Something About Nothing............ #14

Robo that’s awful news. We don’t have tv here and don’t get the news.

Thanks. Sitting in hospital er with Mr to get his shoulder checked out. It’s hurting him to breathe. Waiting for x ray.
Morning Sans family :wave2:

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Just watching news and seeing coverage about Tornado in Nashville with 9 people killed. So sad. Thousands without power. Heart goes out to those who have passed so tragically and their families.

Thank you mckennarose.

Thank you Pumpkin 1172.......Ido enjoy planning trips with the grandchildren.

Thank you Lynne.....Had a really nice visit with granddaughter. I was so sad to see her go. She had her first day at her new job yesterday.

Thank you Charade.

Thank you Mac....your board pictures were great.

Thank you bobbie68

Get well soon mckennarose.

Thank you monyk. Great news on the money raised. That is awesome.

Hope your daughter finds the school she likes.

Get well soon.

Haha.....great looking idea for a HHN meal.

Get well soon.......seems there are so many of our Sans family in sick Bay.

If at first you don’t succeed try.....try....again.

Sending you get well wishes dear lady. Hope you feel better soon.

Check online at Bealls they have the go walks on sale right now.

Congratulations to Charlie.

My sister in Orlando has been keeping me up to date on what’s happening in the news there. She is only 95 miles north of me and they are concerned as they live in a very touristy area of Florida.
They went to look for N-95 masks at Lowe’s and the guy in front of them at the cash register had gone and bought up every box of N-95 masks.

Then to make matters worse the same guy posted them the next day for
$ 45.00 a piece. I hope no one buys any of them from him. I’am all about entrepreneurs, but not those kind.

All the masks and hand sanitizer are gone according to my sister. I even checked here locally while in the store and they are all sold out.

She called me yesterday and told me the Governor of Florida had declared a state of emergency. I have not been watching any of the news. I’am afraid news stations are creating a bit of mass hysteria.

Hopefully this virus will be gone soon and all will be well.

Sue hope your hubby gets to feeling better soon.


Sounds like a plan. Hope you find someone you like.


Thank you Carole.......Continued get well wishes coming your way.....and good sprinkle of mummy dust.

Beautiful pics Lynne. What a nice way to spend the day with daughter and your sis.

Always fun to share the ingredient list and see the surprise. Have not ever been able to get hubby into eating ground turkey or ground chicken. He can detect the difference no matter what it is in. The man knows his beef...LOL.

Not at all.


Sending good wishes to area missed here.

Dixumi hope all is well with you.

Pattyw....glad to hear you didn’t get hit with the predicted wall of snow. So nice to hear Troy was able to make a visit home. I was in Walmart last week and heard a woman squeal with delight at the sight of the Paczki donuts. She said Walmart carries them for limited time during this time of the year. She bought every box they had to take in to work and share.

Sun is shining this morning :sunny: supposed to be 85 today. Sending some Florida sun to all who need it.

Get well to all in sick bay

Sheldon loves to have this sung to him when he is sick

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Had a nice birthday dinner. Neighbors were so sweet. Enjoyed all the friends, good food and fact that granddaughter was here was icing on the cake for sure. Was sad to take her back to airport.

Made hotel ressies for trip with grandson. Fingers crossed no cancellation do to virus. Had my reservations for HHN already.

Have appointment for dentist to have temporary cap put on today. Then will go back when permanent cap ready. The perils of getting old.....LOL...even your teeth need help.

Mac it’s Taco Tuesday for you.

So thankful to have a sweet hubby, family and friends.

My wish for you all today is Good health and happiness Sans family.

Have a great Tuesday

Good to see you post Robo......glad you had such a beautiful birthday, it sounds a lovely day.......and good luck with the’s never fun!!

Thank you for the good wishes.....hoping to be doing better soon, I’m not used to this......but always shows who your real friends are. Just had two bring round some more are over run with dishes!!!

And enjoy that lovely weather......:wave2:

Now it’s 19 deaths in Nashville due to thr tornado
Watching live coverage with peeps on the streets

It is awful to watch this on the news today. Completely heartbreaking for everyone involved.

On a different note, we ended up with Cajun chicken pasta that a friend brought round this afternoon......beautiful dish, nice and spicy and so creamy.

Slept for a couple of hours too and woke up to some fog.....think it’s gone now. Strange how it comes in so quickly from the sea and then goes as quickly.......yes, thinking of the movie......👻
Robo that’s awful news. We don’t have tv here and don’t get the news.

