Something About Nothing............ #14

Yep, love me some tea........Lapsang Souchong tonight Lynne......I can never decide if I like it a lot....or it`s just ok......

Made some shortbread today too....but took most of it to friend, so I`ve been asked to make more tomorrow......I can oblige with that easily!!! I do think shortbread goes better with regular breakfast tea......

Still nice though!!
Oh yes! Tasty, Schumi.

A warm shortbread with tea was my breakfast in the Cotswolds, years ago when I took my mum on a trip that included England, Scotland and Wales. Beautiful parts of town. I still like shortbread, small cookies is usually what we have here. Not the same as freshly baked.

What for dinner? Need to use up my eggs, so French toast, it may be. Breakfast food for dinner, why not? This may change, but what I am thinking now. Will have to make something else for little one, though. Not a fan of any breakfast food, well, except bacon. She will eat my pancakes sometimes. Eh, then maybe scrambled eggs with pancakes. No eggs for little one, but she may want pancakes. Way too early to think dinner plans. LoL
Good evening everyone. Another long day at work. I've been having a problems with my computer monitor for several weeks. It keeps flickering on and off. I finally got my boss to agree to call a technician. Hopefully he fixed the problem.

Speaking of computers, our new laptop arrived today. We will probably set it up after dinner.

The last thing he needs to be dealing with this weekend......really should be resting completely. But, hopefully it was an easy deal and nice you will have a trip planned soon.
Yeah, that student was not what your DH needed, this weekend, Charade. I hope he gets some rest today, and you get to relax too, with some puzzle time. Beautiful sunset pictures.
Not something he needed.....hope all goes well.
Dh is still dealing with the student. He discovered that not only is she copying stuff from someone else's dissertation, she also changed dates on some of her references to make it look like she was using more current sources. He had to complete a report and send it to the higher up people. He was informed by one of them that she has been warned before about doing this. I originally felt that she should fail dh's class. Now I think she needs to be expelled form the university.

I think the spiders are moving inside too......killed two last night and one this morning....well, the Dyson took care of them! Huge things too!!!
Ugh! Hate spiders. We used to get them a lot when we first moved in, One of the reasons we got a pest control contract.

We rarely turn on the AC during the day but its necessary right now
Ours is on constantly thought he summer.

ENT called me at home saturday with my CT results. After a meeting of the various dr’s minds today, wednesday’s oral surgery revision was cancelled, as I need to have sinuses done first.
Sorry you have to reschedule. Hopefully you can get everything taken care of soon.

Good news on Trey's test came back negative :cool1: so our trip is on and everyone else tested negative too!
Awesome news. Have a great trip.

Bagel Tuesday also here, so bought bagels to be picked up around lunchtime. I knew not to pick an earlier pick up time, this morning, as I want the kids to go to get the order. I will hit the I’m here button on my phone, when they tell me they are entering the parking lot. Most of the time, that bagel place is quick to come out with the bagels, right to your car. How nice is that? So, no bagel for me as a breakfast meal, but will have one for lunch. Yum. And yes, the toaster will be used, and cream cheese, as bought some cream cheese on weekend grocery trips. Yum.
I haven't had a good bagel in a long time. My favorite is a sesame bagel with cream cheese.

Came back in from our walk and one of my friends called to say her dog Daisy passed away this morning.
So sorry to hear that.

Very common here to put cream cheese on croissants, as well.
I have never tried cream cheese on a croissant.

Morning all. Lost our power at 12:49, turns out everyone on the same line until early this am. Miserable hot as we’ve been in mid 80’s. How did people live without electricity lol.
One of my favorite people in the world is the person who invented central AC.

Breakfast food for dinner, why not?
We had breakfast for supper last night. We usually do eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Sometimes we have waffles or French toast. If I'm really feeling adventurous I will make a hash brown casserole.

Speaking of dinner, it is time for mine, Baked ziti tonight.
Morning all. Lost our power at 12:49, turns out everyone on the same line until early this am. Miserable hot as we’ve been in mid 80’s. How did people live without electricity lol.

