Something About Nothing............ #14

Youngest DD and I did a quick grocery store run yesterday, and as we were walking into the store a man called to us to tell us to take his cart back to the store front. Ummm... excuse me? He was parked in the front and not close to a cart return. He wasn't disabled or in a handicapped parking spot, he wasn't elderly, nor was he an expectant mother wrangling 3 toddlers... he was lazy. DD said "ignore him", I turned around and said "I'm not touching your cart". Seriously, we're still wearing masks, the grocery stores have protocol for shopping and cart handling including sanitizing them after customers use them. Sheesh.....

The apple tree removal is progressing. Only the top most branches left and then the process of taking the trunk down. I'm sad about the tree, but after taking more of it down, we're lucky it didn't fall down. So much disease and rot and a few branches that were broken and laying on top of others... it was only a matter of time before those big branches fell.

I saw that. Is AK your home resort?

We know someone who has a table top variety. It's nice, but seems more inconvenient. There is a cover that goes over the propane part to make it a full table when not in use. It's pretty though.

Sue, those pictures are amazing and so beautiful!!

Early on we were looking up ways to sanitize the N95s and one of the things I read was about the virus not surviving on non-living surfaces (no host) after 72 hours. Not sure it's true or not, but the theory was having enough masks to rotate. I would think the disposable ones would be the same, and yes a shot of lysol should definitely help.

I'm glad you got to see her. Praying her recovery from the procedure goes quickly.

MonyK- LOVE the pictures!!

What is this? I've never heard of it.

Some people you could not make up their rudeness could ignored!!!

No below to Horror Make up is a classic and NOT to be much fun!!

Up early today to take the ‘lil to orthodontist. Strange procedure, they came out to car to retrieve her. Since it’s next to the best bakery in Pittsburgh...
View attachment 501937 A real eclair, I deliberately took a bite to show the gooey chocolate topping & proper filling.:). Came home with a few bagfuls of non noms including mini strawberry cheesecakes.

I may be in a minority but happy the restriction on visitors is in place re my mom. I’ve seen what the garden variety flu can do, can only imagine how fast it spreads in those elderly, immune deficient populations

Absolutely, all ribbing done in good fun. Save me from uptight, sanctimonious fools. So many locals work at both parks simultaneously until they land a full-time job, they know their employers; warts & all.

That’s interesting coincidence.

Lynne posted nice sentiments, my Dad’s been gone for 34 years. Not a day goes by that I don’t fondly think of him. When I have a decision to make, my mind always goes to what would he think? In that way, still a sounding board for me :). Holidays & birthdays were difficult initially, but time does soften many things. I do hope my two older boys cope well this Sunday, do recall the first events being the most difficult

Even Aldi has free carts now to cut down on contact

Have two there, our biggest collection of points. Also BWV & WLV.

I have a small decorative wrought iron rack with hooks in entry way that now is the ‘mask holder’. Originally set it up as a lanyard/key holder for my kids when they would visit vs the inevitable ‘where did my keys go’ scramble

Oh that looks delicious!!!! Sometimes you just need to say....yes, I`ll have one......hope little one is doing alright with her mouth.

Yes, all good fun with Horror show.....I`m always amazed some folks get all hot and bothered by the jokes about Disney....sense of humour bypass I guess.....

I do hope your two eldest do ok on Sunday. I agree, I always think the "first" occasions like birthdays and Christmas are always the hardest.....always a little tough after that, but those firsts are hard. My sister took the firsts harder than I did I think. My brothers well, you never know sometimes. Will be thinking of them.

Ironing all done and put past......I know many hate it and even more don't do it......but I don`t actually mind doing it.

