Spring 2012 Roommate Survey

1.Your name? Fiona
2. Are you legal (over 21)? No :( 20
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? New York
6. What role will you have at Disney? Housekeeping
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, January 9
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Open for discussion.
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)? Any is fine :D
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? :D Any is fine! I like to have fun!
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I can cook! :D I'm currently working as a sushi chef, so I'm awesome at making sushi! :D Yaaaaaah!
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, Carefree, Friendly
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: Anything that sounds good :D and any movie that's good :D
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside: No
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Yes :D Occassionally
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Night
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying down :D
18. What do you do for fun?: Anything that comes to mind at the moment!
19. What is your favorite quote?: “Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.”
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Meeting new people and being away from NY! I want a tan too!
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Anything that comes to mind :D
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm easy going.
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I can be very careless sometimes.
24: Your college: New York City College of Technology (CUNY)
25: Your major: Hospitality Management
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope!
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I can get messy when I'm tired, but when I have free time on my days off, I would clean up the mess.
28. Biggest pet peeve: Drinking from a straw.
29. Favorite Disney movie? Growing Up: Mulan and the Lion King Now: Lilo and Stitch and Nemo and UP! and Shrek! -- Okay everything :D
30. How many times have you been to Disney? None :'(
36. Favorite character? Shrek (cause I'm Fiona :D)
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that: is comfy and has a homey atmosphere. A welcoming feeling.
38. I like to go to bed around: Anytime (whenever I get sleepy!)
39. Heavy or light sleeper: It depends how tired I was on that day.
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Kind of
41. I would prefer guests: That are fun and not so serious
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: Not hygienic
43. Do you snore: Nope
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: Depends how tired I was the previous day!

Can't wait to meet other CPs in a few months later!
Your name?:Stephen "Steve" Gleffe

... Age (over 21)?: Yep (23)

Male or female?: Male

Gay, straight, bi (optional):Straight

Where do you live?:Grants Pass, OR

What role will you have at Disney?: Merchandizing

Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at?: Patterson/Chattem

How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)?:1-6

Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment?: Not really, nope

What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: Not picky, can sorta cook east things.

If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?:Kind,friendly, funny

What kind of music/movies do you like?: Romantic comedies, action, disney, mostly everything but country, heavey rap and gospel christain.

Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?:Nope, would hope to be in smoke free environment

Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Not really.

Are you a night person or a morning person?: Both

Are you driving or flying down?: Flying

What do you do for fun?: Read, theater, bike ride, hang with fam and friends, X-box 360, computer.

What is your favorite quote?: You've got a friend in me.

What are you most excited about in being in the DCP?: Disney world, learning, work, life experience, friends.

Favorite things to do when not working: Read, chill.

Name one good quality about yourself: Friendly

Your college: Southern Oregon University

Your major: Psychology

Any medical conditions (optional):Nope

Are you messy/tidy?: Pretty tidey, well at least can be at times.

