Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave: everyone and thank you so much for the congrats on the job and the houses. I have an update, we won the bid on the house we wanted:banana: so now we are waiting for the buyer of our house to do the inspection they put down the depost. I sent my deposit for the escrow on our house. Brian and Charlie are flying out tonight to meet the realator and do the inspection of the house. They will fly back home tomorrow afternoon. I have to take them to the airport in a couple of hours. It is only about 45 minutes from my house. Brian only has one personal day left so we had to be quick. He is going to take more video, pics and measurements. I will share some when he gets back.

We had a nice little winter storm on Saturday it was a mix of rain and snow. It didn't amount to much. It has been colder the last few days. We are hoping this was the last snow we have to see!!! I made mushrooms and onions over pasta last night. Tonight not sure what Liv and I will do. There is so much to do with moving out of state I am trying to remain calm and get organized.

I started telling family and friends we would be leaving next month. It was hard to do, I have several people we are close too. They assured me when covid is under control better they will visit.

Charade- I am glad the your DH is doing better. How scary to have that happen. It soundsl like you had a nice trip so glad for you. The bear was a little to close for comfort. I hope B has a good end of semester and good luck on exams.

Cam- I hope you have good luck with Christmas shopping, it soundsl like you have a few things decided on. Gift cards are always good I think I will be doing that for nieces this year. I hope things work out with your son and school, it really seems to change all the time to know what is going to happen. We love cabbage in a stew or soup it sounded good.

Real yes we are buying a home in Florida it is actually about 30 minutes east of Orlando and about 15 minutes south to the teens school. It is the perfect location. We have a 3 day contract here where you put the deposit down with the contract but can back out relatively easy. You have about 10 days to get the inspection of the house done and there is a lot of wiggle room to get out of the contract if they find things. It really is after that if either side pulls out there is only a monetary recourse. We have our fingers crossed our buyer will be good. I hope you are able to get the tickets. I hope your flu jab went well today. I never thought about putting ginger in chicken soup that sounds really nice, Enjoy!

Disxuni what a great feeling to be approaching graduation. It sounds like you had a good semester. I wish you luck on the last one!

Elsaspiritanimal The no bake treats sound yummy. Rice krispy marshmellow treats are one of my fav. Have also had them with the chocolate ones and fruity pebbles. Your applecrisp sounds awesome one of my favorite deserts. I hope you like the mandalorian episode that is one of the shows we keep saying were going to start watching, maybe once we get settled.

Monykalyn glad you had a nice trip, looks like a lot of fun. Hope quarentining goes well and negative tests.

Keishashadow nice to see you post hope you continue to have a good healing!! My family was good to using the religious statues for lots of prayer. I hope you are able to get Taco Bell nachos those are my favorite, I wish they didn't take the shredded chicken away. I hope your mom stays safe with the covid spike.

Mac I hope you warm up soon, I will be happy to say 40at night is a low here and not often. I love what your kids said about Christmas and Santa knowing!!! Yes your last minute shopper right here. I usually do better for my household but it is the extended. I hope your library opens up soon for you, I don't get to go as much as I use too. Stay safe!

Schumi I loved your teletubbies story. Liv was so into them when she was little. I remember we bought their house with the figures on Ebay from UK. It was a great purchase she enjoyed it so much. I hope your weather improves it is so much better going out in nicer weather. Your steak pie sounds delicious. Enjoy your Christmas movies I love them and enjoy this time of year. Have fun with your parcels.

Lynne I hope your college bounds have good exams coming up. Tea is always nice and I have switched more to that than coffee. Stocking the house is always a good feeling. I love your light meme that was great.

Well I am off to get ready for the airport. I hope everyone has a great rest of the evening!

I would like to send out a special hello :yay: to SANS who I missed Robo, McRose, Tink, starK and all the rest of the SANS.

Bobbie, so happy to hear your update.....that is such good news and a very exciting time for all of you. Everything is finally falling into place for you.....look forward to hearing all about the plans in place and the move when it happens........

This sounds delicious. I might have to steal that recipe. I feel like I'm constantly trying to come up with new ideas/things to make lately so this will do the trick nicely I think!

Me either. He is so hard to buy for! We both have the problem of buying pretty much whatever we want whenever we see it. Which is a good problem to have, but makes buying gifts tricky. If anyone has any genius ideas feel free to send my way!

It`s funny, I detest ale with a passion....hate the smell and the taste, but, cooking with ale like Old Peculiar,is just one of the nicest ways to slow cook diced beef or short takes on a whole new flavour.

Like mac, we buy things as we need them, but we do manage gifts and surprises each year.....maybe not huge gifts every year, but we love opening each others gifts........hope you find him something nice.......what do you get folks who have everything.........::yes:: Although I`m really pleased with this years haul for him......and rather ridiculously we try to get each other the same amount of gifts......not sure why......

How fun! My first Christmas go to is always White Christmas! I love the music, costumes, everything about that musical.