Rain is quite heavy still, so no walking tonight. It`ll be dinner and the excitement of the TV ahead......maybe a movie.....
Last day here. Work done early so down to pool for a bit, will have to do some work on another account tonight but that can be done when afternoon showers roll in- no sense wasting sun time lol. Although had to move from my usual spot to other side of pool as there is an obnoxiously loud DJ playing music (resort hired). Moved to other side and swear he turned up music so relocated to other pool. Further from the ice cream in an hour though :rotfl2: ;) 67310267-4EAB-4985-A664-26B976249F89.jpegFrom this to
DC192139-D115-4346-B17E-11DCAC498FA1.jpegThis. Dang sideways photos.
yep my chickens are 100% “free” range lol! Spoiled monsters. Friend got me the funniest shirt speaking of “chicken”club shirts - not quite in same vein as HHN--not sure if it’s appropriate for posting as it does have a double meaning.
We know someone who has a table top variety. It's nice, but seems more inconvenient. There is a cover that goes over the propane part to make it a full table when not in use. It's pretty though.
we have one of those. It’s fine but a hard to move around. We have it on our deck We also have an actual fire wood required fire pit in the yard
the actors ad lib quite a bit, with current events,
this was one of the funniest shows I’ve seen in awhile. They just rolled with whatever - for example they had to put on face shields at one point and they fogged up- whole routine over that. And the Lysol spraying and sanitizing - we’ll talk about making lemonade from lemons.
real eclair, I deliberately took a bite to show the gooey chocolate topping & proper filling.:). Came home with a few bagfuls of non noms including mini strawberry cheesecakes.
oh and now I’m hungry!
y be in a minority but happy the restriction on visitors is in place re my mom. I’ve seen what the garden variety flu can do, can only imagine how fast it spreads in those elderly, immune deficient populations
yeah the restrictions are necessary- but prepared for the “OMG A SPIKE” in cases as NH ramp up testing-and find those “asymptomatic” cases. One of my homes with ZERO cases or deaths found a worker positive. let me repeat NO ONE has gotten sick and they’ve followed strict PPE protocol and isolation. But I’ll bet my retirement fund they will find another one or two cases when contact tracing/testing starts. Now multiply by thousands of homes. Yep SPIKE! But I’m very glad they are starting the testing. Once we get staff and residents tested we can move on to visitors and hopefully start allowing some restricted visitation with regular testing. Nit going to be cheap though, and not sure who’s gonna foot that bill.
So many birthdays to celebrate in the start of the Summer.
sounds like a great way to kickoff summer!
it is a classic and NOT to be much fun!!
Like Lion King festival at Disney. This is one show I try to hit at least once per trip.
now they are still making New Yorkers feel unwelcome
and yet another example of not applying common sense and frequent re-evaluation. And I’ll stop there so I don’t get banned :rolleyes1:P
Humidity up a bit today, but we return home to what looks like a week of good weather, then the great summer weather of late June in South Dakota. Hot days and cool nights. Hoping I can get a proper pedicure next week too.
And family just came and went quick on loungers next to me and pool attendant over with his spray to clean. I really won’t mind these things staying!
Ooh loving those pool pictures, MonyK.

Ah, think our daily weather showers are done. Quite a noisy downpour right around lunchtime.

Request for grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Yay, can do that, and like an easy dinner night.

Hope all are safe and healthy this Thursday afternoon. Sending well wishes to Sue, Robo, Charade’s mom, and any other homie needing it. Mummy dust of happiness to all the homies.
This year, nope, as was yesterday. I sang the birthday song on his phone at 6 yesterday morning, Most likely we will celebrate around the Fourth of July, as I have another DB with a birthday next week, with my youngest DB’s wife’s next week too, and my other DB’s son being born the day before that holiday. So many birthdays to celebrate in the start of the Summer.

I love when I get a singing voice mail! My kids forced me into communication via text. Have learned when they do make a ‘real’ phone call, it usually costs me money :)

Summer busy for BD here too, seven for immediate family between end of May & end of August
Last day here. Work done early so down to pool for a bit, will have to do some work on another account tonight but that can be done when afternoon showers roll in- no sense wasting sun time lol. Although had to move from my usual spot to other side of pool as there is an obnoxiously loud DJ playing music (resort hired). Moved to other side and swear he turned up music so relocated to other pool. Further from the ice cream in an hour though :rotfl2: ;) View attachment 502015From this to
View attachment 502016This. Dang sideways photos.
yep my chickens are 100% “free” range lol! Spoiled monsters. Friend got me the funniest shirt speaking of “chicken”club shirts - not quite in same vein as HHN--not sure if it’s appropriate for posting as it does have a double meaning.
we have one of those. It’s fine but a hard to move around. We have it on our deck We also have an actual fire wood required fire pit in the yard
this was one of the funniest shows I’ve seen in awhile. They just rolled with whatever - for example they had to put on face shields at one point and they fogged up- whole routine over that. And the Lysol spraying and sanitizing - we’ll talk about making lemonade from lemons.
oh and now I’m hungry!
yeah the restrictions are necessary- but prepared for the “OMG A SPIKE” in cases as NH ramp up testing-and find those “asymptomatic” cases. One of my homes with ZERO cases or deaths found a worker positive. let me repeat NO ONE has gotten sick and they’ve followed strict PPE protocol and isolation. But I’ll bet my retirement fund they will find another one or two cases when contact tracing/testing starts. Now multiply by thousands of homes. Yep SPIKE! But I’m very glad they are starting the testing. Once we get staff and residents tested we can move on to visitors and hopefully start allowing some restricted visitation with regular testing. Nit going to be cheap though, and not sure who’s gonna foot that bill.
sounds like a great way to kickoff summer!
Like Lion King festival at Disney. This is one show I try to hit at least once per trip.
and yet another example of not applying common sense and frequent re-evaluation. And I’ll stop there so I don’t get banned :rolleyes1:P
Humidity up a bit today, but we return home to what looks like a week of good weather, then the great summer weather of late June in South Dakota. Hot days and cool nights. Hoping I can get a proper pedicure next week too.
And family just came and went quick on loungers next to me and pool attendant over with his spray to clean. I really won’t mind these things staying!

