Something About Nothing............ #14

Good morning!

I watched a little of this and a little of that before heading to bed and watching videos on YouTube.

WOW...strong winds again...what were the fireworks in aid of?

Short ribs sound wonderful for dinner...even if Tom woke you up.

Another lazy Sunday ahead for me. My neighbor made chili and gave me some...can't wait to heat and eat!

Have a good day!

Remember Remember the 5th of November......

Guy Fawkes Gunpowder plot is still "celebrated" here every year, but not just for one goes on, and on, and on......there are organised displays, but you can buy the most massive of fireworks anywhere. some are genuinely massive. So they can go on for weeks. In fact from now till New Years isn`t unusual in some areas.

I have tried chilli a couple of times, but never could get the taste for it.......but, yes the short ribs will be gorgeous!

Time change and did not sleep in with that extra hour of sleep today
Awake at 6:15 for cat feeding time

Mr Mac still snoring away, good for him
He gets cranky when he does not get enough sleep

did not find Luna cat until ten minutes ago
She was whining and had to follow the sound
She was locked in the closet again
She missed a meal and made up for it when she saw her food bowl

silly kitty
This happens frequently…

warm weather returns Monday and will last for maybe 3 days
I’ll take it !!

Hope all the homies enjoy the last day of this weekend!

Oh bless her......they`ll always make themselves found I`m guessing, especially for food!

Yep, take any good weather this time of year........

On my own this afternoon, they`ve all gone swimming. You still have to book a session but it`s never usually very busy.

Sun is shining but oh so windy outside. I`m in the room with the big screen watching The Nun`s Story again.....everyone else hates this movie, but I love it, weirdly.

Off to make some tea and have a slice of butter cake with it......calories don`t count if no one sees you eat!
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Hey all, sure glad to see this time change.

Other than this lovely youngin’ qualifying for state competition on her 1st meet of the season
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All around meet champion. 1st floor, beam & 2nd vault and bars :)

Very glad to cross off the past busy week. Jr’s main refrigerator died a lingering death. Who knew there was a covid shortage of replacements? Scrounged thru lowes inventory online and was able to snag a nice one to be delivering in a few days. installation was a pip, old copper pipes running to ice maker. Can’t say I’ve ever seen that. All worked out well after 6 hours there. Glad the mr is such a handy man & no plumber was harmed

Day 3 from the derm surgery on back i.e. I can finally get it wet & take a proper bath. Feel as tho I’ve been primitive camping.


i have specific park clothes, uniform of sort. all either goofy stuff branded to whatever park or wicking stuff...things I rarely wear at home.


poor baby, hope he rebounds soon.

hate to say it, not much this year really enticed me to pull out my phone. Do look forward to checking yours out as you do have such a good eye

he’s absolutely precious

i multi-tasked before last week’s medical appts & snuck in a bit of Xmas shopping prior as many unique stores

happy, happy birthday to him!

Woo hoo, will be looking sharp for the holidays.

i actually love whatever I’ve got going on with the top layer of my hair. Several stylists agreed. it’s more of a ‘fade’ from the dark brown I have underneath & allows me to go quite a long time between coloring. Well, it would but, I’ve been going every 3 months since things opened back up just because I feel like being pampered :).

i went thru that too on a 7. apple store installed a new battery that lasted all of 5 minutes. They wound up just handing me a new phone in the store as I pitched an witch as was leaving on vacation in a few days lol.

so true. Will agree it’s so convenient to order phones online & have them show up at the door. know you are a techie, it made me feel just a bit smrter to read u had a few moments in the actual setting up process. do think if you’re not a methodical sort, probably is better to go into the store, can’t skip any steps, ‘fear sure lol


absolutely, great pic!

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so nice to hear!!!

so glad the mr went out to get the newspaper yesterday & handled that for me lol. Was unexpected TBH. See it’s on there again this am. Can melt off

yea! Enjoy.