Didja all see the Bourne sneak peak U released? Fan of th ebooks & films, but still miss terminator. Posted it on the Bourne thread jik u want to take a peak

Just about anyone booked on them for Sept got that email.

I never accept what they offer, which is usually a lesser/cheaper NS offering. This time I was quick enough to switch to the prime time ones :). Would’ve cost an additional $800 for the 2 of us for them. Woot.

Glad i pulled the trigger and booked the end of last week now..

however, and not saying to jinx anything here but proactively keep an eye out. We normally had anywhere from 6 to 8 NS flights to MCO on weekends. My August trip whittled down to 2 a few months ago.

That trip’s flight times changed so often I lost count. The final time, they put me on a connecting flight as the NS where down to 2 a day & those were completely booked. Had to come down a couple of days later, ugh to changing everything up around the fights

Haha i’d Be there every weekend :)

Oh no, start practicing on your cough now lol JK


Well, actually, I’d like to keep them :) I needed a laugh, know what you meant & thank you, yes. This flare up started in august, seriously sick of dealing with it.

If that’s not ‘a thing’ it should me a good bagel, well unless it’s an everything one yuck to those seeds

YMMV but you Don’t usually have to change if arriving under 2 hours either way. Notice now if u touch a reservation they tend to soar even higher. Surprised to have found the lowest rates this year when pricing with avis

Ahhhh yes, haven’t got anything for September this is a short birthday weekend getaway in August.

Now I feel left out since everyone got one for September........
The mr just treated the backyard with the stuff u attach to garden hose to quell bugs. We’ve had flies galore this summer for some reason. Funny, no smell to it, had expected otherwise.
Thanks Keisha. Luckily it was 20 minute later flight. Hehe, can get up with my alarm and not get up right away. 6:45am flight to 7:05am flight, still NS, direct flight. My flight time directly is about 2 hours, so why I ever want to have even one stop, eh, no way.
We can’t get to LAX (or any CA airport for that matter) anymore on a direct flight via SWA wah. I’m not picky re seats on a plane, long as there’s no snakes :). However, even I was miserable on Spirit flight there last summer. I’m short, thought for sure my knees were going to come back on that red-eye Black & blue lol
Honey mustard chicken was what I made for her and us too. And very nice it was too. Tried some lemon and blueberry ice cream.......hmmm....wouldn`t make it or the other I think
Both sound scrumptious to me. I made the ever-popular primanti sandwich. This time with roast beef
Yep, love me some tea........Lapsang Souchong tonight Lynne......I can never decide if I like it a lot....or it`s just ok......
Pretty sure I can’t pronounce that, let alone spell it lol What’s it taste like? Please don’t say tea :).
It’s Tuesday and that means Mac does Taco Bell..

Can I pick up any food for the homies here?
Not a tuesday or sunday goes by that I don’t think of pizza or tacos :)

Somebody told me if u have the Taco Bell app, a $5 chalupa box was free today. Will I loose my street cred if I admit I have no idea exactly what that is?
We had breakfast for supper last night. We usually do eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Sometimes we have waffles or French toast. If I'm really feeling adventurous I will make a hash brown casserole.
None of my family will heat hash brown anything...something wrong with them :). Mr only eats bacon. I really miss cooking for my adult DS at times as they were always down for breakfast for dinner. Just seems too much work to make it for myself.
Yep, chicken noodle soup for little one. Even DH said my French toast was delicious. It was. Maybe because I didn’t make it that often. But bread that we have not got to and almost sad looking, eggs that needed to be used up, as they were sitting around for some reason, and yep, easy, filling dinner. Even nicer, fire pit lit, so some toasted marshmallows, chocolate, ah yes. Well, some graham crackers, and dessert is done. Yum.

Yep, kids went to Taco Bell and got the free box. I didn’t get squat, as tacos eaten by little one on the way home, and older one had the box. Left over drink offered, but no interest from me, as soda was blue. Eww. Baja something or other, is a Pepsi soda beverage. I just like Diet Pepsi, with a lemon when I get the chance. No other soda.

