonight......I’m looking forward to that!
Sounds delish. I love puff pastry on chicken pot pie.

Hope you all have great Sunday!
I'm having a nice, lazy Sunday afternoon. I remembered to spring forward, but still overslept today. The weather is gorgeous today, so I have my windows open. I wish it could stay like this for several months.

There have now been 2 confirmed cases of the Corona virus here in VA. None close to me though.

Well, on a positive note we did receive a surefire ‘out’ from RCCL yesterday. Can cancel & reschedule our cruise up to 48 hours prior & use the proceeds to book any cruise, any time up to departing 12/31/2021.

Likely, we will sit on that wild card and make a decision after watching the next week or so unfurl.

We are looking at the 2nd part of the trip differently, as we were then meeting my eldest DS family in WDW. Both of have separate, NR travel. DiLs AP is expiring the following week & she already purchased 10 day, expiring PH for my DS.

Would be nice “if” things go much further south, WDW & U would extend APHs that expire during this event & allow park tix to be used within a stated time ala RCCL. Will be interesting to see how things play out.

I found myself rolling my eyes when SWA crowed in their PR release that they have always offered flexibility. True, but many people also have SWA travel booked with funds that easily could be expiring during this time frame

I buy trip insurance on all cruises that must include all components of a single trip encompassing the time I leave/return to my home. Ideally, would flip it over with the cruise credit. May be forced to anyway if it won’t cover the Wyndham BC rental & expiring SWA airfare.

my 1st world problems vent is done in the big scheme of things, hoping this is the worst dilemma I face in this situation!
I had to read that several times before I understood all of it. I'm a little slow on the acronyms. It's nice that the cruise line is giving you lots of flexibility should you decide to reschedule.

Looks like a plague of Locusts came thru. That sort of behavior is the lowest sort of common denominator. Just surprised to see how quickly it is evidencing.
It's like the bread and milk aisles when we are expecting snow. Today I will find out how ridiculous Kroger looks.

Was it the candy bar one with it on the wrapper?
No candy bar this time. It was just a peel off sticker.

He was specifically questioned as to his interactions in Wilkes-Barre last weekend. He works for a large, well-known international company. They had all the employees meet & fill out a long questionnaire. Upon reviewing Corporate was alarmed to hear he was in a public place during the conference, a casino. Said they may request he be examined/tested or even quarantined at home with pay. Going to guess they consider WB a hot spot of sorts?

He’s agreeable to whatever, especially the free time off if they insist. A few people argued their civil rights were being trampled, as to being told what they could do on their own free time. Corp came back surprisingly heavy-handed...since they work in a non-union capacity without a contract, they are ‘at will’ employees.
I kind of agree that this seems a bit extreme. I don't know that it would be any safer staying within the confines of the convention, but a few days off with pay sounds nice. My husband is scheduled to go to a convention in Las Vegas next month. He's a little worried that it might get cancelled.

Brian had his phone interview yesterday, and he said he felt it went good. After she asked him regular interview questions she did ask about the relocation process and he assured her we could work it out. She seemed very happy about that. She told him she was going to finish up with interviews early next week and get back to him by the end of it either way. He thinks he will get one more interview either Skype or in person.
Good luck again to Brian. I have a couple of horrible moving stories that I won't share.

Charade I hope you and the cat had a nice day:D.
I think we both slept through most of it. I guess I really needed to catch up on sleep yesterday.

I love Bush Gardens Williamsburg, one of the prettiest parks I have been too. If we get Bush Garden annual passes I would like to take a trip back there in the future.
I would love to visit the one in Florida sometime.

I love moving!
Fun is not a word I would use to describe moving. I think I have moved about 14 times and I really don't ever want to do it again.

Sniff, Spring Break is over, and my little one returns to college.
Mine will be coming home on Friday for her break.

"To go...or not to go..that is the DVC trip next month in question."
I think that unless something really serious happens in the next few weeks I would go.

Our plans to go out for a family dinner were canceled because DH is sick with a cold. He is just going to rest today. We had a little outing yesterday to pick out paint and flooring for our half bath. Definitely not my favorite thing to do. I am so indecisive when it comes to picking out colors and coordinating them all.
Well wishes for your dh. I am absolutely no good at picking out colors. We want to repaint the inside of our house, but have no idea what to do with it. Right now it is in several shades of beige. Our living/dining area has an orange accent wall that we hate.

I guess I should go find something to do to keep busy so I don't nap again.
"To go...or not to go..that is the DVC trip next month in question." :charac2:
almost no way to to get our WL Copper Creek spot again in the next 2 months. ARRGGG... :crazy:
Former 1st world problems.

Go for it buckeev… could stay home and run into someone in the grocery store with it.…..go and have fun!!!!

Sunday Funday....well in my case, Sunday be lazy day.

Our plans to go out for a family dinner were canceled because DH is sick with a cold. He is just going to rest today. We had a little outing yesterday to pick out paint and flooring for our half bath. Definitely not my favorite thing to do. I am so indecisive when it comes to picking out colors and coordinating them all. We also went to Kroger to do some grocery shopping. It was nuts. I didn't bother looking for sanitizer but bought a huge bottle of hand soap. We needed it anyway. Our state only has one confirmed case of coronavirus and they are hours away from us.

Not sure what we will do for dinner. I made chicken taco soup last night so may just have leftovers tonight.

Best of luck! Sounds like exciting times. I would love to sell up and move to Florida but it is probably a post retirement dream😃

Sounds delish. I love puff pastry on chicken pot pie.

Hope you all have great Sunday!

Hope your DH feels better quickly....oh I`ll come over and help you with colours and things that go together.....I LOVE doing that, and I`m told I`m pretty darn good at it....even if I say so myself!!!

Puff Pastry is a nice treat now and again!! mmm....chicken pot pie...….

I'm having a nice, lazy Sunday afternoon. I remembered to spring forward, but still overslept today. The weather is gorgeous today, so I have my windows open. I wish it could stay like this for several months.

Fun is not a word I would use to describe moving. I think I have moved about 14 times and I really don't ever want to do it again.

Oh, nope, we love moving, it`s fun for us for sure! And all our moves have been mostly enjoyable. Sure, there are issues sometimes, but we always look on the bright side.....we managed it!!! There was a move with an almost flight...but we can laugh about that now!
Glad you`ve got some nice weather......I love fresh air coming in the house......

Dinner was beautiful. Again, even if I say so myself......and we are pretty darn full right now!

Hope there`s something good on tv tonight.......


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