Anything else you want to state: Looking for an easygoing, friendly, none smoker or wild partier, responsible, respectful roomates.
1.Your name? Katelynn, Katie is fine!
2. Are you legal (over 21)? Yes, I just turned 21 in May
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? Greenfield, MA
6. What role will you have at Disney? Full service food and bev
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, January 11th arrival
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Open for discussion.
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)? I am ok with any number really, cheaper the better
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? I wouldn't say I like to party. I would prefer hanging out with smaller groups of friends, but I'm not against a party just not every weekend.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I lovee baked mac and cheese and I can cook pretty well.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Caring, friendly, spontaneous
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: For music, pretty much anything, I couldn't pick one favorite. Smae with movies, I like everything
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No I don't!
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): I do drink, socially
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Depends but I don't sleep my day away
17. Are you driving or flying down?: I believe flying.
18. What do you do for fun?: Hang out with my friends, watch tv, listen to music, read magazines, watch movies
19. What is your favorite quote?: "whereso ever you go, go with all your heart"
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I can not wait to not be in Massachusetts for the winter. I can't wait to meet a bunch of new people and live in an apartment! Also I can't wait to get into the parks and start working and of course going to all the parks when I'm not working! 21. Favorite things to do when not working: Hanging out and going to the parks!
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm very laid back and easy to get along with.
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I procrastinate
24: Your college: UMass Amherst
25: Your major: Hopitality and tourism Mgt
26. Any medical conditions (optional): nope
27. Are you messy/tidy?: tidy for sure
28. Biggest pet peeve: I don't like complaining
29. Favorite Disney movie? Cinderella
30. How many times have you been to Disney? twice
31. Favorite park? Magic Kingdom
32. Favorite ride? Haunted Mansion
33. Favorite show? Mickey's Phillar MAgic
34. Favorite resort? I have only ever stayed at the value movies and music, can't wait to see the Grand Floridian
35. Favorite dining? Prime Time Diner
36. Favorite character? Tiger and Pluto
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that has: I like a room that is cool and I can sleep with noise or the tv on but I can also sleep in dark too doesn't matter
38. I like to go to bed around: midnight or 1.
39. Heavy or light sleeper: umm more heavy then light
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Yea
41. I would prefer guests: I don't mind guests.
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: is inconsiderate and doesn't recognize that we are sharing a space
43. Do you snore: no
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: not later then 10
1.Your name? Kayla
2. Are you legal (over 21)? Nope, I will be 20 when I'm down there.
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? Montville, CT
6. What role will you have at Disney? QSFB
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, arrival Jan 23rd/departure May 18th
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Chatham or Patterson
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? 2-4 roommates
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? I do like to party and have a little fun on occasion, but I don't plan on hosting anything besides maybe a Gossip Girl/Pretty Little Liars/Harry Potter night :)
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: About that... haha Well I love most foods (pasta, chicken, steak, burgers, risotto, etc) and I can cook, but I don't know about well
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, Chill, Respectful
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I like most Top 40 stuff, so a bit of pop, rock, hip hop, alternative stuff. I love My Chemical Romance, but you can find almost anything on my iPod. As for movies I'm definitely a comedy girl, plus the Harry Potter series
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No.
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Not that much, but I will drink socially as long as I have a day off afterwards
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: A little of both.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What do you do for fun?: Hang out with people, check the disboards, watch some tv, hit the gym
19. What is your favorite quote?: "If it's meant to be, it'll be"
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I am most excited about spending all of my time (free or otherwise) at Disney World! Plus meeting new friends who are as obsessed with the mouse as I am.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Hang out with friends and just have fun. I want to spend a lot of time in the parks!
22. Name one good quality about yourself: People can open up to me and don't have to worry about me judging them
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I can be a bit high-strung and stressed
24: Your college: Eastern Connecticut State University
25: Your major: Business Administration
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I am clean when it comes to shared-areas, but my room can get a bit messy if I'm not sharing with someone
28. Biggest pet peeve: Being late/people who are late
29. Favorite Disney movie? Hmmm I'm gonna have to go with Aladdin
30. How many times have you been to Disney? Oh gosh... gotta be close to 20 times
31. Favorite park? Magic Kingdom
32. Favorite ride? Tower of Terror
33. Favorite show? Indiana Jones Show
34. Favorite resort? Animal Kingdom Lodge
35. Favorite dining? Sanaa
36. Favorite character? Tinkerbell
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that is: Dark, cooler, has fan noise
38. I like to go to bed around: Depends on my schedule but 11:30 - 1am
39. Heavy or light sleeper: A little of both
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Some mornings
41. I would prefer guests: That are courteous and don't break things. As long as people ask to have friends over then that's fine with me
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: Can't clean up after themselves or takes my things without permission
43. Do you snore: Nope
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: Depends on how late I worked the night before and if I'm going to a park that day.