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No giggles here, wasn’t a fan until i saw him ahem decades ago. Put on a killer show. Was surprised he didn’t (ironically) pen this song:confused3
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aw, that’s nice to hear.

full blown shortage here, no large breasts to be found…turkey that is:rolleyes1

i shot & scored when out shopping this week.
View attachment 620498 Thanksgiving & Xmas, check. If i could only find a couple of hams…

oh no! I am not amused mine is seriously barking after 5 or 6 hours now. Not sure if it may be the weather or increased activity.

i may use this as a visual aide when I lobby to have our main tree put up later this week. The mr is off work, GD is coming to stay overnight, would be perfect activity to decorate. Not sure I can pull that request off tho. His people never put up the tree before Xmas eve, old SKool. Took time for him to wrap his head around the weekend after Thanksgiving.

oh & they can be decidedly odd lol. as an update, we are playing on Monday night this week & somehow have managed to win a few games after Lori’s team crushed us earlier this season. Worm has possibly turned there now as their QB is out on covid mandate against Kansas Ctiy (just one recent, surprise loss).

DSs‘ team went down in flames on Friday, still great they made it to the playoffs As such underdogs. Always next year!

the more extensive one is really fascinating. I didn’t understand most of it mind you as to the engineering but, still appreciated it.

My suggestion to folks is to keep driving east & spend a night on the rim at the Grand Canyon, although the park system’s hotels are a tough grab.

never heard that one, love it.

one time I am glad to be vertically challenged and unable to perform that task For the non auto ones. My story & I’m sticking to it.

Think we posted at the same time.

Congrats to little one! Little superstar in the making! She does take such a good picture.....nice job on the turkeys too!

Shame about your son`s team though, bet they fought well....yes, next year!!

Glad I`m not the only

Good to hear you`re back in the bath again and glad DS`s delivery went ok after I said, there doesn`t seem to be any shortages over here from what I`m hearing....although alarmingly potato chips (crisps to us) are now an endangered species :scared1:....might need to stock up...staple snack here anytime!
Yeah, actually had to hunt for turkeys this year. Sigh, Keisha. Good score. Yay, great to hear your little me is going gray with her gymnastics. Congas to her. And yay, for helping DS out. Was in store with little one, and we were kinda shocked to see so many bare shelves. Christmas stuff was well seen though.
Remember Remember the 5th of November......

Guy Fawkes Gunpowder plot is still "celebrated" here every year, but not just for one goes on, and on, and on......there are organised displays, but you can buy the most massive of fireworks anywhere. some are genuinely massive. So they can go on for weeks. In fact from now till New Years isn`t unusual in some areas.

I have tried chilli a couple of times, but never could get the taste for it.......but, yes the short ribs will be gorgeous!
Yes;...Gorgeous and lush! I haven't said that in a while. :rotfl:

BTW...I picked up another turkey breast this morning at Walmart for Christmas...just in case.
Yes;...Gorgeous and lush! I haven't said that in a while. :rotfl:

BTW...I picked up another turkey breast this morning at Walmart for Christmas...just in case.

Turkey is lush!!!

Nothing wrong with having extra turkey at Christmas, I just realised we have 2 fresh turkey`s on order from our butcher and I`ll need to cancel them now as we won`t be here....oops!

Feeling very full from dinner, short ribs are very dense and the rich gravy certainly filled a hole tonight. Sprawled along the sofas now watching the Mexican GP, won`t be moving much tonight.

Got our Covid boosters booked today for mid December, one more thing ticked off to get done. And we`re getting done at the same place this time, first vaccines were so difficult to book as there were hardly any appointments available, no trouble this time.

Weather looks to be settling a little for the next few days, should get back out walking as the wind will die down a lot and temps go up a little.

Excited to see the first flights taking off tomorrow morning as the borders open up for everybody to head to the USA........Virgin Atlantic and British Airways are having their New York flights take off at exactly the same time from Heathrow exactly adjacent to each other as a little celebration, I think that`ll be very emotional...certainly exciting for the folks on board and for us watching after all this time. So many families reunited finally.

Ginger beer time I think........
Typo Mac. Meant to say great.

Getting dark out now.

Turkeys and stuffing bought. Will drop them off to my sister, hopefully tomorrow the kids will, as she’s doing the cooking for Thanksgiving.

Quiet night. As thinking burgers for dinner. We did chicken quesadillas and wraps for lunch, and was a very late lunch, more like a mid afternoon one. So, no one’s hungry for dinner yet. But after a Costco run today, kitchen is well stocked now.

