Something About Nothing............ #14

Lynne.....hope you had a lovely anniversary dinner!! And hope dd is on the mend!!

It is quieter having only one male in the family getting excited and making loud comments during the super bowl game

I lived with 5 males watching and screaming during the games in those days

looks like many of us will have high temps today

Enjoy this Monday

We’re in bed when the SB is on.....not a fan of any kind of football so wouldn’t be something we’d watch.....but I do remember as a kid my brothers all watching football and yes, I remember the yelling when their team scored.....or worse when they lost!! Thank goodness my two are only into motorsports!!

Beautiful day today with some of those higher temps you mentioned mac......although maybe not quite as hot as you.....we have 44F lol......yes, for early February that’s hot for us.

The gang we have lunch with on Wednesday‘s usually, asked if we could all meet today. I can go out for lunch any day!!!

So, we went to a new place that was really nice, still overlooked the sea, and food was really good. Our usual place closes on Mondays, we don’t go there every week, but most of the time it’s our first choice. So no cooking tonight.

Decorator was here today and is almost finished one of the guest’s looking good!!

Ready for a big mug of tea though........
Thanks Schumi, we did have a nice dinner. Yeah, little one says she still is coughing and stuffed up. Hoping she feels better this week.

Glorious lunchtime walk. If it wasn't for that almost cool feeling wind, was a perfect walking day. If did not know better, could have been a day at the end of March. No matter, this 60F day will be a one and done, but thankfully, the wet we are to get tomorrow, will be rain, so that means still above freezing enough that rain, and only rain. Much better than that white stuff West of me.
Phew X 2

GD hit #1 all around at meet this weekend. Worth the 10+ hours spent out of my Saturday topped off with sliding home on highways in snow squall. Happy it all melted away yesterday in time to fire up grill for the surf & turf. Seemed odd not having wings & pizza if truth be told. Should’ve made the bets I was planning. Demi L killed the national anthem, you go girl! Half time show, well, shakira was good & so was game all-round. Hate when it’s a blow out, unless we are in the fight.

Heading out soon to grab DS from airport then do dinner, somewhere to catch up. Work changed mr’s schedule, got an extra day. If I hadn’t made prior commitments, we wouldn’t booked a mini getaway somewhere for the 3 nights lol

Lost message here twice just now trying to post, I give up...cliff notes

Charade - that was quite the challenging day for you, eek

Thanks carole, taking notes. After opening up the ceiling, realized it’s a biggger job than anticipated, happy joy. To be continued

Lynne - wonder if ur DD picked up a bug on trip? Hope you have a nice celebration.

Lynne, glad dinner was lovely, and what a shame this is lasting longer for dd. The viruses seem to be lasting longer this winter.....yes, wet weather means no freezing temps.

Keisha.....congrats to GD!!! She is doing amazingly well!!! And lovely picture surf and turf......and boooo to the ceiling being a bigger job than planned!

I love Shakira.....and yes, I saw and was impressed with Demi L. And who doesn’t love the Flintstones..... :thumbsup2

Planning to go out a walk tomorrow either up in the woods, or along the beach if weather is as nice as today.

Quite cold tonight outside though......quiet night tonight with a book I think.......
Maybe, Keisha, but thinking more like from someone at school. See 30,000 kids, there's gotta be some sick ones in there. And unfortunately, one of them is mine. She's not the best patient, that's for sure. LOL Ack, about more work with ceiling, and a big YAY, for GD. Way to go for her. Yeah, our dinner out did not include wings. LOL Not sure what older one had, but no wings in our house to be had. And yeah, not a fan of watching the game, without a home team in there. See in the news, discussions of half time show. Eh, Miami vibe is not my favorite, but entertaining, as much as I have seen the replays of. And yep, grew up with the Flintstones, cute anniversary wishes, thanks! We always keep our anniversary low key, and just enjoy a meal out, the two of us.

Ah, this afternoon is dragging.
Car said 65 degree on way to airport this afternoon. Wednesday forecast to be another story.
High of 44F for us today......doubt we’ll go for that walk today. It’s the wind that making it feel so much colder than forecast.

