Southwest Family Boarding--Did Age Change?

Thank you for your concern but I am fine. But my point is... just because someone may look healthy to *you* doesn't mean they don't have legitimate medical issues and are scamming the system. And not everyone's medical needs are met telling someone with particular medical needs to stay seated potentially another 15+ minutes can be a problem. So I will say again, until you have walked in a person's shoes who are covered by ACAA don't judge! Most people aren't intelligent enough to know that disabilities are not protected by ADA on airlines. Those with TRUE disabilities know the actual laws and are aware of what laws protect them when flying because it is not ADA. :)

I just find this statement a little demeaning.
Perhaps another word would work better - such as most people are not knowledgeable about what is protected by ADA.
It's so the parents can sit with their child. Southwest doesn't have assigned seating and we got screwed by this policy 6 years ago. My son was 6 and we boarded in the last group, there were no seats together and the flight attendant tried to tell me he had to sit with strangers halfway down the plane. This was my son's first flight, and only my 5th flight ever, the other times I'd flown was for work and I was either by myself or with one other person (and never on Southwest, coincidentally) so I didn't realize that there weren't assigned seats. I argued, ready to pull both of us off the plane if I had to, and finally someone took pity on me and let me sit in their seat, which was only 3 rows down the aisle from where the flight attendant was trying to seat my son. Lesson learned, I'll never fly Southwest again.

I read your other posts. I cannot believe the TA booked you with SW? I can't believe the TA thought booking SW as your airline and not talking to you about it was a good idea. And that you didn't blame the TA for the issues?

I've taken many SW flights, I've taken some with DH and some with DS and some with both, and I have never once had an issue where we were separated.

Wanna know where we WERE separated? United.

I actually started flying SW in my 20s because I was so tired of legacy airlines changing my seat around when I had taken the time to choose it at booking. Now I book all sorts of airlines (except for JB), but I never ever simply assume I'll have the seat I choose when I booked that flight.

And while sitting a bit apart on the United flight wasn't a huge issue (DS was 8 and a seasoned traveler, and I knew this was an issue already, due to a combo of booking late-ish with miles and then walking into a weather-related MESS at the airport and having flights moved around, so I'd talked to him about it already), we got closer to each other by being super-sweet, by smiling and talking with the FA as we boarded, by letting those around us know that we might like to be a bit closer. Easy. The people who didn't move had their reasons, and I'm not going to judge them for their reasons.

If a cast member at Disney World had treated my son half as badly no doubt people would be up in arms about the injustice, but because this was a flight attendant who deals with so much "stuff" you think it's ok to bully a terrified child?

When you first describe something, even if you're not in the habit of mentioning his issues, it's best to put it all out there. That way subsequent posts don't sound like that, because everything was stated up front.

I think if the FAA is concerned about the safety of children, they would tackle lap babies well before they start on something that has not been a problem as of yet.

Ah, don't tackle babies! That's not good for them! :) ;)

Well if you don't want to move that's fine by me. Wont be an issue if they aren't by me.:smooth:

Of course you think it's an issue. Why even say that? You're saying it'll be an issue, then you're playing the "ha my kid will barf on you" card. We KNOW it'll be an issue for you.

I cant imagine people not checking the entire flight on their kid.

Because to you having a child alone is an issue. Other people don't feel the same way. Or maybe their parents don't quite look like the kids and they are really close-by but not obvious. etc.

I told them about this thread as well and she assured me most people in general wouldn't want to sit by kids, to which I thanked her.

How would the person on the phone know who will be on the flight?

And if you're getting on AFTER those other people, they won't be *choosing* to sit next to kids. And if there are so few seats, there's not much choice for them, either? And they'll be settled and relaxed, not interested in moving.

Actually my husband and I talked and I think the best way to handle this is if we don't get seats together, we will put as many of our kids together and we will just go sit elsewhere on the plane. :tongue:

Sure. Sure that's what you'll do.

Most of us have become immune to these kinds of threats. Kinda unpleasant...and totally unnecessary.


The agent saw it too and stopped. He looked at her and told her to go ahead. She took a seat very close to the front of the plane. Do people do this very often? Was something else going on?

100% there was something going on. She's C and boarding in A and he let her? OF COURSE there was something else going on. End of story. :)
But my point is... just because someone may look healthy to *you* doesn't mean they don't have legitimate medical issues and are scamming the system. And not everyone's medical needs are met telling someone with particular medical needs to stay seated potentially another 15+ minutes can be a problem.

Did you read goofy4tink's post fully? I feel like you took some sentences to too much heart and maybe ignored others? Because below is what I thought was really relevant.