And yeah:

Please? LoL

Sweet dreams homies. And a hehe, little one found some fluffy warm socks. Seems to think house too cold for bare feet. Not me though. Still not ready for not wearing flip flops. Sigh. Winter is a coming as well. Good thing tomorrow is to be 65 the high, with sunny all day. Time to break out the shorts again, and yep, flip flops. Woooot!
Afternoon all! I spent the day on the couch watching movies. I watched three old films in the "film noir" genre. I saw Club Paradise (1945) which was OK, Cause for Alarm (1951) which was pretty good and Impact (1949) which was very good. You never quite know what you are going to get since these movies are old and a lot of the actors you probably haven't heard of. I love the detective movies from the 40s and 50s.

Just thought I would throw that out...LOL.

I hope everyone has a great evening.
Had three chipmunks stop & look quizzically at me as I grilled the steaks this evening. As though I was invading their sanctity. Lucky for them, my pooch didn’t give chase
although alarmingly potato chips (crisps to us) are now an endangered species :scared1:....might need to stock up...staple snack here anytime!
ok, that’s where one must draw the line in the sand!

not supposed to eat them, have cut back substantially on my consumption on that sort of junk food but, will indulge in Old Bay flavored chips now & again. Would get them in the individual packets for portion control. ha, not only have they disappeared but, haven’t seen a full size bag all summer. Growl
BTW...I picked up another turkey breast this morning at Walmart for Christmas...just in case.
did u play the lottery while you were at it? :). Lucky you.
Turkeys and stuffing bought
i’ve started to cube leftover bakery bread & freeze. almost ‘there’ with enough that I can dry them out in the oven and then have at making the stuffing at Thanksgiving.

Need to work on my menu & try to grab the non perishables this week before the shelves are picked Clean.
Still not ready for not wearing flip flops. Sigh. Winter is a coming as well.
I begrudgingly pulled out regular crocs today to wear in the house. Can’t bring myself to don a pair of socks, yet.
I love the detective movies from the 40s and 50s.
same! a bit later…have you watched the old dragnet & perry mason series? Do love the tone of them too.
@keishashadow Glad to hear you are healing and able to shower properly. I get really cranky if I can't/don't shower every day.

Made frittata for dinner with Seltzer's beef bologna, like a smoke salami, and swiss chard. Have enough for leftovers at lunch tomorrow.

Saw Eternals last night. It wasn't the worst movie in the world, but it definitely lacked something that the other MCU movies have.

Friday I had to run to the other side of town to get son's protein bars. He's really picky. The two near us were out. I thought I would pick up some xmas candy too. They showed having it, but I couldn't find it in the store. I think they were still putting xmas stuff on the shelves. I will try my local one tomorrow. I had also done a pickup order at our local Target, but I forgot to add the food for the food bank. So I just ran errands all Friday, other than going to the gym.

My vehicle registration saga continues. The last car passed state inspection, but it won't let me renew the registration online. I think it's because it has been too long and it has a personalized plate. I need to call them tomorrow to see what I need to do. I will probably have to go in person. My fault for putting it off for so long. Need to get the Vespa inspected too. I might do it on Tuesday. I didn't want to run chores on my birthday, but this would be the only one. It might have the same issue with registration, since it has also been over a year. Oh well, hopefully I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The Vespa is fun to get inspected. I have to ride toward the employee, get up to at least 30mph, and then hit the brakes. I like to build up to a faster speed. It kind of freaks them out a bit. I don't know why they stand in the path though. The little things that make us happy:rotfl2:

Starting to think about packing and getting things ready for our trip in less than 2 weeks. Had to do a bunch of clean up on my laptop for picture backup. I probably need to wipe the camera memory card too, since I transferred the last set of pictures. I think we are going to do the Universal Holiday Tour, so that we don't have to wait in line for the parade, Grinchmas show, and Hogwart's Xmas projection show. We only have 2 nights. Need to get an appointment to get my nails done soon too. Busy, busy.
Yay, Son doing some trip planning and prepping. Yeah, car in shop is a pain. We do our registration online and print out ourselves, as they don’t send hard copies or stickers for years now. We have to take our cars in for yearly inspection and emissions.