Sweet dreams, homies. Camel will be welcoming you to July tomorrow.
@keishashadow I literally just received an email for both flights to and from Orlando in September

We usually do an evening flight on the way home and we did but our arrival home was 23:15 now it’s 22:00 and we leave at 18:35 instead of 18:25

I’m good with it!!!!!

Just hope this stuff doesn’t go out of control and...........well I just don’t want to speak of it everyone knows what I’m talking about.
Made it back here before midnight.

Disneylife, you fly SW?
I’ve used them before when I flew out of Milwaukee many years back
Changed over to Delta or United.

That’s good you got a time switch on your fall flights.
Can never have enough park time !

Keisha, did you find the info on chalupas?
This time I remembered to have them hold the sour cream on my order.
Their sour cream is not to my taste.

Think we are going to take a break from Taco Bell
and wait until their lobby is open so we can eat inside.
Food tastes much better when it is hot and it does not work well reheating their food at home.

Filled up the tank today.
Last time I got gas was March 6.
That’s 6 days shy of 4 months I have gone on a tank of gas.
But, I have not been out of the house much

Hope all the homies are doing good!
Oh yes! Tasty, Schumi.

A warm shortbread with tea was my breakfast in the Cotswolds, years ago when I took my mum on a trip that included England, Scotland and Wales. Beautiful parts of town. I still like shortbread, small cookies is usually what we have here. Not the same as freshly baked.

What for dinner? Need to use up my eggs, so French toast, it may be. Breakfast food for dinner, why not? This may change, but what I am thinking now. Will have to make something else for little one, though. Not a fan of any breakfast food, well, except bacon. She will eat my pancakes sometimes. Eh, then maybe scrambled eggs with pancakes. No eggs for little one, but she may want pancakes. Way too early to think dinner plans. LoL

Yes, I haven`t found anything remotely like real butter shortbread in America....I can bring pre packaged, but nothing like home made for that!

Never too early to think of dinner plans.

It’s Tuesday and that means Mac does Taco Bell..

Can I pick up any food for the homies here?

I`ll pass this time time you go to the rib place though......I`m in!!!!

Good evening everyone. Another long day at work. I've been having a problems with my computer monitor for several weeks. It keeps flickering on and off. I finally got my boss to agree to call a technician. Hopefully he fixed the problem.

Speaking of computers, our new laptop arrived today. We will probably set it up after dinner.

Dh is still dealing with the student. He discovered that not only is she copying stuff from someone else's dissertation, she also changed dates on some of her references to make it look like she was using more current sources. He had to complete a report and send it to the higher up people. He was informed by one of them that she has been warned before about doing this. I originally felt that she should fail dh's class. Now I think she needs to be expelled form the university.

Ugh! Hate spiders. We used to get them a lot when we first moved in, One of the reasons we got a pest control contract.

Happy new laptop!!!

Yep, that`s cause for expulsion for sure! It`s so unfair on the kids that do put the work in.

Oh thank goodness we don`t ever need regular pest controllers......we see maybe three or four spiders a year if we`re unlucky......usually regular size, but there`s always that one huge one that has no fear!!!! But, we don`t get the pests that you guys get over there.

The mr just treated the backyard with the stuff u attach to garden hose to quell bugs. We’ve had flies galore this summer for some reason. Funny, no smell to it, had expected otherwise.

We can’t get to LAX (or any CA airport for that matter) anymore on a direct flight via SWA wah. I’m not picky re seats on a plane, long as there’s no snakes :). However, even I was miserable on Spirit flight there last summer. I’m short, thought for sure my knees were going to come back on that red-eye Black & blue lol

Both sound scrumptious to me. I made the ever-popular primanti sandwich. This time with roast beef

Pretty sure I can’t pronounce that, let alone spell it lol What’s it taste like? Please don’t say tea :).

Not a tuesday or sunday goes by that I don’t think of pizza or tacos :)

Somebody told me if u have the Taco Bell app, a $5 chalupa box was free today. Will I loose my street cred if I admit I have no idea exactly what that is?
None of my family will heat hash brown anything...something wrong with them :). Mr only eats bacon. I really miss cooking for my adult DS at times as they were always down for breakfast for dinner. Just seems too much work to make it for myself.