I'm basically looking for someone who will be clean and go to the parks with me on days off! :goodvibes
1.Your name? Ben
2. Are you legal (over 21)? Yes Turn 22 in April
3. Male or female? Male
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Gay (i don't have a preference on roomates)
5. Where do you live? near Milwaukee, WI
6. What role will you have at Disney? between Attractions or Photopass
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring Advantage, January 18th
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Open for discussion.
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)? I don't care really, as long as I get along with everyone.
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? Yeah I like to party but I prefer not in my place and I am respectful to other roomates.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I cook very well, and I am always down for Pizza or Mac and Cheese when on the fly.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, Genuine, Honest
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I LOVE comedy, and my music tends to lean towards comedy as well. But I love 90s punk and grunge
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside: I sometimes smoke, but always outside.
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): I'm a heavy social drinker, but I am always smart and respectful about it.
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Depends on my work situation, I prefer the night, but I adapt well.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Hopefully driving.
18. What do you do for fun?: Photography, Hanging out in the parks, checking out new places.
19. What is your favorite quote?: "Never look down on someone unless your helping them up".
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Getting out of Wisconsin and trying something completely new.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Relaxing with friends, being in the parks riding rides.
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I am honest and very accepting.
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I am a VERY heavy sleeper, and I sometimes get carried away when I am excited about something.
24: Your college: Milwaukee Area Tech College (transferring to University of Wisconsin Milwaukee).
25: Your major: Visual Communication/Information Studies
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Deep sleeper? Sometimes I have to be shaken to be woken up and sometimes I wills sleep through my alarm clocks for an hour or more.
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I am kind of OCD on clean, I sometimes find myself cleaning up other peoples messes. I will not be annoying about it, as long as your are not a total slob I don't care about how others are.
28. Biggest pet peeve: Having roomates that don't clean, pitch in for food/drinks/expenses, and having roomates that ALWAYS have there significant other over. I don't care about having friends or partners over, but when it's every day all day it gets annoying.
29. Favorite Disney movie? Little Mermaid (every since I was a kid lol)
30. How many times have you been to Disney? World twice, and Land once
31. Favorite park? Disney Land
32. Favorite ride? The Haunted Mansion
33. Favorite show? World of Color
34. Favorite resort? I never stayed on resort :/
35. Favorite dining? Dole Whips? :D
36. Favorite character? Goofy
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that has: AC to the max (love it cold), dark with a little bit of ambient light, the door opened (I sleep better with a little background noise).
38. I like to go to bed around: 2am? But usually 6-7 hours before I have to get up.
39. Heavy or light sleeper: Like I said before...very heavy.
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: All depends on the day.
41. I would prefer guests: That are respectful and don't over welcome their stay.
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: Is a slob, over does the drinking to the point of disturbing others, does not chip in for anything, and uses everyone else s stuff.
43. Do you snore: If I had a few drinks then yes, otherwise as long as I am not on my back no.
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: Depends, usually if I don't have to get up for anything I will sleep about 9-10 hours.

1.Your name? Liz
2. Are you legal (over 21)? Yes, I'll turn 24 during the CP :)
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? Baton Rouge, LA
6. What role will you have at Disney? Quick Service Food & Beverage
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, Jan 16 - May 18
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Chatham
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)? I'd like to live in a 2 or 3 Bedroom
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? I am social, but I'd rather not host big parties.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love cooking! My favorite food is Mac & Cheese!!
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Happy, Fun, Funny
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I LOVE music! I like a lot of 60's and 70's stuff like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Socially on occasion
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I'm more of a morning person
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What do you do for fun?: Hang out with friends, play guitar, anything outside, yoga
19. What is your favorite quote?: "All you need is love" -The Beatles
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I'm most excited about meeting new people and going to the parks!
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Going to the parks
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm fun to be around
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I get stressed out easily sometimes
24: Your college: BRCC
25: Your major: Biology
26. Any medical conditions (optional): no
27. Are you messy/tidy?: tidy but not ocd about it
28. Biggest pet peeve: mean people!
29. Favorite Disney movie? Up!
30. How many times have you been to Disney? 3
31. Favorite park? Epcot
32. Favorite ride? Spaceship Earth
33. Favorite show? Fantasmic
34. Favorite resort? The Polynesian
35. Favorite dining? Mexico
36. Favorite character? Mickey
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that has: a cool temperature and dark but not pitch black
38. I like to go to bed around: The schedules at Disney vary, so it depends
39. Heavy or light sleeper: somewhat light
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Yes
41. I would prefer guests: I'd love having guests, but not wild parties
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: is inconsiderate
43. Do you snore: no
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: this also depends
NAME: Kelly
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDATE/AGE: December 20th 1989 – Will be 22 on my CP!

ROLE AT DISNEY: Main Entrance Operations
ARRIVAL DATE: January 23rd

BUILDING: Probably Chatham
I COULD NOT LIVE WITH A ROOMMATE THAT... is disrespectful to others.

DO YOU DRINK? Not all the time. Really only at EPCOT. And only Moroccaritas and the slushies from France :)
DO YOU SMOKE? No - and I wouldn't be able to live with someone who does.
DO YOU LIKE TO PARTY? Not really – but open to it!
MEDICAL CONDITIONS? Um, just migraines.
MESSY OR TIDY? Tidy. - any messes are usually self contained. (like in my dresser drawers)
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? I like baking but I really would love to learn how to cook!
NIGHT PERSON OR MORNING PERSON? It depends on work/school schedules!
DO YOU HAVE A CURRENT JOB? WHERE? Ted’s Hot Dogs. It’s a hot dog place. pretty self-explantory!

