Southwest Splendours Question


Addicted to WDW
Sep 7, 2008
Hoping that someone who's been on the Southwest Splendours (Sayhello??) can answer a question for me. We are going on the July 4 with myself, DH and DS15...Do you know if there is anywhere we would be able to rent ATV's at the Grand Canyon?? I know we have a couple of free afternoons, and my DH and I would love to do this with our son...also, if you know if there are age restrictions on being able to drive one. Thanks in advance...Kristen
Hoping that someone who's been on the Southwest Splendours (Sayhello??) can answer a question for me. We are going on the July 4 with myself, DH and DS15...Do you know if there is anywhere we would be able to rent ATV's at the Grand Canyon?? I know we have a couple of free afternoons, and my DH and I would love to do this with our son...also, if you know if there are age restrictions on being able to drive one. Thanks in advance...Kristen
Kristen, I don't remember seeing any ATV places near the Grand Canyon, but then I wasn't really looking (I was planning the helicopter flight & hiking). Here's a link for a place that does jeep tours out of Tusayan, which is the town we stayed in just outside the park. They do jeep tours, but if you contact them, they might be able to give you info about any place that might do ATV's:

Be careful when you look at places that they are at the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The Grand Canyon is a HUGE place, and tours on the South Rim or West Rim (actually near Las Vegas) won't help you because they won't be close to where you'll be.

However, I *DO* believe there was a place to rent ATV's in Moab, and you have an afternoon and a morning free there. It wasn't offered from the Lodge when I was there in May, but I know that some of the other trip reports mentioned it being available. You might be able to arrange it on your own, also, but you'd have to work out the transportation back to Moab from the Lodge. For the trips I read about, the companies came out to the Lodge to get you.

I've never done ATV's, so I don't know anything about the age restrictions. Maybe someone else can answer that...

Thanks for answering so quickly, Sayhello. It doesn't necessarily have to be at the Grand Canyon...Moab would be great as well. I know Kristilew is going on her SS trip shortly...Kristilew, if you wouldn't mind keeping an ear out if there is anything like that available, and letting me know when you get back, I would appreciate it so much!! Oh...and have a GREAT trip!!
I just got back from the Southwest Splendours and had a blast. There is no ATV rental at the Canyon. There is ATV rental at the Red Cliffs Lodge in Moab. You get to Moab in the early evening and have dinner after spending several hours in Monument Valley. The next day you go to Arches National Park and have the option to hike to Delicate Arch (lot's of fun) or stay on the bus for a tour. That afternoon you have some free time which you can use for ATV'ing. The next morning you also have time off to do what you want. Lunch is at noon and then that afternoon you go rafting (one of the best parts of the trip). My brother and I went horseback riding that morning which was really nice. Several others in my group chose the horseback riding option but no one did the ATV option. You will definately have a great time.
Oh, that is great news, Borgini. Although I would prefer to do the horseback riding, I'm afraid the ATV'ing will be the choice!! This was a present for my son's birthday, so I guess we'll do everything to make it special for him. Glad to hear you had a great time...question - how did you find the Thunderbird Hotel? I've been wondering, since they changed that hotel from last year....also, any advice, etc. you have would be great...thanks.
Yes, Borgini, there are several of us who are dying to know how the Thunderbird was, and how staying on the Rim was, and how that may have changed the itinerary for the Grand Canyon days.

Tell all!

Glad you had a blast! Fabulous trip, ain't it?

KJD, we're planning to do the ATV as well at Red Cliffs. Thanks for the good trip wishes! I can't believe I'm on my way in a week!

Yes, Borgini, please do tell all about your experiences! And was there anything you didn't bring or do that you wished you had? Or vice/versa?
Does anyone know if the jeep tour on the second day includes Devil's Kitchen?
I don't remember their being an area called the Devil's Kitchen where they took us in Red Rocks, but I could just be mis-remembering. Most of the stuff I'm googling mentions a sink-hole, and I really don't remember that. Maybe somebody else has a better memory. :confused3

We did the ATVs in Moab last year on Southwest Splendors. You will have an afternoon and the next morning available for excursions, if you so desire. So in addition to the ATVs one day, my husband, sons and older daughter did the horseback riding. My youngest daughter was 6, and the minimum age for the horseback rides was 8, so she and I did the hummer tours in hell's revenge while they rode. These are the 3 excursions offered to you.

