Something About Nothing............ #14

@schumigirl 93F!!!! You guys must be dying. Do you have air conditioning at home? I have been meaning to ask about your son. I remember when he had just graduated from college.

No, air conditioning isn`t common over here for the 3 hours a year we get these temps. We do have portable units for the bedrooms at night, so far this year we`ve used them approx 5 times this year. I do think in the next few years any new homes over a certain price point may have it as standard.....I would hope so anyway......

It`s not too bad as we don`t get that dense humidity the South gets. And as we don`t get it very often, we certainly enjoy it when we get it can spot the Brits in a heatwave.....we run outside instead of in!

Yes, Kyle graduated form University with a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering in 2016, a couple of years ago now. He went into the Financial world......I think that`s always been his destiny to be honest, but it`s one of the best degrees you can have and widely sought after by employers. He`s doing wonderfully thank you....... :flower3:
Just woke up from a 3.5 hour nap. Hope I can still sleep tonight. My isolation period should be over after Saturday, but I plan to stay home all day Sunday as well. If all goes well I should be able to go back to work on Monday.

Wishing you luck you get more restful sleep Charade. And I hope your taste and smell come back shortly.
Thanks Lynne. I read on the CDC website that it could take weeks or even months to return. I just hope they return before my trip.

Food will taste wonderful when you get your taste buds back.....everything tasted good to me!
I just hope I don’t over do it and undo my weight loss progress.

I know what you mean...I try not to get in the legs are white as white could be.
I often joke that I could spend a day at the beach and come back paler than I was when I got there.

Does anyone have a preference on chicken places?
My favorite is Chick-fil-A. When I lived in Miami I also loved Pollo Tropical. I really miss that place.

Raw oysters for me every time, usually with lemon and Tabasco…….but most will work, except fried. I said last week I didn’t think I had tried them fried, but Lombards had them in a dish, and I didn’t like them like that, haven’t tried them elsewhere cooked though……I should get Kyle to video his face as I eat them……lol,…..can’t wait till Monday!
I have a feeling I would agree with Kyle. I just can’t bear the look of raw oysters.
Being from the south we supposedly believe that everything is better fried, but I think that there is a lot of seafood that is not better fried.

my Mum (who was in her 90’s when we lost her) was always busy on different projects. Beautiful sewing and embroidery. I have lots of lovely things. Watching a programme last weekend they read the poem “Footprints” and I remembered that in storage was an embroidered version Mum did so off I went to retrieve it! Now we know we are staying here I am putting it up in our bedroom.
This is crazy. I have the exact same one hanging on my bedroom wall. I stitched it back in 1987.
We are also going to spend the night at Ft Davis and do a nighttime sky viewing at the observatory.
That sounds really cool.

@Charade67 I forgot to say how nice your story was. That must mean a lot to your husband and his family to find each other.
Unfortunately only one family member has stayed in touch with him. It will be interesting to see how things go with this new person.

Now that I am awake I am hungry. Guess I should go find something.
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nice. mcdonalds had a run of happy meal toys back in early 2000’s. I still have my light up madame leota one I pull out for Halloween lol. Burger King had a bunch of Simpson’s Halloween stuff too, have most of them. i’m sure my boys will inform their cardiologists that’s due to the number of kids’ meals they ate.

i’ll vote for that.

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yep, have enough already on my head lol

good luck, I’ve resigned myself to the inevitable slice & dice every 6 months.

grin & enjoy that heat wave. Seems as though you’ve had more than your share this year?
OMG, that meme!!! I swear one of my high school english teachers drank on the job. He always smelled like booze!

I thought of you today!! I was browsing at H&M. The kids section had a line of Harry Potter clothing. Your granddaughter would look so cute in all of it!!

lol… and Tom could be white leg twins…….even though he’s had shorts on most of the summer here while walking……nope, still white!

Its around 86 here at just after 3.30 but in the garden we have 92 according to the temp thingy……..


Now that is a funny meme!!! (Love the Halloween one too)

I think I may know a few that have sunk of few of those types of drinks……you can tell a lot by behaviour!

Yes, we’ve had a very dry and warm summer…….I think since April we’ve only missed 3 days walking due to heavy rain. If it’s drizzly we still walk usually…..but we embrace it while we can.

Lori, I’ve never had Chick fil A in all our visits. I think when we’re there we very rarely eat fast food as we don’t eat it at home, but so many folks have said we must try it…….hope you enjoy it! We have KFC here and you wouldn’t let your dog eat from most of them. Especially when it’s so easy to make your own version of Southern Fried Chicken from scratch.

Raw oysters for me every time, usually with lemon and Tabasco…….but most will work, except fried. I said last week I didn’t think I had tried them fried, but Lombards had them in a dish, and I didn’t like them like that, haven’t tried them elsewhere cooked though……I should get Kyle to video his face as I eat them……lol,…..can’t wait till Monday!

I think we have some cloud coming in…….it was forecast to change tonight, but as the breeze is building I’m assuming it’ll be soon.

Fingers crossed for another mini heatwave next week……..
If I would only eat as healthy as I feed my dogs, I'd be skinny!!!

Yes, most fast food isn't great...but sometimes convenience wins.

:wave2: Quick morning stop in before the paper shuffling commences.

Looks like we will have a warm day here as well. I'll take whatever warm days we get. Worked a shift at the second job last night. It was a slow night. Got to move and play with all the fall/Halloween decorations. I like nights like that. Just left to play and create new displays with all the pretty things. Working another shift tonight.

What an amazing gift!!!! That will be treasured for years to come. I have my mil's cookbooks. It was one of the very few things we have of hers. I treasure them, and pull them out often - sometimes just to see her hand writing :o

YUM!!! We want to do coho fishing in the future. It is on our bucket-list of things to do. Ds has taken up fly fishing, and was trying to catch arctic char....which is delicious. He hasn't caught any of those yet. But I'm sure as he gets better and learns more about the different flies, he will catch them as well.

We believe that her quilting has kept her mind so sharp and her health so good. She only makes baby quilts now...and whenever anyone in the building needs a quilt, they stop at Grandma's apartment to pick one out. She just gives them away. I hope I will still be quilting when I'm 80+ years old.

Enjoy your long weekend!!!! And good score on the price drop for your accommodations. Your count down must be close to single digits now.

Such a great story!!! I hope you hear soon from her.


Love the memes lol. I"m sure that your boys were the only ones who had a number of kids meals that were eaten :rolleyes1 :laughing:

I have tried raw oysters...but I would be game to try them. The intrigue me. I have also seen them done on a bbq (in the shell) with garlic, lemon and cheese on them once they are slightly warmed up. I think that would be good as well.

Well...I should start shuffling some papers.

Stay safe everyone and have a great day!!!
Your second job sounds like a lot of fun!!

