Something About Nothing............ #14

Had a great time with the kids. First, we went down the shore, at one of the most Northern ones, the one that Nor’Eastern storm Sandy knocked down and took out to sea the amusement pier, including the Ferris wheel. Tore down most of the boardwalk too. Now. - decade later, new boardwalk and amusement pier, and business back to normal.

Beach was soft, and nice enough day for a stroll along the water.

Then we travelled to a mall, and what did I see in the distance?
Yes, that is the Manhattan skyline taken from the car window.

Went to the mall, that has some really neat things to do, and see, like a amusement park:

Hehe, nickelodeon charactered one. Water park next to it, also had the characters.

Back home from there was uneventful, though stop and go traffic until we were closer to home. Lots of traffic wanting to go around the mall, as next to a huge stadium, where concert was playing there tonight. Glad we got out of there, before concert goers were starting to be arriving early. And, saw much more traffic heading into the bridge into NYC.

Wahoo! Weekend tomorrow. And yay, sister called this morning, pool guy was there, so as of today, pool open. We will be visiting, and have a heated pool swim. Hope all have a most relaxing and wonderful weekend.
The weekend. Little one, are you moving? Not yet, though will be asking to go errand running with me soon.

Nothing like a Saturday where women only for a bit. DH is doing errands, and mowing grass, as old mower bit the dust the dust Thursday afternoon. Hence, last night, I walked into that garden store and bought him a new one. Made him get me a milkshake. Did make him get it off his truck, which I had borrowed, to pick it up. Store guy was nice enough to wheel it out and put it in the back for me. And older one works. But glad he is on an earlier time schedule for the weekend.

May try to poke the bear.
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2:


Sadly - it may be another smoke filled summer :sad1:
Pumpkin sorry to hear the fires are burning again. Sending rain dance wishes your way that the rains will come and put out the fires.

Lot of appts & feeding of family going on here, including tomorrow. Wanted to share the bling the ‘lil won in middle school state competition. Received emails to the invitationals meets this side of state. Won’t be seeing her (or coach, Dad/Son lol) for a few weekends
Congratulations to your granddaughter on her medals. Looks like a proud dad and his daughter.

Hey all, another day of being poked and prodded for me. Well worth it. 2nd opinion, like this specialist better and she’s in my regular health system. going to keep her ;) as of more conservative working her way thru treatment options before going for the gold.
Always good to get second opinion. Glad to hear you like the doc.

Nope, not going to work. We paid for three “adults”, i want three beds of some sort. They actually asked if we considered bunking together.

Who the heck is piloting that ship? I expect better from RCCL SHM
Sorry to hear you having such issues with RCCL. I hope they get your room situation settled for you all.

Oh my, after boarding 3 hours after we should have, sat 45 minutes on the tarmac because no runway open, as so many other planes coming and going. Then we circled when we got back, so instead of arriving at 7:30pm, arrived at 11:45 pm. By the time our luggage came out, funny that our cases came out one right next to the next one coming. So two grabs at same time. Fast enough ride home, though known detour near home was still in use. So no pumpkin ride I had. Sigh. And that alarm went off fast.
Lynne thank you for sharing your photos from vacation. Sorry to hear of the delays on your flight getting home. It seems some of the airlines are just doing what they want regardless of what the flight times are.

Fortunately she was going very slow and only left a smudge of white paint on the front of my car. She apologized and then told me it was a new car and she was going to get it insured. Seriously??? I swear my car has become a magnet for uninsured drivers.
Sorry to hear you have had another hit to your car. She is responsible for the damage to your car weather she has insurance or not. I hope you called the police and got a police report and all her information.

I thought you had to show proof of insurance to get cars licensed in any state.

Not fun to deal with. Sending good thoughts your way that you get everything settled easily.

Sun is shining this morning after a few days of rain. I’am looking forward to getting out in the yard today.

I had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Son and family brought over a delicious barbecue dinner with all the trimmings. The food was so good and it was so nice to see everyone.

I had my appt with the Moh’s dermatology surgeon Tuesday. It was nice to get to meet the person who I’am trusting to preserve my face. I found him kind, professional and caring. He answered all my questions and said he would do his best to make sure he did not have to remove anymore tissue then he needed to. I told him I’am grandma and I’am never going to run for geriatric beauty queen, but I do care what scars I’am left with.