FAVORITE CHORE? Vacuuming I guess.
LEAST FAVORITE CHORE? Taking out the garbage. I’ll do it but I am not fond of it.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING? It honestly depends on what. Usually open to it but if I don’t want you using it, I would put it in my locker or let you know!
DO YOU SNORE? Nobody has ever told me that I do...
WHAT TIME DO YOU USUALLY GO TO BED? Whenever I decide to. Usually not too late… But I had the joy of working @ Magic Kingdom on my first CP, lol
I PREFER TO SLEEP IN A ROOM THAT... is dark. And not too hot.

THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Friendly, hard-working, silly
ONE GOOD QUALITY: My positive attitude.
ONE BAD QUALITY: I can by shy at first, but outgoing after a while
5 FAVORITE ARTISTS: Maroon 5, Goo Goo Dolls (my hometown boys <3 ), Lady Gaga, N'Sync (not afraid to admit if they come on the radio I still jam to them, haha)
5 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Family Guy, Glee, Law and Order SVU, Phineas and Ferb, Hawaii 5-0
5 FAVORITE MOVIES: Beauty and the Beast, Enchanted, Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, Back to the Future 1-3 (they count as one. haha)
5 FAVORITE BOOKS: Tuesdays with Morrie, The Chosen... Don't really read that much. :-/
INTERESTS: Playing in the Parks, listening to music, watching TV, laughing and goofing around

FAVORITE MOVIE: Beauty and the Beast
FAVORITE ANIMATED MOVIE: not including Beauty and the Beast, def Hunchback of Notre Dame!
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Stitch - little guy has a soft spot in my heart (just don’t ever ask me to go on Stitch’s Great Escape. I watched it enough on my CP Lol) :stitch2:
FAVORITE RIDE: Tomorrowland Transit Authority! My favorite to ride AND work <3
FAVORITE SHOW: Beauty and the Beast!
NUMBER OF TIMES AT DISNEY? 10 if you don’t count all the times I was there on my CP, lol
WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT AT DISNEY? Getting to meet a whole bunch of new friends and getting to try something new!

1.Your name? Liz
2. Are you legal (over 21)? Yes, I'll turn 24 during the CP :)
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? Baton Rouge, LA
6. What role will you have at Disney? Quick Service Food & Beverage
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, Jan 16 - May 18
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Chatham
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? (1-7 roommates, 1-4 rooms)? I'd like to live in a 2 or 3 Bedroom
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? I am social, but I'd rather not host big parties.
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I love cooking! My favorite food is Mac & Cheese!!
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Happy, Fun, Funny
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I LOVE music! I like a lot of 60's and 70's stuff like the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Socially on occasion
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: I'm more of a morning person
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What do you do for fun?: Hang out with friends, play guitar, anything outside, yoga
19. What is your favorite quote?: "All you need is love" -The Beatles
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I'm most excited about meeting new people and going to the parks!
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Going to the parks
22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm fun to be around
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I get stressed out easily sometimes
24: Your college: BRCC
25: Your major: Biology
26. Any medical conditions (optional): no
27. Are you messy/tidy?: tidy but not ocd about it
28. Biggest pet peeve: mean people!
29. Favorite Disney movie? Up!
30. How many times have you been to Disney? 3
31. Favorite park? Epcot
32. Favorite ride? Spaceship Earth
33. Favorite show? Fantasmic
34. Favorite resort? The Polynesian
35. Favorite dining? Mexico
36. Favorite character? Mickey
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that has: a cool temperature and dark but not pitch black
38. I like to go to bed around: The schedules at Disney vary, so it depends
39. Heavy or light sleeper: somewhat light
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Yes
41. I would prefer guests: I'd love having guests, but not wild parties
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: is inconsiderate
43. Do you snore: no
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: this also depends

I sent you a PM! My roommate (Dana Henderson) and I have found one apartment mate (Julia Castille) who is looking for her roommate. We are planning on a 2 bedroom in either Chatham or Patterson. We think you'd be a good fit.
I sent you a PM! My roommate (Dana Henderson) and I have found one apartment mate (Julia Castille) who is looking for her roommate. We are planning on a 2 bedroom in either Chatham or Patterson. We think you'd be a good fit.