The bbq oysters sound quite yummy too!

@Pumpkin1172 my Mum (who was in her 90’s when we lost her) was always busy on different projects. Beautiful sewing and embroidery. I have lots of lovely things. Watching a programme last weekend they read the poem “Footprints” and I remembered that in storage was an embroidered version Mum did so off I went to retrieve it! Now we know we are staying here I am putting it up in our bedroom.

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Lynne I hope you escape the worst of the weather and stay safe.
Charade it sounds like you are really improving which is great news. Hope you sleep better tonight
Schumi well done on the walking. Too hot here for walking Louie today but he’s been out in the garden chasing butterflies all afternoon!

Chicken stir fry for our meal tonight. Not very hungry but been drinking lots of water today.

L and mummy have gone to Brownies tonight so I’m just doing a bit of homework with J and then will look for some tv viewing.

Hope everyone has a good evening.
Lovely treasure from your mum!!

Lynne I love seafood! Thanks, it was only a podiatrist visit to take care of ingrown nail from a past injury. I dropped a heavy wooden cutting board on my toe, which permanently damaged nail bed ugh.

Monica cute story with Paige and dog! Enjoy HHN! But as you know, not for me lol!

Keisha wow $89 flights! Waaaay back during the US recession I was getting $200 RT flights! Pretty good from West Coast.
Coho is from Pacific NW so in season now and picked it up at Costco! I much prefer west coast salmon. Much different than Atlantic.
Yes, fresh fish doesn’t have any smell! I’ve heard about eyes, but I prefer my fish to be already filleted!

Yay for dark arts returning!

Lynne excellent rate for RP. Flying is sure a challenge these days! My flights have changed several times over. I was supposed to arrive on a red eye so I could have a full first day! But they keep canceling flights from Vancouver to Seattle for my connection. Now leaving on morning flight non stop from SeaTac and don’t get to MCO until 5:50 😣.
And since they canceled all Vancouver/Seattle afternoon flights, returning home I have to overnight in Seattle, book hotel and take morning flight. Ugh.

Robo we have zero trick or treaters here! I remember seeing that mug in wdw! We were looking at them. There were 1 or 2 that came out that year.
Safe travels!

Pumpkin congrats on grandmas 100! And still going strong!

Mac was looking at long range Orlando weather. Still going to have the afternoon showers.

Schumi love mussels. We have a small Italian restaurant in town that does them simmered in a fresh homemade tomato sauce. So yummy.
I would be a horrible fisherman! I won’t put bait on Line, won’t take fish off it, etc. Basically all I’ll do is hold the pole lol!

Lynne hope you and the camel stay safe today!

Charade glad you’re feeling better. Hope you get some sleep.

Metro hope derm appt goes well.

Schumi sounds like you’re enjoying the nice weather. Dreary day here. Pounding rain around 5am woke me up. Now just intermittent showers. May clear in afternoon.

Paris it was good if I do say so myself lol. Oooo! We don’t have any Chick-Fill-A here in Canada. Used to go when in Florida, love the lemonade, waffle fries and chic strips.
I usually don’t like fast food chicken places. This was the exception. Near home we have Nandos that’s very good. It’s Caribbean style. Can pick sides, they have more than fries!

Pumpkin we’ve done oysters on the bbq when on the west coast of the island. Dig them up and leave them in the pail with ocean water then put them on the bbq. When they open throw on some Tabasco and lemon yum. Nothing like fresh oysters straight out of the ocean.

Gloomy day here. No plans. Think I’ll recheck Uni reservations and see if there’s a price change!

Anyone watching Walking Dead new season? I can’t believe it’s the last season!
Never heard of Nandos, but Caribbean style chicken is sure to be well liked!!

Not a huge Chick Fil-A fan due to smell in car, politics, and long lines. Son loves it though. I won't usually take him, but his dad will. They have a good cookie though. We don't eat much fast food anyway.

Got our March 2022 Spring Break reservations for Big Bend National Park fixed. I actually booked them in April. I was hoping to be able to stay in the park, but there is only 1 hotel. I didn't make it on the waiting list. This other place is nice though and has a kitchen and a separate bedroom for my husband and I to get away from the teens. We are also going to spend the night at Ft Davis and do a nighttime sky viewing at the observatory. Still got to book the half-day kayak trip though. I know it seems really far away, but every stinkin' school in Austin, TX, and maybe the whole state has Spring Break the same week. The park and area around there are a nightmare, but going during the summer is incredibly hot. My husband and I wouldn't mind summer, but we would never get our son to hike that early or in those temps.

Got to talk with an old friend today. We have a setup where we FaceTime once a month. She's local but pretty far from me. Plus, she has some health issues, doesn't drive anymore, and doesn't like visiting people with covid so rampant. It's nice to complain about stuff and share things with someone who is like-minded and never judges. She's actually probably 10+ years older than me.

@Charade67 I forgot to say how nice your story was. That must mean a lot to your husband and his family to find each other.

Not much going on today. Walked early, did my call, and scrubbed and soaked some of hubby's shirts that got a weird stain on them after washing and drying :confused3 Probably do my rowing machine soon. Then I have to run to Costco before picking up son from school. Getting to go food for dinner from our favorite Cajun restaurant. They have a good salad that I eat when on keto.
Nice to have Spring Break plans made! Kayak trip sounds like a good time!

Where did all my quotes go??? Had to redo some and miss others.......

We peaked at 93F today (secluded and sheltered part of the garden)......hotter than Hades here! Doesn`t get much warmer than that here, especially this time of year.

Keisha.....I trust your`s really not somewhere that would be on our radar in Orlando....we do much prefer a sit down place with service. Here McD`s, BK, KFC, Subway type places are everywhere and of course kebab/pizza/fish and chips....every town seems to have them. We`re lucky living in a village, it`s all smaller local places that are coffee shop type places, no fast food in sight.

Dill pickle juice and sugar??

How`s your weather as Lynne is getting it bad?

realfood......yes, very hot here, but we`re definitely making the most of it.

Pumpkin you have to try raw oysters........they are lush!!! Got to be ice cold for me.

mac....I doubt you`d like KFC over here....I tried it twice now and always disappointing, it`s the same with Domino`s pizza......rank over here. Small town pizza places are always better, the next town to us has one we really`ll never be American pizza, but it`s decent.

Sue, ouch on the ingrowing toenail.....very painful things. I do love mussels in a lemon butter sauce, not a fan of tomato sauces, but i can imagine how nice that dish is with all the added ingredients.

Nando`s here are dreadful too.....I`m glad yours are better. The UK don`t do fast food very well at all.

Soniam...sounds a lovely break away next year. Kyle would love it as he is big in astronomy and takes some awesome images. He was out till 5.30am the other morning, up all night imaging a nebula he hadn`t imaged before. It sounds a beautiful place though.