Going to buy a new stand mixer today. I like the Kitchen Aid one and can’t decide whether to go for black or the contour silver. Both would work in our kitchen. Although, I don’t usually keep stuff on the counter tops anyway when not in use......I like tidy and everything stored away. One of my friends used to look in wonderment at how tidy my worktops are and wondered where I stored, I have a huge amount of cabinets and storage in my kitchen.

So, that’s my only job today.

Egg white omelette for breakfast idea what to do with chicken thighs tonight......might just roast them with a few spices and see how it turns out. Cous Cous to go with it and roasted I think, it’s lending itself to Moroccan style......

Have a great Tuesday.........
Ooh, chicken for us tonight too, Schumi, but thing more like bbq or Chinese. Depends on what older one wants. Hmm, I like the black or silver, so can’t go wrong with whatever color you choose.

And rain on my car windows, rainy day for us. But hey, when the car says it’s 45F out, nice. Oh, and yep, it is a Tuesday.F6D6370F-C98D-4B79-86D6-AF073A0CAADB.gif

Why yes it is, and I bet Mac is thinking like this:


That’s right, Taco Bell runs, like Mac does, today is a good day to do so.


So go eat a taco or two, and little one was happy those fries were back on the menu.

Happy Tuesday homies.
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Good morning Sans family :wave:





Happy belated Anniversary Lynne. Hope you and your hubby had a lovely celebration.


Yeah, that is the Harmony.

Nice pics Lynne....that’s a big ship.

robo- shark! Cutest outfit ever, matching shoes put it over the top lol On last of meds, xrays in 2 weeks or so. hope it continues to disappear

Continued good thoughts coming your way for a full recovery.

The received an email saying that there was movement on the wait list and they were offering me a place in the program. I am also able to compete the program on a part time basis...with 4 classes this winter semester, then I will take the other 4 classes in the Fall of 2020

Congratulations pumpkin on getting into your program.

I have also been busy nursing the hubby with his man cold.

Sending mummy dust that your hubby gets over his cold.

Robo.....lovely to see you!! Sounds like life is nice right now.....and what a beautiful outfit......yes, that is very Florida like......they’ll love it.......

Thanks is not doing to bad right now....hope you and your family are doing well.

Sounds like your Church bake sale went well and I’am sure they loved your contribution of bake goods.

Robo, very cute outfit. Nice your nephew will be coming to visit. Hope the weather gets warmer before he arrives.

Nephew left yesterday morning. We had a great visit. Weather was nice except Saturday it rained pretty much all day and Sunday was a little cool, but overall it was good. Sent him home with large freezer bag of goodies.

And I texted little one, train and hotel booked for a quick NYC trip. Got a ❤ back. I thought the hotel we stayed last time was very convenient, so hope our stay there this time is just as good.

Yeah!!!!! to trip to New York

And thinking of this, and very hard thinking of getting an great AP rate for my Fall trip, and seeing this:

Good luck on planning for Fall trip. HHN and a Fall trip to Universal is a fun thing to plan for sure.

Well, this day has become very interesting. It started with a trip to Walmart (always fun) and me almost getting hit by a woman backing out of a parking space. Later I had to call my bank to get some information changed because it wouldn't let me do it online. A little while ago I tired to log into my account to check something and keep getting error messages. That's when I noticed I had a missed call from the bank. I called was informed that when they were correcting my previous issue they accidentally deleted my online account. I tried to set it up again, but kept getting errors

Wow......that was a stinker of a’s to better days ahead for you.

Little one has a bad cold, so she needed her momma and her bed at home. Picked her up, and, of course, list of wants with her

Lynne sending lots of mummy dust for your daughter that she gets well soon.

Lazy afternoon ahead.....watching season 10 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Hayu… ads and every episode is there to watch. Real trashy tv afternoon.....and I`m watching them on the huge tv......Lisa Rinna`s lips are ginormous on this screen!!!


GD hit #1 all around at meet this weekend. Worth the 10+ hours spent out of my Saturday topped off with sliding home on highways in snow squall.

Congratulations to your granddaughter Keisha.

Glad to hear you all made it home safely.

