Stacie's Journey for Weight Loss and the 1/2 Marathon Jan 09!

Great job and congrats on completing the third run!! Do NOT worry about your's so not about that when you are first starting out (heck, it's not really about that later on either!)...the important thing is that you are out there doing it. A mile is a mile is a mile....and 25 min is 25 min regardless of how far you's just about accomplishing the task at hand that day. Remember to ENJOY the training as you are doing it...if you don't enjoy it, you'll be more prone to just take things at the pace that is comfortable to YOU. When you are running that 5k, it's not gonna matter what anyone else does except for YOU. There will be people faster and people slower, just be able to revel in your accomplishments :goodvibes:

Have a great weekend!
Thanks guys! Good insight there Scott! Thanks! I needed that!

I had a nice weekend. Enjoyed my alone time...:goodvibes I finished reading The Choice by Nicholas Sparks. It was a really good book. I thought it was going to have a sad ending, but it didn't. It even made me get a little teary-eyed! Apparently I needed some sleep. I went to bed about 10:30 pm, which is early for me on a Friday night and I slept until 11am Saturday! WOW! I then had a lazy day. Watched some Lifetime movies, did 30 min on the TM, started on laundry, DH came home and went and saw the Bourne Ultimatim. It was pretty good! plan for the week:

So...Here's my plan for the week:

Monday: C25K Week 2/Day 1
Tuesday: Aquacise (maybe some elliptical before hand depending on what time I get off work!)
Wednesday: C25K W2/D2
Thurday: Elliptical 30 min
Friday: Pilates
Saturday: C25K W2/D3
Sunday: REST

I normally like to do the C25K on M,W,F but I would like to try the Pilates Class as reccommended but it's not offered on T, or Th--go Figure. So I'll change it up this week a little and see how it goes... Also changing my Rest day to try to get into the gym on Thurs AM and get about a 1/2hr of elliptical (xt!!!) before work. Ok--I will not metion any names, but you know who you are... this is all your fault! Me getting up at 5:30 am to go the gym! Geez! :goodvibes Maybe I can try to ge DH up to start doing the C25K in the AM too... Hmmm. I wonder if he would go to the gym and do the elliptical and Pilates w/ me too???

Ok--well, Off to get some work done! Hope everyone has a great day and a great week!
Wow, you're really rolling now! I am so IN AWE of you, girl - you are exercising more every time I read a new entry in your journal. Keep going - I am SO READY to get back to it (did I just say that???) and start getting ready for the 5K in May. You're STILL inspiring me - THANKS!!

Love ya!:hug:
Stacie, you are ROCKIN'!! Keep up the great work! And keep me posted on C25k week 2.. So i know what i am in for.. i start week 2 on Weds! LOL
Hi Stacie
I dont know how you do it girl - but keep doing it :)
Have a great week - the plan looks great ;)
Thanks for posting on my journal.You are doing awesome,keep up the good work. What a busy week you have planned!Our husbands sound alot alike!
:rotfl: OMG Stacie...I'm so sorry. Guilty as charged on the 5:30 gym deal LOL! Ya know....if you like the Pilates class but 5:30 is just not could get yourself a good video. I'd be happy to offer any help, suggestions, etc. I have to say that although a bit of a snoozer...ANY of the Stott Pilates videos are very very good in terms of being safe and very true to the Pilates method :). So that might be an alternative for you. I'd love to teach my Wish buddies here. Now wouldn't that be a fun Pilates class LOL....assuming we could stop laughing long enough between the sense of humor that you, Beth, Kim and of course Scott have...we'd be having a blast! :laughing:

Anyway...I'm SO proud of you GIRL! Wow...your week looks amazing. I love that you are doing the aquacize AND the elliptical :goodvibes . I can't wait to hear how it goes :).

Have a great week...I'll be checking in with you soon! I really hope you have a great pilates class!!!
I'd love to teach my Wish buddies here. Now wouldn't that be a fun Pilates class LOL....assuming we could stop laughing long enough between the sense of humor that you, Beth, Kim and of course Scott have...we'd be having a blast! :laughing:

Now THAT would be a FUN class! :upsidedow Although, I'd be a bit scared of Amy ("the determined"). :laughing:

Stacie - Holy cow, that upcoming schedule!!! :faint: You are a machine, lady! Great job, and you are on a serious ROLL! :woohoo:
Hi guys!!! That would be a fun class!!! Except...when Amy falls off the ball, we'd all fall off too!!! :lmao: Could be dangerous! (You know I love ya Amy!!!) :rotfl2: How fun! Too bad we don't all live closer!!!