Loving your pictures Monyk.......

I never saw the Lion King show......was it showing in 2008......last time we were in the Disney parks. Tell a 2009 we went back to see Wishes......oh my goodness.....the crowds leaving the park at 10pm were horrendous!!!! We got back to RPR around 12.30.....

Enjoy that pedicure next week!!!

You go home tomorrow? Thank you for taking the time to give us the lovely pictures and all the updates, they`ve been interesting to read....and have a safe journey home.......:wave2:

I love when I get a singing voice mail! My kids forced me into communication via text. Have learned when they do make a ‘real’ phone call, it usually costs me money :)

Summer busy for BD here too, seven for immediate family between end of May & end of August

It`s funny as our next family birthday is August, where I have one of my brothers and Tom that month. Then September is birthday/anniversary central!!!! I always have to be so organised for that month.

My friends and I do txt, but we are mostly still yappers on the phone....some I txt more than others. My mother is the capital punctuation and no to be fair, her txts are fairly short and sweet.......

Gave in and had a glass of white wine tonight.......ok two. A bottle we`d never tried before and will get it again, it was lovely.

Think the rain has stopped finally, but not the warmest of evenings.
Yum, grilled cheese hit the spot. Sun out and oh so muggy hot. At least I got some sun today. Did a short shopping trip with little one. Think we are stocked now. Impressed, little one made mac and cheese for dinner last night, was great with our grilled burgers. Left over burgers for lunch, so sandwiches for dinner, good to go. And of course, a zap a meal for little one, as no grilled cheese for her. Made a salad, as that seemed good with the sandwiches. Heavy on the tomatoes for all but me. I am not fond of fresh tomatoes.

Sweet night to all, and some grey goose for me, oh so perfectly cold with crushed ice. :)
unbelivable about that man. I admit that’s one thing I notice at US stores. The shopping carts just get left all over the place. Doesn’t happen here. We all return carts to the corrals. Problem solved when we had to put a quarter in slot or loonie ($1) to get cart.
The only place with the cart deposit here is Aldi. Usually people are good about returning carts and I always return carts. He was just being lazy and didn't want to walk to the front so under the "guise" of offering me a cart he thought he could get off. No way was I touching it.
McRose thanks. I always think it’s fun looking at pics if where others live! It’s amazing how refreshed one feels walking along the ocean. So reviving and I was in need of some after days of rain and gloom. Perked me right up.
Such pretty pictures! I'll have to remember to take some pics around here to post. We have woods, woods, and more woods. LOL! Lakes and falls, mountains too. It's funny because being surrounded by woods and mountains all the time, when I go to the beach it's so open it's almost intimidating. So much open sky and space! When we get down South, I always say "it's so flat here!".
McK, that show is one in Universal Orlando, in the Studios side. It is so funny, while horror based, the actors ad lib quite a bit, with current events, or as Schumi said, make digs at Disney. I like to watch it several times when I go, as they do rotate actors. All are excellent though
I did look at it quickly... is it a HHN thing?
I may be in a minority but happy the restriction on visitors is in place re my mom. I’ve seen what the garden variety flu can do, can only imagine how fast it spreads in those elderly, immune deficient populations
I agree. Our nursing homes are still on lockdown, even though we're supposed to go green tomorrow.
Even Aldi has free carts now to cut down on contact
I didn't know that, and haven't been to Aldi since the start of this. Have not gotten the courage to attempt it yet!
Have two there, our biggest collection of points. Also BWV & WLV.
Nice. My SIL's family have BLT, OKW and CC. We don't stay with them though. But BLT is super convenient and I'm always tempted! They just have so many people go at once and I like to have my space to spread out and not be on top of two other families.
I have a small decorative wrought iron rack with hooks in entry way that now is the ‘mask holder’. Originally set it up as a lanyard/key holder for my kids when they would visit vs the inevitable ‘where did my keys go’ scramble
That's nearly the same set up I had for DH when he wore the N95s every day. I even used my label maker (because I'm a secret nerd... hello.... Ravenclaw!) to put the days of the week on for him. We have it in the basement, since he went in that door and showered down there.
Ironing all done and put past......I know many hate it and even more don't do it......but I don`t actually mind doing it.
You are a better woman than I am! I HATE to iron.... so much that we have a fabric steamer that we use instead of an iron. LOL!
No below to Horror Make up is a classic and NOT to be much fun!!
It looks interesting. I'm still trying to figure out what it is. An attraction? A seasonal event? Not asking for spoilers.
and yet another example of not applying common sense and frequent re-evaluation.
I thought I saw that Cuomo was toying with the idea of asking people coming into NYC to quarantine for 14 days. That would be interesting. People coming from other states could be a concern, since we are doing better now. I say we, even though I'm not in NYC, but we were/are directly affected by NYC cases. The same would happen again if they got hit hard.
Like Lion King festival at Disney. This is one show I try to hit at least once per trip.
I love the Lion King show! We watch it at least once each trip too.
Last day here.
Safe travels home! I've enjoyed your pictures and updates and living vicariously thought you!
Ah, think our daily weather showers are done. Quite a noisy downpour right around lunchtime.
We had quite the storms here too. About an hour after you, so they must've traveled North. It's bright and sunny now, but still very wet.
I thought I saw that Cuomo was toying with the idea of asking people coming into NYC to quarantine for 14 days. That would be interesting. People coming from other states could be a concern, since we are doing better now. I say we, even though I'm not in NYC, but we were/are directly affected by NYC cases. The same would happen again if they got hit hard.
Yes, it’s being tossed about, an absolute flip for those from FL possibly needing to quarantine to get into NYC