I got bit by fire ants last Monday. I’am very careful about looking for their mounds in the flower beds etc..and we have a pest company that treats the yard, but they had burrowed under a cactus pot and I did not see them until it was to late. I have had couple bites before, but this time I got bit 10 times. As miserable as I was after......I consider myself lucky as another man in the community was bit 30 times and had to be rushed to hospital. He is doing well.

My bites are healing slowly. Thankful I had oral Benadryl and topical Benadryl and cortisone cream on hand. Even the little pesky creatures here in Florida can put a hurt on you if your not careful........guess that means there is a price for living in Paradise......LOL

Sun is shining this morning and supposed to be in the 70’s today. I need to do some looking at trip arrangements for taking grandson on vacation.

Need to get movin this morning. I have some tax info to pull together for our accountant.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Mac don’t forget your Taco Bell run this evening.
Oh no Robo, hope you are feeling better soon. Those ant bites are nasty. Yep, we're in tax info mode gathering too. Time of year.

Dix, hope you are doing well, and classes are going good.

Time for tea. Raining out, but warm enough, just rain. Sigh. Not sure a lunchtime walk or not.
Robo those bites sound nasty! Glad you didn't get too many bites and they are healing albeit slowly. . Scotland has nasty little creatures called midgies…...they are attracted to rich blood.....and when they go for you.....they really go for you!!!

We`re doing brilliantly thanks.....looking forward to May!! And yes, the bake sale made a lot of money which was lovely. Good to see you.....

So, I did buy the silver Kitchen Aid......I already have the silver food processor so thought I might as well have both the same....although I do have the red hand blender!! But, that is hardly ever used.

Change of dinner plans tonight.....found a new wholesale farm store on our travels, and bought a load of produce from them. Everything is very local which we like, so trying out their sausages tonight......if the wind dies down as it seems to be, Tom can grill them outside and I`ll make potato parcels for him to cook too out there.....I`ll be supervising from the window. If it doesn`t die down I`ll cook them inside. They look gorgeous!

Getting through RHOBH......then may start on RHONY again.....totally trashy but so much fun!!
Oh, man, 10 is not good. I hope it's slowly getting better, @Robo56. Ant bites drive me crazy.

Good grades so far. However, there is so much I learned in just two weeks I'm a little intimidated of what the future holds. This week will be the first test.

So... 470973

Sounds like a good plan, @schumigirl.
Good day all. No idea what for dinner tonight. Will stick head in freezer and see what happens lol.

may run out to see if anything exciting speaks to me at Ross. Should start taxes but not feeling it. Do need to submit receipts to HSA account. They puck the strangest things to question, rarely more than $20 type items

got bit by fire ants last Monday. I’am very careful about looking for their mounds in the flower beds etc..and we have a pest company that treats the yard, but they had burrowed under a cactus pot and I did not see them until it was to late. I have had couple bites before, but this time I got bit 10 times. As miserable as I was after......I consider myself lucky as another man in the community was bit 30 times and had to be rushed to hospital. He is doing well.

My bites are healing slowly. Thankful I had oral Benadryl and topical Benadryl and cortisone cream on hand. Even the little pesky creatures here in Florida can put a hurt on you if your not careful........guess that means there is a price for living in Paradise......LOL
Oh my! Hope u r feeling better son. My DS encountered at RPH years ago. He was in such pain from numerous bites. During plane ride the affected area became red and quite swollen.
Wound up in hospital when we got home. They had zero experience, had to put out a call for help on how to treat it but it resolved quickly and he felt & looked much better after a few IVs of ‘something’

I was told by U park medics that the natives build up a tolerance of sorts to them. Hopefully, if you encounter them again it won’t be as de ere if a reaction
So, I did buy the silver Kitchen Aid......I already have the silver food processor so thought I might as well have both the same....although I do have the red hand blender!! But, that is hardly ever used.
Nice. Mine sits covered in my pantry. Only pull it out for baking binges and egg white beatingsI’m failing on remembering what color it is. Going with red i have Several accessories, mostly used once and boxed back up. Like the meat grinder (for sausage) and pasta roller but both seemed to be more mess than what it was worth
Good grades so far. However, there is so much I learned in just two weeks I'm a little intimidated of what the future holds. This week will be the first test.
Great job!
I need to get a few errands done soon
Showers will start about 11 and should be done early afternoon

As long as the creek at the bottom of the hill does not overflow, no problems

Can not complain as weather high will be 69-70

Robo, I hear you on the fire ants
Our mounds pop up overnight and we treat it ourselves
Hope you recover soon from those bites
They hurt!