...If they need extra time getting onto the plane, then they need extra time getting off.....

It only stands to reason, right?

And with you, if you need to move, if you need to get up, etc, why is preboarding important for you? Does'nt that keep you in a small, confined, space, longer than would be comfy? Just like with kids, it would seem to meet your needs more, from what you have said, to wait. I'm sure there's more to your story, since you choose (it seems) to preboard. But going from what you said, the two don't make sense to me?

And I'm not sure goofy was trying to be offensive; I think she's thinking "preboarding is for those who need more time, so shouldn't they need more time at the end as well?"

And then she gave something she witnessed. You didn't mention that part of what she said.

There was the one time I was on a SW flight....had an A16 slot...lucky me. There were about 8 medical preboards. I followed immediately after them. Well.....the FA was telling one of those med preboards that they couldn't sit in the exit row...that they needed to be able to help in an emergency. That older gentleman informed the FA that he, and his wife, were more than capable of helping out in any emergency situation. She sweetly told them that in that case, they shouldn't have had to board with medical preboards, and that they had to move, immediately. The gentleman started to argue, the FA followed with a 'if you don't move sir, I will be forced to call security and have you removed from the plane'. They moved.

That particular situation seems a bit odd, yes?

But does witnessing one questionable moment mean she questions it all? She also metnioned her stepmom, who pushes the limits. But that doesn't mean she questions strangers.

Heck, until recently I would say that my MIL totally pushes the HA placard, since she always wants us to park there when we drive her places. Until recently it was better to drop her off at the entrance while I go park somewhere different. Becaues that was lesss walking for her. Recently she started falling more often, and I don't want my son to be in charge of her safety while I park or get the car. Also she renewed the placards and got two, this time. (she wanted me to park in spots without her placard in my car, because if I took her car's placard then she would have to move her car at her building)

Just because I felt she was pushing it doesn't mean I'm not a huge advocate for others. I constantly defend the use of non-stereotypical service dogs, because I know FULL well that what we think of as a service dog (a lab or GS with a seeing eye dog vest on, who is perfect in every way) isn't always what a service dog looks like to others. Even though I was negatively impacted by a total cheater with so-called service dogs, figuring out what I could do (nothing more than I was...the apartment management wasn't doing anything after 2 years of documented issues, the likes of which would have gotten a human booted long before, and therefore should have gotten the "service" dogS booted as well) led me to know quite a bit about the subject, and now I'm a vehement and staunch supporter and defender of even untraditional service dogs.

Just because we know of abuse doesn't mean we only see abuse.

With groups of ten you cannot buy the preboarding thing.

There are some nice pluses to booking with SW group travel.
"Groups receive access to special discounts off published fares through our dedicated Group Travel Reservations Centers. In addition, there are no Saturday night stay or minimum stay requirements and no blackout dates."

It looks like no EBCI with group travel discounts is still the policy.
"At this time, EarlyBird Check-In is not available to Group passengers. We recommend that all Group passengers check in online 24 hours prior to departure to provide the best chance of improving their boarding position and seat selection onboard the aircraft."

Are we sure that the person that mentioned groups of ten booked with "group travel"? Is that something a family, no matter how large the family is, would book with? I hope they got a deal!

Or is it possible they only *think* they can't get EB? Hopefully this isn't a situation of only thinking they can't get it; would hate to think they could, but they didn't try!
And with you, if you need to move, if you need to get up, etc, why is preboarding important for you? Does'nt that keep you in a small, confined, space, longer than would be comfy? Just like with kids, it would seem to meet your needs more, from what you have said, to wait. I'm sure there's more to your story, since you choose (it seems) to preboard. But going from what you said, the two don't make sense to me?

Well I know I have told you this before on other threads but you must have forgotten.... SW wants me to board first and has actually pulled me upfront because of my medical equipment. It has to be gate checked and they need time to prep and store it so they want me on the plane first. And secondly not that it is anyone else's business but I have particular needs due to my disability and those are covered under the ACAA. Because of those needs SW chooses to have me preboard to be CERTAIN that those needs are met because they MUST COMPLY with the law.
Are we sure that the person that mentioned groups of ten booked with "group travel"? Is that something a family, no matter how large the family is, would book with? I hope they got a deal!

Or is it possible they only *think* they can't get EB? Hopefully this isn't a situation of only thinking they can't get it; would hate to think they could, but they didn't try!
Yes, she booked group travel. (10 or more reservations count for this on SW. You can be a sports team, family, business group, whatever. Just 10 or more.)
She talks about in post 111 and others. It's a "discount", but the trade off is you can't buy EBCI.
SW wants me to board first and has actually pulled me upfront because of my medical equipment.