no joke tho to hit 3,000 new cases as they overnight. Gulp, hope that’s the peak of FL curve!
Decided to skip the quickie getaway next weekend there & order a long overdue new mattress. Will call it a staycation of sorts lol
this morning went a walk to another beach close by u

Oh, that picture looks so peaceful. Could get real used to seeing that every day again.

My MRI is Sunday morning. Will know more after that.
Meds are working nicely and I’am comfortable today.

Prayers for your test.

Time to make the grilled cheese!

Yes, I am going to say; grilled cheese is so underrated. Now the big question. Do you use butter or Mayo?

Mom’s surgery went well.

Great news. It must suck for her not to have visitors, but its probably for the best with way things are going right now.

that I have 2 more days of working.

Hurray for Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

We had no apples at all this year due to that late snow/fros

We had 3 whole apples this year and the squirrels took 2 of them.

reports of “spikes” without context.

I think using a percentage system would be better. 20 positives tests out of 50 is so different than 20 out of 100. WIth that our spike yesterday was more than double our highest recorded day. We had been doing well, but being so close to Memphis I knew it wouldnt be long. Im so ready to get out and do things, but I'm just going to continue my boring life until things quiet down.

Here to the weekend!
no joke tho to hit 3,000 new cases as they overnight. Gulp, hope that’s the peak of FL curve!
Decided to skip the quickie getaway next weekend there & order a long overdue new mattress. Will call it a staycation of sorts lol
I know. I was talking to my hubby earlier on how quickly this could spread there, just based on how it did here. I distinctly remember talking to my family in the beginning of March on how I thought it would be a month before things got bad here and boy was I wrong. The speed of how it spread here was so fast it took me by surprise. I wouldn't go next weekend either.

I read on another thread here that Florida ICU's are down to 22% available beds and 26 hospitals completely full. That to me shows it's not just higher numbers due to more/available testing. Yes, a lot of people will get it and be fine, but the spread is crazy and can quickly overwhelm some areas. And some experts predict Florida to be the next epicenter. I really hope not. As much as people don't like it, the mayor of Orange county ordering everyone to wear masks all the time now is a step in the right direction.

Decided to experiment with the headband idea tonight. I used some Jack and Sally material I got and had my dd model. Not a bad first try! (I promised not to show her face)
We had 3 whole apples this year and the squirrels took 2 of them.
Aww! This is the first time I can remember not having apples. A lot of other things didn't blossom either; lilies of the valley, lilacs, peony, butterfly bush, I have a few blossoms at the very top of my mock orange bush. I'm waiting to see what my big lilies do, if anything. We have a lot of really pretty ones, but so far no buds. The garden is very green this year!

Now I'm hungry for a grilled cheese.....
Good evening!

So there is talk of New York banning or quarantining people coming from FL (who wants to come to NY now from FL?) :confused3

Would love to share news...but there is none, Just dull, dull, dull.

trying to think of places to go with the kiddies that we won’t be worrying about being around many people if Florida doesn’t work out mid-summer. And something that is going to entertain four littles 7 and younger. I gotta get outta NY!

Have a great night!
Why not take the train and head to Philly for a few days. Zoo is nice, lots of museums and all walkable. Sesame Place is off 95, on Route 1, but would be a fun place for all the kids, plus mall right there if you want to shop. Or down the shore for a few days.

