Something About Nothing............ #14

Morning all. Pumpkin hope you’re feeling better soon. Lynne I wonder what ate your pumpkin?

We’ve been very busy here though as the grandchildren are away for a few days we avoided Halloween. Just didn’t feel like decorating this time and actually very few children where we live now. Baby X and his Mummy and Daddy live on a new development and they went to town on decorating and had lots of visitors so that was good.


I had baby on Friday and he was a cuddly bundle. We really enjoyed the time with him.

Em and I went out to the Emma Bridgewater factory yesterday and had a nice browse and lunch. Mr W was doing some tiling. His workshop is arriving on Thursday so (despite the rain) he’s outside working again today finishing off the area. He’s so looking forward to it.

Take care all and happy trip planning!
Hey all! Hope you all had a enjoyable haunt. Nearly 300 little monsters stopped by yesterday. Up to our ears in decorations that need stowed today but, couldn’t resist the last funnies of Halloween…

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View attachment 618556See you next year, handsome!

Love it.......gotta love Jason........300 kids!!!! wow.....

ok then....just one more!! And welcome home....... :wave2:


Been trying to post on here for about 5 minutes..........just wouldn`t let me.......

Wind is finally dying down a little here, but not the warmest day, I was glad of a big bowl of chicken noodle soup......

Our window cleaner called to say he`s giving up, so we need to find a new one, we were due this week, he only comes every two weeks, so hope we can get a new one soon. There`s not many around here.

Time for afternoon cuppa I think........
Oh yes, enjoy that cup of tea, Schumi. Glad to hear wind has subsided. Oh no, as yeah, sometimes hard to find a new service person when current says no longer in business.

Julie, good to see your post. Sweet little one, and how nice to be able to watch while parents are busy. The two suspects that come to mind are a chipmunk or a squirrel. First time we ever had that happen. But was still a fun activity we do every year.

Keisha, eek! Now that’s quite the number of kids that came by. Where my brother used to live, he got that kind of number. But where he’s now, there are not many kids in the neighborhood, and he got not a soul.

Ah, the 50’s high temps have arrived this week, but 60 the high today, so as sunny out, maybe will ditch the jacket, but still wear pants. And sunglasses, yay! 😎

Ah, lunchtime getting that ever so closer. I’m so ready to get outside and enjoy fresh air.
Happy Belated Halloween Y'all!
Well....Gage backed out of the HHN/Pizza Fries Quest. Long story...but he told me 8 hours before our flight Saturday that he did not want to go because he wouldn't be able to watch his shows on his TV. It's a bit complicated but those of you familiar with Autism know how plans can get nuked real quick. Thankfully, I was able to do some "creative booking" and salvaged all of my funds via future trips....(i.e. Christmas! ) and SWA flight credits. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Happy Belated Halloween Y'all!
Well....Gage backed out of the HHN/Pizza Fries Quest. Long story...but he told me 8 hours before our flight Saturday that he did not want to go because he wouldn't be able to watch his shows on his TV. It's a bit complicated but those of you familiar with Autism know how plans can get nuked real quick. Thankfully, I was able to do some "creative booking" and salvaged all of my funds via future trips....(i.e. Christmas! ) and SWA flight credits. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Christmas trip will be much better buckeev.......and glad your creative booking worked out well for you!!

Afternoon all. Just stopping by to say hi and happy to report I had an excellent doctor appointment today....blood pressure is in the normal range and I've lost about 5 pounds!

Bring on the Thanksgiving dinner! :rotfl:

Well done Todd!! Sounds good with your BP and weight too.....always good to hear that it`s going in the right direction.........

Oh yeah, you can enjoy a guilt free Thanksgiving dinner!

Didn`t overcook the pork tonight which is always a worry with it, so easy to overdo it and overcooked pork isn`t nice, but it was lovely. Went with Teriyaki and a few other spices.....lovely.

It`s very odd again preparing dinner when it`s completely dark outside, I don`t mind it really. But it has gone colder. Early morning walk tomorrow I think we`ll be well wrapped up...hats, scarves and gloves for sure, but at least sun will be shining.

Hot chocolate time I think.......very rock and roll!!!
Thanks Carole...I'm trying to do better but its hard sometimes. you remember this one?

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I do, was that in 2016? That was a good year.......

I raise you.....2013.......same

Looking back, I think the earliest pictures we have together are in 2010....not sure why we didn`t take any in 08/09.

I do, was that in 2016? That was a good year.......

I raise you.....2013.......same

Looking back, I think the earliest pictures we have together are in 2010....not sure why we didn`t take any in 08/09.
I think it was 2016 and you are was a good year. I remember us posing for that picture...all of us together.

