"Stop squeezing Mickey's nose!" - An October 2014 TR *COMPLETED!*

It SO is!

I can't wait to see the castle again - there's nothing like it!

I have seen someone playing it on another TR. I really want to play it (and so does my SO which is odd cause he's very Eeyore :eeyore: about stuff) might have to make that part of our trip when we take DD for the first time!

It does look like fun! And I saw so many different people playing it - older couples, guys in their 20s, and a kid that looked about 10. I think it's good for everyone!

I'm so glad she
s the Florida princess. Don't get wrong I love Aurora; she was my childhood fave, but Cinderella is like THE princess

I totally agree! I know she wasn't the first but she seems like the most classic princess! princess:

I love the carousel!

It was such a fun, classic ride! I know we've ridden so many other carousels but this one was special! It is Disney, after all!

Grrrr, Many dislikes for children who behave like this. Tweens.

Something happens to boys when they get into a group...:sad2:

How fun! I'd love three rides on PP; but I dislike waiting 45+ minutes for it. :confused3

We loved it but I think we'll try to spread the love some next time. We pretty much ignored Fronteirland/Liberty Sqaure this trip!

I can totally understand people getting fed up with the song but it's just so CUTE! :cutie:

OOF, that's rough.

Not my favorite moment of the trip!

I absolutely adore that show. I cry every time. :sad1:

We saw it two times this trip - I loved it so much! I got a little teary during the scene from Aladdin!

Stop it! I can not wait to see this!

I'm pretty excited to write this update! :lovestruc

Sorry for finding you so late, but I just got alllll caught up! So many cute moments with the boys. :goodvibes It looks like they were really having a blast! I am so impressed with how much y'all were able to get done at the Halloween party. We are hoping to get to one on our upcoming trip this fall! Anyway, looking forward to the rest.

Thanks for following along! We really had a great first trip!

I LOVED MNSSHP! I know we didn't get to meet many characters but we got in quite a few rides and the dance party was awesome! It sounds like you have another fun trip planned for this fall!

I love how Space Mountain is back there and so tiny compared to the castle!

I really like this picture! And I never realized Space Mountain was back there until this posted - now I love it even more!

Good work! :thumbsup2

Young boys in groups can be ridiculous. Or boys of any age even...:sad2:

:rotfl2: Sorry you got stuck in that goodbye room - I know we've been stuck there before too and every minute seems like an eternity.

I swear the song got louder and louder the longer we sat in there!

Oooh, can't wait to hear about this! :hyper:

It was such a cute meet - can't wait to write about it!

What a fun update.

It's always a good idea to take a ride on the carrousel. I don't get to do that unless we are on our girls trips. Good for you with your mom/teacher look.

I'm glad the boys enjoyed Peter Pan. You should try to plan it to hit that ride first next time as the new queue is awesome.

It's a Slow Boat to China...I mean It's a Small World. Yes, I'm in the do not like group. And you are right. When you get stuck at the goodbye it is VERY loud there.

Love Mickey's Philarmagic.

The carousel was a really fun ride - we've ridden countless carousels at other parks or fairs but at Disney it's so much more magical!

I think we're going to try to ride Peter Pan right after rope drop in December - I've heard the new queue is fun!

Even though I enjoy Small World, the goodbye room was a bit much to handle for so long! I swear the music got louder the longer we sat!

Great update, so many classic rides! :)

Thanks! We had a fun morning! And I didn't realize it, but we did hit most of the Fantasyland classics in just an hour or so!

TOO perfect, omg! :cutie:

Perfect view, perfect weather...and I can't wait to get back! :lovestruc

This is a gorgeous shot, too! Love it! :lovestruc

I really loved that fountain! It seemed like such a peaceful spot even with all the people wandering around!

No love here. Just hate. :laughing: But my aunt is itching to ride it, I guess it and the carousel are the only two things she remembers from her one and only trip to Disney World when she was a little girl in the 70s. When I said something about her and my uncle riding IASW while I go knock out something she can't ride due to her motion sickness, she INSISTED that I have to ride it with her. :sad2: So. I'm getting begrudgingly hauled onto it in December! :rotfl:

Aw, I'm sorry there is no love for Small World! I'll send you some pixie dust so you can stand it for one ride - and more not to have it break down at any point! Maybe you can look for Hidden Mickeys to pass the time? And there is the drunk hippo to entertain you!
"Oh, and he's squeezing my nose!"

