Strange Facts

Captain Brain said:
I knew you'd say that. (gives hot chocolate and kitty cat plushie)

Meh, I'm not much of a cat person. Give me a puppy any day!
Puppies kick..uh..
paws. :teeth:
I know so many dog facts from a speech I had to do in grade 4.

- Dalmation puppies do not have any spots on them when they are born. They actually develop them as they get older.
- The name of the Taco Bell dog is Gidget.
- There is a dog art museum in St. Louis, Missouri.
- About 30% of Americans admit to talking to their dogs or leaving messages on their answering machines for their dogs while they are away.
- An average city dog lives approximately three years longer than an average country dog.
- Border collies are the most intelligent breed of dog. These are followed by poodles despite their puffiness.
- The reason dogs cannot eat chocolate is because chocolate contains a chemical theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs.
- Pixie, a Siberian Husky, gave birth to 7 puppies, one of which was bright green.
- The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark.
- The dog with the largest ears in the world is a Basset Hound named Mr. Jeffries. The dog's ears are 11.5 inches longs, and are insured for $47,800.
- The dumbest.. err.. least smart dogs in the world are Afgan Hounds.
- The largest dog in the world is the Irish Wolfhound.
- There is a doggy disco held in Italy every year where owners can dance with their dogs.

milkabum said:
I know so many dog facts from a speech I had to do in grade 4.

- Dalmation puppies do not have any spots on them when they are born. They actually develop them as they get older.
- The name of the Taco Bell dog is Gidget.
- There is a dog art museum in St. Louis, Missouri.
- About 30% of Americans admit to talking to their dogs or leaving messages on their answering machines for their dogs while they are away.
- An average city dog lives approximately three years longer than an average country dog.
- Border collies are the most intelligent breed of dog. These are followed by poodles despite their puffiness.
- The reason dogs cannot eat chocolate is because chocolate contains a chemical theobromine, which is poisonous to dogs.
- Pixie, a Siberian Husky, gave birth to 7 puppies, one of which was bright green.
- The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark.
- The dog with the largest ears in the world is a Basset Hound named Mr. Jeffries. The dog's ears are 11.5 inches longs, and are insured for $47,800.
- The dumbest.. err.. least smart dogs in the world are Afgan Hounds.
- The largest dog in the world is the Irish Wolfhound.
- There is a doggy disco held in Italy every year where owners can dance with their dogs.

Wow. You know a lot about dogs milkabum!
ShadowKittyKat said:
Sad but true. :sad1:

I must have had one lucky cat then. My daughter cut off her whiskers and I stopped her before she got to the other side and Kitty (named by my daughter who was 2) lived long after. She did have some problems walking around for a day or two, but she didn't die.
:( Hopefully kitties won't die from ppl cutting off whiskers :(

Mean Bad Ppl!!! :( :( :( :( :(

My kittie is kills things
- a chameleon can move its eyes in 2 different directions at the same time
- the fear of veggies is called "lachanophobia
- Giraffes sleep for 20 minutes a day
- the only bird that can fly backwards is the humming bird
1 the novel Gadsby contains over 50,000 words none with the letter "e"
- a practical can opener was invented in 1858, about 50 years after the can
- we're born with 300 bones but only have 206 when we reach adulthood
- Almonds are part of the peach family
- A jiffy is an actually measure of time - 1/1000 of a second
- a groupl of frogs is called in army
- it would take 31.7 years to counts off 1 billion seconds
- Bananas get sunburns too. Dark spots on their peel are usually sunburn marks
- Ben franklin invented "swim fins"

im getting tired lol ill post more later
milkabum said:
- There is a doggy disco held in Italy every year where owners can dance with their dogs.


He he, maybe I will go to that this year with my two puppies and my friend who has, um I think six dogs
Funny and Odd Facts :banana: :banana: :banana:

Canada is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".

The symbol on the "pound" key (#) is called an octothorpe.

Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously

Of the six men who made up the Three Stooges, three of them were real brothers (Moe, Curly and Shemp.)

In Mel Brooks' 'Silent Movie,' mime Marcel Marceau is the only person who has a speaking role.

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear

An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.

Deborah Winger did the voice of E.T.

Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

The only real person to be a Pez head was Betsy Ross.

Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmerman.

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

When the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers play football at home, the stadium becomes the state's third largest city.

A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.

A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.

A quarter has 119 grooves around the edge.