And nice to keep in regular touch with friends like`s so easy to lose touch despite all our technology today. Face time and zoom have been a real lifeline in recent times.

Getting very humid here tonight, maybe we will get some predicted storms after all.
Yes 93F is quite hot! Glad you got to enjoy a bit more summer weather!!

Just returned from walking the dogs. The wind has picked up quite a bit. No rain due, but I think we will sink down into the low 50s tonight.

Suppose I should start thinking of supper...maybe takeout. Not feeling inspired to cook today.
Just woke up from a 3.5 hour nap. Hope I can still sleep tonight. My isolation period should be over after Saturday, but I plan to stay home all day Sunday as well. If all goes well I should be able to go back to work on Monday.

Thanks Lynne. I read on the CDC website that it could take weeks or even months to return. I just hope they return before my trip.

I just hope I don’t over do it and undo my weight loss progress.

I often joke that I could spend a day at the beach and come back paler than I was when I got there.

My favorite is Chick-fil-A. When I lived in Miami I also loved Pollo Tropical. I really miss that place.

I have a feeling I would agree with Kyle. I just can’t bear the look of raw oysters.
Being from the south we supposedly believe that everything is better fried, but I think that there is a lot of seafood that is not better fried.

This is crazy. I have the exact same one hanging on my bedroom wall. I stitched it back in 1987.
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That sounds really cool.

Unfortunately only one family member has stayed in touch with him. It will be interesting to see how things go with this new person.

Now that I am awake I am hungry. Guess I should go find something.

Oh it`s Tom who has the face when I eat oysters.....I said Kyle should film him, sorry my words didn`t match......

Yes, most seafood should be lightly cooked or raw, most never should be deep fried......

And good luck with the continued weight`s not easy.

OMG, that meme!!! I swear one of my high school english teachers drank on the job. He always smelled like booze!

I thought of you today!! I was browsing at H&M. The kids section had a line of Harry Potter clothing. Your granddaughter would look so cute in all of it!!

If I would only eat as healthy as I feed my dogs, I'd be skinny!!!

Yes, most fast food isn't great...but sometimes convenience wins.

Your second job sounds like a lot of fun!!

The bbq oysters sound quite yummy too!

Lovely treasure from your mum!!

Never heard of Nandos, but Caribbean style chicken is sure to be well liked!!

Nice to have Spring Break plans made! Kayak trip sounds like a good time!

Yes 93F is quite hot! Glad you got to enjoy a bit more summer weather!!

Just returned from walking the dogs. The wind has picked up quite a bit. No rain due, but I think we will sink down into the low 50s tonight.

Suppose I should start thinking of supper...maybe takeout. Not feeling inspired to cook today.

lol.....when I was doing my Engineering Degree, one of the professors was permanently pickled.......he was like Uncle Fester in the original movie....dressed a little like him too.....but he was cool.

Oh let us know what you end up getting for dinner.......there are always days no one feels like cooking, no matter how much you love it. Oh you look great Lori, so what ever you`re`s working!!

Very unusual weather for us......but it`s already changed tonight, a lot cooler than earlier, donw to around mid 60`s tomorrow......
Not many papers to shuffle today. But I'll take the quiet day.

Waiting for dh to text or call me. He is working out of town ( left very early yesterday morning) and is supposed to let me know when he's on his way home. I just don't like it when they push the envelope of working all day...then get in the vehicle to drive home. It's a long drive. I hate interupting his day with numerous messaging :rolleyes: Just answer the I can continue on my way :rolleyes1

my Mum (who was in her 90’s when we lost her) was always busy on different projects. Beautiful sewing and embroidery. I have lots of lovely things. Watching a programme last weekend they read the poem “Footprints” and I remembered that in storage was an embroidered version Mum did so off I went to retrieve it! Now we know we are staying here I am putting it up in our bedroom.
That is beautiful!!!!!!!! I love items like that!
we’ve done oysters on the bbq when on the west coast of the island. Dig them up and leave them in the pail with ocean water then put them on the bbq. When they open throw on some Tabasco and lemon yum. Nothing like fresh oysters straight out of the ocean.
YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to live close enough (or stay) to the ocean to be able to do that. One summer we will be doing some fishing off the Queen Charlotte's, Prince Rupert areas. It is on our bucket list of vacations we want to do.
Very unusual weather for us......but it`s already changed tonight, a lot cooler than earlier, donw to around mid 60`s tomorrow......
I know you enjoyed the warm day!!!! Hopefully the weather doesn't turn too cool. to look busy again.
Soniam your plans are sounding terrific! A

Schumi I’ve only gone to the one closest to me for Nandos and thought it was pretty good. Always happy to find a place that you Can get chicken without batter (even though I love (real) fried chicken, my diabetes doesn’t. And more than fries for option. I got a side of nice crispy seasoned Brussels Sprouts Instead of fries. But I can count on one hand the number of times I go for fast food. Rarely. And Domino’s and KFC are a big no. Taco Bell here is awful too. Sadly.

Charade glad to hear things are progressing. Do you feel you’ll have the stamina to go back next week for full days? Is it possible to go back gradually? Maybe start with half days?

Pumpkin, I’ve always thought the Queen Charlottes would be an amazing trip! But ridiculously hard to get to from here and expensive! And Vancouver Island has same scenery! It would be an experience though.

After a rainy morning it cleared up and I decided to do some gardening, when I realized I got my recycling carts mixed up ack! I have the kitchen and garden waste in the mixed paper/plastics cart & visa versa. I don’t know what I’m going to do. These are BIG bins! Ugh!
Hehe, I could see me doing that mix up, Sue. Eh, I’d make a good try at switching the items in it, and just let it be.

And what does a little one and me dinner look like? Yes, soup, but never in a million years, I’d say little one ate grilled cheese stuck in a cup of tomato soup. Yes, the kid who gets mad when older one makes grilled cheese for lunch, as won’t eat. And so, I got the small fry pan out, made the grilled cheese, tomato soup from a can, and since I didn’t want tomato soup, saw some onions still left, and a box of brown soup base, and a French onion soup was for me, but didn’t have the right cheese, so mozzarella it was. And toasted the almost hard piece of bread that was in the fridge, and chopped it up to toss in my soup. So a grilled cheese stuck in onion soup. LoL. But both of us ate it up, and made two more sandwiches for older one, as I’m sure he will be hungry from his late night end of work.

And so it has started severe weather warning for the next four hours flashed on my phone. Hey, at least the rain will only be in the overnight. That’s fine with me. Though saying tomorrow morning will still be rainy. Thirsty Thursday fittingly for all the rain we get again. Saying around 2 inches before the rain stops. And what better way to start four days of wall to wall sun, such a day, with mid 70’s is the high, is this Friday. Woot!