Anyway, my thoughts Kfish.
Good evening everyone. Long day today. I hate going back to work the day after I've been out. There always seems to be so much to do even if I was only out one day.

Dh has booked a quick weekend getaway for the family. A little background - We honeymooned in Gatlinburg, TN. There is a variety show there called Sweet Fanny Adams. When we were there for our honeymoon I got to be part of the audience participation. (Had to dance with an actor who looked like Marty Feldman) Well, we discovered that the show is in it's 44th and final season. Another victim of Covid-19. I told dh that we should go back and see it one last time. I figured he would plan a trip for late summer or early fall. Nope. He planned it for next weekend. Now I am trying to find a cat sitter. My usual person has closed her business. Yet another victim of Covid-19. Thankfully she gave me the names of a coupe of people that she recommends.

And today would have been my dad`s birthday, his was always next to Father`s Day and my mum has her birthday within days of MD…..we never got to forget if we would!!
My mom's birthday sometimes falls on father's day. Dad was a week earlier on June 9.

Youngest DD and I did a quick grocery store run yesterday, and as we were walking into the store a man called to us to tell us to take his cart back to the store front. Ummm... excuse me? He was parked in the front and not close to a cart return. He wasn't disabled or in a handicapped parking spot, he wasn't elderly, nor was he an expectant mother wrangling 3 toddlers... he was lazy. DD said "ignore him", I turned around and said "I'm not touching your cart". Seriously, we're still wearing masks, the grocery stores have protocol for shopping and cart handling including sanitizing them after customers use them. Sheesh.....
Wow, I sometimes have people offer me their cart, but have never had someone tell me to take it back fro them. Pubix used to annoy me because they didn't have cart returns.

I'm glad you got to see her. Praying her recovery from the procedure goes quickly.
Thanks MRose.

Charade glad you got to see your mom, if only a short time. I remember my mom had to go to physical rehab, twice! Once was in a seperate wing of nursing home, another time was a seperate building. Hope all goes well.
Thanks Sue.

Lynne yay for a 3 day weekend. Sadly my dad has been gone many years, passed when my oldest was 1yrs old. Way too young.
Same here. B was only 14 months when my father passed.

McK, that show is one in Universal Orlando, in the Studios side. It is so funny, while horror based, the actors ad lib quite a bit, with current events, or as Schumi said, make digs at Disney. I like to watch it several times when I go, as they do rotate actors. All are excellent though. And eww, would not take that cart either.
I saw the show for the first time when I went to Universal on B's band trip last year. I can't believe I had passed on it so many times.

Oh, and Charade glad you are home, and got to at least see mom for her birthday.
Thanks Lynne.

A real eclair,
Looks yummy.

I may be in a minority but happy the restriction on visitors is in place re my mom. I’ve seen what the garden variety flu can do, can only imagine how fast it spreads in those elderly, immune deficient populations
I hate that I couldn't spend more time with my mom, but I agree that the safety measures are necessary. There was a nursing home in Roanoke, VA that had over 80 virus cases among the residents and Staff. Sadly, they lost 10 residents, but everyone else recovered.

Ah, think our daily weather showers are done. Quite a noisy downpour right around lunchtime.
I think they came down here.

Glad to hear mom is doing ok. Rehab is good option for her to get strength back and safety awareness to while recovering. Good that you got to see her too!
Thanks MonyK.

because I'm a secret nerd... hello.... Ravenclaw!)
Ravenclaw here too.

You are a better woman than I am! I HATE to iron.... so much that we have a fabric steamer that we use instead of an iron. LOL!
I won't iron unless I absolutely have to. I just make sure I get clothes out of the dryer as soon as it stops.

Great news. It must suck for her not to have visitors, but its probably for the best with way things are going right now.
Yes, I hate that she can't have visitors, but understand the need for safety right now.

Almost midnight. Good night everyone.
I read on another thread here that Florida ICU's are down to 22% available beds and 26 hospitals completely full.
Yes and the news is very careful to say the hospitals are *gasp* filling up but they do NOT specify with covid cases. Many avoided routine or needed surgery and are now trying to get what THEY need before only the covid cases count for everything again. I got so disgusted with incomplete reporting I had turn it off and not watch again. If they are filling with severe covid cases you’d bet they’d be reporting on that too.“Notably, at UF Health in Jacksonville, there aren’t any ICU beds available. State numbers show out of the 100 adult ICU beds at the facility, none are open. News4Jax was told that only seven of the ICU patients at UF Health were COVID-19 cases.”
That story is one of the few that provides actual context. but headlines elsewhere will say “NO ICU BEDS AVAILABLE AMID SPIKE IN CASES” failing to mention where those beds are and where the spike occurred (hint- different areas of state)
Sorry- just soooooooooooo tired of incompetent and lazy a** reporting to only get the most click bait bites out there vs REAL useable information. Instead this serves to further disregard media when it could be used properly and responsible
Good Thursday night Sans family :wave2:



Wow didn’t know they did regularly scheduled tests on weekends. Here, that would be considered a quick appointment, but I’m sure it seems so far away. Hang in there!