The one time I on SW with a broken leg they wanted me off first, so they could clear the jetway of my wheelchair. I figure SW knows what they are doing when it comes to getting everyone on and off the plane.
The way airlines board is stupid. This has been talked about on Mythbusters.
The biggest issue with slow boarding are those people that take forever to get situated. I'm not sure why they wait until they get on the plane to remove their coat, rummage through their carry on bag to get what they need and then stow everything (usually oversized to begin with) in the overhead bin. So many just stand there, in the aisle, seemingly oblivious to others trying to get past them.


No not some...ALL

Sw doesn't have first class. And if you feel that it is so important to board after first class and business class, then SW probably isn't a good fit for you.
With open seating, if they allowed things to happen the way you suggest, there would be babies/toddlers/preschoolers ALL over the plane!! Why should the get priority? They shouldn't. If you want to board earlier in the process than they currently allow, then buy EBCI. ;)

Well until you have walked in someone's MEDICAL shoes maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge all of them. I NEED to get up!!! I am in pain and need to change positions. But don't worry, I won't be running. you will be walking by me, because I will be at the bottom of the jet way waiting for my gate checked medical equipment.

Actually not always true. If someone who bought EBCI cancels or changes flights, their EBCI go back into the pool. So if someone with an early number cancels right before you buy and you buy even at the last minute, you can end up with a higher number than someone who bought their tickets months before you. Fair? Not really..but that is how the system is set up.

Yep!!! But people think it is a guarantee. And actually if a pilot or such tells you to move, you had better. They are the supreme authority of that plane, like it or not!

Really??? how on earth did your child ever manage to go to school on their own???

No wonder our society is such a mess. We aren't promoting raising independent self sufficient individuals! SMH
I have no issue with medical preboards....any. Yes, I fully realize that there are some that have to get off the plane, for whatever reason, as soon as possible. I've traveled with those that have medical needs....I don't need to walk in anyone's shoes. I'm not judging anyone!!!! I am judging the way planes are boarded and emptied.

Sadly, there are always going to be people that 'work' the system. Unfortunately, I have traveled with some. My step-mother has a sight issue. Now, it seems to come and go, as needed!!! She can amble around a store and shop forever...checking everything out. She can spend hours at a casino. alone? Oh my no....I get so confused in the airport because I can't see the signage. Seriously? You've been flying out of these two airports for decades!!!! And, oh my.....I really need help getting to the gate, it's such a long walk!!! Can I get a wheelchair please? And that gets her in the medical preboard group!!! And yes, she pretty much forced me to board with her. I was mortified. She is fully capable of getting around. It was JB, so we already had assigned seats, she just didn't want to stand and wait for the 'healthy' folks to board!!!

Sadly, there are always going to be people that 'work' the system. Unfortunately, I have traveled with some. My step-mother has a sight issue. Now, it seems to come and go, as needed!!! She can amble around a store and shop forever...checking everything out. She can spend hours at a casino. alone? Oh my no....I get so confused in the airport because I can't see the signage. Seriously? You've been flying out of these two airports for decades!!!! And, oh my.....I really need help getting to the gate, it's such a long walk!!! Can I get a wheelchair please? And that gets her in the medical preboard group!!! And yes, she pretty much forced me to board with her. I was mortified. She is fully capable of getting around. It was JB, so we already had assigned seats, she just didn't want to stand and wait for the 'healthy' folks to board!!!

:) What can you do?
I wish those that are medical preboards were held in their seats until everyone was off the plane....only seems fair. There should be some kind of identifying something to allow FAs to know who was a medical preboard and needs that extra time. If they need extra time getting onto the plane, then they need extra time getting off. But, that will never happen.
"I'm waiting for an airport attendant with a wheelchair" usually works. Of course, if that person is waiting on the jetway when the door opens, I'm off the plane!
but I am perfectly entitled to hold a grudge against a company for poor customer service, and there are plenty of other carriers--I don't need to give Southwest my business. Maybe our flight attendant was having a bad day, we all have those, the way my family was treated was wrong and I won't fly the carrier again.
You not agreeing with the way your family was treated - perceived poor customer service - doesn't mean you got that. The Flight Attendants are responsible for the entire plane, not just two passengers whose flying experience they have no way of knowing.
I stood up to the flight attendant when she started ordering (loudly and forcefully, like he was a stray dog) my child (who was petrified with fear) to separate from me and sit in the seat way down the plane. She didn't say two words to me when this incident began, she directed her impatience and anger toward my 6 year old child.
FA can't be aware of individuals' situations. It might have been more sensible and obvious if you were holding your son's hand,cor shoulder, or something.
but I expect common courtesy from anyone in a service position.
Flight Attendants - in fact, the entire crew - are in a customer safety position.
So wouldn't you know the same FA who wouldn't let me preboard was telling everyone
This surprises me, only because the Flight Attendants/Crew arrive at the gate, check in, and board and prepare the plane. The Gate Agents control boarding.
I felt so humiliated. I just wanted to see my family as I hadn't seen them for over a year and with the next one due in 3 months it would have been another year.:confused3
This confuses me as well. Wasn't this your experience on your return trip, not your flight to your family?
I flew out of MCO on Monday night and a woman with a 10ish year old son tried to board between A-B and was turned away.

