Something About Nothing............ #14

If you ever need just to talk, let me know. You are not that far away. Plus, if you get just below Coopersburg, may be smelling our baking at my sister’s place this weekend.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
I`m so sorry to hear of your son in law`s friend. How truly dreadful. Of course you`re upset, 31 is so incredibly young
It is so sad. It's the age of my eldest and her husband, so it kind of shocked me. I feel so bad for the family. This year has been hard on some of my kids with deaths of people/friends their age.
Spent last night watching The Christmas Chronicles 1 & 2.....Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.....didn`t expect to like them but they were fun. Both on Netflix.
I was wondering about those. Maybe we'll put them on the movie list.
Remember Overboard with both of them? I liked that movie when it came out.
Not decided which Christmas movie we`ll watch tonight........will decide after I have this sweet mince pie and a cup of tea.
We watched The Santa Clause (Tim Allen) .... always a favorite. And had some mint hot chocolate.
I am so sorry. Way too young.
Thanks. Yes, way too young.
@mckennarose thinking of you all and the family of the young lady. So sad to hear that news.
Thanks. I haven't heard anything about a funeral, but I doubt they will have something for people outside the immediate family.
London and the South East have now been placed in our highest tier. Should have happened a while ago.
Is the highest tier a total lockdown?
Up here in the north west we’ve been restricted for much longer and actually where we live numbers are now so low as to not be recorded which is fantastic news.
That is fantastic news!
Can only hope the vaccines work and bring us all back to some normality.
I read something on the weekend that they believe if people comply with the vaccine then we might reach herd immunity in the US by May. I still don't know how I feel about it and I am considered a higher risk person.
But I’m in the hmm area, as there is the sure where McK is, will get over a foot of snow,
Yep, we will get a lot if everything stays on course. Our projected forecast is still 16 to 20 inches with 24 locally. Ugh! I have to dig my heavy duty winter boots out.
Stay Warm!
I loved that movie Overboard!
Got a lot of laughs out of it and thought Goldie was a hoot.

That is sad news about the 31 yo passing.
Just does not seem right to see a friend happy and healthy
and then stricken and pass.
Hugs for you and your family.

Our lives and society were so different one year ago.

Who do I bet on for who gets the most snow this week?
You or Mrose?

I think your kids will keep your drive shoveled for you as they are always helpful to you.
Their finals done today?
Nice they have a few weeks before back to college studies.

Hope none of the homies gets snowed in this season.
I need another vacation, and I think this time I need to go alone. In addition to the annoyances at work today, tonight I was trying to balance my checkbook (yes, I still do that. It’s a holdover from my days in accounts payable.) and it wouldn’t balance. While I was working on that the cat decided he wanted to play with the superhero tree. As I was yelling at the cat I looked at Dh and he was holding a towel to his head. Me: Are you bleeding again? Him: I was scratching my head. (He just got the staples out today.) I told him that if he did it again I would get him a human sized cone of shame.

Anyone remember the old “Calgon, take me away” commercials?
@mckennarose thinking of you all and the family of the young lady. So sad to hear that news.

London and the South East have now been placed in our highest tier. Should have happened a while ago. Pictures of packed streets, restaurants and bars. Up here in the north west we’ve been restricted for much longer and actually where we live numbers are now so low as to not be recorded which is fantastic news.

Can only hope the vaccines work and bring us all back to some normality.

We had a busy day getting jobs done and a nice meal with the family then settled in our lounge with a movie while they did their last homework of the year.

@schumigirl we have booked for lunch tomorrow at the newly opened “Churchill Tree” in the old tenants hall on the Alderley Park site. (It was our conference centre). Looking forward to seeing what they have done with it. Dog friendly too.

Have fun.

Before anyone asks, no, I did not buy either one.

No, that`s not quite the type of puzzle one would really enjoy doing!

Thanks, I appreciate it!

It is so sad. It's the age of my eldest and her husband, so it kind of shocked me. I feel so bad for the family. This year has been hard on some of my kids with deaths of people/friends their age.