For the ATV's, you need to be 16 to drive and hold a valid driver's license. They have ATVs that seat 2, and they have one that seats 6. One family rented that one, and their 16 year old drove it. We opted for 3 of the 2 seaters.

All of this will be explained and offered to you by your guides when you arrive. They will make all the arrangements for you and will tell you the time of your excursions. Transportation to and from will be provided. No worries!
Thanks for the info. we can plan accordingly, and it's good to know ahead of time, that he will not be able to drive his own ATV.
Thanks so much for all this info.

What are your options in Moab if you don't want an add-on excursion? Is there a pool area (and if so, is it nice?) Is there a town you can explore? Just curious - we will have to see how much everything costs and whether my family can agree on what to do!
What are your options in Moab if you don't want an add-on excursion? Is there a pool area (and if so, is it nice?) Is there a town you can explore? Just curious - we will have to see how much everything costs and whether my family can agree on what to do!
There *is* a pool at the Red Cliffs Lodge. I didn't use it, but everyone who did said it was great! I *think* there were tennis courts, too, but I could be confused about that one. You are quite a far distance from town or anything else at Red Cliffs. (I'm thinking it was a 20-30 minute drive from Moab). It's really very isolated. Which *is* part of it's charm. So unless you make arrangements to go somewhere, it's pretty much what's there... There's some paths & gorgeous hiking in the area, too. That's what I did with the morning off.

Sayhello, you are correct on the tennis courts. My daughter and some of the other kids we met played tennis(racquets are provided at the front desk). They also played tether ball, and you can get croquet supplies at the desk as well.
My younger kids enjoyed the indian tents--just playing around in them. There is a small weight room and everyone enjoyed the pool.
Should we take bandanas for the dusty rides? Or does ABD "surprise" us with them?

We are leaving in the AM for our pretrip in Sedona. I can't believe we are down to the final hours!!!!!!! :cool1: After days of :laundy:, we're finally packed, DD's copy of Brighty of the Grand Canyon arrived yesterday, the luggage wrappers are in place, plants watered, dogs are at the kennel.

Just need to run a final vacuum and paint my nails. Yay :banana:
Should we take bandanas for the dusty rides? Or does ABD "surprise" us with them?

We are leaving in the AM for our pretrip in Sedona. I can't believe we are down to the final hours!!!!!!! :cool1: After days of :laundy:, we're finally packed, DD's copy of Brighty of the Grand Canyon arrived yesterday, the luggage wrappers are in place, plants watered, dogs are at the kennel.

Just need to run a final vacuum and paint my nails. Yay :banana:

Hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation...I'm glad yours is finally here..'cause that means ours is just around the corner!! Can't wait to hear your report when you get back!:yay:
Hope you and your family have a wonderful vacation...I'm glad yours is finally here..'cause that means ours is just around the corner!! Can't wait to hear your report when you get back!:yay:

Maybe we'll actually get it together and be on the same one next year!
Kristilew - After reading your post I just went on Amazon and ordered Brighty... you know last year I spent a lot of time getting books for me and my kids all about Italy, but it hadn't even occurred to me to do the same for our Southwest trip. If you or anyone else has any other book recommendations, please pass them on - thanks!
glassslipper -

can't remember how old your kids are. DD is 11 and these books are all pretty easy for her, but she is enjoying them as she breezes through.

Brighty of the Grand Canyon
Rodzina (about an orphan train in the 1880s that goes from Chicago to Utah)
Grand Canyon: The Tail of the Scorpion (this seems to be a mystery/adventure with factoid side bars)
Over the Edge (another mystery/adventure)

As a busy book for the bus: Puzzler's Guide to the Grand Canyon. Lots of word and picture games. Most pretty easy but something to do and I thought she could share it with new friends.

I also got "Hey Ranger" Kids Ask Questions about Grand Canyon National Park. This one is way too young for DD. Would be cute for little kids to read with an adult, and it can be colored in.

For adults, apparently The Bean Trees is set in Utah. I'm not a Barbara Kingsolver fan, though, so I didn't get that one.

That's all I could find. If anyone on the trip has others, I'll pass them along.


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