Homies.... hope all have a great day!
Good day all. No idea what for dinner tonight. Will stick head in freezer and see what happens lol.

may run out to see if anything exciting speaks to me at Ross. Should start taxes but not feeling it. Do need to submit receipts to HSA account. They puck the strangest things to question, rarely more than $20 type items

Oh my! Hope u r feeling better son. My DS encountered at RPH years ago. He was in such pain from numerous bites. During plane ride the affected area became red and quite swollen.
Wound up in hospital when we got home. They had zero experience, had to put out a call for help on how to treat it but it resolved quickly and he felt & looked much better after a few IVs of ‘something’

I was told by U park medics that the natives build up a tolerance of sorts to them. Hopefully, if you encounter them again it won’t be as de ere if a reaction

Nice. Mine sits covered in my pantry. Only pull it out for baking binges and egg white beatingsI’m failing on remembering what color it is. Going with red i have Several accessories, mostly used once and boxed back up. Like the meat grinder (for sausage) and pasta roller but both seemed to be more mess than what it was worth

Great job!

lol........I‘ve cleared my cabinets of more gadgets than I care to share........including pasta maker??? Sausage maker, Bread makers x 3???? spiralizer, several coffee machines (our main one is built in) donut maker, panini makers and numerous other useless things......the one gadget I do use is my ice cream maker....I’ll replace that when it gives up the ghost!

Things like food mixers I do use regularly.......but yes, it’s amazing how many gadgets were “must have” over the years. The charity store love

mac.....those are some nice temperatures!! I‘m not jealous......:rolleyes1
:wave: everyone....It has been a busy week with appointments and helping Liv figure out school next year. The temps have been up and down from 30's to 40's. We are suppose to get some rain Thursday and Friday.

Charlie was sick and out of school last week for a few days, he is slowly feeling better. Brian is busy on the house and I am trying to get moitvated to get there.

It feels weird not planning a trip this summer and kind of sad. I am trying to plan a couple of little overnights to keep going. I decided to do video bingo on the 17th for my birthday. We are going to stay overnight near the casino. It is about an hour away, but I just want to get away with a pool and hot tub . The teens can do it now and I haven't in many years. I enjoy it much more than worrying about dabbing the cards. It is a nice relaxing night and maybe win some money. I will plan our Six Flags NJ trip in about a month for late spring. Still hoping to be in 'Florida by mid late summer.

Brian Liv and I are not football fans but Charlie is. We watched the kitten bowl then the super bowl. I did a bunch of wings and appetizers Charlie wanted the 49ers so he was bummed.

Heading out tonight to one of our local restaurants. They have buy an order of wings get one free. We enjoy them and maybe an appetizer.

One of the kitties had his teeth removed today. We are going to spoil him a bit tonight while he recovers.

Lynne Belated Happy Anniversary glad you had a nice dinner. I hope DD is feeling better.

Schumi Glad you picked a mixer you like. I hope your weather warms up a bit so you can take your walks. I love getting meat and produce fresh. I hope everything was good.

Mac nice to see you are having good weather. I hope you are feeling good and your kitties are behaving themselves. Enjoy Taco Tuesday!

Keisha Congrats for your GD. That is awesome, it is so wonderful to see them achieve so much and enjoy it. I hope you found something good in the freezer.

Robo I am sorry to hear about the red ant bites. I hope you feel better from them soon. I have a friend who doesn't want me to move to Florida who always brings up the red ants. I am glad you enjoyed your visit with your nephew.

Pumpkin Congrats on getting in the program you wanted, it sounds exciting! I hope your DH is feeling better.

Disxuni Keep up the good work at school. I am sure you will do great this week on your tests.

Charade I am sorry to hear you had a rough couple of days, I hope you are doing better. I balance our stuff monthly and twice a year Brian gets that extra check and boy is that nice!! I hope you enjoy your nice weather, spring will be here soon!

:wave: to anyone I missed, I hope everyone has a great day! I am off to the store before the kitty gets home!


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