I will get one one of those sandwiches one day!!!

My description of that tea makes it sound not very nice.....but it is....I think`s more smoky and citrusy and quite a light tea. There are some who descibe it as the platinum of teas. It`s nice but wouldn`t go that far. I don`t drink it every week, or even every month, but now and again. It`s quite piney in flavour but it`s a scent more than overpowering. Some say they taste paprika and whisky??? I never have.....maybe my tastes are dulled by

That stinks. Ok, so i guess i’ll Google chalupa :).

My mind’s going to chupacabra but figure that’s not quite righ

:rotfl:I hear chupacabra whenever I hear chalupa too!!!

Keisha, did you find the info on chalupas?
This time I remembered to have them hold the sour cream on my order.
Their sour cream is not to my taste.

Think we are going to take a break from Taco Bell
and wait until their lobby is open so we can eat inside.
Food tastes much better when it is hot and it does not work well reheating their food at home.

Filled up the tank today.
Last time I got gas was March 6.
That’s 6 days shy of 4 months I have gone on a tank of gas.
But, I have not been out of the house much

Hope all the homies are doing good!

lol....I htink we have filled our gas guzzler twice maybe three times since all this started, and I think he has filled it from half full, it`s been nowhere near empty.

Bad sour cream???? Can`t imagine such a

And we have July!!!! Not quite sure where June disappeared to.

I think we had rain during the night, but the sun is out this morning, so we`ll head out a walk in a little while. Maybe not through the woods as it`ll be muddy, but maybe down the beach.

Watched Dr Fauci speak last night. Have to say he didn`t instill a lot of confidence with his words about how he thought this was going to develop. i like that guy though, he certainly seems to know what he`s talking about. I think we need to have a chat about this September trip soon.

Teriyaki chicken for Kyle tonight, think Tom and I will have our chicken a pepper sauce. Teriyaki is ready made so just need to heat that up for him. Pepper sauce I`ll make. Not a fan of those packet mixes....tried one.....once!! Tasted so artificial.

Lunch is......something to be decided!!!






Happy Wednesday!!!!!​
Ah, yes indeed, a wonderful Wednesday is upon us.

Good Morning, Schumi. Hope it has been nice. We were to get rain last night, but heard nor saw any rain in the overnight.

We get the hottest day this year. And you know what that means, like Florida weather, chance of rain and a thunderstorm, or two, as a pesky cold front from the North just can’t stop hanging around, coming later in the afternoon and evening. Once again, dice roll, as better chances the more North you are. 93F the high this afternoon. As weather lady said, it will be hot. You think?

But, enough of our summer weather reporting, a hump of a day is here, and well a camel just has to say,

Yay! And over this hump of a day, it will feel like the weekend has started. Woot! Nothing like a bonus 4 day holiday weekend is so appreciated. That alarm went off, I was like what? Felt like I was sound asleep when it went started to play. While I may not be sleeping late the next 4 days, I certainly will not be moving as fast, and not getting up when the alarm sounds. Woot!

Ah yes,

And to Sue, and all our homies in Canada, have a very Happy Canada Day.

And I feel older, my oldest of the next generation, my only nephew, has his birthday today. Double celebrating in his home, his wife is Canadian.

And yes, no quiet interesting sounding tea, as Schumi had last night, nor even a proper English breakfast tea, I am sad to say, but I am enjoying that common black tea right now.

So, enjoy your wonderful Wednesday, homies. And leaving with a funny:

Haha! Lazy days of summer? Why yes, and it’s a good thing.🙃
Ack, DisneyLife, I loose 1/2 a day of park time. Only 2 nonstop flights are early morning or lunchtime. I would stay another day, but even it would at least cost another night, and no reason to do that after staying 12 nights already. Plus, then I get a weekend to relax before back to work. My evening returning flight became a stop one place first. Um, no I do not want to go to Nashville airport, and either wait for people to get off and on, or change planes. And make a 2 hour flight, 5 hours. Double no. At least this change was done earlier than I think last year’s similar change. I guess not enough of my town homies leaving in the evening. Sigh,
Lynne.....sounds like some lovely weather for you.....and a lovely weekend to look forward to.......oh yes, we don`t miss alarms going off in the morning anymore. It stays with you though......I`ve always been someone who gets up early anyway. Much prefer that to folks that can sleep the day away......