Congrats that is great news! Sounds like you have a few more whirlwind days ahead of you! Hope all continues to go well for you.

Yes the Mandaolorian is addicting and so much fun! I have started to like Star wars more because if it actually. Hope you get a chance to watch it when you get some down time!

We are cold and gray here too - but I have a cup of tea like Lynne to keep me warm!

White Christmas is our traditional Christmas Eve afternoon movie, love it.......straight after that and I`ve wiped away the tears :blush: we put on Alasdair Sim 1951 version of A Christmas Carol.......every year the same........we`re creatures of habit lol........we do have several different Christmas Carol movies, including the Muppet one lol......and we watch them all every year.


Eh, more chicken. This time, coated and rolled in honey. Baking in oven right now. Will get some carrots put in fry pan, and toss the baguette in the oven too, to heat up.

And a fitting light tonight, so all can enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Quick good night. It has been an exhausting day trying to catch up at work after being gone a week.

We put up out little Superhero tree tonight. I think it needs something. Garland maybe?

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Perfect light tonight, Lynne

Yes, it does need something.....either smallish baubles or yes, a garland would make it look a little fuller......I do like it though. Never seen a superhero tree before

I slept later than 6 this morning, then no internet........or I would have been able to reply and say hello.......I saw your email on my phone, but you know me.....I couldn`t write that much on my I had to wait......I`m sure you`ll be asleep now.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Happy to watch the first patient get the long awaited vaccine this morning live on tv......quite something to be happy about today! Such good news.

Tom and I both commented how well we`ve been sleeping recently. I think it`s the much cooler weather that helps. Not that we ever sleep bad to be honest, but sometimes we hear the foxes around the trees, but think even they`re tired.

A day of little jobs planned around the house........we have the Aga, but we also have a regular built in double oven in the newer part of the kitchen, and it is getting a good old clean today. And apparently I`m too fussy and like a very clean and sparkling oven :rolleyes:, so it does get done regularly, so will do that before doing other jobs. No idea what yet......there will be some baking in there somewhere.

Kyle has a new office chair coming today, so no specific time, one of these places that say it`ll be here between 7am and tracking either. So, a day in for us as there could be a couple of other parcels arrive today too. But, lots of rain forecast all over today, so nice to be in......

Got some beautiful pieces of cod loin for dinner tonight, very simply cooked for a short time in the oven then maybe a lemon butter sauce to go with it. Lunch will be grilled sandwiches.





Late good morning all.
@bobbie68 great update - hope to see pictures when you can!

I love 99.9% of Christmas movies - even the tacky romantic afternoon ones - just in the background with the decorated Christmas towns and cabins etc! The one we save for last is “It’s a wonderful life”. “White Christmas” is a favourite I may need to watch on my own this year - watched it with Dad one afternoon last Christmas reminiscing about how much Mum loved it - and Bing Crosby. Their song was Bing’s “You are my Sunshine”. One we will watch with J is “Christmas with the Kranks”. Everything in between!

Cleaned through downstairs this morning and more laundry on. Only 10.30 but horrid weather at the moment so no plans to go out. I’ve not felt too good since Saturday as I ate things that I should avoid or we might have gone out for lunch. I’m quite happy with stopping in. Em and I have booked a shopping slot tomorrow morning at an out of town John Lewis - only about 30 minutes away. We would like some new Christmas table mats and she would like a new purse but wants to look.

It is 12 months since I’ve been there. Unbelievable but once Dad went into hospital on NY Eve I was at the hospital every day and only calling at a Sainsbury’s near his hospital for food shopping.

Have mail to post and need milk but holding out for a break in the rain.

Is it taco Tuesday for Mac?

Ah yes, Julie, a Taco Tuesday is here. Mac will be doing her dinner Taco Bell run, so get your taco orders in homies.

Ooh, quite the wet weather Schumi and Julie are having. Guess a cleaning day too.

Other than a stretch of cool weather this week, we have a mostly sunny day. Though sunrise will not be for almost another hour. And we are at freezing temp, so at least no snow to see, even if a tad cool for me.

Yesterday ran out to take the trash cans back from the street, and thought no jacket or shoes needed. Yeah, I was quite quick, the breeze did not help the ack it’s colder than I thought. It was sunny though. Guess today will be the same, so jacket and shoes will be on my lunchtime walk today. Shades. Yep. So that’s a yay!

Cute tree, Charade. Maybe some ribbon or garland would help.

Thus, the ah yes, my morning routine of up the early bird up and tea for me. And that search for the quick breakfast. While may make a chicken street taco today, as we still have some chicken left, I am doubtful either kid wants a Taco Bell run for lunch or dinner.

Whatever the meal today, have a taco some time, as have that terrific Taco Tuesday. 🌮
We would have been flying home tonight if we had enjoyed our two week Christmas trip......although wouldn`t have been thrilled with the low temperatures they`re having right now.......heck, it was 46F this morning!!!