And because of the announcement of the Potter night show returning the day before I do, here’s the night light:

Another perfect "fall/transition" day today-low 80's mostly sunny, breezy. Same tomorrow then hotter for weekend-just when I thought I could pull out fall stuff...instead probably to lake for one last boat ride. Should be calmer this weekend too.
food...we like chik fil a breakfast sandwiches but only get them when on a road trip even though a few in town. Got home, just me and the kid tonite, coupon on Gubhub...yep Chinese delivered it is! Ate on deck.
Charade-I know people who took a few months to fully get the sense of taste back, others who it returned much faster. Hope yours is sooner! And some restful sleep.
Went to check chickens-usually try to hold and inspect each one every few days-but has been a while since I actually go to all of them. My talkative FAverolle has gotten chubby! Had son pick her up too as sure I was imagining it. Nope-the bugs must be good this year. Refilled the meal worm bucket, gave them some worms then put bucket away (forgot the bag which is still half full on stairs where I'd set it outside)-went to collect eggs and took eggs inside, then back out to sit with the monsters-they'd knocked bag off steps and piles of mealworms out! Greedy little parasites! not happy with me trying to scoop the worms back into bag.

Excited about Dark Arts show back!!
And YAY it's that time of year for Robo's trees!!!

Hello to all!! LIke Schumi is having issues the quotes are being wonky, can't reply at all on ipad without losing everything.

and yea-Ben is marching, at football games, and having a competition season this year. Covid cases in schools very low (<0.5%) regardless of mask mandate (ours) or not (every single district all round us)-in fact our district is nearly double % cases than the surrounding areas, and same amounts quarantined-although again-still really low. We went through delta peak month ago.

And as lynne pointed out-hump day! Weekend is closer!
Soniam your plans are sounding terrific! A

Schumi I’ve only gone to the one closest to me for Nandos and thought it was pretty good. Always happy to find a place that you Can get chicken without batter (even though I love (real) fried chicken, my diabetes doesn’t. And more than fries for option. I got a side of nice crispy seasoned Brussels Sprouts Instead of fries. But I can count on one hand the number of times I go for fast food. Rarely. And Domino’s and KFC are a big no. Taco Bell here is awful too. Sadly.

Charade glad to hear things are progressing. Do you feel you’ll have the stamina to go back next week for full days? Is it possible to go back gradually? Maybe start with half days?

Pumpkin, I’ve always thought the Queen Charlottes would be an amazing trip! But ridiculously hard to get to from here and expensive! And Vancouver Island has same scenery! It would be an experience though.

After a rainy morning it cleared up and I decided to do some gardening, when I realized I got my recycling carts mixed up ack! I have the kitchen and garden waste in the mixed paper/plastics cart & visa versa. I don’t know what I’m going to do. These are BIG bins! Ugh!

Yes, I can count on one hand how often we eat at those kind of places, but I do exclude Chinese Takeout or local pizza place as fast`s good how one`s mind argues to suit food over here with places like is just poor, especially when compared to some in the US.

You reminded me mentioning recycling carts......we live in a quiet village with not muh going on......two families were rowing in the street last week (I never saw it) apparently one family have started leaving their recycling/trash bins at the front of the house permanently instead of at the back.......not really the done thing here, so it became a war of words. I need to find out if they kept doing it or did the same as everyone else and kept them at the back.

Another perfect "fall/transition" day today-low 80's mostly sunny, breezy. Same tomorrow then hotter for weekend-just when I thought I could pull out fall stuff...instead probably to lake for one last boat ride. Should be calmer this weekend too.
food...we like chik fil a breakfast sandwiches but only get them when on a road trip even though a few in town. Got home, just me and the kid tonite, coupon on Gubhub...yep Chinese delivered it is! Ate on deck.
Charade-I know people who took a few months to fully get the sense of taste back, others who it returned much faster. Hope yours is sooner! And some restful sleep.
Went to check chickens-usually try to hold and inspect each one every few days-but has been a while since I actually go to all of them. My talkative FAverolle has gotten chubby! Had son pick her up too as sure I was imagining it. Nope-the bugs must be good this year. Refilled the meal worm bucket, gave them some worms then put bucket away (forgot the bag which is still half full on stairs where I'd set it outside)-went to collect eggs and took eggs inside, then back out to sit with the monsters-they'd knocked bag off steps and piles of mealworms out! Greedy little parasites! not happy with me trying to scoop the worms back into bag.

Excited about Dark Arts show back!!
And YAY it's that time of year for Robo's trees!!!

Hello to all!! LIke Schumi is having issues the quotes are being wonky, can't reply at all on ipad without losing everything.

and yea-Ben is marching, at football games, and having a competition season this year. Covid cases in schools very low (<0.5%) regardless of mask mandate (ours) or not (every single district all round us)-in fact our district is nearly double % cases than the surrounding areas, and same amounts quarantined-although again-still really low. We went through delta peak month ago.

And as lynne pointed out-hump day! Weekend is closer!

It`s annoying when you type out responses and they just disappear....yes, it`s usually when I try to reply on the ipad and have a lot of multi quotes.

Sounds like low numbers in your area, good to hear.

It is a cloudy start to the day, still dark so can`t tell how cloudy yet. I can see a tinge of red as the sun slowly begins to rear up behind the horizon over the sea now.

Feel tired this morning, Tom think we need to start sleeping late instead of getting up so early....but I`ve got used to this since I was very young, hard to change, but we really have no need to be up so early, except we do enjoy walking before it gets busy. Even as the tourists leave the beach areas, it still gets busy with joggers, cyclists and dog walkers.......

Honey mustard balsamic chicken tonight, will pop it in the oven later and it can simmer away, and will make a sourdough bread as I`ve been asked to do, they love it instead of potatoes/couscous for a change.

Poached egg for breakfast and food is sorted for the day....lunch will be whatever.




Happy Thirsty Thursday 🍹
Schumi if anyone left their recycling in front of the house here they’d be slapped with a big fine from by-laws. Bear attractant. On collection day they can’t be put out earlier than 6:00am. Then to be brought back in by end of the day.

Lol, I don’t count Chinese or pizza either. And tonight we did order out from local Donair place. I don’t count them as fast food either! Because their food is always fresh, and amazing. They even make their own wraps from scratch as you order. Mom and pop operation, lovely family who immigrated here and have been a huge success with the local community. Nice to see.
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Schumi if anyone left their recycling in front of the house here they’d be slapped with a big fine from by-laws. Bear attractant. On collection day they can’t be put out earlier than 6:00am. Then to be brought back in by end of the day. such worries here with bears, seems it`s all about "lowering the tone" with the bins facing the front all the time. We need to drive by when it`s not collection day in the village and see if the family have kept them out of sight.