I was wondering about those. Maybe we'll put them on the movie list.
Remember Overboard with both of them? I liked that movie when it came out.

We watched The Santa Clause (Tim Allen) .... always a favorite. And had some mint hot chocolate.

Thanks. Yes, way too young.

Thanks. I haven't heard anything about a funeral, but I doubt they will have something for people outside the immediate family.

Is the highest tier a total lockdown?

That is fantastic news!

I read something on the weekend that they believe if people comply with the vaccine then we might reach herd immunity in the US by May. I still don't know how I feel about it and I am considered a higher risk person.

Yep, we will get a lot if everything stays on course. Our projected forecast is still 16 to 20 inches with 24 locally. Ugh! I have to dig my heavy duty winter boots out.
Stay Warm!

I like Tim Allen, but weirdly don`t like his Santa Clause Christmas movies......I do love him in Christmas with the Kranks which we ended up watching last night......I lvoe the scene where he has botox and is trying to eat peaches. Plus, I love Jamie Lee Curtis in anything........

Hope you`re feeling a bit better today......its tough to also feel positive about this as even where numbers are lower, if they continue to allow us to mix as they planned over the festive period, numbers will go through the roof in January....all for a 5 day free for all. We`re not mixing......we`ll be avoiding get togethers are all of my friends and family too. It`s tough, but we`ll do it.

I loved that movie Overboard!
Got a lot of laughs out of it and thought Goldie was a hoot.

That is sad news about the 31 yo passing.
Just does not seem right to see a friend happy and healthy
and then stricken and pass.
Hugs for you and your family.

Our lives and society were so different one year ago.

Who do I bet on for who gets the most snow this week?
You or Mrose?

I think your kids will keep your drive shoveled for you as they are always helpful to you.
Their finals done today?
Nice they have a few weeks before back to college studies.

Hope none of the homies gets snowed in this season.

She was brilliant in of the funniest films. Her and Kurt Russell are so cute together......I think they made a remake of it in 2018 with Anna Faris who is funny, but I didn`t fancy watching it......they reversed the roles and added a few differences. Not fo me.....leave older films alone, remakes almost always don`t work. With the exception of the 1944 remake of the movie Gaslight. The original made in 1940 wasn`t very good, but the remake with Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman were stunning in it. Angela Lansbury had her first role in that movie too.

And you don`t need to worry about being snowed in

It`s a cold but sunny one this morning. Heading out for some fresh veg this morning..... and we need petrol in the car...this is one of the thirstiest cars we`ve ever had....but it`s worth it.

Yesterday I made 4 loads of pork sausage rolls/cranberry and pork sausage rolls, cut them into mini ones and froze them for over the days we won`t be going out over Christmas/New Year. Tom reminded me we`re not having the Boxing Day bash this year and actually asked, would we eat all of them reminded him he ate 5 before I froze them......yes, we`ll eat them!

Might make the mars bar treats today.....before the mars bars take feet and disappear too :rolleyes1

Rainbow trout for dinner lovers in this house thank goodness!! All gutted and no heads or tails left on, just the fillets, and best of all no bones! Lemon butter sauce to go with it.





Oh yeah it does. The day Mac’s dinner is from Taco Bell. Homies, tacos!

Still very dark out, and a cool morning start. Phone says 28 out. But clear.

Funny, with the snow coming, the news has not yet got that all the bread and milk is gone stories. Yeah, we still have blank shelves in many a store. Good thing I have enough, and if kids want to get anything else, it’s on them today, as older one‘s final is at dinner time. I hope they’d also pick my item up. When they get near, I’ll tap out an I’m here button for them. The place will drop the item right into the car. So unless the want to shop there, will be a fly by stop.
Schumi, nice the fish was deboned. Hope your baking turned out well. Sweets, yum. Not interested in the sausage or fish, as neither I like to eat. At least Tom got a few in before having to wait another week. LoL

Julie, enjoy that place, and hope Louie can come with, as said to be dog friendly.

And so, with no need to see that screen outside today, enjoying my cup of tea with a throw over my legs.

That terrific Taco Tuesday to all the homies.