So, I showed DH my plan for the week. He's not real fond of going to gym...He is committed to doing the C25K training with me, and we comprimised and he said he would TRY the Pilates class on Friday morning.
Any other morning I get up early to go the gym (only leaves Thurs), he would get up early and go to work. I'll take that for now. I told him it was for own good. If he's going to do the 5K w/me and maybe even the Minnie 15K, he needs to do the same stuff, but he's not convinced of that yet... Oh, well...

So... yesterday was Week 2/Day 1 of C25K. The plan this week is to warm up 5 min, alternate walking for 2 min, jogging/running for 90 sec for a total of 20 minutes and then a 5 minute cool-down.

Dh was sick and sore from playing Basketball on Sunday so he didn't actually train. He rode the bike beside me and timed... Worked for me! I am happy to report...SUCCESS! :woohoo: Don't get me wrong... It was DEFINATELY a challenge!!! At one point, I just wanted to stop running and if I had been doing this purely for weight loss or to get in better shape, I would have, but I still had 30 sec of my 90 secs left to run and I pushed on... My running bursts are never the same. Some slower, some faster, the only thing is once I get done with them, when it's time to walk again, It's hard to keep up a quick walking pace. I tend to slow down--way down... I guess I shouldn't be too concerned about that right now. I just need to complete it. I'll focus on my timing and distance at the end of the program. Overall, I'm happy. I did it!!!

Originally I set the goal of completing the 5K as a motivation to continue to be active to help me lose weight. I've found that although loseing weight is still EXTREMELY important and I'm addicted to the scale and making sure I lose at least my 1lb per week, the foucs of having this program somehow makes losing weight less stressful. I'm focus on the training knowing that the weight loss will come as long as I eat sensibly. I'm still eating most things I want, just in moderation and trying to make healthier choices.

Today is weigh-in day for BL. I'm down 1.6 lb from last week for a total of 9.6 total loss since I've started trying to lose. I really wanted to reach a 10lb loss today (I decided to wait on my next pedicure until I reach the 10lb mark and I need one bad!!!) but, I made the goal of the 1lb since last week which acutally puts me ahead 2.6 lbs so I am happy with that!

WOW--that was much longer than I anticipated!!! Thanks to everyone who continues to read (especially these long ones!) and post your thoughts, words of encouragement and suggestions!!! :grouphug:

I hope everyone has a great day!!!
Hi Stacie,

You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!:cheer2: That is great that you almost have your 10 pound clippie! :thumbsup2

Have a great Tuesday!:hug:
Originally I set the goal of completing the 5K as a motivation to continue to be active to help me lose weight. I've found that although loseing weight is still EXTREMELY important and I'm addicted to the scale and making sure I lose at least my 1lb per week, the foucs of having this program somehow makes losing weight less stressful. I'm focus on the training knowing that the weight loss will come as long as I eat sensibly. I'm still eating most things I want, just in moderation and trying to make healthier choices.

Hi Stacie! :wave:

I love what you said there. I did much the same thing...started off real in tune with the weight loss, but became less focused on it and more focused on the exercise and the running made things fun and the pounds slowly dropped off without me trying to force them off.

I think a lot of people make the mistake of setting up a grand plan to exercise a bunch of times per week, cut out every sweet treat that exists, deprive themselves of every food they love and do it all starting Monday. LOL. They totally set themselves up for failure IMO. I think you are doing the right thing...focus on your running plan and just make a few healthy choices here and there with the food...celebrate small victories along the way and tailor make your own diet over the course of a few months...I think you'll be more successful that way...I think you are already, heck nearly 10 lbs, plus your posts are fun and exciting! You seem to be doing really well and having a great time.

Look at it this way too....say you take in 2000 calories a day...if you don't change that and just add in some exercise (maybe 5 times a week for 30 minutes...avg 500 calories burned each exercise), you'll burn off 2500 calories per week...which is nearly a pound! Once you start reducing the 2000 calories OR change those calories into healthy really start seeing differences in how you look and how you's all a gradual process.