I did see a younger woman in the office that I would guess to be in her late 20’s to early 30’s with what appeared to be extensive surgery to her nose with all the bandages and my heart went out to her.

A friend of ours mom passed away last night. He was someone who was in Fencing club that we were in many years ago. He and his brother cared for their mom at home. She was 91 and was up walking and doing well until she became ill Mother’s Day. It is hard to say goodbye to a parent no matter how old they are.

Our great-grandson graduated from High school yesterday evening. We are so proud of C. He has already been accepted to the University he wants to attend. His major will be Chemical Engineering. He is a smart young man and we know he will do well.

I was able to watch little J for two half days this week. Yesterday morning it was wet and rainy so going to the park was not an option. So I took him to an indoor play area called Deep Blue. It is an underwater themed play area. He loved it and had a good time.

I’am trying to plan a trip in June for some Happy time at Universal. I have almost settled on a date. Now I need to look at flight times and rental car.

Mac hope you are doing well and your eyes are healing.

Carole hope you and the family are doing well. You are missed.

I’am heading outside.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
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Yesterday, we broke our # of tornados per year record in PITT. Creepy afternoon, repeated tornado warnings blaring on the devices. Had four of them all in. Closest set down 15 min from us @ the zoo, no animals or people harmed. Lots of big trees and property damage yet, only a F-1. However, they were moving so slowly, caused issues

Pic others have taken…

First: the shelf clouds we had with tornadic thunderstorms…little rain, tons of wind. Literally, looked like a huge shelf in the sky with big boomers. The air felt “funny”

Next: the one that touched down at zoo, a high-level bridge and then major road. Amazing nobody hurt


thought this one interesting, never really touched all the way down to ground
It would have been higher but I wouldn’t let him buy the 75 in TV he saw
Lol wait for it to go on sale. Another round of them starting 6/2. I stocked up on dog food, prime drinks, paper plates and dish soap…the glamorous life
She apologized and then told me it was a new car and she was going to get it insured
Umm, even if she paid cash and didn’t have a lien holder demanding proof of insurance before she was given the keys; that is ridiculous. Bet she just didn’t want to have incident reported to see her rates sky rocket.
Now. - decade later, new boardwalk and amusement pier, and business back to normal.
I had wondered if they ever did fully rebuild
Yes, that is the Manhattan skyline taken from the car window.
Very nice
And yay, sister called this morning, pool guy was there, so as of today, pool open. We will be visiting, and have a heated pool swim. Hope all have a most relaxing and wonderful weekend.
My “pool guy” did the deed a couple of days ago. The sun is our heater lol, as i tell the fam…sink or swim. Ours is small, a couple of 80 degree days this coming week and it will be comfortable.
had my appt with the Moh’s dermatology surgeon Tuesday. It was nice to get to meet the person who I’am trusting to preserve my face. I found him kind, professional and caring. He answered all my questions and said he would do his best to make sure he did not have to remove anymore tissue then he needed to. I told him I’am grandma and I’am never going to run for geriatric beauty queen, but I do care what scars I’am left with.
You have the best attitude, oh to have such a calming nature. Good for you, so important to trust the surgeon. Here’s to clean margins for you:wizard: and a quick recovery.
Happy Saturday. It’s gray and cloudy here. A good day to stay home and be lazy.

The car situation - the girl’s car wasn’t brand new. My guess is that she purchased it privately and didn’t need to show proof of insurance. The white line in this picture is the extent of the damage done to my car.
Not worth filing a claim.

Beach was soft, and nice enough day for a stroll along the water.
Looks very peaceful.

Went to the mall, that has some really neat things to do, and see, like a amusement park:
Wow. You could probably put most of our mall in that space.

I had my appt with the Moh’s dermatology surgeon Tuesday. It was nice to get to meet the person who I’am trusting to preserve my face. I found him kind, professional and caring.
Good to know that you are comfortable with the surgeon. That makes a world of difference.

It is hard to say goodbye to a parent no matter how old they are.
So true.

Our great-grandson grandson graduated from High school yesterday evening. We are so proud of C. He has already been accepted to the University he wants to attend. His major will be Chemical Engineering. He is a smart young man and we know he will do well.
Congratulations to him.

Yesterday, we broke our # of tornados per year record in PITT.
Pic others have taken…
Wow, that looks scary. So glad there wasn’t any major damage.