It was time to head back to our last night at the Magic Kingdom! I had very bittersweet feelings - I was really excited for our evening but I knew this also meant our trip was coming to a close. :(

I did have plans to grab dinner at a QS when we got to the park but we switched things up and decided to get dinner at Landscape of Flavors. It was a much calmer atmosphere than most of the QS places we found at the parks and had a better variety of choices for everyone!

We boarded our bus with very little wait and soon we turned down Main Street for the last time. :lovestruc:sad:

It was a little before 6:00 at this point and I was ready for our last meet and FP+ - meeting Anna and Elsa!

As I was planning, this was absolutely the most coveted and most difficult FP+ to get! I hadn't really planned our trip around meeting Anna and Elsa. The boys enjoy Frozen but we didn't really have "Frozen Fever" like lots of the little princesses we saw! When I was making FP+ selections, I just went for this one for fun and had some major luck!

Our FP+ window was 6:00-7:00. The standby wait at Princess Fairytale Hall was 80 minutes for the sisters and 60 minutes for Cinderella and Rapunzel. I have to say, it felt pretty good breezing through the FP+ line!

We were let into the room and I'll be honest - my heart was beating a little fast! I think I was just as excited as the boys! There was only one family ahead of us so we waited for them to finish up. Soon, it was our turn!

Nate was just a little impressed by Queen Elsa!


I only got this one shot with my phone. I think we all made some comments about Elsa and the chilly weather we had been experiencing that day!

And the Photo Pass pictures!

As regal as Queen Elsa was, we were all more excited for Princess Anna!

When it was our turn, Anna came and grabbed Nate and Colin's hands and walked them right over. She was just pure sweet!

We chatted about Colin's Olaf hat for a bit as she signed our book.

Jake walked up at this point and said something that sounded like "carrot nose" and Anna was like "Yes, Olaf has a carrot nose!"

And then this...best nose squeeze of the trip!

We all thought it was hilarious! Anna said "Oh, and he's squeezing my nose!"

So they took turns with the nose squeezes then!

Seriously, one of the cutest things ever!

And then we managed to gather ourselves to get a group shot!

We exited Princess Fairytale Hall on a high, ready to finish up our last evening at MK!

Next up

People Mover Again, please!
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Omg such a cute story!! Great picture to go along with it too! I'm glad you were able to get that FP+ and that it was an awesome experience!
Oh my goodness, Jake and Anna is the cutest thing!! So sweet!

Thanks! Jake really had the best time meeting the characters - and I had a great time watching him! :goodvibes

Omg such a cute story!! Great picture to go along with it too! I'm glad you were able to get that FP+ and that it was an awesome experience!

I felt a little bit guilty having the FP+ for Anna and Elsa since there were so many moms in the Facebook planning group I was in desperate for one.

But it was totally worth it! Nate and Colin were in awe and Jake treated all of the characters like friends! It was super cute and Anna was great!
Yaaaaay! They seem to do a really great job casting Anna. The one I met was just so adorable and chatty! I'm glad the boys had a good experience! :cutie:
I had very bittersweet feelings

Always on the last MK day. :lovestruc:sad:

I'll be honest - my heart was beating a little fast! I think I was just as excited as the boys!

I'm excited now and I'm not even there!!


I can't with your boys!

And then this...best nose squeeze of the trip!

Stop it right now.

So they took turns with the nose squeezes then!

EEEE!! This is what Disney is, the exchanges of nose squeezes, cause why not? :flower1:

And then we managed to gather ourselves to get a group shot!

Adorable! Your boys are really the cutest.
You made a good call on eating at the resort at that time of night...much easier than the parks.

Love Anna...she is just so much fun. And I love the nose squeezes.
Yaaaaay! They seem to do a really great job casting Anna. The one I met was just so adorable and chatty! I'm glad the boys had a good experience! :cutie:

Anna was so cute and sweet! Elsa is definitely the ice queen and was a little stand-offish but Anna was so friendly!

Oh, and your TR has convinced me that we should do the MNSSHP too!

Oh, the party was awesome! I loved the parade and Wishes of course, but the non existent lines! We're doing the Christmas party this year and I'm going to try to get in a few more character meets!

Always on the last MK day. :lovestruc:sad:

Yes! That walk out and saying goodbye to the castle is brutal! :(

I'm excited now and I'm not even there!!