No one seemed to want dinner, so a cup of tea and a relaxing time before bed.
Afternoon all! I spent the day on the couch watching movies. I watched three old films in the "film noir" genre. I saw Club Paradise (1945) which was OK, Cause for Alarm (1951) which was pretty good and Impact (1949) which was very good. You never quite know what you are going to get since these movies are old and a lot of the actors you probably haven't heard of. I love the detective movies from the 40s and 50s.

Just thought I would throw that out...LOL.

I hope everyone has a great evening.

Love those type of movies too.......sounds a good way to pass a day.

And good morning....just saw you pop in there.....thought you`d slept in`s nice having company this time of day.......hope you have a lovely day......

Had three chipmunks stop & look quizzically at me as I grilled the steaks this evening. As though I was invading their sanctity. Lucky for them, my pooch didn’t give chase
ok, that’s where one must draw the line in the sand!

not supposed to eat them, have cut back substantially on my consumption on that sort of junk food but, will indulge in Old Bay flavored chips now & again. Would get them in the individual packets for portion control. ha, not only have they disappeared but, haven’t seen a full size bag all summer. Growl

did u play the lottery while you were at it? :). Lucky you.

i’ve started to cube leftover bakery bread & freeze. almost ‘there’ with enough that I can dry them out in the oven and then have at making the stuffing at Thanksgiving.

Need to work on my menu & try to grab the non perishables this week before the shelves are picked Clean.

I begrudgingly pulled out regular crocs today to wear in the house. Can’t bring myself to don a pair of socks, yet.

same! a bit later…have you watched the old dragnet & perry mason series? Do love the tone of them too.

Crisps are my kryptonite! Cannot resist them as they are so addictive....yes, not the healthiest of options!

Glad you enjoyed the steaks and I have a vision of a nature reserve all around you with cartoon creatures like Snow White ::yes:: although I do remember the bear hanging around your property!!

Never watched original Dragnet, but love the old Perry Mason mother is addicted to them......heck if you phone her when she`s watching it, she practically hunts you off the phone!

Beautiful day here.....very mild, but chilly if that makes sense. About 44F. Enjoyed a nice walk of just under 6 miles, came home and watched the dual take off from Heathrow Airport of the VA and BA flights.......quite impressive.......and so heartening to finally see the United States border opening up again to us and other countries.



Doing some more baking today as we won`t be going back out, got some bread in the oven right now for lunch, made a Rosemary and garlic focaccia, nice and soft with loads of flavour, will have that with some parma ham and spicy balsamic for dipping.

Dinner is chicken casserole with rosemary and garlic....yes, we have a glut of rosemary to use up!! Very winter warming dishes coming up now.

Mid morning tea time here though.........





Happy Monday......:)

Happy Monday to you too, Schumi. Yum, bread sounds good and bet oven sending some good smelling odors from the bread baking. Yay, morning tea. Me too, though not a English breakfast one. And yay, to see those planes take off. What a sight, and knowing where both are headed. Glad your holiday trip is finally a go now. I’m sure many are happy the borders are opening.

It’s 37 degrees out now. Clear nights do that. A very sunny day it is to be, with 65 the high. Hence, shorts are indeed on.

And so, with the time change, was a very very dark wake up. Sunrise is soon, so it’s now finally looking that predawn brighter out.

But as it’s a back to routine day, I’ll be happy to enjoy that most sunny, and warm, lunchtime walk. And rocking those shades. Woot! Warmer tomorrow too. And a holiday Thursday, shorter week day routine. Yay, yay, yay!

Tea for me, a hunt for easy breakfast food, and wishing all the homies have a marvelous Monday.