Enjoyed a lovely long walk along the beaches this morning....walked along till we hit the next village and initially I thought it was going to be cool, but it was warm! Hoodie came off almost immediately.

Beaches weren`t too busy but there was a steady set of folks out walking and enjoying the eventual sun when it came out. It doesn`t look warm at all, but it really was.....and it was lovely just walking along today.



Think there were some surfers out there today......

Came home and made some more shortbread.

The triangle shape shortbread is known as Petticoat Tails in Scotland....nice and soft, but still a bite. It is a little darker round the edges, that`s one of Tom`s favourite parts as he said it tastes almost caramel like......

Whatever it is, they really are soft and buttery!!!! Very buttery. I make these when we have friends over for afternoon tea too, I just make them a little daintier, more like bites.

Not diet friendly at all 😁


Perfect with an afternoon pot of English tea coming right up......
Aww Schumi, I would so love to be at your house, to enjoy those what I call cookies, and they should taste buttery, and tea. Perfect combo.

Yeah, I’m over the mid day flight home instead of evening one. Did call SW as they would not let me change without cost. Um, no. So they made it correct, and new flight is confirmed. They also confirmed not enough people wanted that direct evening flight. Grrrr. Did change my rental car. While it did get a tiny bit cheaper, it is still almost double in price than last year, same amount of time, just two weeks earlier. Oh well, as they say, try to find better, cancel, rebook.

Ooh, time for more tea for me, too, sadly, not with Schumi’s delicious looking shortbread.
Morning Sans family :wave2:




Hope things are good for you right now Robbie....... :wave2:

Back is getting better everyday. Numbness in legs is fading so steroids are doing the trick.

Ooh checked my mail, also got a change in flight, DisneyLife. Would not say I am unhappy, as 1/2 later, going down, but still will arrive in time to order breakfast. And I guess I need to tweak my rental car time. No matter, I will be cancelling and rebooking until the day I arrive. And the price better get lower soon.

Glad to hear flight changes are working for you Lynne.

Came back in from our walk and one of my friends called to say her dog Daisy passed away this morning.

Sorry to hear of your friends pet passing. They are like family members for sure. My younger sisters dachshund Oscar passed about 2 weeks ago. He was their sweet fur baby. He was 14 and loved by all. So I can surely understand her grief.

I love a good thunderstorm too. We had the strangest day here - it was storming all around us, I could hear the thunder, but we had spots of sun and no rain. The storm just seemed to hit the lake and spread north and south of us. But still fun having thunder - although now I have to water the plants instead of nature taking care of it for me.

We had another storm yesterday. Sounds like these storms are happening for lots of folks.

Didja all see the Bourne sneak peak U released? Fan of th ebooks & films, but still miss terminator. Posted it on the Bourne thread jik u want to take a peak

Thank you.....will have a peek.

Lost our power at 12:49, turns out everyone on the same line until early this am. Miserable hot as we’ve been in mid 80’s. How did people live without electricity lol.

Sorry to hear you lost is pretty uncomfortable without AC or a fan. When it’s hot and humid out.

We would lose power pretty much every time we had a good storm.

They finally changed out the power grids in our neighborhood a few months ago. My neighbor to left of us and our house share one grid (power box) not sure why and the rest of the houses in the neighborhood share a grid.

Dh is still dealing with the student. He discovered that not only is she copying stuff from someone else's dissertation, she also changed dates on some of her references to make it look like she was using more current sources. He had to complete a report and send it to the higher up people. He was informed by one of them that she has been warned before about doing this. I originally felt that she should fail dh's class. Now I think she needs to be expelled form the university.