I was surprised that I was so excited to meet everyone! I was just as giddy as the boys!

I can't with your boys!

Stop it right now.

EEEE!! This is what Disney is, the exchanges of nose squeezes, cause why not? :flower1:

Adorable! Your boys are really the cutest.

This was such a fun meet! Elsa was a little quiet but Anna was just so sweet! She spent so much time chatting with the boys! And I love how all of our pictures turned out! :goodvibes

Aw, that's adorable! So excited!

He is really not into the whole princess thing (he's going to be in Kindergarten, so he's beyond that I guess...) so I was surprised that he was so excited!

:rotfl2: Love all the nose-squeezing! What a patient gal Anna is. Really cute pics! :lovestruc

Anna was great with the boys! It was such a cute moment! :goodvibes

You made a good call on eating at the resort at that time of night...much easier than the parks.

Love Anna...she is just so much fun. And I love the nose squeezes.

I thought all of the park QS were so hectic! Ordering, waiting, finding a table...life was easier when we ate at the resort! And the bus wait and ride is much more pleasant with full tummies!

Anna is really sweet! She was so fun with the boys!
Your boys are so precious! Love the little one's glasses!

So precious meeting Anna and Elsa as well:-)
Your boys are so adorable and that Anna and Elsa meet and great is priceless! I'm so glad you guys did that even without Frozen Fever. Those pictures are amazing.
When ODS was 3yo, he ran up to see Marie the cat at Epcot like they were best friends even though he had never seen the movie. At least your boys knew Frozen and even had an Olaf hat. I think my oldest is secretly excited to meet Anna and Elsa with his sister as he does enjoy the movie a lot.
Awww, definitely the cutest nose squeeze to date!! And what more perfect excuse to wear an Olaf hat than to meet Anna & Elsa?! lol I am kind of like you, I'd like to meet them so I'll try for a FP+, but it won't be the end of the world if we miss out on meeting them. It looks like the boys were really into it though! So sweet.
Your boys are so precious! Love the little one's glasses!

So precious meeting Anna and Elsa as well:-)

Thank you! :goodvibes

It was really a fun meet! Anna was especially sweet!

Your boys are so adorable and that Anna and Elsa meet and great is priceless! I'm so glad you guys did that even without Frozen Fever. Those pictures are amazing.
When ODS was 3yo, he ran up to see Marie the cat at Epcot like they were best friends even though he had never seen the movie. At least your boys knew Frozen and even had an Olaf hat. I think my oldest is secretly excited to meet Anna and Elsa with his sister as he does enjoy the movie a lot.

We all had a great time meeting Anna and Elsa! And I'm glad the boys really enjoyed it - Nate is getting to the age where he is "too cool" for stuff sometimes.

What a cute story with DS and Marie! I would love to meet her!

Awww, definitely the cutest nose squeeze to date!! And what more perfect excuse to wear an Olaf hat than to meet Anna & Elsa?! lol I am kind of like you, I'd like to meet them so I'll try for a FP+, but it won't be the end of the world if we miss out on meeting them. It looks like the boys were really into it though! So sweet.

It was such a sweet moment between Jake and Anna! It's one of my favorite memories from the trip.

The boys had a great time meeting the sisters - especially Anna! I don't think we'll get a FP+ for our next trip though. We're going at Christmas and Nate really wants to meet Flynn Rider so hopefully we can visit Rapunzel/Cinderella with their princes at the party!
People Mover Again, please!

After our cute, nose squeeze filled meet with Anna and Elsa, we scooted over to Storybook Circus for one more ride on Dumbo!

I'm pretty sure we let the boys play for 10-15 minutes before our ride. I really enjoyed riding Dumbo at night - it probably would have been more enjoyable if A) it was 20 degrees warmer or B) I was dressed appropriately for the weather. :(

Next up was a final visit to Tomorrowland to finish our last night at MK! :lovestruc:sad:

Our first stop?

Buzz Lightyear, of course!

The wait was about 20 minutes but we went ahead and waited since Nate was adamant that we had to ride it one more time.

I was pretty distracted while we were in the queue since I had to check in for our flight home the next day. Since Disney isn't exactly known for their reliable WiFi, it was quite the process. :scared:

But we all got checked in and into the A boarding group - yay!

Jim snapped a picture of this Hidden Mickey while we were waiting, I guess? I was too busy being frustrated with my phone!

