Spin-Off of Wedding Thread: How Many First-Cousins do You Have?

whoa. some of you folks have lots of cousins.

i have 8. 4 on each side. my mom has two brothers, one of whom has 4 kids and one has 0. my dad has a brother and sister, his brother has 3 and sister has 1.

interestingly, both sides are 3 boys and 1 girl (plus me and my brother, so 4 boys and 2 girls on either side). my mom's side has me as the oldest and my cousin ashley is the youngest, making us the "bookends."
2 from my moms side

2 from my dads side but they are half cousins (we have/had the same grandmother).

My moms side are 9 and 11 years older then me. My dads side are about 10 ish years younger then me. I am in the middle sort of sucks! Even my sisters are 6 and 9 yrs older then me.

6 on my mom's side (all older than me by 5-10 years)
4 on my dad's side (all younger than me by 9-19 years)
25 on my mom's side, 3 on my dad's. My mom side of the family is super close, most are like siblings. I'm the oldest cousin so the younger ones are my daughter's age. :laughing:

My daughter has 3 from me and 20-something on her dad's side, not sure that side is not close. :worried:
4 on mother's side, 5 on father's (but some are no longer with us)

Lots one only children
Mother had me, and only child....her brother has one child....her sister has 3
Father had me....two sisters with only one child and one with 3
On my moms side: 13

My oldest cousin on that side is the same age as me, but my aunt gave her up at birth for adoption so we didn't know her until she was an adult. The next oldest is 6 years younger than me, and the youngest (two) are twins, who just turned 2 years old. My own oldest child is 15 years older than my little baby cousins! I also have two cousins that are the exact same ages as my boys - 17 and 11. These kids are from my Aunt, who is only 4 years older than me. My mother was the oldest of 7, she is the youngest.

On my dads side: 7. Totally more normal - we were all born in roughly in the same generation at least! Maybe a little overlap of the Gen X vs. Gen Y crowd.

My kids, however, won the cousin lottery!

My side: 11, plus one stepcousin.

DH's side: 18 biological, but 25 total if you could stepcousins. And since many of the oldest cousins already have kids, there are 8 of those already!
18 on moms side, none on Dad's (only child). Two of my cousins (sisters) were/are my closest friends.
On dads side of the family there are 7 first cousins. On mom's side there are 2 first cousins. We have traditionally all lived far apart, and don't know each other. With that said, the few times we were gathered for reunions, we got along fine and enjoyed each others company.
I have 13 on my mom's side and 26 on my dad's side. The cousins on my mom's side all lived close so we were way closer to them growing up, but now with Facebook we've been spending more time with the cousins on my dad's side.
My kids have 8 cousins(4&4), but my youngest brother and my wife's youngest sister haven't had kids yet.
Mom had/has (some passed away) 14 brothers and sisters, and my dad was one of 8. But doing the quick math to respond to this thread, I believe I have 31 on my mom's side and 28 on my dad's side (counting only first cousins). With that being said, as I posted on the other thread, it's quite an interesting social dynamic as it seems to function as a community with leaders, cliques, etc. and much drama. Especially my mom's side.
1st Cousins: 12 total

BUT, we don't stop counting at 1st cousins. We have a very large family and I think at last count, I have about 150 cousins on my dad's side. Probably about 75% live in my city and I see a lot of them often. Having a large family is so fun!
I have no 1st cousins on my dad's side, 28 I think on my mom's, some of whom I have never met because they grew up in Ireland and England. Not close with any of them really, none were invited to my DDs wedding.

My kids have 10 1st cousins, they were all invited to DDs wedding (7 showed but the ones who didn't all live very far away)
Zero. My mom had one sibling- no children. My dad had one half-sibling- no children. I have some step-cousins via second marriages of grandparents, most I have no contact with.


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