That was supposed to be me!! :( I'm so mad that that arrival date filled up!! Julia's awesome you guys will love her!!! :) she's on the disboards I think!
I got your message keypooh 90, but I have to post 10 times on here to PM. I will try to find yall on facebook though. :)
Aww kelly. I am sorry the 16th filled up!!!

Yeah, I'm pretty mad as you could imagine, since now I can't find anyone and it's not like I didn't want to accept the offer a month ago, I just couldn't take the program they offered me!! I mean I am glad I am going but it's back to square one. :-/:confused3
1.Your name? Kayla
2. Are you legal (over 21)? Nope, I will be 20 when I'm down there.
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? Montville, CT
6. What role will you have at Disney? QSFB
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, arrival Jan 23rd/departure May 18th
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Chatham or Patterson
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? 2-4 roommates
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? I do like to party and have a little fun on occasion, but I don't plan on hosting anything besides maybe a Gossip Girl/Pretty Little Liars/Harry Potter night :)
11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: About that... haha Well I love most foods (pasta, chicken, steak, burgers, risotto, etc) and I can cook, but I don't know about well
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: Funny, Chill, Respectful
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I like most Top 40 stuff, so a bit of pop, rock, hip hop, alternative stuff. I love My Chemical Romance, but you can find almost anything on my iPod. As for movies I'm definitely a comedy girl, plus the Harry Potter series
14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No.
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Not that much, but I will drink socially as long as I have a day off afterwards
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: A little of both.
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Flying
18. What do you do for fun?: Hang out with people, check the disboards, watch some tv, hit the gym
19. What is your favorite quote?: "If it's meant to be, it'll be"
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: I am most excited about spending all of my time (free or otherwise) at Disney World! Plus meeting new friends who are as obsessed with the mouse as I am.
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Hang out with friends and just have fun. I want to spend a lot of time in the parks!
22. Name one good quality about yourself: People can open up to me and don't have to worry about me judging them
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I can be a bit high-strung and stressed
24: Your college: Eastern Connecticut State University
25: Your major: Business Administration
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I am clean when it comes to shared-areas, but my room can get a bit messy if I'm not sharing with someone
28. Biggest pet peeve: Being late/people who are late
29. Favorite Disney movie? Hmmm I'm gonna have to go with Aladdin
30. How many times have you been to Disney? Oh gosh... gotta be close to 20 times
31. Favorite park? Magic Kingdom
32. Favorite ride? Tower of Terror
33. Favorite show? Indiana Jones Show
34. Favorite resort? Animal Kingdom Lodge
35. Favorite dining? Sanaa
36. Favorite character? Tinkerbell
37. I prefer to sleep in a room that is: Dark, cooler, has fan noise
38. I like to go to bed around: Depends on my schedule but 11:30 - 1am
39. Heavy or light sleeper: A little of both
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Some mornings
41. I would prefer guests: That are courteous and don't break things. As long as people ask to have friends over then that's fine with me
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: Can't clean up after themselves or takes my things without permission
43. Do you snore: Nope
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: Depends on how late I worked the night before and if I'm going to a park that day.

I'm basically looking for someone who will be clean and go to the parks with me on days off! :goodvibes

I see Harry Potter, let's be best friends? I'll definitely go to the parks with you!
NAME: // Valentina
GENDER: // Female
GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BI: // Pansexual
BIRTHDATE/AGE: // November 19th, I turn 20 in 24 days!
HOMETOWN: // Concepcion, Chile (but I live in Palm City, FL)
MAJOR/MINOR: // Getting my AA at the moment but it will be journalism, communications and/or PR. Something along those lines.

ARRIVAL DATE: // February 6th
DEPARTURE DATE: // August 10th
FLYING IN OR DRIVING: // Driving (but no car).

BUILDING: // Chatham, Vista, Patterson (in that order).
NUMBER OF ROOMMATES: // Whatever's cheapest.
I COULD NOT LIVE WITH A ROOMMATE THAT... // Didn't clean up after themselves or do their part, contribute with groceries and other expenses, communicate, wasn't mature or respectful, was ignorant... Honestly as long as you do your part and treat everyone nicely, I can get along with anyone.