Thanks. Sitting in hospital er with Mr to get his shoulder checked out. It’s hurting him to breathe. Waiting for x ray.

sending mummy dust your better half feels better real soon
Keep us posted how you both are

that means finding out if the Mr is gonna be okay and that you are able to not fret
Schumi I would make you a dinner if I lived nearby

be grateful I do not live near by as my cooking is not the best

hope as each day goes by you feel improvement!

You still are a couple of months out before you return to Orlando
Schumi I would make you a dinner if I lived nearby

be grateful I do not live near by as my cooking is not the best

hope as each day goes by you feel improvement!

You still are a couple of months out before you return to Orlando

lol......two friends turned up with four tubs of caramel chew chew and four big bags of one of my favourite potato chips on Sunday.......they were very, very welcome!!!! I don‘t need

Thank you......yes we have 8 weeks.....not that I’m counting of course.......:rolleyes1

How’s your weather now.....getting better by the day I hope......
Lynne when you retire, you can stay up regularly to 10 at night and sleep an extra hour in the morning

I have attempted to be in bed before midnight the past week
So far, so good
I’m trying for 11:30 for lights out for me this week

Now if I could train my cats to do the same, it would be a miracle

Sweet dreams homies !
Another long day today. However, I think I may finally have resolution for a nightmare insurance problem I have been working on for months.

*Rant warning* If you happen to have more than one insurance policy please, please make sure your health care providers know and are billing the correct plan. This will save the sanity of some poor office worker. *Rant over*

My mum never drove....but we lived in a little town that had everything she needed, so had no desire to drive.
My mom doesn't drive either. Unfortunately I grew up in a decent sized city that had no public transportation at the time. All of us kids had to play chauffeur once we got our license.

as little one is the only one who doesn't like carbonara sauce, nor the peas.
I always pick the peas out. I hate peas.

Just had a call from "The Internet" lol......apparently my named specific computer is not working and for a flat fee and my cc details of course they`ll fix it there and then.......I couldn't even be bothered to lead them on a long fake conversation, so just hung up......I may have used an expletive first though.....:rolleyes1
I love those calls. I get them from "Windows support" or Microsoft. We are a Mac family.

Thanks for the warm welcome back. I missed this bunch! Still need to do some catchup reading.
I can't remember if we have met before. I started posting here back in 2017.

Check online at Bealls they have the go walks on sale right now.
Darn, I wish I had seen this before I placed my order. I'll go check out their website anyway.

Made hotel ressies for trip with grandson. Fingers crossed no cancellation do to virus. Had my reservations for HHN already.
Hoping for the best for you. One of our clients is supposed to go to Paris next week, but still isn't sure if she is going.

Have appointment for dentist to have temporary cap put on today. Then will go back when permanent cap ready. The perils of getting old.....LOL...even your teeth need help.
My poor husband just had to have 3 crowns. I have been very lucky when it comes to teeth.

Thanks. Sitting in hospital er with Mr to get his shoulder checked out. It’s hurting him to breathe. Waiting for x ray.
Hope it isn't too serious and he can get some relief from the pain.

but always shows who your real friends are. Just had two bring round some more are over run with dishes!!!
lol......two friends turned up with four tubs of caramel chew chew and four big bags of one of my favourite potato chips on Sunday...
These friends are definitely keepers..

Guess I should think about trying to set some sleep.

Almost forgot. Proud mom moment. B voted for the very first time today. Still can't believe she is old enough.
Yeah Charade, it was weird the first time I saw all our names on the voting sheet for my neighborhood.

Hope so Mac. Up early again. Guess I will pack. Not much needed. Weather is about the same. Hope those kitties let you sleep this morning.

And lest a homie forgets, it is a Wednesday! Hump of a day, as get over this day, and yay, Friday becomes the day after. So, maybe I get to see a 🐪, or maybe you will. 74C0678E-87FB-4E27-9C8A-6B65AF705675.jpeg

Either way, Happy Hump Day!

And yep,


Oh, and hope all have a wonderful morning this Wednesday.

Yeah, and ooh quite the thunderstorm last night, wind blowing fiercely around the house, pounding rain, seeing yellow and a bit of red on the radar. But as it is with most storms, 20 or so minutes later, all was quiet.

Sending many more prayers to those in the Nashville area grieving the loss of life. So sad to hear of all the devastation.
Looks like a mini camel parade!
Are you all packed and ready to go ?