I was surprised myself when they gave me the Sunday morning appointment. I didn’t know they did outpatient MRI at the hospital on weekend either. It’s at the hospital close to me so not far to travel.

Super quick update.
Mom’s surgery went well. I just got to my hotel in SC. I can walk to the hospital from here.

Glad to hear your moms surgery went well and you were able to have a visit with her....sending prayers for fast healing for her.

Glad you`re doing better Robo

Thank know the drill....if I remember correctly you had a flare up with your back not long just takes time.

Continued good thoughts and get well wishes to Sue and Robo. Falls are no fun and even more so when hurt because of it. Mummy dust sent too.

Thank you Lynne

I was able to get my hair highlighted yesterday so I feel like a new woman! We have a relative who is a hair stylist and she goes back to work next week when we go green so I thought I better get it done now.

Glad you were able to get your hair done. It does make one feel better.

Hubby has been slowly trimming the apple tree banches down and we will take the whole tree down by the weekend, hopefully. Fencing guy comes to start posts Monday. I love the apple tree, but it's old and rotting in some areas. And the apples are a major pain to deal with. We had no apples at all this year due to that late snow/frost. It killed a lot of blossoms in my garden.

We have an Apple tree and the deer get all the Apples every year.

Just want to say be Leary of news reports of “spikes” without context. The news here is doing a horrible job of whole picture. Very carefully omitting parts and wording to be sure to keep everyone terrified. Also remember there are drive through testing sights everywhere and a lag time in results -depending on when it’s reported- can cause a “spike”. Still no evidence those asymptomatic cause huge spread-and realistically- if viral load is so low that no symptoms just how much viral particles do they have? No cough how how much is ACTUALLY out with breathing??

They are amping up the testing in Florida. I received an email from our HOA letting everyone know where to go for free testing if they wanted it.
As you have stated the the media is not reporting on the actual non-symptomatic Covid Positive people vs Hospitalized patients with Covid.

Photo dump. Diagon Alley nearly empty this afternoon I’m currently in line for Bourne! Can hear the first show. TM said wait about an hour (20 min ago) Some if the tracks in Jurassic coaster look close together- like Space mountain with lights on close! Can not wait to try it out!
Also utilized one of the URest mask free areas in old Sinbad theater. No smoking in There but can take drinks, food and just chill

Thanks for alll the great pics and updates from Universal.

Second pic is the inlet looking toward Vancouver.
It was so nice to get out for some fresh air And sun.

Beautiful pics

And Horror makeup show has jokes about the shutdown and cleaning, hand sanitizing etc. it’s so funny!! And they still got some digs in at Disney lol!

I love the Horror Makeup Show

. I realized I don’t want to live in a world where this is required long term. I just don’t. I don’t want to be afraid of people or surfaces or have them cringe when another human being comes near. I want to go places and fully ENJOY them and not worry about getting sick or getting others sick or getting nasty looks for wearing a mask or not wearing a mask etc.
I hope that we get a handle on who is really vulnerable to this (clearly it’s NOT everyone) and get effective treatment &/or effective vaccine quickly.

It’s sad, but we all will pull through this situation.

real eclair, I deliberately took a bite to show the gooey chocolate topping & proper filling.:). Came home with a few bagfuls of non noms including mini strawberry cheesecakes.


Prayers for your test.

Thank you

Decided to experiment with the headband idea tonight. I used some Jack and Sally material I got and had my dd model. Not a bad first try! (I

It’s really pretty. Great job.

It was very nice today and sunny. It was in the upper 80’s with a gentle breeze. I was able to sit up more today and walking is definitely easier. Enjoyed sitting in screened in porch. Hubby replaced the porch fan 3 weeks ago and it helps keep it more comfortable out there.

Sue hope you enjoyed your message. My therapist has not started seeing people yet.

Son and family coming over Saturday. Looking forward to their visit.

Hugs and prayers going out to Keisha’s sons, Keisha, Schumi, Lynne, Sue, Charade and others of the Sans family who will be remembering their Dads this Fathers Day :grouphug:

Some fun






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Such pretty pictures! I'll have to remember to take some pics around here to post. We have woods, woods, and more woods. LOL! Lakes and falls, mountains too. It's funny because being surrounded by woods and mountains all the time, when I go to the beach it's so open it's almost intimidating. So much open sky and space! When we get down South, I always say "it's so flat here!".