Most folks in most areas here put them out the night before or early hours, and yes always brought back in at night at the latest.
I guess it may depend on where you live in my country, but in my township, no requirement as to where the trash cans are kept. Most keep them in the front or side of the home, usually next to the driveway. And many of us, including us, can be heard wheeling them out to the curb the night before. And while most of us take them back not much after they are empty. But once in awhile, you will see cans out along the side of the road, forgotten for a day or two. And for a little bit, years ago, there was a teen kid that worked at the little store down the street from us, and lived up our street a few houses away. I guess he opened the store early, and was back before lunchtime, as many times I was like why are my cans back in front of the garage? On a day I was home on trash day, I heard a can I thought was moving, and yep, out the window I saw him dragging up our cans. That was nice of him, but he’s been gone for years now, and now it’s any one of the four of us that gets to them first, that is who that returns them to where we keep them.

And that, homies is a trash story that even this guy would like:
2F885FE7-1F7F-419E-982F-A944CBE1A478.jpeg Yep, Oscar the Grouch! ::yes:: :rotfl:

And so, like Schumi, with a cloud covered, rainy night we had, still looks so dark out this morning, with a thick cloud cover.

Sunrise is around now, and so is the rain. Yeah, not quite done that rain failing time. Though the cold front that charged up those thunderstorms last night, I guess did not lower the temps to much in the overnight, as it’s still rather warm, 66 out. But not a warm day, as 77 the high, and more rain chances in the afternoon too. So I guess a rain soaked day is certainly a Thirsty Thursday poster type of day.

And so hope MonyK does not have any more snakes in her chicken coop, and yay for band starting up again for boy, thank goodness lower virus numbers, and yay, our countdowns are getting lower. 10 for me.

Around here, the one smaller local college in the City, has gone to all virtual due to increasing virus numbers. While little one’s university is still a hybrid, older one’s county college is still virtual this semester. And while my work is so ready to have a return of the workforce, there is still no direction as to when, though guidance is to come out by the end of this month. So, still a time to be vaccinated, wear masks when inside with others, wash hands routinely, and try to not be in crowds, is the best you can do. But life does go on, and mask or not, I will be enjoying my time away, and having scary fun.

Tea? Why yes, and time for a refill.

That most terrific Thirsty Thursday homies. Stay well hydrated in any type of weather, as good for ya.

Oh and a hearty good morning from this dark, and dreary, rainy morning having homie.
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I guess it may depend on where you live in my country, but in my township, no requirement as to where the trash cans are kept.

No requirements in most places Lynne here either, just most folks don`t want to be looking at wheelie bins as we call them, through the rest of the week. Everyone I know keeps them out of sight unless it`s collection day. They are an eyesore for sure.

Weird weather day here.......

Walked for 6 miles, we got drenched, warmed up, drenched again and then the fog rolled in. We were walking yards from the water but couldn`t see it at one point. Looked like heavy cloud but think it was misty. Then the sun came out and it`s boiling hot again, but incredibly humid....I won`t be surprised if we get predicted thunderstorms today.

Food for dinner in slow cooker earlier, so not much to do there for tonight. Have a friend dropping in for a pot of tea and a blueberry and vanilla muffin, she should be here by now.

Open sandwich with honey ham, mustard and tomatoes for lunch and some grapes.

Sun is shining but so misty above and around us now....
Just woke up from a 3.5 hour nap. Hope I can still sleep tonight. My isolation period should be over after Saturday, but I plan to stay home all day Sunday as well. If all goes well I should be able to go back to work on Monday.

Thanks Lynne. I read on the CDC website that it could take weeks or even months to return. I just hope they return before my trip.

I just hope I don’t over do it and undo my weight loss progress.

I often joke that I could spend a day at the beach and come back paler than I was when I got there.

My favorite is Chick-fil-A. When I lived in Miami I also loved Pollo Tropical. I really miss that place.

I have a feeling I would agree with Kyle. I just can’t bear the look of raw oysters.
Being from the south we supposedly believe that everything is better fried, but I think that there is a lot of seafood that is not better fried.

This is crazy. I have the exact same one hanging on my bedroom wall. I stitched it back in 1987.
View attachment 603260
That sounds really cool.

Unfortunately only one family member has stayed in touch with him. It will be interesting to see how things go with this new person.

Now that I am awake I am hungry. Guess I should go find something.
I used to be a sun worshiper. My dermatologist cured me of that....
I still long to be tan, even now

Oh it`s Tom who has the face when I eat oysters.....I said Kyle should film him, sorry my words didn`t match......

Yes, most seafood should be lightly cooked or raw, most never should be deep fried......

And good luck with the continued weight`s not easy.

lol.....when I was doing my Engineering Degree, one of the professors was permanently pickled.......he was like Uncle Fester in the original movie....dressed a little like him too.....but he was cool.

Oh let us know what you end up getting for dinner.......there are always days no one feels like cooking, no matter how much you love it. Oh you look great Lori, so what ever you`re`s working!!

Very unusual weather for us......but it`s already changed tonight, a lot cooler than earlier, donw to around mid 60`s tomorrow......
Ended up with bar food....not glamorous, but very tasty. Little hole in the wall place, but does great burgers and such!

Now I see Uncle Fester in my head, lol!

Not many papers to shuffle today. But I'll take the quiet day.

Waiting for dh to text or call me. He is working out of town ( left very early yesterday morning) and is supposed to let me know when he's on his way home. I just don't like it when they push the envelope of working all day...then get in the vehicle to drive home. It's a long drive. I hate interupting his day with numerous messaging :rolleyes: Just answer the I can continue on my way :rolleyes1

That is beautiful!!!!!!!! I love items like that!

YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to live close enough (or stay) to the ocean to be able to do that. One summer we will be doing some fishing off the Queen Charlotte's, Prince Rupert areas. It is on our bucket list of vacations we want to do.

I know you enjoyed the warm day!!!! Hopefully the weather doesn't turn too cool. to look busy again.
I understand your DH sometimes ignores his phone too.
Long ago, he had a 1h30min commute. I would be so nervous during bad weather and couldn't reach him.

Soniam your plans are sounding terrific! A

Schumi I’ve only gone to the one closest to me for Nandos and thought it was pretty good. Always happy to find a place that you Can get chicken without batter (even though I love (real) fried chicken, my diabetes doesn’t. And more than fries for option. I got a side of nice crispy seasoned Brussels Sprouts Instead of fries. But I can count on one hand the number of times I go for fast food. Rarely. And Domino’s and KFC are a big no. Taco Bell here is awful too. Sadly.

Charade glad to hear things are progressing. Do you feel you’ll have the stamina to go back next week for full days? Is it possible to go back gradually? Maybe start with half days?

Pumpkin, I’ve always thought the Queen Charlottes would be an amazing trip! But ridiculously hard to get to from here and expensive! And Vancouver Island has same scenery! It would be an experience though.

