Story Game

unknowingly to them, there were a 1000 ICBM's aimed at them that were fired to hit them.. but! the controller guy fell asleep and they went all over the place and created a black hole which made the reverese big bang theory come true and our whole solar system was sucked in a atom which could have powered every appliance everyone on Earth if it had still exist for a trillion years....
superman was on a mission in outer space when he saw that, so he tried stopping it but super toxic very very evil space aliens attacked super man and locked him in a %%%%$%^&$&%()*%^&%&%^*&((&%^& prison sell...
The super shadow went to the %%%%$%^&$&%()*%^&%&%^*&((&%^& prison sell and helped super man escape...
And superman was about to live happily ever after until...
he remembered about the reverse big bang theory thing and...
instead had some fish and chips of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM...
and the fish and chips of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM poisoned
him and he was out until 7 hours later, then he spotted the mayor and the mayor gave him an award for NOT saving everyone and banned from the town and took away his house and gave him some pudding.....


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