Having the lawn moved today but it looks like rain
hope not as the yard really needs it done weekly

Still a lot of news on middle Tennessee
Late in cat herding to feed them as have been watching tv

Hope all have a fun hump day!
Mornings SANs,
Well, I'm off to the doctor later this afternoon. This cold is just hanging on and the coughing and stuffiness is getting worse so I think I need an antibiotic. This will give me a chance to talk to the doctor about our upcoming trip and coronavirus. I am immune compromised and I want to talk to her about the risk and get her opinion.
At least the sun is out today! Hope everyone has a great day!
Gonna take my camel to the old town road,
Going ride, till I can’t no more:)

There’s an Old Town Road parody on youtube, going to take my camel to Jerusalem. It’s hysterical but if i posted link here would likely get banned for life as it’s definitely un PC. I need a good lol

Good news CAT scan approved for sinuses, as expected. On hold, due to dental issues, consult with oral surgeon tomorrow. what are ‘dem odds? You have to laugh

Sheldon loves to have this sung to him when he is sick
Aaah, the cutest thing that is
Made hotel ressies for trip with grandson. Fingers crossed no cancellation do to virus. Had my reservations for HHN already.
You’re talking September trip? If so, that’s a long way off. We should know what level of impact we’re dealing within a month. Here’s hoping the upcoming warm weather kills it off & it doesn’t come back in the fall.
Oh my terrible that the death count has climbed so much higher. Prayers to all effected by that tornado damage.
It’s a shame, so early and unexpected, and they say there is no global warming, grrr. Once they get the search & rescue dogs on the ground there, hopefully they find many still alive.
Thank you for the good wishes.....hoping to be doing better soon, I’m not used to this......but always shows who your real friends are. Just had two bring round some more are over run with dishes!!!
Indeed! My sympathies on the casserole avalanche lol. This sort of thing surely takes it’s good old time & lots of hard work to resolve. Hugs
Rant warning* If you happen to have more than one insurance policy please, please make sure your health care providers know and are billing the correct plan. This will save the sanity of some poor office worker. *Rant over*
Subordination of benefits sort of thing? Don’t the paitients have to fill out intake forms as to listing all insurance coverage?
Looks like a mini camel parade!
In all it’s glory :)
Mornings SANs,
Well, I'm off to the doctor later this afternoon. This cold is just hanging on and the coughing and stuffiness is getting worse so I think I need an antibiotic. This will give me a chance to talk to the doctor about our upcoming trip and coronavirus. I am immune compromised and I want to talk to her about the risk and get her opinion.
At least the sun is out today! Hope everyone has a great day!
Oh my, definitely sounds Ike a visit is in order. Good luck
Sending mummy dust that your doctor will figure out how he can make you feel better

it is not any fun to be sick like you are now

Check in when you can and tell us your doc said you will live
Subordination of benefits sort of thing? Don’t the paitients have to fill out intake forms as to listing all insurance coverage?
Yes, they are supposed to inform us of all insurance policies, but they don’t always do so. In this last case the client never informed us that she had another policy and we were billing the wrong plan. It also didn’t help that Anthem kept changing the prefix on their policies. It took Anthem a year to realize that they had been paying incorrectly. That’s when we were informed of the second plan. It has been an absolute nightmare.
Happy Hump Day! Lynne always look forward to your camel pics! I love watching a good T-Storm too! We rarely get them so when I’m in Florida I’ll sit out on my balcony to watch.

robo glad you had a nice birthday!

Charade you must have the patience of a saint in your job! Congrats to B for voting! Another milestone.

Mac hope you get your lawn done today!

Schumi & Mrose hope you’re feeling better soon and Keishashadow hope you get your scan soon!

Update on my Mr, he fell a few days ago walking back from the store, the pavement here in Puerto Vallarta is very uneven at best. He stepped off curb into a big pot hole. Wasn’t looking down! Hit his upper chest and hand. 2 days later his hand got quite swollen and hurts to breathe.
Decided to take him to ER here. Had x rays. Nothing broken. Doc gave him anti inflammatory pill and topical cream. He’ll live. Thanks to everyone who asked.

yesterday we went to see a town abit north of here, after the hospital visit. Had lunch at a restaurant on the beach. Walled around town, I picked up a couple of tees, and a dress for oldest dd. Then we went to a bar to see a band who are friends of our friend we are staying with. They play mostly 70’s music.
In a few minutes we’re going shopping to get something for dinner tonight. Avoiding town today, 3 cruise ships are in port.


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