Spring 2012 Hopeful!

Hey future cps!
Get excited for the whole application process!! it is really sooo amazing! I was recently accepted for fall adv. attractions!! I just wanted to say goodluck to everyone and make sure you do your research and know as much as you can about the CP!! If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me!! And if you need help with preparing for your interview (which you can never start too early) take a look at the page on the right side of my blog, called interview questions/tips!! it is a sort of "study guide" that i put together for my interview.. hopefully it will help ya all!!!
have a magical day!!

Yeah, I did! It was fun. I got to talk to a lot of guests and especially working in Fantasyland I got to play with a lot of the kiddos! Just this time around I want something that's more a part of the magic. Something like character performer or entertainment. Because while I did enjoy merch, a lot of the people I come into contact with a so in a hurry that it was kind of like oh hey! scan item, take money, BYE! haha. But every now and then, especially at the carts you have time to talk to the guests. So it was nice. But I'm just looking for something different this time!

Sounds fun!

What housing complex did you live in?
Sounds fun!

What housing complex did you live in?

I lived in a 2 bdr at Patterson Court! It was pretty nice, and a lot of the mixers and stuff were held there, but I think this time around I might try Chattham just because it's a little more exciting than Patterson was, plus they have the bus stop, which is nice. lol.
I lived in a 2 bdr at Patterson Court! It was pretty nice, and a lot of the mixers and stuff were held there, but I think this time around I might try Chattham just because it's a little more exciting than Patterson was, plus they have the bus stop, which is nice. lol.

Sounds nice!

Is Vista really as bad as the "rep" it has?
Sounds nice!

Is Vista really as bad as the "rep" it has?

I'll say it this way... Vista's not as bad as it's rep (for the most part) but it's definitely wayyy different then the other two complexes. Both in people and in actual apartments. It is much older and a lot less nice, but still a safe, okay living arrangement. The people who stayed there did tend to be a lot of the more.... "there for fun" kind of people. But no one complex is exactly one type of atmosphere. It terms of wildness I think it definitely goes Vista, then a little bit a Chattham, and hardly any at Patterson. At least in my experience on the program. Patterson was extremely quiet and laid back. But Chattham always had people outside in the courtyards doing stuff and was still a moderate crowd. So it was nice. Also, I think it's better to stay at Patterson or Chattham because that's where most of the stuff goes on like mixers, and gatherings, grocery bingo and also whenever there's a meeting it's always at the Commons which it clustered together with PC and CS. Vista is a little bit away so you definitely have to take a bus or car to get there. Or walk for 25minutes lol. CS, PC, Mickey's Retreat and the Commons (also a Panera) are all within walking distance of each other. I say one of those complexes is definitely the way to go for convenience and what not. Also everyone says Vista has a bug problem? And then lots of people were saying all the apartments do. But I didn't see ONE bug my entire program in my apartment lol. And I lived on the first floor and we left our patio door open a lot. lol. Our biggest problem was this armadillo that lived outside our bedroom window... haha. Random!
Vista doesn't have a bug problem except for love bugs in the fall but thats all of Florida really. But as for Vista being wild and a party place it's pretty much all because of the internationals who live there. Those kids party every single night. Sure others join in but they kind of keep them in buildings beside each other like when I was there I think they were in 38-40 and thats where the party almost always was. The other buildings are quiet but I didn't like Vista because it didn't feel like a home. It was too small and cramped and old. It was like something they just threw together for you to live there. I'll probably go for PC this time the apartments there looked more like where someone could live a while. But Vista is nice for the cheap rent and bad rep it gets.
Yeah Patterson Court is realllly nice. haha Almost too nice! I want to sort of try Chattham this year I think. lol.
I kinda dooon't want Vista...but it's the cheapest so that's probably where I will be anyway. It can't possibly be any worse than the dorm building I'm living at now!
In Fall 2010 they were working on renovating the looks of Vista I know most kitchens got replaced with better utilities.
I'm thinking I'll go for Patterson or Chatham.

I'm kind of spoiled in that for the past two years I've lived in the newest dorm on campus (only two years old), so I'd rather not live in a dated complex.
i would want to live in Chatham because it seems nice but not as expensive as patterson =]

Agreed! If I could pay more like 90 or 95/wk that would be better. It's only $10 a week difference, but it's at least something better! $85/wk would be awesome! But I think I'd have to go to Vista for that lol.
Agreed! If I could pay more like 90 or 95/wk that would be better. It's only $10 a week difference, but it's at least something better! $85/wk would be awesome! But I think I'd have to go to Vista for that lol.

if you have more roommates doesnt that lower the cost of the apartments? cause if it does i would want a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment.
if you have more roommates doesnt that lower the cost of the apartments? cause if it does i would want a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment.

A 2-bedroom apartment costs the same as a 1-bedroom (so if you wanted cheaper, it would be a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment). Just a heads up


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