Lol wait for it to go on sale.
It was actually on clearance, but still more than I was willing to pay. We also don’t have room for a TV that large. There is only one place in the living room where we can put a TV. If we go larger than the current screen it will block the window. I guess we just need to get a bigger house. 😜
What a day a difference in weather. Glad your scary weather is gone today too, Keisha. So pleasant out now. 75 the high, and while clouds still around, they are those white ones, that have no rain in them. Sun is out now.

Hope all have a Serene Sunday.
Yep, low 80’s today & might break 90 by Wednesday…best of all, no rain.

Made a new friend in back yard yesterday.

Before he slithered away, faster than any snake I’ve seen.

“Experts” tell me he’s a black snake. we’ve had a lot of them over the years, just not with this particular marking. They tend to chill in the gardens waiting for dinner. Circle of life etc.

too bad they don’t eat raccoons.

A happy :sunny:day to all!
Well, at least no field mice with him around. Just saying, Keisha. Long as he’s not in the house. Most seen around me are the garden snakes.

Little one learned how to heat pool. Can see the kids enjoying pool time as they house sit.

Pizza lunch. Pizza place near sister has the best pizza. You’d think all the pizza places near me, including one I can walk to, are not the kind of pizza we think is good. Sigh. But the meatballs on the pizza are the best from the sister near place. Half meatball half veggie. Hehe, what a pie we get.
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave2:
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Pumpkin sorry to hear the fires are burning again. Sending rain dance wishes your way that the rains will come and put out the fires.

Congratulations to your granddaughter on her medals. Looks like a proud dad and his daughter.

Always good to get second opinion. Glad to hear you like the doc.

Sorry to hear you having such issues with RCCL. I hope they get your room situation settled for you all.

Lynne thank you for sharing your photos from vacation. Sorry to hear of the delays on your flight getting home. It seems some of the airlines are just doing what they want regardless of what the flight times are.

Sorry to hear you have had another hit to your car. She is responsible for the damage to your car weather she has insurance or not. I hope you called the police and got a police report and all her information.

I thought you had to show proof of insurance to get cars licensed in any state.

Not fun to deal with. Sending good thoughts your way that you get everything settled easily.

Sun is shining this morning after a few days of rain. I’am looking forward to getting out in the yard today.

I had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Son and family brought over a delicious barbecue dinner with all the trimmings. The food was so good and it was so nice to see everyone.

I had my appt with the Moh’s dermatology surgeon Tuesday. It was nice to get to meet the person who I’am trusting to preserve my face. I found him kind, professional and caring. He answered all my questions and said he would do his best to make sure he did not have to remove anymore tissue then he needed to. I told him I’am grandma and I’am never going to run for geriatric beauty queen, but I do care what scars I’am left with.

I did see a younger woman in the office that I would guess to be in her late 20’s to early 30’s with what appeared to be extensive surgery to her nose with all the bandages and my heart went out to her.

A friend of ours mom passed away last night. He was someone who was in Fencing club that we were in many years ago. He and his brother cared for their mom at home. She was 91 and was up walking and doing well until she became ill Mother’s Day. It is hard to say goodbye to a parent no matter how old they are.

Our great-grandson grandson graduated from High school yesterday evening. We are so proud of C. He has already been accepted to the University he wants to attend. His major will be Chemical Engineering. He is a smart young man and we know he will do well.

I was able to watch little J for two half days this week. Yesterday morning it was wet and rainy so going to the park was not an option. So I took him to an indoor play area called Deep Blue. It is an underwater themed play area. He loved it and had a good time.

I’am trying to plan a trip in June for some Happy time at Universal. I have almost settled on a date. Now I need to look at flight times and rental car.

Mac hope you are doing well and your eyes are healing.

Carole hope you and the family are doing well. You are missed.

I’am heading outside.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Robo: Sounds like you had a great Mothers Day with the BBQ and family.
I hope your appointment goes well with Mohs. It helps if you have someone you like and trust.
Congratulations on your great grandson's graduation. Chemical engineering is a very in demand field:)

We took my Mother out for Mother's Day to a supposedly upscale restaurant. Well, our food was not good at all. We were all disappointed as we had been looking forward to this expensive meal. We didn't say anything to the server, but we won't be back. My daughter took me on our traditional Mother's Day trip to the nurseries to look for hanging baskets. I love looking at all those plants:) and then we had lunch at our favorite restaurant. My son gave me a GC for one of the family owned nurseries where I buy a lot of my plants. It was a great day all in all:)