And don't worry about the same dress...I probably had the same underwear on in both pictures! :rotfl2:

I have to try and find the pictures from the holiday know...the year you almost took down that woman who tried to start a fight with you? ;)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh lordy I`d forgotten about her!!! She was a grumpy cow if I remember correctly........:lmao:

She would have deserved it too!! Tom just said he`s never forgotten it as he could see us being evicted from the

Then I almost choked Tom by adding Tabasco to the sandwich in the Boulangerie and forgetting to tell him before he tasted that was funny!!! For us.......

Here you go.....2017......

Aw, Christmas will be so much more fun, Buckeev. Hope it works out.

Blasts from the past always fun, Carole and Todd. Yeah, I’ve been known to wear same clothes year after year. Well, as like something I like to wear, I wear it more often.

Ack, even with a late lunch, lunchtime walk was lovely, there’s a cry for dinner. I want breakfast for dinner, but older one suggested pasta. Um, we have lots of potatoes for some reason, so home fries and newly bought eggs, and dinner will be served. Guess I’d better get moving. And house feels a bit cool, so hot chocolate sounds good Carole.
Happy November! How is it November already? B will be 21 in a couple of weeks. I'm having a difficult time wrapping my brain around that.

We had fun at our first NASCAR race yesterday. We saw 3 cars hit the wall in front of us. Thankfully, no driver was injured. The only bad part of the day was the horrendous traffic.

After the race dh decided that we needed to eat supper at Denny's. We got to the restaurant and they only had 3 people working. There were 2 women who had to seat customers, serve, and clear tables. They had 1 man doing the cooking. The 3 of them were doing an amazing job of keeping up with all of the orders.

My family went to Gatlinburg in 1982 during vacation. We were coming back from Nashville and decided to stay the night there. We hiked up Klingman's Dome and the point where you can see four states. That was one summer we didn't go to Florida or the beach.
We love Gatlinburg. It's a bit of a kitschy tourist trap, but can be fun too.

PS my two older DS’s team made it into the dance! nice group of kids, young team, few seniors; they were a real long-shot as so unseasoned & in a tough division. Nice to see persistence and hard work pay off. Sad we were en-route home & missed it.
Congratulations to him and his team.

Hey,any of you youse remember Scotlass? Well she remembers youse but sadly couldnae remember her password so is now VicksMc!!!!
I can't remember if we have met or not. I started posting with this group in 2017. Welcome back.

Cool, crisp day here. No snow, but my head tells me we will be seeing it here soon.
SO not ready for snow. We usually don't get much until January or February.

And so, with the month of voting, and two federal holidays, it’s a great month.
We elect a new governor tomorrow. I think I will try to get up a little early and vote before work.

Hey all! Hope you all had a enjoyable haunt. Nearly 300 little monsters stopped by yesterday.
Wow! That's an amazing number. The last time we participated in TOT we had maybe 5 kids stop by.

Happy Belated Halloween Y'all!
Well....Gage backed out of the HHN/Pizza Fries Quest. Long story...but he told me 8 hours before our flight Saturday that he did not want to go because he wouldn't be able to watch his shows on his TV. It's a bit complicated but those of you familiar with Autism know how plans can get nuked real quick. Thankfully, I was able to do some "creative booking" and salvaged all of my funds via future trips....(i.e. Christmas! ) and SWA flight credits. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Sorry you missed HHN, but Christmas will be fun. Glad you didn't lose anything with the change in plans.

Afternoon all. Just stopping by to say hi and happy to report I had an excellent doctor appointment today....blood pressure is in the normal range and I've lost about 5 pounds!
Congratulations on both the BP and weight loss.

Tonight is Monday Night Football. I think I will start the book I got from the library the other day.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh lordy I`d forgotten about her!!! She was a grumpy cow if I remember correctly........:lmao:

She would have deserved it too!! Tom just said he`s never forgotten it as he could see us being evicted from the

Then I almost choked Tom by adding Tabasco to the sandwich in the Boulangerie and forgetting to tell him before he tasted that was funny!!! For us.......
Oh yes....I remember it well. I thought Tom's head was going to explode! I miss that restaurant...the food was really good and those desserts were out of this world.


Oh yes....I remember it well. I thought Tom's head was going to explode! I miss that restaurant...the food was really good and those desserts were out of this world.

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View attachment 618852

lol.....he remembers it all too well....... :rotfl:

Yes, the Boulangerie was much better than The Today Cafe now....those sandwiches were lovely and yes, it was Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes they had if I remember correctly.

First beautiful day in a long time, well, maybe a couple of weeks. It`s very cold, but the sun is shining and barely a wind, although when it did blow, it was very cool. So, we did 8 miles this morning and it was very quiet considering it was as nice. I think the bad weather recently has turned folks off of walking right now. Rain due again tomorrow so we made the most of this morning.

Have a leek and bacon quiche baking in the oven for lunch, made mini ones for both of us as we have too many eggs and will have some salad on the side. Dinner is roasted salmon, and been asked for the lemon butter sauce we like. We don`t really go through a lot of eggs in this house unless I bake or we eat them for breakfast which isn`t every day, so quiche is an ideal way to use them up. I can`t hurt the farmers feelings by telling them we don`t really eat them.