Too cold for me out there at that temperature........:eek:

Took all afternoon, but the rain finally appeared about half an hour ago. 3.30pm and it`s fairly dark already......

Day has passed nicely a few little jobs done, some baking done and somw wrapping done.......and no delivery yet of Kyle`s chair. I`ll bet we`re, don`t mind a day or two at home.
Thanks for the welcome back! it bad of me to be happy at hearing about the cold weather this week since it's when we were going too?

I'm off until Thursday and doing a staycation least I saved money for our next trip in September although being at home with Ebay and a serious Disney ornament addiction has not been good for my wallet :rolleyes1


Hope everyone has a fantastic day :flower1:
Thanks for the welcome back! it bad of me to be happy at hearing about the cold weather this week since it's when we were going too?

I'm off until Thursday and doing a staycation least I saved money for our next trip in September although being at home with Ebay and a serious Disney ornament addiction has not been good for my wallet :rolleyes1

Hope everyone has a fantastic day :flower1:

lol....not at all bad.....I`ve heard from several folks in Orlando how downright chilly it is right now and I`d hate it, it does take the sting out a little knowing that.....staycations are not too bad.....well, yes, online shopping is fun too!!

We`ll meet in September Vicki!!! For sure...... ::yes::
I called surgeon’s office re swollen hand, now have to wear the pressure bandage another 10 days. Squeaky wheel, I done got the grease.

she got lucky there! So did
I made a cabbage patch doll from a kit back in the day for eldest DS who was a tot at the time. Had to be a boy doll. Think it’s still stuffed in memory box in closet.
But, you can fit that word into most parts of your life at times......I like it a lot!
Oh, it’s a goodie indeed
Yea Taco Bell in our area only has the Belle Grande nachos or chips and cheese nachos

Some of the boxed meals are good in my area

My Taco Bell day run isn’t until Tuesday
I was happyGD spied KFC. Grabbed her a boxed meal, wahla :)
Still zero presents bought but I am going to order my DS's computer tonight.
That’s a daunting proposition, or did you do the leg work already & know what you want to order?
Cabbage, potatoes and kielbasa for dinner. Easy one pot meal.
My people. Haven’t made that in years as nobody here will touch it but me
I hope your mom stays safe with the covid spike.
Thanks, unfortunately, it seems to be a daily phone call now. Mostly employees, 1 - 4 a day.
Me either. He is so hard to buy for!
Never can i wrestle a list out of my guy. mostly the same sort of thing every year but this one he’ll be getting GCs to the home improvement stores to buy his own toys
I think our roof was our gift.
Lol sounds familiar
and rather ridiculously we try to get each other the same amount of gifts......not sure why......
Not that we are competitive but...
Eh, more chicken. This time, coated and rolled in honey. Baking in oven right now. Will get some carrots put in fry pan, and toss the baguette in the oven too, to heat up.

And a fitting light tonight, so all can enjoy a good night’s sleep.
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chicken sounds good. I’ve got a roast in the crock pot. Easy to flop it in & toss in the spices.

Have been seeing that flag decoration pop up on my amazon feed daily.
We put up out little Superhero tree tonight. I think it needs something. Garland maybe?
I’m thinking a plastic, shiney bead sort of garland or some red bows maybe. Do like the theme!
Kyle has a new office chair coming today
I tend to order them unassembled from staples, keeps the mr busy. His giant box has been taking up prime real estate in DR for so long, it’s be come a credenza of sorts :). Will miss it after xmas.
We would have been flying home tonight if we had enjoyed our two week Christmas trip......although wouldn`t have been thrilled with the low temperatures they`re having right now.......heck, it was 46F this morning!!!
I purposely didn’t look at my plans/calendar last week. Didn’t want to fall into it’s wednesday, we’d be in X park thing. Surprised I kept that up.
and a serious Disney ornament addiction has not been good for my wallet
Ooh, what did you grab? Still enjoying the musical HM hallmark one i got. Backordered nintendo 64 console one for youngest DS. Still holding breath it comes in, has been nearly a month.
Night all - we’ve been watching the live coverage of the rocket launch in Texas but sadly a failure at -1.3 seconds. Not sure if they’ll try again tomorrow but that’s it for today.

Off to listen to a radio drama now so catch up tomorrow. x
Have a good night, Julie.

Ack, Keisha. Hope you get that swelling down pronto. Sending some more get well mummy dust.

Yep, a BLTC. Cut the chicken breasts into size of bread, add some fresh fried bacon and fresh lettuce and tomatoes, and with pasta salad I made this morning, dinner has been served. Yum.

How we had no milk in the house, I don’t know. Was bought this weekend. So, out I went and got it, including some ice cream and buffalo dip. Think older one got into the dip already, and little one made a milkshake. Me, ice tea. And now on hot tea.

Older one is doing his homework, little one has no finals tomorrow, so does her online friends? I guess. Been playing online with friends right after dinner.

And since very dark out since the sun went down before 5 tonight, a night light so all can sneak that piece of bacon or a taco.


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