After Buzz, we checked out the Incredibles Dance Party but for some reason the boys weren't into dancing. Which was surprising, especially since Nate had been the life of the party a few nights earlier! If you remember his moves from the Halloween Party...

But I think we had all reached that point where we were cold and tired. So what is there to do in Tomorrowland when you need a nice, warm place to relax inside?

The Carousel of Progress, of course!

I really do enjoy this ride and remember it from my first trip to Disney 20 years ago! :eek:

We were the only ones in our section so we had plenty of room to spread out on our row and I didn't feel guilty that the boys were asking questions.

I liked the Halloween touches!

After we left, we knew the boys were fading fast. It was about 8:30 and I had really wanted to see MSEP but I just didn't think we were up for it.

Instead, we opted for one more ride on another favorite - the People Mover!

And this would be my last sight of the castle. :(

I knew we would be heading out soon but I had a mission - we needed to find PANTS for the boys. The forecast for the next day was pretty similar - lows in the 40s and a high of only 65. I had only packed shorts for the boys and we needed something warmer to make the next day more comfortable. I checked all of the stores in Tomorrowland and they had NOTHING in the boys' sizes. Everything was way too big. I knew Main Street would be impossible with the MSEP crowds so I crossed my fingers and decided to check out the shop at AOA.

We made our way out of the park at this points. We did catch a few glimpses of the MSEP as we walked toward Main Street. And Main Street was an absolute madhouse! The CMs were trying to keep people moving down the walkways but some were oblivious and/or rude and just stopped in the middle. Eventually, we made our way a little further down and were directed backstage to exit the park. While I was glad to get away from the crowds, I was a little sad to see the "real" side of the shops and restaurants!

While we were walking backstage, I did notice a small group of families grouped together looking toward the castle. Looking back, I realized they had a good view of MSEP from their place and would be able to see Wishes. Maybe it was a group of guests who needed a less crowded area to enjoy the entertainment? Whatever it was, I thought it was very cool of Disney to be so accommodating of all of it's guests! :thumbsup2

The wait was minimal at the bus stop and we even caught a little of Wishes! Back at AOA, I sent everyone back to the room while I checked out the Ink & Paint Shop for warmer clothing! And as luck would have it, I found sweatpants for all 3 boys - score! :cool1: I just tried to ignore the fact that it cost me almost $100 for 3 pairs of pants.

We took some time to pack everything up since it was our last night. I lined all of the bags up so taking them to Airline Check In the next day would be as easy as possible. Then it was time for our last sleep at Disney. :faint: :guilty:

And since this update has been so text heavy, here are some shots from this past weekend. Our town has a huge Independence Day festival and really amazing fireworks.

Of course, I think they would look much better with a castle in front, but it will do for now!

Next up

"Can we play first, Mommy?"
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Finally had a few minutes (or maybe it was a few hours :rotfl:) today to get caught up on your TR! Of course now that I'm all caught up it's almost over. :sad2:

A few of my favorite moments was the Talking Mickey, Character Palooza and the Elsa/Anna meet.

Now I just need to hop over to your PTR and get caught up there. Probably not today as I should do a little work before I head home. ::yes::
I spent the last few days, reading through this TR. I absolutely loved it. The nose squeezing was so cute. I am going to head over to the PTR now. Thanks for sharing your family.
Always sad saying goodbye to MK, but sounds like you had fun in Tomorrowland!

Lovely 4th of July pictures!!

The last day at MK is especially hard it seems. We still had one more day but it seems like the last day at MK is the end!

Finally had a few minutes (or maybe it was a few hours :rotfl:) today to get caught up on your TR! Of course now that I'm all caught up it's almost over. :sad2:

A few of my favorite moments was the Talking Mickey, Character Palooza and the Elsa/Anna meet.

Now I just need to hop over to your PTR and get caught up there. Probably not today as I should do a little work before I head home. ::yes::

I'm glad you're joining in! :goodvibes

We had such a great first trip! So many special memories and fun meets! And now I get to have fun planning our next 2 trips!

I spent the last few days, reading through this TR. I absolutely loved it. The nose squeezing was so cute. I am going to head over to the PTR now. Thanks for sharing your family.

Thanks for following along! :wave:

We had a really special trip! I'm really enjoying planning our next 2 trips and I'm BEYOND excited to go back! :goodvibes


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