I can’t believe she actually thought she was not going to get caught. It will be a nightmare when she realizes if she gets booted that she will not be accepted by any other reputable University. So sad.

Speaking of computers, our new laptop arrived today

Congrats on the new laptop.

Even nicer, fire pit lit, so some toasted marshmallows, chocolate, ah yes. Well, some graham crackers, and dessert is done. Yu

Wow....s’mores. Sounds yummy

Oh thank goodness we don`t ever need regular pest controllers......we see maybe three or four spiders a year if we`re unlucky......usually regular size, but there`s always that one huge one that has no fear!!!! But, we don`t get the pests that you guys get over there.

Sadly everyone has to deal with the bugs in Florida. Pest control is big business there. Ghost ants and fire ants I dislike immensely. We also have bufo toads there . If dogs get them in their mouths you have to get them out immediately and flush their mouths with hose and get them to vet they are poisonous to pets and humans.

Neighbor who has dog told me about them.

Woot! Nothing like a bonus 4 day holiday weekend is so appreciated. 4 day weekend.
Enjoyed a lovely long walk along the beaches this morning....walked along till we hit the next village and initially I thought it was going to be cool, but it was warm! Hoodie came off almost immediately.

Looks nice.

The triangle shape shortbread is known as Petticoat Tails in Scotland....nice and soft, but still a bite. It is a little darker round the edges, that`s one of Tom`s favourite parts as he said it tastes almost caramel like......

They look yummy. Would you share your recipe?

Sun has peeked out a couple times this morning. Will be in high 80’s today. No rain forecasted today.

Have hair appointment this morning. Will be nice to get my gray streak covered.......I keep saying I’am going to just go gray.....then I change my mind.

Will get to visit with my great nephew today. He is the cutest, sweetest baby. He just turned 9 months.

Had a nice visit with granddaughter yesterday. Hubby was able to see her house for first time.....she is getting settled in. She had her office set up to start back to work this morning.

Need to get scootin.

Have a great Wednesday everyone :wave:
Last edited:
Thanks Lynne..they are rather nice!!! Yep not cookies here. Shortbread biscuits in this part of the world......

Yes, car rental prices are a lot higher than usual, I think we need to expect that of a lot of things going forward.

Oh enjoy that hair salon today lovely!! And baby cuddles....even nicer!

Petticoat tails is the easiest recipe you will ever read......honestly, simple and completely fail proof!

From the good old Be-ro cook book. This is a little book that has at leas one edition coming out a couple of times a year. And generations have used it. I remember my grandmother having one.

British measurements......

250g plain flour
75g caster sugar
175g butter

Mix flour and sugar together, rub in butter, knead to form a smooth paste.

Divide into two equal discs and roll out a circle to be about an inch thick. Mark out into 8 triangles and prick with a fork all over.

Bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on your oven at 160C.....I think that`s around 325F. Sprinkle with caster sugar when cooling and cut into proper triangles from the markings.

And that`s it......simple as anything!! :thumbsup2
Thanks Robo, Good Morning to you, and hope that coffee cup is full, and you are feeling better today.

Changes in flights are annoying, but I can see some may not want to travel, and with all seats not available, changes in flights should be expected. I do like coming home on a Friday, as then I get two days to relax before the work routine resumes. And, since I am going before that October federal holiday, when I return to that work week, holiday short week will be the following Monday, so a nice way to get back into routine. I used to go the first 2 weeks in October, but since AP rates showed up for end of September, I am going to try it this year. Hoping less crowded, and get to enjoy AP month and maybe, if they do it this year, magical eating with 35 dollar full meal at many good restaurants. I did the meal at the restaurant in SF, and it was delicious and would definitely eat there again, with a special, even better.

Ooh, time getting close to lunchtime. Yay!
Ooh and Robo, I get to enjoy covering my white blonde hair later today too. Was so happy to hear from the salon to say, appointments open. I thought about letting my hair stop being colored, when my Dsis said let the white blonde grow out. Looked in the mirror a few times, nope. Appointment made, and so ready to be all blonde, and pampered some.


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