DO YOU DRINK? // Barely.
DO YOU LIKE TO PARTY? // I do like going out every once in a while, but since I'm not 21 and I'm not about to go drinking and risk getting in trouble, I just don't.
MEDICAL CONDITIONS? // I get migraines pretty frequently.
MESSY OR TIDY? // I tend to be a neat freak at work and messy at home. I've yet to live away from home so I don't know but I'm definitely going to try my best to be neat.
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? // Yeah, I can cook or bake as long as the recipe is easy to follow. I get random urges to bake all the time.
NIGHT PERSON OR MORNING PERSON? // Both? I need coffee to wake up but I can get up fairly easily in the morning and/or stay up all night.
DO YOU HAVE A CURRENT JOB? WHERE? // Plato's Closet and Panera.

FAVORITE CHORE? // Dishes or cleaning bathrooms (I know, it's weird but I like it).
LEAST FAVORITE CHORE? // Laundry. I usually end up ruining clothes.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING? // As long as it's equal, I'm good.
DO YOU SNORE? // I've been told I do, but I don't think it's very loud.
WHAT TIME DO YOU USUALLY GO TO BED? // Depends on how tired I am. Sometimes eleven, sometimes two.
WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP ON FREE DAYS? // Usually seven. I don't ever get up later than eleven.
I PREFER TO SLEEP IN A ROOM THAT... // dark, comfortably cool and quiet. If I can't sleep, I play relaxing music stuff on my phone.

THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: // Note: my mom gave me these. Kind, happy, perseverant. I say sarcastic, talkative and weird.
ONE GOOD QUALITY: // I love being with people. I'm a good friend because I try.
ONE BAD QUALITY: // I get mad easily but I get over it quickly too. I'm really stubborn, though.
5 FAVORITE ARTISTS: // Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, Glee, any and all show tunes, and a mix of things.
5 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: // Glee, Doctor Who, Friends, Gilmore Girls, did I mention Glee?
5 FAVORITE MOVIES: // Pretty much any romantic comedy, all the Harry Potter movies, Narnia movies.
ABOUT ME: // Huh. Okay. Well, I grew up in a Disney family and I'm more than excited for this new job of mine. I'm pretty sure I was shaking all day yesterday when I found out. I'm a sophomore in college, getting my AA before I can transfer to either UCF or a school in NYC. I want to be a journalist more than anything, I'm obsessed with Glee and Demi Lovato and I love meeting people. I have a Flip cam I take with me everywhere, I'm addicted to my iPhone, I'm really really enthusiastic and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and having a good time!

FAVORITE MOVIE: // The Little Mermaid.
FAVORITE ANIMATED MOVIE: // Basically all the classic Disney movies and Lilo & Stitch.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: // Ariel and Stitch.
FAVORITE PARK: // Magic Kingdom.
FAVORITE RIDE: // Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
FAVORITE SHOW: // Do the parades count?
FAVORITE RESORT: // Never been to any. :[
FAVORITE RESTAURANT: // None in particular.
Hello everyone! I'm new to the boards, but I've been around the facebook groups for quite awhile. So I'm re-posting my survey from there.

NAME: Tre'
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDATE/AGE: 18, May 28 1993
HOMETOWN: Tucson, Arizona
MAJOR/MINOR: Political Science
COLLEGE: University of Arizona

ARRIVAL DATE: January 23rd

BUILDING: No preference
I COULD NOT LIVE WITH A ROOMMATE THAT: Does not respect my property and uses my stuff/ lets people sleep in my bed without asking. ALWAYS ASK!

MESSY OR TIDY? Clean, but as long as there is no trash around I'm good.
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? I like to cook and can cook many things!
NIGHT PERSON OR MORNING PERSON? Both, but more of a night person.
DO YOU HAVE A CURRENT JOB? WHERE? I don't have a job and it sucks.

HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING? I'm fine with sharing, depends on what it is.
I PREFER TO SLEEP IN A ROOM THAT: dark and cold (or more like not hot lol)

THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Funny, paitent, and considerate
ONE BAD QUALITY: A lot of times I don't express what I'm feeling when I feel wronged
FAVORITE ARTISTS: Fall Out Boy, Mika, Pet Shop Boys, Flo-rida, Maroon 5, Perfume, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Back-on, Last Alliance.
I mainly listen to pop rock and techno music, however I have a little bit of everything. I love to listen to english, japanese, korean, and italian music.
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Z-Rock, Daria, Skins (uk version), Misfits, Baggage, Union News, Cody Monkeys, etc. Its so hard to choose!
FAVORITE MOVIES: Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, Spirtied Away, Castle in the Sky, The Girl who Lept Through Time, Phone Boothe, Final Destination, The Tiatantic, Inception.
FAVORITE BOOKS: The Immortal Instruments series, The Game of Thrones, Gone Series (Micheal Grant)
INTERESTS: Anime, manga, video games, writing, drawing, dolls

FAVORITE LIVE ACTION MOVIE: Pirates of the Carribean
FAVORITE PARK: I don't have one
FAVORITE RIDE: don't have one
FAVORITE SHOW: don't have one
NUMBER OF TIMES AT DISNEY? 2, one when I was 5, and another when I was in middle school (both Disneyland).
WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT AT DISNEY? Just working in general and hopefully making friendships to last a lifetime!
1.Your name? Sarah Starnes
2. Are you legal (over 21)? I'm 21, But will be turning 22 on the 26th of January!
3. Male or female? Female
4. Gay, straight, bi (optional): Straight
5. Where do you live? Fort Wayne, IN

6. What role will you have at Disney? Merchandise
7. What are your arrival/departure dates/program (fall, fall advantage, fall quarter)? Spring, I'll arrive on the Jan 23rd and depart on May 18th
8. Which apartment complex would you prefer to live at? Chatham or Patterson please!
9. How many roommates/rooms would you like? 2-4 would be idea (including myself!) :)
10. Do you like to party? Will you be hosting parties in your apartment? I'll admit I'm not a huge party person, but I love to hang out and do fun things! I associate partying with drinking and even though I drink socially, I don't really drink to get drunk. So probably won't be hosting any crazy parties, rofl

11. What's your favorite food, and more importantly, can you cook well?: I can bake like a pro, but I can't cook on a stovetop that well... and I don't care for seafood, but otherwise I'm not super picky.
12. If your friends could describe you in three words what would they be?: fun, silly, book worm (I am an English Lit major!)
13. What kind of music/movies do you like?: I like mostly pop, but some of my favorites are Tom Petty, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Killers, and Muse. As for movies, I love anything Disney, rom-coms, super hero movies. I'll watch pretty much anything except for scary movies!

14. Do you smoke, and if so, inside or outside?: No, not at all! I had a roommate who did once and it was gross. :(
15. Do you drink? (socially or alcoholic): Not really, but I do drink socially on the weekends.
16. Are you a night person or a morning person?: Usually a morning person, but I do late nights too. (I looove going to midnight movie showings)
17. Are you driving or flying down?: Driving, so I will have a car!

18. What do you do for fun?: Hanging out with my friends, reading, discovering 'new' things in my hometown!
19. What is your favorite quote?: "For time is the longest distance between two places" - Tennessee Williams
20. What are you most excited about in being in the WDWCP?: Hanging out and working in the parks, spending as much free time as I can learning as much as I can about my favorite place on earth! I'm so excited to meet and be with people who love Disney as much as I do!
21. Favorite things to do when not working: Hanging out with my friends! I'd love to find a group who wants to spend a lot of free time hanging out in the parks! :)

22. Name one good quality about yourself: I'm great at listening and I do my best to help others and not judge them for their actions.
23. Name one bad quality about yourself: I have really high expectations for myself, so I don't handle huge amounts of stress well.

24: Your college: Indiana University, Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW)
25: Your major: English Literature (but I'm currently applying for law school)
26. Any medical conditions (optional): Nope!
27. Are you messy/tidy?: I'm typically tidy, but I can be a little messy when it comes to my laundry, haha
28. Biggest pet peeve: People who blatently disregard the feelings of others.

29. Favorite Disney movie? Beauty and the Beast!
30. How many times have you been to Disney? 8 or 9! I think there's one visit that I can't remember...
31. Favorite park? Magic Kingdom, most definitely!
32. Favorite ride? The Haunted Mansion!
33. Favorite show? Beauty and the Beast musical, or Fantasmic!
34. Favorite resort? Contemporary! I've stayed there twice and it's fantastic. :)
35. Favorite dining? Tony's (at MK) or the Yak and Yeti.
36. Favorite character? Simba, Belle, or Winnie the Pooh

37. I prefer to sleep in a room that is: Dark, typically with a fan on, though I do fall asleep with the tv on sometimes.
38. I like to go to bed around: Usually 10-12, but may change depending on my schedule.
39. Heavy or light sleeper: A bit of both, and when I get really tired/exhaused, I do sometimes talk in my sleep! Though not often.
40. I am easy to wake up in the morning: Usually. I'm pretty in tune with my alarm.