I did look at it quickly... is it a HHN thing?

I agree. Our nursing homes are still on lockdown, even though we're supposed to go green tomorrow.

I didn't know that, and haven't been to Aldi since the start of this. Have not gotten the courage to attempt it yet!

Nice. My SIL's family have BLT, OKW and CC. We don't stay with them though. But BLT is super convenient and I'm always tempted! They just have so many people go at once and I like to have my space to spread out and not be on top of two other families.

That's nearly the same set up I had for DH when he wore the N95s every day. I even used my label maker (because I'm a secret nerd... hello.... Ravenclaw!) to put the days of the week on for him. We have it in the basement, since he went in that door and showered down there.

You are a better woman than I am! I HATE to iron.... so much that we have a fabric steamer that we use instead of an iron. LOL!

It looks interesting. I'm still trying to figure out what it is. An attraction? A seasonal event? Not asking for spoilers.

I thought I saw that Cuomo was toying with the idea of asking people coming into NYC to quarantine for 14 days. That would be interesting. People coming from other states could be a concern, since we are doing better now. I say we, even though I'm not in NYC, but we were/are directly affected by NYC cases. The same would happen again if they got hit hard.

I love the Lion King show! We watch it at least once each trip too.

Safe travels home! I've enjoyed your pictures and updates and living vicariously thought you!

We had quite the storms here too. About an hour after you, so they must've traveled North. It's bright and sunny now, but still very wet.

We are lucky to have the best of both worlds.....we have woods behind us that are actually very pretty, and quite dense at times.....I swear I saw a Yeti like creature in there once.....of course it was my imagination!!! But.....always look around me when we go up mountains in England (and some English people hate when they`re reminded of that lol) it`s quite flat where we live.......but where we used to live in Scotland, yep, plenty of mountains and I miss that.

The Horror Make up Show is exactly as it sounds. They show make up techniques from the movies and show clips of Universal movies including original classics and more recent like The Wolfman with Benicio Del Toro.....there is audience participation and maybe a surprise or two......very funny.....and jokes aimed at Disney are always a hit.....except for the family (and there`s always one) decked out in head to foot Mickey Mouse clothes/bags/shoes/ get the picture!! it`s not to be missed!

And it`s on all year round in the Pantages Theatre shown in the link.

Yes, it’s being tossed about, an absolute flip for those from FL possibly needing to quarantine to get into NYC

no joke tho to hit 3,000 new cases as they overnight. Gulp, hope that’s the peak of FL curve!
Decided to skip the quickie getaway next weekend there & order a long overdue new mattress. Will call it a staycation of sorts lol

Oh happy new mattress!!!!

Oh, that picture looks so peaceful. Could get real used to seeing that every day again.

We had 3 whole apples this year and the squirrels took 2 of them.

Here to the weekend!

Oh it is beautiful, on a nice day of course! Middle of winter with rain and snow....not so pretty....but it has it`s own charm I guess.

Darn those squirrels!!!! They`re just rats with good PR as far as I`m concerned ::yes::.....I am getting fond of hedgehogs recently. There are quite a few around and although they naturally never let us near them, I quite like seeing them.

Have a great weekend too.....

Decided to experiment with the headband idea tonight. I used some Jack and Sally material I got and had my dd model. Not a bad first try! (I promised not to show her face)
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They look fabulous!!!

I have no idea who Jack and Sally are, but they look great!!!

Good evening everyone. Long day today. I hate going back to work the day after I've been out. There always seems to be so much to do even if I was only out one day.

Dh has booked a quick weekend getaway for the family. A little background - We honeymooned in Gatlinburg, TN. There is a variety show there called Sweet Fanny Adams. When we were there for our honeymoon I got to be part of the audience participation. (Had to dance with an actor who looked like Marty Feldman) Well, we discovered that the show is in it's 44th and final season. Another victim of Covid-19. I told dh that we should go back and see it one last time. I figured he would plan a trip for late summer or early fall. Nope. He planned it for next weekend. Now I am trying to find a cat sitter. My usual person has closed her business. Yet another victim of Covid-19. Thankfully she gave me the names of a coupe of people that she recommends.

My mom's birthday sometimes falls on father's day. Dad was a week earlier on June 9.

I hate that I couldn't spend more time with my mom, but I agree that the safety measures are necessary. There was a nursing home in Roanoke, VA that had over 80 virus cases among the residents and Staff. Sadly, they lost 10 residents, but everyone else recovered.

I won't iron unless I absolutely have to. I just make sure I get clothes out of the dryer as soon as it stops.