Ooh what can I get into food wise now.,... yeah cereal seems to be the pick. Sigh.
No Lynne, I don’t think you’d get much to eat in our home. We eat very different things.......pasta isn’t a big hit in our home, I know you’ve said you eat that a lot.

Pasta wise, generally only chicken mac n cheese and lasagne in our home.

Long as things are all home cooked, we’re good. We all enjoy my cooking so I’m happy with that.

Still a beautiful day here......sun is glorious, and it’s not too cold despite looking a little frosty.

Got what we needed and back home. Got some smoked salmon for lunch tomorrow to try it, and a whole salmon we asked them to debone and take the head and tail off and just give us the side fillets, I cut myself into portions then.

Lunch today is butternut squash and sweet potato soup I made yesterday. Always tastes better the next day after I make it...most dishes do though. Bread is from the bakery though.

And almost lunchtime here.......think most of you are about to have breakfast........

I am having tea though Lynne......we do share an enjoyment of that at least.......::yes::
Yeah, I do pasta more for sure, Schumi. First, because it’s a fast meal, and second, little one is fond of most pasta dishes. Oh, you do make food I’d certainly eat. And yes, happily join you for tea. I make chicken noodle soup for little one and me, but have made sweet potato soup for older one, which DH will eat both. I think most soup tastes better the next day. And that doesn’t happen most of the time.

Cereal was, well cereal. So off to see what sweet I can get into. I think little one made chocolate chip cookies late last night. Ooh they do go good with tea. :music:
Yeah, I do pasta more for sure, Schumi. First, because it’s a fast meal, and second, little one is fond of most pasta dishes. Oh, you do make food I’d certainly eat. And yes, happily join you for tea. I make chicken noodle soup for little one and me, but have made sweet potato soup for older one, which DH will eat both. I think most soup tastes better the next day. And that doesn’t happen most of the time.

Cereal was, well cereal. So off to see what sweet I can get into. I think little one made chocolate chip cookies late last night. Ooh they do go good with tea. :music:

Yes, I have all the time in the world to take time to cook and make what we all like.

I like making soups specifically for the next day.....always freeze some too. I only make three variations of soup as soup is not my favourite thing, unless I make it of course......but if we go out for dinner, I’d never order soup unless it’s a Thai restaurant and it’s a small portion.

Trying to decide whether or not to head for a walk down on the beach......Tom wants to wrap some of his gifts up, so maybe not then.

And decide which Christmas movie to watch tonight.

We were supposed to be going out for one of our Christmas meals out tonight, but the people who run the restaurant have had a family emergency and called us last night to say they are closing till after Christmas now. Shame for them as they are always so busy, small family run place. Which is why I’m cooking tonight instead of going out.

Next dinner out is next Monday......will look forward to that more than ever now.

Christmas is getting so close now........I think I’m sorted.......more or less.

Time for tea and a treat.......
One cookie left. 8-)

Walk on beach sounds lovely, Schumi. A shame not eating out tonight, and sad to hear having to close for a family issue this time of year. Yeah, with a picky eater in my home, I tend to stick with what all enjoy. And oddly, I guess, I rarely make any soup or food for later eating. Well, sweets, yes. They can stay around for a few days.

Ack, not even mid morning yet. Though with a clear sky, nice sunrise and sunny out now. Weather lady said, clouds will start in the afternoon, but at least the dry conditions are in place before that storm comes late tomorrow.
Me: Are you bleeding again? Him: I was scratching my head. (He just got the staples out today.) I told him that if he did it again I would get him a human sized cone of shame.
Ok, I missed this... he had an injury to the head? Yikes!
I like Tim Allen, but weirdly don`t like his Santa Clause Christmas movies...
I like the first one, but not the others. I will watch the second one sometimes, but not the one with Jack Frost.
I do love him in Christmas with the Kranks which we ended up watching last night......I lvoe the scene where he has botox and is trying to eat peaches
I'll have to put that one on today. I haven't watched it in a while.
I love Jamie Lee Curtis in anything........
You and my husband.... LOL!
She was brilliant in of the funniest films. Her and Kurt Russell are so cute together
I LOVED Overboard too!
I think they made a remake of it in 2018 with Anna Faris who is funny, but I didn`t fancy watching it......they reversed the roles and added a few differences. Not fo me.....leave older films alone, remakes almost always don`t work.
I haven't seen it and probably won't watch it. I don't like remakes either. I haven't watched the newer live action Disney movies except for Cinderella. I shut off the newer Beauty and the Beast 2 minutes in.... I won't watch Aladdin because I can't stand Will Smith, I won't watch the Lion King because I don't like Beyonce. And don't get me started on Mulan! I could star in my own version of Christmas with the Krank's today.... I'm a little salty, lol! Point Break is another remake I won't watch. Patrick Swayze is the only Bodhi!