Oh and one more NOT be discouraged by the scale. Over the course of the last year and a half, I dropped over 30 pounds...but it wasn't a weekly progression...heck, i'd be working out like a madman and eating healthy and not drop a pound for a month. Then suddenly I'd go down a few pounds and the process would repeat. I now look at my weight on a month to month comparison (averaging the weekly weigh ins for a monthly average).

Sorry to be a little long winded there, but I'm really excited to see you going down a similar path...I just know you are going to be so successful! :goodvibes:

Oh and make sure your husband knows that Pilates is HUGE in the pro sports world. Google it sometime...Tiger Woods swears by it...and most major athletes from NASCAR to NHL participate in some kind of Pilates training. Maybe that'll get him more excited :)

Great job with everything...hope you have a great week!
Stacie- Glad to hear that your W2D1 went successful! I also noticed the same thing about what you said about coming off the jogging bursts, then it's harder to keep up a fast walk!! I really noticed that yesterday - it seemed the jogging bursts were more comfortable than the walking! LOL

Also, i am with you on what you said about concentrating on the working out and less on w.loss.
I am really trying hard to work out somehow on a daily basis, and while i want to lose weight, it is definately not in the front of my thoughts - i find myself making better choices eating b/c i am working out, and i want to fuel my body for strength, so i am not tired.

Weight loss will follow i am sure! Keep up the great work girl!
HI guys! Scott, Thanks for that post! Very encouraging. I will definately pass along the professional sports part to DH...

Speaking of DH...

Matt has been struggling for a long time with OCD. It has progressively gotten worse over the last year, and extremely bad in the last few months. It is a very complex and complicated situation. Yesterday, when I was on my way to lunch I got a phone call from Matt's boss and he had suffered a seizure so I headed straight to Western Wake Hospital. The ER doctor came to the conclusion that he thought it was a medication interaction between one of the meds for his OCD and an antibiotic he had taken for bronchitis. It just so happens that med he just started last week and the one that seemed to helping the most with the OCD is the one they think had the adverse interaction to the antibiotic. They also found that his liver function was elevated so they've directed him to not take it any longer. Matt is doing much better now from the seizure but we are both disheartened that the one med that was working he can no longer take. We came home and both went to bed around 6pm. The reason I suppose I am up now along with everything running through my head. As a result of the seizure, he has to go to a Neurologist in Raleigh to have brain wave testing done to make sure there are no underlying issues. In addition, until he is cleared by the Neurologist, he can't drive. In turn, I will have to drive him wherever he needs to go.

Suffice it to say I've been pretty stressed out for a while and especially the last few months.

So--obviosly I did not aquacise yesterday. I would have liked to but I was so mentally and emotionally tired after spending the afternoon in the ER, I just crashed. Now I can't sleep!

Matt is doing much better from the seizure and he is determined to find a way to get past this OCD and I am determined to help him.

One of my biggest stresses right now is that between all these appointments the last few months and now this, I am just about out of vacation/sick time at work. I don't know how I'm going to manage to get to these appointments and get my 40hrs a week. As I was stressing over this in bed earlier, it also occured to me, when am I going to work out? when am I going to clean my house? It's a dissaster right now! Clothes EVERYWHERE!!! I feel like I need to go to rehab and I don't even drink! In one way I feel bad stressing over some of this stuff because it makes me feel selfish and I know he really needs me right now. I'm just trying to figure out how I can do it all and I'm having a really difficult time finding the answer.

As a side note, DH is out of time at work as well. Although his boss seems to think they can get Short-term disability for a while if he needs to stay out to recover from the seizure and since he's on a no driving order until cleared by the neurologist. He drive between 45 min and an hour each way to work... I'm sure there will be a hospital bill coming in, just waiting to see what it will be...

So... I guess that's about it for now... I really needed to get some of this stuff out. I sent a note to my bosses to let them know what was going on and situation with my time. It will be interesting to see what their replies are. Maybe since I've expressed some of my stresses I can sleep better now!

Here's to hoping I can sleep and also maybe get up early enough to get Week2/Day 2 in tomorrow before heading off to work...
:grouphug: Stacie..

I hope you and Matt get this figured out.. I can't imagine what you are going thru, it must be difficult.. I know it seems easy to get wrapped up in the small stuff - laundry, house cleaning , etc.. but right now, don't let that stuff get to you.. Laundry will always be there.
Take care of you guys first. :goodvibes
:hug: Stacie,

I am so sorry to hear about your husband's seizure, and having to stop his medication. I had to stop an antidepressant for the same reason. It is so disheartening. I hope you can find an effective alternative.