If it is really a concern for families with older children then get Early Bird or check in at the 24 hour mark.
We flew out of MCO on 8/27 to PHL. The family boarding was announced as children 6 and under with up to 2 guardians only, no extended family allowed. We had A boarding so didn't see if anyone took issue with that.

Really??? how on earth did your child ever manage to go to school on their own???

No wonder our society is such a mess. We aren't promoting raising independent self sufficient individuals! SMH

Just to clarify, that wasn't my post you quoted. I'm not sure why it is showing my name, but it definitely wasn't me.

I see what happened--my original quote of someone else's post looks weird.
Flying out of TF Green in 10 says....we shall see! I did do EBCI though, I usually don't when I'm flying by myself.
That's where I'll be flying from next month--looking forward to hearing what the latest is!
My absolute FAVORITE airport! (Also closest-lol). So clean and easy to get around! Looking forward to your experience. We don't leave till December... Post please!
I have not flown SW since our children were born, but we will be doing it for the first time in September. I am a little nervous given that they are 5 & 6, and don't remember having ever flown before (they were both under 18 months their last flight). We typically drive to Disney. We are budget conscious, basically we can afford to pay for the early boarding but we don't want to. My husband and I have no problems being split up on the plane, as long as we can each have a kid with us. Do you think our chances of having 2 seats together (adult and child) is likely?
Yes, SWA will accommodate you!
My absolute FAVORITE airport! (Also closest-lol). So clean and easy to get around! Looking forward to your experience. We don't leave till December... Post please!

We flew in and out last week and were amazed at how few little children there were on the flights! I was so afraid with the whole family boarding thing that I broke down and did EBCI for our flight down as well. Did it only about a week before leaving and still had A boarding passes. I always do EBCI for the flight home because I don't want to worry about the 24-hour mark while at Disney! They did make the announcements as being for children 4 and under. I was already on the plane so didn't see the process, but looking around the waiting area there were very few little ones to be seen!
We flew in and out last week and were amazed at how few little children there were on the flights! I was so afraid with the whole family boarding thing that I broke down and did EBCI for our flight down as well. Did it only about a week before leaving and still had A boarding passes. I always do EBCI for the flight home because I don't want to worry about the 24-hour mark while at Disney! They did make the announcements as being for children 4 and under. I was already on the plane so didn't see the process, but looking around the waiting area there were very few little ones to be seen!

My guess is because so many children are back in school...
But we flew out on the 23rd, back on the 30th. Most schools around here--at least as far as I know--weren't starting that early. Down south, yes. But up here most don't start until the week before Labor Day at the very earliest.

ETA: And I was really thinking of the little ones who wouldn't be in school yet anyway, those who would qualify for family boarding. It was just surprising since usually there's a ton of little kids on our flights to/from Orlando!
Last month flying out of MCO on SW the family pre-board line was ridiculous! The gate attendant LOUDLY announced that only 1 adult could pre-board with a child under 4. Some families split up, some were very confused that the GIANT DOUBLE WIDE stroller had to be gate checked, some kept arguing that both parents, grandparents and teenagers had to all board. The gate attendant was really firm. They let wheelchairs and medical board first, then the kids, A group and then the remaining family members had to use their assigned places. The family line extended out into the main isle of the airport. Crazy.
Last month flying out of MCO on SW the family pre-board line was ridiculous! The gate attendant LOUDLY announced that only 1 adult could pre-board with a child under 4. Some families split up, some were very confused that the GIANT DOUBLE WIDE stroller had to be gate checked, some kept arguing that both parents, grandparents and teenagers had to all board. The gate attendant was really firm. They let wheelchairs and medical board first, then the kids, A group and then the remaining family members had to use their assigned places. The family line extended out into the main isle of the airport. Crazy.
They boarded families before group A? That's very odd. Usually it's between a and b


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