41. I would prefer guests: That are understanding and willing to work to make things the best for all involved. Not partying and bringing strange people into the room all the time.
42. I absolutely could not live with a roommate that: Takes things without asking, and someone who parties a lot (in the room itself!)
43. Do you snore: Nope, but as I said before, I sometimes do talk in my sleep, but only when I'm super tired.
44. On your day off, what time would you wake up: Usually between 7 and 9, but if I work late, I would definitely sleep in later.

Please let me know if you're interested!! :)
NAME: Kelly
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDATE/AGE: December 20th 1989 – Will be 22 on my CP!

ROLE AT DISNEY: Main Entrance Operations
ARRIVAL DATE: January 23rd

BUILDING: Probably Chatham
I COULD NOT LIVE WITH A ROOMMATE THAT... is disrespectful to others.

DO YOU DRINK? Not all the time. Really only at EPCOT. And only Moroccaritas and the slushies from France :)
DO YOU SMOKE? No - and I wouldn't be able to live with someone who does.
DO YOU LIKE TO PARTY? Not really – but open to it!
MEDICAL CONDITIONS? Um, just migraines.
MESSY OR TIDY? Tidy. - any messes are usually self contained. (like in my dresser drawers)
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? I like baking but I really would love to learn how to cook!
NIGHT PERSON OR MORNING PERSON? It depends on work/school schedules!
DO YOU HAVE A CURRENT JOB? WHERE? Ted’s Hot Dogs. It’s a hot dog place. pretty self-explantory!

FAVORITE CHORE? Vacuuming I guess.
LEAST FAVORITE CHORE? Taking out the garbage. I’ll do it but I am not fond of it.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING? It honestly depends on what. Usually open to it but if I don’t want you using it, I would put it in my locker or let you know!
DO YOU SNORE? Nobody has ever told me that I do...
WHAT TIME DO YOU USUALLY GO TO BED? Whenever I decide to. Usually not too late… But I had the joy of working @ Magic Kingdom on my first CP, lol
I PREFER TO SLEEP IN A ROOM THAT... is dark. And not too hot.

THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Friendly, hard-working, silly
ONE GOOD QUALITY: My positive attitude.
ONE BAD QUALITY: I can by shy at first, but outgoing after a while
5 FAVORITE ARTISTS: Maroon 5, Goo Goo Dolls (my hometown boys <3 ), Lady Gaga, N'Sync (not afraid to admit if they come on the radio I still jam to them, haha)
5 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Family Guy, Glee, Law and Order SVU, Phineas and Ferb, Hawaii 5-0
5 FAVORITE MOVIES: Beauty and the Beast, Enchanted, Forrest Gump, Mrs. Doubtfire, Back to the Future 1-3 (they count as one. haha)
5 FAVORITE BOOKS: Tuesdays with Morrie, The Chosen... Don't really read that much. :-/
INTERESTS: Playing in the Parks, listening to music, watching TV, laughing and goofing around

FAVORITE MOVIE: Beauty and the Beast
FAVORITE ANIMATED MOVIE: not including Beauty and the Beast, def Hunchback of Notre Dame!
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Stitch - little guy has a soft spot in my heart (just don’t ever ask me to go on Stitch’s Great Escape. I watched it enough on my CP Lol) :stitch2:
FAVORITE RIDE: Tomorrowland Transit Authority! My favorite to ride AND work <3
FAVORITE SHOW: Beauty and the Beast!
NUMBER OF TIMES AT DISNEY? 10 if you don’t count all the times I was there on my CP, lol
WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT AT DISNEY? Getting to meet a whole bunch of new friends and getting to try something new!

I just filled my survey out and we seem pretty compatible! Read mine and let me know what you think.

I'd be interested in rooming if you were but be honest about it, hahaha! :)
I just filled my survey out and we seem pretty compatible! Read mine and let me know what you think.

I'd be interested in rooming if you were but be honest about it, hahaha! :)

Are you on facebook? My name is Kelly Marth, just look me up! I'm totally interested! :goodvibes
When you say 2-4, you mean 2-4 ppl right?


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