I think we are going to do the Universal Holiday Tour, so that we don't have to wait in line for the parade, Grinchmas show, and Hogwart's Xmas projection show.
pray tell, what is this package? :scratchin Does it trump the AP viewing spot that is not the best real estate For the parade.
The Vespa is fun to get inspected. I have to ride toward the employee, get up to at least 30mph, and then hit the brakes. I like to build up to a faster speed. It kind of freaks them out a bit. I don't know why they stand in the path though. The little things that make us happy:rotfl2:
nwahahaha add that to the hoops people jump thru to get a state pension
Glad to hear you are healing and able to shower properly. I get really cranky if I can't/don't shower every day.
yes, feel like I crawled out of a dark cave at last
We do our registration online and print out ourselves, as they don’t send hard copies or stickers for years now. We have to take our cars in for yearly inspection and emissions.
so much easier
Never watched original Dragnet, but love the old Perry Mason mother is addicted to them......heck if you phone her when she`s watching it, she practically hunts you off the phone!
lol I do like the sounds of your mum! have a ton of them sitting on my DVR, pull them out sparingly. Of course, not above re-watching them :)
Enjoyed a nice walk of just under 6 miles, came home and watched the dual take off from Heathrow Airport of the VA and BA flights.......quite impressive.......and so heartening to finally see the United States border opening up again to us and other countries.
that’s a long walk in book lol.

Saw video of the first flights taking off, so soon for you. Just read that the average tourist from your side of the pawn injects $4,000 into our economy. the red carpet is being readied as we speak lol. Not sure if that reflects cost of trip or actual spending while here.

Glad you enjoyed the steaks and I have a vision of a nature reserve all around you with cartoon creatures like Snow White ::yes:: although I do remember the bear hanging around your property!!
I just happy there are no gators or pythorns. Deer are starting to rut & run here, such a driving hazard. There are rural roads we won’t drive upon at all the next few months, others just during mid day when they are normally hunkered down. Worth going out of our way to avoid that hassle.
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pray tell, what is this package? :scratchin Does it trump the AP viewing spot that is not the best real estate For the parade.

nwahahaha add that to the hoops people jump thru to get a state pension

yes, feel like I crawled out of a dark cave at last

so much easier

lol I do like the sounds of your mum! have a ton of them sitting on my DVR, pull them out sparingly. Of course, not above re-watching them :)

that’s a long walk in book lol.

Saw video of the first flights taking off, so soon for you. Just read that the average tourist from your side of the pawn injects $4,000 into our economy. the red carpet is being readied as we speak lol. Not sure if that reflects cost of trip or actual spending while here.

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I just happy there are no gators or pythorns. Deer are starting to rut & run here, such a driving hazard. There are rural roads we won’t drive upon at all the next few months, others just during mid day when they are normally hunkered down. Worth going out of our way to avoid that hassle. the image!!

I would have thought it would have been more per tourist from over here......but I guess it all evens out in the wash! Our flights are not much less than that. I do think there`ll be more spending as folks make up for lost shopping time over the last 20 months....according to MCO twitter, today it`s acceptable to clap and cheer as the plane lands like the old

Oh yes, we can rewatch things over and over......I do love the Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes movies and we rewatch those dvd`s on miserable winter days again and again......

yes, gators are a whole different kettle of fish!

Lunch over and annoyingly waiting for a company to call us back. Almost 5 hours ago we were told someone would ring us back. Still waiting and not happy. Why say someone will ring soon if they don`t plan to.

I`ll be crisp and polite when they do call of course.

5 hours now
Yep, rutting season, and when we go where we know the deer are, and we drive carefully, Keisha. Was over a way where we go past a state park where the deer are, around early evening the other day. Yep, saw some cross in front of us as we came around the corner. Glad they stayed on the side of the road they went to, as we passed by. And last week, when little one was passing by there, good thing my car’s brakes work very well, is all I can say. I hope the only one and done ever is when the one time DH’s truck had a deer smash into it. Yeah, that was an expensive and week or so repair job.

The sun is shining nicely through the windows, and kids are making that turkey delivery service to my sister. She’s making room in her freezer after I called her. Will be nice as I think all my siblings will be at Thanksgiving this year.

I’d be very annoyed with so many hours now waiting for that call back, Schumi. Good you got that call already, after posting.
Did you have to call WDW too? Lol

lol......I`d be happy for you to win that one......:rotfl:

I`m now on hold to another company after first being told I was calling the wrong, this is the number I called this morning and it was the right number then.....>:( Then said, oh it wouldn`t be today someone will call you back anyway......WHAT!!!!!!!

I`m listening to pan pipes right now after calling the other company.......not as calming as you`d think after 39 minutes!



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