Spiders -- Yikes!!!!


<font color=deeppink>Masquerading as a normal pers
Jan 30, 2003
Okay....I am 31 yo and I admit it I am a BIG BABY!!! DH is TDY to Alabama for 3 weeks for training to be an ROTC instructor and I told him this would happen........ Maybe I should preface this with a little history:

1994 - Married Dh, living in apartment complex off-base

1995 - DH goes TDY for 1 month + --- THE SILVERFISH INVASION -- have to have apartment bombed -- 2 times

1997 - Living on Base now -- DH leaves for 1 year remote assignment to Saudi - leaves me with dog and cat -- Here's the rundown of that year.....

1)beatles invasion the basement(no, Ringo wasnt there)- cat has her way with them
2) Woodroaches invade masterbedroom because DH didnt seal window up after he put in AC in window - problem solved
3) Spider's nest hatches on second story - literally hundreds of baby spiders parachuting from ceiling (pest control guys on base now think I am nuts --- so I call DH's boss to come physicially see it for himself at 9 pm!)
and finally, #4, for which we thank the cat......she stays out all night and brings me an ENTIRE litter of dead, baby squirrels who dont even have fur yet!!! We're talking 6 of them!!!

Are you getting the picture.....DH on TDY = some sort of infestation for me.....

SO, Flash forward back to today!!!!


I have a deathly, paralyzing fear of spiders.....I made him buy me several bottles of insecticide so that I would survive these 3 weeks!!! He's been gone 3 days and I was doing good, even getting cocky and then a GIANT large, possibly man-eating spider in the basement! YIKES!!!:eek: I sprayed HIM to DEATH!!! By the way....my dog, love him to death is useless! I miss when we had the cat...she would play with them and kill them! Never had any spiders then.

I guess I just needed to verbalize this fear and figured if I called my mom she would just laugh at me! :)

Anyone hate spiders as much as me??
Originally posted by poohbear1029

Anyone hate spiders as much as me??

Me Me!!! I was making my bed today, shook out the sheet and there was a little black one on my mattress!! ICK!!! Last year we had a lot of them. One was the size of a tarantula, I had to call my neighbor to come kill it!

You know what's funny too...I bought those pest control things you plug in off amazon.com that control spiders/bugs, etc. I think they actually attracted more spiders!!!! I had more spiders when I had those things plugged in, than I've had since I've lived here. Needless to say I got rid of the plug ins reallll fast!
I am like that with bees/wasp/yeelow jackets (very allergic)

Time to get another kitty! One of my kitties has brought in small snakes, live/dead bunnies/live/dead birds, mice....... but she kills spiders for me.
Keep the bug spray close! Just in case you need to make a run for it. I don't like spiders either, so I can feel for you. Hopefully that was your one run-in with crawling critters, and you will be pest-free until DH returns. Good Luck!
I almost bought those plug-in bug repellents....I am so glad I didnt....

We get HUGE spiders on the outside of our house...DH worked so hard to get house ready before he left, he even sprayed the foundation for ants and spiders....I think he just angered them!

Glad to see I am not alone.....

Oh...and dont get me started on wasps....got bit in back yard 2 summers ago and it hurt for a month.....

basically i am a big baby!
I could care less about the sleeping alone, being alone part...I mean I miss DH terribly, but I am not afraid to be alone.
I hate hate hate spiders too!!! I was in a hotel and I had to have someone else come in and kill one for me. If my DH isn't home, I have to suck it up from about 10 feet away with the vacuum cleaner and even then I am afraid to touch the vacuum after. I get the same fear when it comes to them amd I have no idea why I hate them so much.
I hate them too! I hate to admit this, but sometimes my 8 year old son has to kill them for me!

I'm with helenabear, vacuum the little (BIG) suckers up. I then go one step further, and duct tape the vacuum nozzle so if by chance they survive their high speed journey into vac bag land, they cannot climb back out.

OK--anyone else get the idea that I am the BIGGEST Spider Baby on the planet? Yep, you'd be right!
Me! I'm terrified of the ugly little creepy things! Once I had one crawling across my dashboard. It freaked me out so bad, I pulled over and paid a kid waiting for the schoolbus 2 bucks to kill it for me.

There was a guy where I used to work that used to SAVE them if someone tried to kill them. We would get HUGE black hairy spiders in there. This crazy guy crowned himself SPIDER SAVIOUR and would flip out if he saw you try to kill one. He'd run over and scoop it up and let it out the door. Oh great - just take it outside where it can meet another spider and makes a zillion more spider babies! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Spiders and yellow jackets/bees/hornets.....hate 'em all. And they all seem to be back in full force. Almost makes me wish it was still winter. :mad:
Originally posted by grinningghost
Me! I'm terrified of the ugly little creepy things! Once I had one crawling across my dashboard. It freaked me out so bad, I pulled over and paid a kid waiting for the schoolbus 2 bucks to kill it for me.

Oh my gosh....you crack me up!!! We should have a support group!! Thanks gang, you have made me feel much better about my creepy fear!!

Me, the dog and my spider spray....oooh, and DH Size 13 shoes (good weapons) are all going up to bed for the night!

Thanks for all your help!
Oh, I forgot to mention that I also have a cat who enjoys spiders. He likes to play with them - for a long time - before killing them. I'm trying to train him to point and shoot - never mind all the unnecessary war games.;)
Just when I thought the 'itchies' were over....:(

Last night, I saw a HUGE centipede/millipede WHATever, you get my drift, scrambling across the basement floor and, before I could even scream, it crawled under the cedar closest door. Now, I'm afraid to go in there! And, all last night I kept my feet off the floor and, sat at the 'puter ITCHING!!! UGH!!

I positively HATE killing those particular bugs since, well...you know what I mean, if you've ever killed one. :eek:

The itchies begin again! :( :o


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