Call your primary md. He may be able to set up or recommend a transportation service for the doctor appointments. It may help a little.

Sometimes it seems that life just kicks you in the backside. You are getting healthy, and all of a sudden something like this happens. You are an amazing woman, and you are not going to let this derail you. You may not always make it to aquacise, but you are still making healthy efforts.

:hug: and prayers,
:hug: Stacie,

I'm so sorry to hear about Matt's seizure and how he needs to stop taking his meds. :( I know this is a difficult time for both of you....I think putting one foot in front of the other and taking each day as it comes will help. The little stuff (laundry, e.t.c) can wait for now. Just focus on each other. We will keep you and Matt in our prayers. :grouphug:

Take good care of you, WISH sis.:grouphug:
One day at a time, sweetie. That's all we can do. Like I said earlier today, don't stress if you can't do it all. Just do what you absolutely have to - and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! You guys will make it through.

:hug: :hug: :hug: Love you guys!

Hello all! Thanks so much for your well-wishes, thoughts, prayers and encouragment. :grouphug:

Matt has fully recovered from the seizure as far as I can tell. He stayed out of work today, but he's not sure what he will do tomorrow. OCD/Mentally, today was an extremely bad for him. He says it hasn't been this bad in a very long time. I'm not sure if the seizure set him back or if it was coming off that one med... I just don't know. But's like something switched in his brain. I feel like the little bit of progress that we made--now we've taken a step back. He is so frustrated and tired of dealing with it. Honestly, I am too. I can't even express how exhausted it makes me. I go through my self-pity moments because it seems like this just consumes us. Ever since we've been together it's been an issue. I can't stay there long because I have to keep telling him that it will be ok. We are headed in the right direction and the doctors will help him. I do believe that, I just don't know how long it will take. :sad2:

On a positive note, even though we are both exhausted from the mental struggles today, we just got back from training. Week 2/Day2 of the C25K. I was soooo tired, but knew I had to do it and Matt wanted us to do it too. I was VERY SLOW...but I got it done. My jog was probably only at a 3.8 on the TM scale, but it was a jog none the less. Seems that spurt 3 is always the hardest--not sure why, but it is :confused3

So...that is about it for now... I should be going to the gym tomorrow to ellipticise, but I need to work long hours to make up some of my time...

OH--I almost forgot... I was trying to figure out a way to stretch out my back and I have one of those exercise balls at home... I almost pulled an "Amy" except I was on my back and just about rolled off!!! :goodvibes Suffice it to say I won't be trying any of those fancy moves on top of the ball like Amy!!!

Thanks everyone for checking in!
Stacie, I am so sorry that you and your husband have been going through this. I am so glad that he is recovered from the seizure, that is definitely a step in the right direction. Hopefully they can find a new med to get him on that wont' have these adverse reactions attached to it. I will really keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. :hug:

As a caregiver, I can relate to your feelings of being overwhelmed! You aren't being selfish, you are being realistic. Life has to go on, the bills need to be paid, house cleaned, workouts done etc. You have to come up with a gameplan that works and can be revised as life changes! I have learned to make lists in the order it needs to be done, and whatever doesn't try not to feel guilty, there are just only so many hours in the day.

You are doing great, you hung in there tonight with your training, so well done! You can do it, you are doing it! :thumbsup2
Good Day All. Today seems to be better than yesterday. I think Matt's brain is a little better today, but still not where it needs to be. It will get there though.

No working out today. Too many hours working! ugh! :sad2: Tomorrow was supposed to be our first day to try the Pilates Class at the gym together, but that won't be happening either. We will probably be getting up at 430 am to get ready and head off to work. Luckily we have an an office in Cary (I work in Clayton for Caterpillar--about a 1/2 hr away) and Matt works in Cary in the same office building as Caterpillar, but for a different company. He's on the first floor. We occupy the 3rd and 4th. Since he is on a no-driving restriction until cleared by the neurologist, my boss has approved for me to work out of Cary for a while. That works out nice and we can now ride together to the same place. He has his neurologist appt tomorrow afternoon. They say it could 7-10 days to get the results, but I'm pushing for it to be faster. We'll see what happens...

Hope everyone is doing well and thanks Amy for your kind words of encouragement!



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