After a rainy morning it cleared up and I decided to do some gardening, when I realized I got my recycling carts mixed up ack! I have the kitchen and garden waste in the mixed paper/plastics cart & visa versa. I don’t know what I’m going to do. These are BIG bins! Ugh!
Crispy brussels sprouts sound amazing! And to get them at a fast food place is almost unheard of!

Another perfect "fall/transition" day today-low 80's mostly sunny, breezy. Same tomorrow then hotter for weekend-just when I thought I could pull out fall stuff...instead probably to lake for one last boat ride. Should be calmer this weekend too.
food...we like chik fil a breakfast sandwiches but only get them when on a road trip even though a few in town. Got home, just me and the kid tonite, coupon on Gubhub...yep Chinese delivered it is! Ate on deck.
Charade-I know people who took a few months to fully get the sense of taste back, others who it returned much faster. Hope yours is sooner! And some restful sleep.
Went to check chickens-usually try to hold and inspect each one every few days-but has been a while since I actually go to all of them. My talkative FAverolle has gotten chubby! Had son pick her up too as sure I was imagining it. Nope-the bugs must be good this year. Refilled the meal worm bucket, gave them some worms then put bucket away (forgot the bag which is still half full on stairs where I'd set it outside)-went to collect eggs and took eggs inside, then back out to sit with the monsters-they'd knocked bag off steps and piles of mealworms out! Greedy little parasites! not happy with me trying to scoop the worms back into bag.

Excited about Dark Arts show back!!
And YAY it's that time of year for Robo's trees!!!

Hello to all!! LIke Schumi is having issues the quotes are being wonky, can't reply at all on ipad without losing everything.

and yea-Ben is marching, at football games, and having a competition season this year. Covid cases in schools very low (<0.5%) regardless of mask mandate (ours) or not (every single district all round us)-in fact our district is nearly double % cases than the surrounding areas, and same amounts quarantined-although again-still really low. We went through delta peak month ago.

And as lynne pointed out-hump day! Weekend is closer!
We too are hoping to get another day on the lake Sunday if the weather allows.

Do you sell your eggs? I have a friend that used to keep chickens. She was always dropping eggs by my house. Seemed like she had more than she knew what to do with!

Yes, I can count on one hand how often we eat at those kind of places, but I do exclude Chinese Takeout or local pizza place as fast`s good how one`s mind argues to suit food over here with places like is just poor, especially when compared to some in the US.

You reminded me mentioning recycling carts......we live in a quiet village with not muh going on......two families were rowing in the street last week (I never saw it) apparently one family have started leaving their recycling/trash bins at the front of the house permanently instead of at the back.......not really the done thing here, so it became a war of words. I need to find out if they kept doing it or did the same as everyone else and kept them at the back.

It`s annoying when you type out responses and they just disappear....yes, it`s usually when I try to reply on the ipad and have a lot of multi quotes.

Sounds like low numbers in your area, good to hear.

It is a cloudy start to the day, still dark so can`t tell how cloudy yet. I can see a tinge of red as the sun slowly begins to rear up behind the horizon over the sea now.

Feel tired this morning, Tom think we need to start sleeping late instead of getting up so early....but I`ve got used to this since I was very young, hard to change, but we really have no need to be up so early, except we do enjoy walking before it gets busy. Even as the tourists leave the beach areas, it still gets busy with joggers, cyclists and dog walkers.......

Honey mustard balsamic chicken tonight, will pop it in the oven later and it can simmer away, and will make a sourdough bread as I`ve been asked to do, they love it instead of potatoes/couscous for a change.

Poached egg for breakfast and food is sorted for the day....lunch will be whatever.




Happy Thirsty Thursday 🍹
The big gossip in your little village, lol! The things folks will get upset and argue about.

Honey mustard chicken is one of my favs!!

Schumi if anyone left their recycling in front of the house here they’d be slapped with a big fine from by-laws. Bear attractant. On collection day they can’t be put out earlier than 6:00am. Then to be brought back in by end of the day.

Lol, I don’t count Chinese or pizza either. And tonight we did order out from local Donair place. I don’t count them as fast food either! Because their food is always fresh, and amazing. They even make their own wraps from scratch as you order. Mom and pop operation, lovely family who immigrated here and have been a huge success with the local community. Nice to see.
I looked up King of Donair, never heard of it. Was described as having a cult like following in Canada, lol!
Sounds yummy!

I guess it may depend on where you live in my country, but in my township, no requirement as to where the trash cans are kept. Most keep them in the front or side of the home, usually next to the driveway. And many of us, including us, can be heard wheeling them out to the curb the night before. And while most of us take them back not much after they are empty. But once in awhile, you will see cans out along the side of the road, forgotten for a day or two. And for a little bit, years ago, there was a teen kid that worked at the little store down the street from us, and lived up our street a few houses away. I guess he opened the store early, and was back before lunchtime, as many times I was like why are my cans back in front of the garage? On a day I was home on trash day, I heard a can I thought was moving, and yep, out the window I saw him dragging up our cans. That was nice of him, but he’s been gone for years now, and now it’s any one of the four of us that gets to them first, that is who that returns them to where we keep them.

And that, homies is a trash story that even this guy would like:
View attachment 603389 Yep, Oscar the Grouch! ::yes:: :rotfl:

And so, like Schumi, with a cloud covered, rainy night we had, still looks so dark out this morning, with a thick cloud cover.

Sunrise is around now, and so is the rain. Yeah, not quite done that rain failing time. Though the cold front that charged up those thunderstorms last night, I guess did not lower the temps to much in the overnight, as it’s still rather warm, 66 out. But not a warm day, as 77 the high, and more rain chances in the afternoon too. So I guess a rain soaked day is certainly a Thirsty Thursday poster type of day.

And so hope MonyK does not have any more snakes in her chicken coop, and yay for band starting up again for boy, thank goodness lower virus numbers, and yay, our countdowns are getting lower. 10 for me.

Around here, the one smaller local college in the City, has gone to all virtual due to increasing virus numbers. While little one’s university is still a hybrid, older one’s county college is still virtual this semester. And while my work is so ready to have a return of the workforce, there is still no direction as to when, though guidance is to come out by the end of this month. So, still a time to be vaccinated, wear masks when inside with others, wash hands routinely, and try to not be in crowds, is the best you can do. But life does go on, and mask or not, I will be enjoying my time away, and having scary fun.

Tea? Why yes, and time for a refill.

That most terrific Thirsty Thursday homies. Stay well hydrated in any type of weather, as good for ya.

Oh and a hearty good morning from this dark, and dreary, rainy morning having homie.
Nice story about the boy collecting the trash bins and taking them up to the houses. Gold star to him for him good deeds!!