It's gorgeously sunny today, which is deceiving. It's only 28 degrees and we will have the monster Nor' Easter tomorrow.
Morning Sans family :wave2:


I’am up having my coffee this morning reading the Sans.

Lyme was lovely though much limited in the rooms to see. Each decorated room was in a different history period relating to other NT property in our region. So we had Tudor, Regency, Georgian, Edwardian finishing with a corridor display or wreaths dressed for the 12 days of Christmas.

Sounds like a nice time.

So, you do presents on Christmas Eve or just some on that day and keep some for the 25th?

We do presents on Christmas Eve. In years past I always had a big meal and Celebration with present opening with all the family on Christmas Eve then a nice dinner meal for local family Christmas Day. It was becoming to much, so cut it down to just the big celebration Christmas Eve. We all unwrap our presents then. The littles are so happy to be together.

This year all will have to check temps before they make the trip over and if they have been exposed to someone who is sick sadly they will have to stay home.

QUOTE="schumigirl, post: 62525977, member: 149559"]
Gald you like the look of my balls too.....:rotfl:they are delicious......

By the looks of your balls I’am sure they were lovely :rotfl2:

Hope all is well with you Robo and you and your husband are doing well......

We are doing ok. Thank you. Hope you and all your family are well and looking forward to Christmas.

That definitely looks like a shot Robbie! Glad you were both ok. So good you got to visit with your Dad too.

Thank you. We had a nice visit with dad although he can a bit cantankerous at times. This will be his first Christmas without my stepmom I know it will be hard for him.

Time to cook our stir fry now - easy meal and little prep or clearing up so more parcels can be wrapped. We have “The Holiday” on now - gradually working through the Christmas movie

Sound like a nice evening.

When is the wedding?
So sweet you were included in the bridal search for the dress.
Bet it was a happy time and lots of fun.

At the end of June.

You’ll have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with your family.
It’s wonderful you can all get together in your home.
I’m sure you’ll have fun those two days with your loved ones.
The best thing in life are our friends and family.

Thank you Mac. We are looking froward to our get together Christmas Eve.

Pixie dust for you that have a blessed time with the ones you love.

My prayer for you dear lady is that you have a wonderful Christmas too.

I’m sure he appreciated both things!

He did.

My hand still looks like a club from the swelling. Im icing it faithfully, elevating it & surgical bandage is intact. if i use it at all, it inflates. Frustrating

Sounds like your doing all the right things. Some post op swelling is expected, but if the swelling gets severe to the point of finger numbness get on phone with surgeon ASAP. One of the issues of severe swelling is compartment syndrome. Doesn’t happen very often, but something to be aware of post surgery on hands or feet.

Sending lots of healing thoughts and prayers your way.

I am fortunate in that I don't have may people to shop for. I only buy gifts for B, dh, my mom, and one friend. I've also gone to a simpler form of gift wrapping this year.

I think on last count I have 36 I buy for.

Nice that she found her dress so quickly, When is the wedding?

Her dress is beautiful. Wedding is the end of June.

Made some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon, so that and my evening cup of tea will be called dessert.

Sounds yummy.

Tomorrow having a spur of the moment trip to the Dark side. I have that extra ticket since we didn't have HHN this year and finally managed to make plans with a friend before the big holiday rush.