Will be thinking of you at your appointment. Take care,
Yesterday, we broke our # of tornados per year record in PITT. Creepy afternoon, repeated tornado warnings blaring on the devices. Had four of them all in. Closest set down 15 min from us @ the zoo, no animals or people harmed. Lots of big trees and property damage yet, only a F-1. However, they were moving so slowly, caused issues

Pic others have taken…

First: the shelf clouds we had with tornadic thunderstorms…little rain, tons of wind. Literally, looked like a huge shelf in the sky with big boomers. The air felt “funny”
View attachment 860976

Next: the one that touched down at zoo, a high-level bridge and then major road. Amazing nobody hurt

View attachment 860977

thought this one interesting, never really touched all the way down to ground
View attachment 860978

Lol wait for it to go on sale. Another round of them starting 6/2. I stocked up on dog food, prime drinks, paper plates and dish soap…the glamorous life

Umm, even if she paid cash and didn’t have a lien holder demanding proof of insurance before she was given the keys; that is ridiculous. Bet she just didn’t want to have incident reported to see her rates sky rocket.

I had wondered if they ever did fully rebuild

Very nice

My “pool guy” did the deed a couple of days ago. The sun is our heater lol, as i tell the fam…sink or swim. Ours is small, a couple of 80 degree days this coming week and it will be comfortable.

You have the best attitude, oh to have such a calming nature. Good for you, so important to trust the surgeon. Here’s to clean margins for you:wizard: and a quick recovery.
OMGosh, Janet! Those photos are really scary! It looks like you had a close call. I didn't know you had so many tornado alerts in your area? When we lived in Tn, it was just routine to have these alerts which usually occured during the night time.

So glad you are okay.
We are finally getting real Spring weather in the 60 and 70's with lots of rain though. But we really need the rain. Our lakes are down and the land is dry which is Not usual for us.

We have a black snake that stays in the flower beds around the house, but it is all black. I have never seen a black snake with those markings. You could look it up on the internet to be sure. I liked having the black snake around to keep the critters away.

I miss Carole too but know she is extremely busy, and tired, at this time.
Happy Saturday. It’s gray and cloudy here. A good day to stay home and be lazy.

The car situation - the girl’s car wasn’t brand new. My guess is that she purchased it privately and didn’t need to show proof of insurance. The white line in this picture is the extent of the damage done to my car.
View attachment 860991
Not worth filing a claim.

Looks very peaceful.

Wow. You could probably put most of our mall in that space.

Good to know that you are comfortable with the surgeon. That makes a world of difference.

So true.

Congratulations to him.

Wow, that looks scary. So glad there wasn’t any major damage.

It was actually on clearance, but still more than I was willing to pay. We also don’t have room for a TV that large. There is only one place in the living room where we can put a TV. If we go larger than the current screen it will block the window. I guess we just need to get a bigger house. 😜
Charade, I think I would have an estimate on your car anyway. You'd be surprised what it costs to get little things fixed on cars. We had a little bitty dent on the hood of our car and they said they would have to replace the whole hood!!!! What? We didn't have it fixed and you hardly notice it. We parked too close to the ball field at my grandson's baseball game. We knew we might get hit but never really thought we would, LOL.

have a good rest o f the weekend.,
Happy Sunday:

I hope I've mentioned every one, if not, I claim "old age", LOL.

We are having a week of rain and a little cooler weather. But it is Spring:rose:and time to get my flowers. I just finished cleaning out the flower beds this morning and am really sore. It's not as easy as it used to be to get on my knees and dig and pull weeds. I do like to do this though. Now is the really fun part: I get to go to our favorite nurseries and buy our flowers and plants:) I need 2 hanging baskets which I hope to get sunpatients for. I had those last year and they were great - no maintenance and they looked lovely all summer long. No dead heading which is a plus:) I want to get some more shade plants for our rock garden, a flower arrangement for our 2 whiskey barrels, and various sun loving flowers for around the patio, plus some others too, Whew! They are a lot of work but so beautiful when they all bloom.

Our cherry tree is almost completely fully blossomed already. I think it's too early. We don't have any bees around to pollinate it yet. I hope they show up early too this year.

Next weekend is our granddaughter's wedding. It is being held out at a lake on the beach. It's a very small wedding and then they will reside about 120 miles away from us. I actually found a dress that didn't look like little house on the prairie, LOL. I find it hard to find any dresses that I like lately.