Then some laundry....washing some clothes that haven`t been out of the bedroom closets for too long, they just need a good freshen up having been folded or hanging for a while.

Pot of tea as it`s elevenses time.......




Have a lovely Tuesday :)
Yeah, was not as fond of the sandwiches from the Today Cafe. I too like the sandwiches and desserts from the place before it changed.


So just driving up to wishing all eat a taco Tuesday. You know, the day Mac gets reminded a Taco Bell dinner would be perfect today.

Yay for Schumi having nicer weather even if a bit cool. Us, 47 degrees out now, with rain my phone says will be here in the next hour. And weather lady said rainy day, with high to be only 52. A bit cooler rainy Tuesday.

And so, hope Schumi had her tea before her walk, and lunch sounds delicious.

Me, voting day, as will do after work routine. But as a not as bright day, with rain, right now I’m in the usual tea drinking mode.

Have that terrific Taco Tuesday homies.
Happy Tuesday!

I was having computer issues on Sunday. Lost all my quotes and the entire post I'd just typed out, grrrrr!
DH took my Mac to work yesterday to have his IT guy check it out.
All seems ok now....whew!

Took Barney to the vet early this morning for a dental cleaning. Poor guy has some bad teeth at his advanced age. I can pick him up in about an hour.

Plan on hanging home this afternoon to keep watch over him.
That will give me an opportunity to start sorting through some of my Christmas purchases, and see what else I need to buy.

11 days until I get to see the Xmas decorations at Universal!! I always look forward to the holiday decor in the Sunshine State!!
:wave2: Quick early morning stop in.

Headache has finally dulled to a dull pain this morning. Yesterday it was still in full swing. Not a fun day. Good thing, that my job is very flexible and I'm able to do a light day and get my time sensitive items done, then leave the rest to work on as I need to. Didn't do much else, other than my required spreadsheets/paperwork. Today is much better and more manageable. It is the time of year where my migraines are horrible, and I just deal with it as best as I can.

Another crisp cold morning. The skies are blue and the sun is shinning. You can't ask for better than that in November.

Hope you all had a enjoyable haunt. Nearly 300 little monsters stopped by yesterday. Up to our ears in decorations that need stowed today but, couldn’t resist the last funnies of Halloween…
That's quite a few little monsters stopping for candy!!!! How much fun though!
Well....Gage backed out of the HHN/Pizza Fries Quest. Long story...but he told me 8 hours before our flight Saturday that he did not want to go because he wouldn't be able to watch his shows on his TV. It's a bit complicated but those of you familiar with Autism know how plans can get nuked real quick. Thankfully, I was able to do some "creative booking" and salvaged all of my funds via future trips....(i.e. Christmas! ) and SWA flight credits. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
It's great that you roll with it, and start planning a new adventure! I know autism well, and it is both a blessing and a curse.
We had fun at our first NASCAR race yesterday. We saw 3 cars hit the wall in front of us. Thankfully, no driver was injured. The only bad part of the day was the horrendous traffic.

After the race dh decided that we needed to eat supper at Denny's. We got to the restaurant and they only had 3 people working. There were 2 women who had to seat customers, serve, and clear tables. They had 1 man doing the cooking. The 3 of them were doing an amazing job of keeping up with all of the orders.
We watched the race on Sunday ( well I did through my eyelids lol ) it was a great race. DH thought for sure fists were going to fly between Hamlin and Bowman :laughing: Nascar is knows for having a few fists thrown when it's late in the season and the driver wants that big win :rolleyes1
First beautiful day in a long time, well, maybe a couple of weeks. It`s very cold, but the sun is shining and barely a wind, although when it did blow, it was very cool. So, we did 8 miles this morning and it was very quiet considering it was as nice. I think the bad weather recently has turned folks off of walking right now. Rain due again tomorrow so we made the most of this morning.
Yes...the same is here too. I used to pass many people when out on my walks. Now, I will be lucky if I pass one or two - and usually they will have dogs. The cool weather turns us in to whimps and we retreat back into our warm homes. Your quiche sounds lovely.

Well, I should shuffle some papers and complete some spreadsheets.

Have a great day...stay safe!!!!
Oh no, Pumpkin. Hope that headache stops completely very soon. It does make ya not feel well. Yeah, I rarely see walkers when I do my lunchtime walk. Just got back and glad I had a jacket. Luckily, no rain, but still overcast and certainly looks like we will get wet by later this afternoon.

Well easy grilled cheese for lunch, and kids went grocery shopping, at Costco, as older one thought we needed more food. Well, since last night, little one did not eat the eggs, I’m guessing some meat will be bought. They also were going to this Asian grocery store that has a bakery too. Only place I know that sells a ramen that older one likes. Plus sodas and bakery items that you cannot see in the regular grocery stores. They are not back yet, so I’m curious what they are buying,


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