No requirements in most places Lynne here either, just most folks don`t want to be looking at wheelie bins as we call them, through the rest of the week. Everyone I know keeps them out of sight unless it`s collection day. They are an eyesore for sure.

Weird weather day here.......

Walked for 6 miles, we got drenched, warmed up, drenched again and then the fog rolled in. We were walking yards from the water but couldn`t see it at one point. Looked like heavy cloud but think it was misty. Then the sun came out and it`s boiling hot again, but incredibly humid....I won`t be surprised if we get predicted thunderstorms today.

Food for dinner in slow cooker earlier, so not much to do there for tonight. Have a friend dropping in for a pot of tea and a blueberry and vanilla muffin, she should be here by now.

Open sandwich with honey ham, mustard and tomatoes for lunch and some grapes.

Sun is shining but so misty above and around us now....
We are early pick up for trash, before 7am for sure. Some neighbors put them out at night and some the morning of. I put the bins out the night before, and collect them directly after.
Most everyone brings them back in by the end of garbage day.

DH got elk steaks from a friend who recently traveled to Wyoming. Making them for supper tonight. I've been searching online for a few ideas of preparation. I've never made elk steak before, so I want to get it right. Seems that it should ideally be done rare to med-rare.....elk is quite lean and will dry out if cooked too long.
Maybe some asparagus on the side? Or some German potato salad....the mention of it the other day has me craving it now, lol!

I bought a few fall decorations from Hobby Lobby last night. And brought up my big tote of Halloween/fall decorations from the basement. A few of the decorations light up and/or make noises....Our big dog freaks out easily, she's such a baby! DH was chasing her around the house with a giant spider that shakes and lights up. She barked and barked, it was funny! Secretly, she loves it....and always comes back for more!

Well, 2 cups of coffee drank. Time to be productive!!
Munch on this

thought of you today!! I was browsing at H&M. The kids section had a line of Harry Potter clothing. Your granddaughter would look so cute in all of it!!
the local store closed a few years ago, will take a look online, thanks
One summer we will be doing some fishing off the Queen Charlotte's, Prince Rupert areas. It is on our bucket list of vacations we want to do.
NCL tried docking in Prince Rupert the last year we did Alaska. That lasted one season. Let’s just say, for day guests such as us, there was little to do there (other than walking up to firehouse museum & watching the eagles). Not a single excursion set up by either the cruise lines or the locals to accommodate our time in port, a first, never ran into that as they are leaving some big $$$ on the table There.

Locals weren’t exactly what I’d call welcoming of the thousands of people that offloaded upon them. There was only one casual restaurant in port, they point-blank refused to admit any children under 18 in, their excuse they sold liquor. :confused3 I’m told there is good fishing there and an island full of bears that like to fish on the beach, that would’ve been interesting to glide past.

saw some onions still left, and a box of brown soup base, and a French onion soup was for me, but didn’t have the right cheese, so mozzarella it was. And toasted the almost hard piece of bread that was in the fridge, and chopped it up to toss in my soup. So a grilled cheese stuck in onion soup.
waste not, want not :). I saw a recipe for overnight, crock pot french onion soup the other day I want to Try once the weather chills. not a fan of hovering over the stove for an hour, stirring thone onions until they brown. Admittedly, have burnt them multiple times lol
will make a sourdough bread as I`ve been asked to do, they love it instead of potatoes/couscous for a change.
hmm, i probably should begin a new starter. i let mine ‘go’ every 6 months or so, they start to look rather threatening lol
Schumi if anyone left their recycling in front of the house here they’d be slapped with a big fine from by-laws. Bear attractant. On collection day they can’t be put out earlier than 6:00am. Then to be brought back in by end of the day.
here it’s raccoons & opossums but, there was one dog that neighbors let out for hours at a time. We keep ours ‘locked down’ with bungee cords & blocks At this point. the really fussy neighbor on our street got around to putting in security cameras a few months ago, shortly thereafter I noticed the dog no longer had free range. Glad, as it was killing multiple rabbits & leaving gory remains Yuck.
:coffee: Good morning! Coffee time and watching the morning news. Beautiful sunrise and now blue skies. Should be a nice day. 10am dentist appt for routine cleaning and check up.
Thinking about breakfast…..getting hungry! To bacon or not to bacon lol!
No plans today perhaps after dentist I’ll go to a local trail for a walk.

Keisha Hmmm, Rupert is an interesting choice for a cruise stop! Very strange if the cruise line decided to make it a stop that they wouldn’t set up any excursions. Was that restaurant a pub? Here underage kids aren’t allowed in pubs or bars. I’ll always remember the shock on my daughters face when we were out to dinner in the US and she couldn’t order a beer, she was 20! It was comical. I had totally forgot drinking age was higher in the US!

Paris yep, Donair is very popular here! Our place is a mom & pop operation. And very busy. Lovely couple, glad to see them succeed. The wife makes home made falafel to die for, always fresh. I’ve been to places where I see them taking pre made falafel balls out of freezer and microwaving Yuck.
Elk, it’s not for me, but we have a friend who’s a hunter and if he gets something we usually get some. Husband, brother-in-law and my youngest daughter love it! Me and oldest will have something else to eat!

Hope everyone has a good day!
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Good morning all. Just stopped by while waiting for lunch to be delivered. Management ordered Chinese for us today!

Carole...does Kyle still have that sweet ride he bought not long ago or is he riding around in a Bugatti now? ;)

I couldn't live w/o AC in the south but I was raised with central A/C growing up so I am truly spoiled.

My A/C unit is about 3 1/3 years old and is as big as a small Kia car and it works great!

Have a good day!
Eh, I don’t mind browning the onions. It was good soup, I must say, Keisha. Though only made enough for me. Hence, not a large amount of onions. Yeah, we have large, heavy lid cans as we too have those raccoons and possums. As well as neighbors that leave their cats out. Hate that.

Sue, hope your dental visit goes well, and enjoy a walk after.

And so, while it looks bright out, phone says more rain coming. Oh well, will just make the following four days predicted to be full sunny days that much nicer. And getting warmer each day. So looking forward to not moving fast tomorrow morning. With older one also not working tomorrow, after his online class, we will do some shopping, and pick up an order I made the other day. And enjoy lunch out, where to be determined, though thinking will be a chick drive though and eat in car meal.
Was that restaurant a pub? Here underage kids aren’t allowed in pubs or bars. I’ll always remember the shock on my daughters face when we were out to dinner in the US and she couldn’t order a beer, she was 20! It was comical. I had totally forgot drinking age was higher in the US!
We don’t really use the term pub much here. Do have modest bars that serve some food, otherwise it’s more of a restaurant with a separate bar set up. I’d deem the one in port as the latter Variety. quaint, seemed quite nice, on the water.