Yeah!!!!! To a trip to Universal. Have a great time.

For those still in the Xmas shopping game, it’s Green Monday, the hunt is on :). Helped one DS snag the elusive PS5 console a few weeks ago. Hoping to find o

Happy hunting on the game system.

Still cannot type with my thumbs like they both do. And really quickly too.

LOL.....I’am amazed at the speed the young ones can type with their thumbs. I cannot type with thumbs on phone

Just when I think we're getting a handle on Covid, it throws us for another loop. One of my son in law's friend died last night from it in Philly. She was only 31, the age of my eldest dd and son in law and was at their wedding. I'm so upset.

I’m so sorry to hear of one so young passing from Covid. It is so sad for anyone to die of it, but when you hear of someone so young passing of it it is tragic.

We'll be getting the snowblower ready tonight. Yep, we always get dumped on and so far it's predicted to be "greater than 10 inches" of snow with some estimates between 16 and 24 inches so far. I'm realllllyyyy hoping the forecast changes. We have had that much snow before, but it really is a pain to deal with. We're also the "higher elevations" you hear about when the forecasters say "with more expected in the higher elevations". :sad2: Hope everyone stays safe!

Wow.......sounds like a lot of snow. I will not complain of the 25 degrees I woke up to today and the first frost on the grass. Sounds like a mountain of snow heading your way. Hopefully the system will settle down and you won’t get as much as predicted.

Can anyone guess what I’m doing right now? If you guessed sitting on hold with an insurance company, you win. I am so ready to go home right now.

You are a saint for having a job dealing with insurance companies.

And ack, as of news this evening, expecting 6 to 10 inches of snow. But I’m in the hmm area, as there is the sure where McK is, will get over a foot of snow, and shore area mostly just rain. too Lynne and the snow. Hope you all don’t get as much as predicted either. It’s beautiful to look at, but a pain to deal with in large amounts.

B and I went to the mall tonight so she could buy something for her dad. I found 2 puzzles that perfectly sum up 2020.

Those puzzles do kind of sum up this year for sure.

As I was yelling at the cat I looked at Dh and he was holding a towel to his head. Me: Are you bleeding again? Him: I was scratching my head. (He just got the staples out today.) I told him that if he did it again I would get him a human sized cone of shame.

Did he get the picture........LOL.....

Granddaughter had a bad reaction to an antibiotic. It caused her face to swell and blisters inside of her mouth. It was caught before she had breathing issues. She is on meds to help now and sees doctor today. I feel so bad for her. She is such a sweet heart.

We spent most of the day yesterday going to meeting hearings at the county seat of our community about the various things that need to be passed for the builder who bought the farm land behind us. They were the drainage board, the County Council and the Area Plan Commision on the rezonimg from A1 Agricultural to R1 Residential. The builder showed the houses he wanted to build and they are awful looking. He is wanting to put way to many houses on the land and the houses are cheaper and will devalue the homes in our neighborhood and the ones adjoining it on the other side. It was postponed until next month. The builder will have to bring it before the board again.

A good point was brought up as to whether the amount of earth the builder will have to move to build on the land will destabilize the surrounding homes. There are old mines under a good portion of this area and some homes in the community on the other side of the farm land have already had some mine subsidence settling issues.

Spoke with older sister yesterday and she had to put one of her dogs down. I felt so sorry for her. She was very upset. Although we don’t have pets we do enjoy our families pets and know how much their furry babies mean to them.

Last night about 11:30 when we were preparing for bed we heard 3 rapid sounding explosions and them our power went off. Someone either hit the transformer box or there was obviously a major malfunction. Power came back on about 3 am. When I got up this morning I went into the formal living room to turn on my Angel tree and the burglar alarm went off. When power went off and came back on it reset the interior sensors. When I passed the sensor in the living room whoopee......I had to get to the alarm pad and reset the system.

I need to get moving this morning. I have a few things to do and some phone calls to make.

Have a great Tuesday everyone.

Mac it’s taco Tuesday.

Santa is coming soon.


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