Not much else going on, so not much to report on.
I hope Carole gets rested up and back again soon.

Glad y’all are OK Keisha! Scary stuff! Speakin’ of nasty weather…
Just got power back …fortunately, no major damage…(except 1 window and a few trees.) Geez…that thing hit like a bomb, Still hundreds of thousands in the area w/o power! Hope they get juice back soon. OK…time to start shopping for a new generator!
Long as he’s not in the house. Most seen around me are the garden snakes.
it been some time (knock on wood) since we found one curled up inside the kitchen door…was wrapped around broom. I thot my kids were pranking me until I touched it and it moved. Think that was my 1st grey hair lol

We had a nest of confirmed copperheads in a retaining wall the mr was redoing about 10 years ago. Pried out the timber & quickly put it back in place! Game warden took them off our hands.

Had to put some shock into the pool as it got cloudy from yesterday’s early am heavy rain. Planning on hopping in after we enjoy the bourbon chicken I’m making.
I didn't know you had so many tornado alerts in your area? When we lived in Tn, it was just routine to have these alerts which usually occured during the night time.
Before the last five years or so, they were novelties here. Even then, mostly hour or so away around us in circular pattern where land was flatter. Those of us on the higher ridges get heavier snow & rain storms than mile down to river valley but, that’s usually it.
It's not as easy as it used to be to get on my knees and dig and pull weeds. I do like to do this though.
Wow, I cannot remember last time I did that. I’m big fan of long handled hoe.
Next weekend is our granddaughter's wedding. It is being held out at a lake on the beach. It's a very small wedding and then they will reside about 120 miles away from us. I actually found a dress that didn't look like little house on the prairie, LOL. I find it hard to find any dresses that I like lately.
Aw, that’s a special time. Enjoy, hope the weather is perfect for them. Although, a little rain is supposed to be good luck!
except 1 window and a few trees.) Geez…that thing hit like a bomb, Still hundreds of thousands in the area w/o power! Hope they get juice back soon.
Oh my gosh, you got hit by the big-boy storms??? Sorry to hear.

Only time we had major issue was via a microburst when we were out of town. Knocked out many of the windows on one side of our house & toppled lots of huge trees. Only our street was involved. Told it literally just followed the street, where it started to rise up to T in the road 1/4 mile, it just kept heading up to the skies and spared the high school complex.

Fact that the path & damage can be so random is quite terrifying to me.

Meanwhile, the season has just begun…hang onto your hat

Mac - I’m always surprised your area doesn’t get hit. Seems likes it’s always headed toward you, then (thankfully) hangs a sharp louie north.
Ah that Monday feeling. Though I was up before alarm went off. And glad no commute today.

Made some tea, and tossed the last of the trash, and then fired up the laptop. Took a little longer, as needed to update after three days not on. Always takes a little longer to connect, when not in office, when on Ethernet connection, which is much faster. But online for over an hour already. And will hear the first of the trash trucks within the next hour. Trash cans waiting on the curb.

So nice and quiet. 56 degrees out, and clear sky, which is why we are having a cool start. But yay, 79 the high, even with a partly sunny day by the mid morning. Glad clouds are those fluffy white ones, no rain in them. Only rain chances the weather news says, is this Wednesday. So a yay, a mostly dry week, with 80’s high coming, before predicted next week in mid 70’s highs.

Hehe, little one complained house felt too warm, as DH always complained it was too cool. With him on a short trip, little one turned on our AC. Kinda agree with her, though house feels s little cool now, but not too cool. With the warmer days coming, I guess AC will still be left on. But with the cool start this morning, won’t hear it running until later this afternoon. House faces mostly East, so warming from first sunrise this time of year. And full sunny out right now.

So, back to week day routine I go, and a wish for all to have a most Marvelous Monday today.
No we do get hit at times Janet.
We don’t have a basement for protection so shelter in a closet when the sirens are blaring.
oh Lord, that’s scary. They usually say get in a bathroom tub. IDK
Good morning homies!
Hope all have a great week and enjoy the marvelous weather.
All the way around :). I’m thrilled no rain until latter part of week, holiday weekend supposed to be clear here

Pumpkin - big game tonight for Edmonton, your team?

Lynne - isn’t working from home grand?

Need to renew that last WDW AP today, ouch. They do pay for themselves after 5 days, we work them to pieces.

My middle came thru on Mother’s Day remembrance :)IMG_1251.jpeg
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