Yes, it was really a strange port day. only thing we surmised was possibility of ‘attractions’ being just a big too far away from port to fit into our time there. Had a solid 6 hours though. First time we ever found ourselves stumped in a port to kill time, wound up going back on ship & using the pools in the rather chilly weather.

good luck at the dentist!
I used to be a sun worshiper. My dermatologist cured me of that....
I still long to be tan, even now

Ended up with bar food....not glamorous, but very tasty. Little hole in the wall place, but does great burgers and such!

Now I see Uncle Fester in my head, lol!

I understand your DH sometimes ignores his phone too.
Long ago, he had a 1h30min commute. I would be so nervous during bad weather and couldn't reach him.

Crispy brussels sprouts sound amazing! And to get them at a fast food place is almost unheard of!

We too are hoping to get another day on the lake Sunday if the weather allows.

Do you sell your eggs? I have a friend that used to keep chickens. She was always dropping eggs by my house. Seemed like she had more than she knew what to do with!

The big gossip in your little village, lol! The things folks will get upset and argue about.

Honey mustard chicken is one of my favs!!

I looked up King of Donair, never heard of it. Was described as having a cult like following in Canada, lol!
Sounds yummy!

Nice story about the boy collecting the trash bins and taking them up to the houses. Gold star to him for him good deeds!!

We are early pick up for trash, before 7am for sure. Some neighbors put them out at night and some the morning of. I put the bins out the night before, and collect them directly after.
Most everyone brings them back in by the end of garbage day.

DH got elk steaks from a friend who recently traveled to Wyoming. Making them for supper tonight. I've been searching online for a few ideas of preparation. I've never made elk steak before, so I want to get it right. Seems that it should ideally be done rare to med-rare.....elk is quite lean and will dry out if cooked too long.
Maybe some asparagus on the side? Or some German potato salad....the mention of it the other day has me craving it now, lol!

I bought a few fall decorations from Hobby Lobby last night. And brought up my big tote of Halloween/fall decorations from the basement. A few of the decorations light up and/or make noises....Our big dog freaks out easily, she's such a baby! DH was chasing her around the house with a giant spider that shakes and lights up. She barked and barked, it was funny! Secretly, she loves it....and always comes back for more!

Well, 2 cups of coffee drank. Time to be productive!!

Food still sounded good Lori......sometimes the smallest places are the best. Yes, if that`s the biggest scandal we get I`ll be happy.....I like it quiet and peaceful, but yes, most bring them in straight away or when they come home at night.

Yes, no sitting in the sun for me, but I do like to walk in it but always with sunscreen, something that just wasn`t around when I was a kid......I was always brown as a berry apparently. Not anymore.

I`ve never tried elk, but would try it, Tom likes it I know that and he`s had elk burgers before. Hope you enjoy it.

Munch on this
View attachment 603421

the local store closed a few years ago, will take a look online, thanks

NCL tried docking in Prince Rupert the last year we did Alaska. That lasted one season. Let’s just say, for day guests such as us, there was little to do there (other than walking up to firehouse museum & watching the eagles). Not a single excursion set up by either the cruise lines or the locals to accommodate our time in port, a first, never ran into that as they are leaving some big $$$ on the table There.

Locals weren’t exactly what I’d call welcoming of the thousands of people that offloaded upon them. There was only one casual restaurant in port, they point-blank refused to admit any children under 18 in, their excuse they sold liquor. :confused3 I’m told there is good fishing there and an island full of bears that like to fish on the beach, that would’ve been interesting to glide past.

waste not, want not :). I saw a recipe for overnight, crock pot french onion soup the other day I want to Try once the weather chills. not a fan of hovering over the stove for an hour, stirring thone onions until they brown. Admittedly, have burnt them multiple times lol

hmm, i probably should begin a new starter. i let mine ‘go’ every 6 months or so, they start to look rather threatening lol

here it’s raccoons & opossums but, there was one dog that neighbors let out for hours at a time. We keep ours ‘locked down’ with bungee cords & blocks At this point. the really fussy neighbor on our street got around to putting in security cameras a few months ago, shortly thereafter I noticed the dog no longer had free range. Glad, as it was killing multiple rabbits & leaving gory remains Yuck.

We have lots of foxes around that sometimes leave the remains of rabbits and hares around, thankfully never had to deal with them ourselves, not a good job to have to do.

I miss onions!

Good morning all. Just stopped by while waiting for lunch to be delivered. Management ordered Chinese for us today!

Carole...does Kyle still have that sweet ride he bought not long ago or is he riding around in a Bugatti now? ;)

I couldn't live w/o AC in the south but I was raised with central A/C growing up so I am truly spoiled.

My A/C unit is about 3 1/3 years old and is as big as a small Kia car and it works great!

Have a good day!

Well, he`s on his 3rd Mercedes, so I`m not sure what one he had when we last saw you.....this one is the best one yet. He has inherited his fathers desire to change his car every 2 to 3 years ::yes::

He ordered it last August last year and was lucky to get it from Germany in November before the delivery backlog started. Bit more powerful than he (anyone) needs, but he isn`t a silly boy racer and drives the way any mum would approve of......he does have his moments though........usually when some little oik with a souped up junk machine thinks they can pass him and stick up a middle they`re usually compensating for

He loves it though and takes very good care of it.

Have you still got the same car, I think you were maybe changing it soon?

I`m trying to imagine the size of your aircon yes, wouldn`t be without it in the South. Mine would be like yours and macs....never off. I know some folks don`t run it all the time, but wow....I would!

Enjoy that Chinese favourite kind of takeout!

We don’t really use the term pub much here. Do have modest bars that serve some food, otherwise it’s more of a restaurant with a separate bar set up. I’d deem the one in port as the latter Variety. quaint, seemed quite nice, on the water.

Yes, it was really a strange port day. only thing we surmised was possibility of ‘attractions’ being just a big too far away from port to fit into our time there. Had a solid 6 hours though. First time we ever found ourselves stumped in a port to kill time, wound up going back on ship & using the pools in the rather chilly weather.

good luck at the dentist!

Yes, pub is usually a very British saying, don`t hear many Americans use that term. We have some gorgeous pubs that have restaurants too, or some nice pubs that just have bar food and one menu. Ones with restaurants attached sometimes have two menus with more choices.....we avoid the ones themed for kids....they tend to be chain pubs and everything is frozen and not fresh. Idividually owned pubs and restaurants are always our first choice where everything is freshly cooked and not a frozen chip in sight.

Anything with a kids indoor play area with ball pits we avoid too ........too many rugrats around them.........😉

Had a lovely day with the weirdest weather.......friend came around and we sat outside with tea, then came in as the mist rolled in and it cooled, then sun came back out again and it was boiling hot again.

After she left I made some bread for tonight, and I`m trying to fill up by sniffing the aroma from the chicken.......not long to go till dinner.


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