A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

It was discovered on a space mission that a frog can throw up. The
frog throws up it's stomach first, so the stomach is dangling out of it's
mouth. Then the frog uses it's forearms to dig out all of the stomach's
contents and then swallows the stomach back down again.

Bingo is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box.

Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a basketball.

The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world.

In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.

Alexander the Great was an epileptic.

A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.

Mr. Rogers is an ordained minister.

John Lennon's first girlfriend was named Thelma Pickles.

The average garden variety caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head.

Certain frogs can be frozen solid then thawed, and continue living.

There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball.

Napoleon constructed his battle plans in a sandbox.

To "testify" was based on men in the Roman court swearing to a statement made by swearing on their testicles.

The only planet without a ring is earth.

A group of unicorns is called a blessing.

:) How fun is that? :grouphug:
- The rabbi at our synagogue went to his old synagogue with Moe, Larry, and Curly from the Three Stooges, who pulled pranks every year on שמחת תורה.
-During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants!
- Nothing rhymes with month @_@ Lunth, dunth, cunth...
- Someone had the hiccups for 69 years. Let's just be glad that person wasn't me, because my hiccups are loud and obnoxious!
-It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times!
-No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than 7 times in half! Try it, it really can't.
-A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second!
-The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable"!
-In Miami, it is forbidden to imitate an animal.
-In Kentucky, it's the law that a person must take a bath once a year.
-In Tennessee, a law exists which prohibits the sale of bologna (sandwich meat) on Sunday.
-In Singapore, it is illegal to chew gum.
-In Massachusetts, it is against the law to put tomatos in clam chowder.
-In Missouri, a man must have a permit to shave.

Heehee, that was fun.
^ Just to let you know, they did manage to fold a piece of paper more than 7 times, but only with some help.

They have a whole show in England about interesting facts like these. It's called QI for Quite Interesting and it's really good; I watch it every week now that it's on and it's so cool.

Some facts for you:

  • The only animal that can't throw up is a rat - That's why rat poison works so effectively.
  • Dolphins (except for some species that have adapted to river water) can't process water or salt water; they get all of their hydration from the food they eat. Because of this, they can't tell the difference between Hunger and Thirst.
  • The major cause of global warming isn't actually cars; it's cows. Whenever a cow produces "Gaseous Emissions" (if you catch my drift. ;) ) it produces a LOT of gases, including C02; C02 is one of the gases that cause global warming.
  • One of the closest relatives to us is the Bonobo, and they are a female dominated society.
  • You are more likely (in the UK) to be killed by asteroid than by lightning.
  • One person in a pair of siamese twins was once convicted for assault, and sentance to jail. However, the judge couldn't punish the other twin too, so set them both free.
  • You can die from 100 cups of water, 30 cups of coffee and 22lbs of Chocolate (obviously not all of these at the same time!! :rotfl: )
  • There are apparantly only 46 states; Kentucky, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Massachutus are commonwealths. Also, Hawaii is the only state not to have a straight line for a border.

    More to come? Who knows.. ;)
  • Butterflies taste with their feet.
  • On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.
  • In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined.
  • It's possible to lead a cow upstairs... but not downstairs.
  • Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
  • The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building.
  • A snail can sleep for three years.
  • All polar bears are left-handed.
  • "Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
  • In Natoma, Kansas, it's illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits.
  • Mosquito's have 47 teeth
  • A Los Angeles secretary named Jannene Swift officially married a fifty pound rock. More than twenty people witnessed the ceremony.
  • Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, but dogs only have about ten.
  • A leech has 32 brains.
  • The sex of a baby crocodile is determined by the temperature in the nest and how deeply the eggs are buried.
  • There are over 1,800 known species of fleas.
  • Coca-Cola was originally green.
  • Most lipstick contains fish scales.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
  • When you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.
  • Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia!
  • The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times
  • A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off - it dies from starvation!
  • The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the cat.
  • 60% of the potatoes in the United States come from Idaho.
  • 40% of McDonald’s products come from selling happy meals.
  • The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds.
  • It snowed in the Sahara Desert in February of 1979.
  • If you bang your head against a wall for an hour you burn 150 calories.
  • If you are in total darkness for 3 days you become permanently blind.
  • Coca-Cola can be used as car oil.
  • In the English language ‘four’ is the only number spelled with the same number of characters as its value.
  • In your lifetime you eat at least 8 spiders while sleeping.
  • China has more English speakers than England.
  • Apples are more efficient at waking you up in the morning than coffee.
Don't know about you guys but the thought of swallowing any insect is freaking me out already!! :earseek:


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