Yes, I hate that she can't have visitors, but understand the need for safety right now.

Almost midnight. Good night everyone.

A trip like that sounds lovely Charade....will be nice to get away with the family.....

Yes, it`s understandable them banning visitors, doesn`t make it any easier for fmailies though being seperated when they are at their most vulnerable.

I still iron even after bringing clothes out of the dryer.....I have a thing for perfectly ironed clothes.

Hope today is a better day for you and your mum keeps improving.

I was surprised myself when they gave me the Sunday morning appointment. I didn’t know they did outpatient MRI at the hospital on weekend either. It’s at the hospital close to me so not far to travel.

Son and family coming over Saturday. Looking forward to their visit.

Hugs and prayers going out to Keisha’s sons, Keisha, Schumi, Lynne, Sue, Charade and others of the Sans family who will be remembering their Dads this Fathers Day :grouphug:

We have had Sunday appointments for things like MRI`s for years. I had no idea either until Kyle was having back surgery and he got a Sunday night at 8pm appointment. There was no one else there and quite weird wandering around an almost deserted department.

But, good luck with tour appointment, hope it goes well and enjoy Father`s Day too.....and have a lovely Saturday with the family!!! We look forward to being able to do that....soon we hope......:wave2:

I cannot believe it is still foggy! Woke up around 5am and it seemed bright outside, looked out and it was white with fog!

Still not completely clear, but sun is bursting plans to go out today, except Tom is popping out for mango chutney! i have run out.

Making a curry this morning, but from paste as I don`t have all the ingredients to make it from scratch. It`s still lovely but needs a little mango chutney added to it. It probably doesn`t need it but we like it.

Also roasted off some chinese chicken thighs for lunch, will mix that with a little salad, sweet chilli sauce and a few noodles and that`ll be lunch. Kyle is having a turkey sandwich.....






Up with the birds today, no joke appears the babies are starting To join the morning choir ugh. There can be too much of a good thing.

not totally surprised but bummed that MNSSHP was cancelled last night. Do think HHN will still proceed but in revamped format as to content & ticketing options. :scratchin Wonder if amazon sells mummy dust by the ton?

We had been doing well, but being so close to Memphis I knew it wouldnt be long. Im so ready to get out and do things, but I'm just going to continue my boring life until things quiet down.
Is Memphis a hot spot? Slow & steady does win this sort of race, unfortunately, it goes against my grain, admittedly animpulsive sort, uhoh... #naturalSelection lol
lilies of the valley, lilacs, peony,
My lilies of valley came up lovely a month ago, seem to have spread more this year. Ok by me as I have them on a slight slope under a flowering ground cover.

Lilacs from the get go never got past little buds and none of the lovely smell, wah

Peonies are late to the party. What’s strange is the one i defiantly transferred into direct sunlight several years ago and has been just hanging o, is doing the best of them...all from the same mother plant.
I gotta get outta NY!
Escape from New York :). Talk about irony, yet my DS is still lamenting cancelling his end of March vacation to NYC. Fact you can find the reserve to joke about it after being thru so much.

Just a personal observation but the Myrtle Beach resort we visited seemed to have a large NYC contingent. The distinctive accent had many asking ‘where they were from’. Talk about finding a great way to cleari out a hot tub or lazy river fast.

I figured he would plan a trip for late summer or early fall. Nope. He planned it for next weekend.
Love a quick getaway! Going to guess tix were difficult to grab with social distancing measures in the theater.

I was surprised myself when they gave me the Sunday morning appointment. I didn’t know they did outpatient MRI at the hospital on weekend either. It’s at the hospital close to me so not far to travel.
They may have started to add weekend appts to try to catch up with the backlog. Was surprised that BC/BS Highmark did wind up extending my three month authorization script for another two months.

I was hoping to do a satellite office of the small, regional hospital but when I called to schedule, the doctor had it in his notes that all imaging tests be done onsite. A bit uneasy there but it’s such a far-flung small place, parking is free at the front more than 100 steps from front of building into radiology lol

Any specific precautions you plan on taking, PPE & otherwise? I was considering wearing disposable gloves. A little nervous re the dental surgery on 7/1 if truth be told. even though it is a surgical suite, going to guess the recovery room is not. Ugh

Son and family coming over Saturday. Looking forward to their visit.
Enjoy! I honestly haven’t given the day much thought as to an organized thing for all the kids. Didn’t invite anyone over for dinner. Maybe I’ll just order hoagies & pizza
Oh happy new mattress!!!!
Sounds like an official celebratory day :) Not sure if that is a thing but I really like how that sounds lol
I have no idea who Jack and Sally are, but they look great!!!
:eek::faint: The real star :) of the show is:


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