String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)

I would love to read more about your curves experiences. Have a great day!
Thanks for checking in on me guys. My parents are feeling much better. I figure my mom got me through my childhood illnesses, I can help them now.

Curves memberships are transferable. What most people use is a travel card. your home base will give a yellow travel card that you present with your regular Curves card. I went to the one by my parents on Friday. I didn't have any problems at all. I also bumped into an old classmate. It is fun working out with a friend.
I stayed on plan, but don't remember everything I ate. Hmm.. my bday is coming up. It must be senility.
Breakfast: ?
Lunch: Chicken salad, water, cucumbers.
Dinner: Boiled chicken with dijon mustard, spinach, and a sugar free jello. Water.
Needed to increase H2O intake. Spent too much time traveling.
Exercise: 45 minutes on the treadmill at the rents.

Breakfast: water, tea, veggie quiche (crustless)
Lunch: Chicken soup. (no noodles in mine) water, 1 string cheese.
Dinner: Subway wrap. The 8 carb one. Not bad. I'll eat this again.

Exercise: Curves and pulling my 30 lb 3 yr ole up and down sledding hill.

Work (Friday-Sat)
Need more time for water.
Piece of quiche, cheese, and sf jello.
Breakfast: Morning start baar, low carb vanilla steamer. (1 cup)

I'm taking a break from exercising, and going to bed. I'll check the journals later.
Have a cheat free day.
Beth, you're a great daughter to take care of your parents while they're sick. It looks like you're back to your old self and into your exercise routine. I have a Curves by my house. As soon as my work load lightens, I may look into it again. Have a great weekend. Oh, by the way, love the new clippie!:D
Beth, I'm glad to hear your parents are feeling better!

Hope you got lots of rest today! Sounds like you've been burning the candle at both ends lately. Don't forget to take time for you!
Hey, Beth! How are you? It was so nice of you to be there for your parents. Take good care of yourself now; you don't want to come down with what they had.::yes:: Maybe a Sunday afternoon snooze is in order?:p

Have a good one,
Ahh...9 hours of sleep. Now that is a good weekend. I didn't work last night. A friend needed me to switch a shift with her. DD is with her Godmother for their monthly sleepover, so DH and I went out. We were going to Outback, but the wait was 90 minutes:eek: Ended up at a coney place. Had a cheeseburger and salad. Ugh.. the burger was like shoe leather. We went to see LOTR last night. Loved it. I got a large water and smuggled in 1oz of peanuts with mi. I resisted the popcorn. The thing that truly amazed me was that I made it through the movie without going to the bathroom.

Today I weighed in. 235.5# My total loss is 33 pounds
I made my goal. I got a new clippie!

Off to get DD.
Have a great cheat free day.
Glad to read your journal today. Stick with it. You are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are doing so well - down 33 lbs!

We really liked LOTR too - but I couldn't resist the popcorn. Good going girlfriend. Three plus hours of temptation and you got away clear.

Well, today was a pretty good day. I'm still very happy about the 3.5 lb weight loss. I did my 2 mile WATP tape today. It is getting easier.
Breakfast: 1 ham roll up and water.
Lunch: cheeseburger, diet coke
Dinner (with friends): Chili's tuna steak sandwich (no bun or tomatoes), steamed veggies, and water. I did eat 1 boneless buffalo wing, but I'm still below my carb level.

Well, I managed to read Erin's journal. (Doe you're next) She inspired me to tell DH my real weight. That is something that only my doctor and you ladies know. He was shocked, I guess I carry my weight well, but it is still going DOWN. I also talked with DH about the 1/2 marathon. So many of you are doing it, I wanted to meet you. It is also a great goal. We just can't afford it this year. We will start saving. If I want to still do it, I will in 2006.

I got my labwork back. Imagine a dr calling on a Sunday. I start iron 3x a day. I can barely remember to take my vitamin. This will be a struggle. Well, I'm off to read some journals, then bed.
Hi Beth! I am the same way with medication. I try to put it right by the kitchen sink, so that I will take it first thing in the a.m. when I make dd's lunch.

I never told my husband my weight. I give you lots of credit for doing that. It's top secret information.

Have a great tomorrow! Check in with you later.
Okay, this week has been (My God it's only Tuesday) a whirlwind. I haven't touched a computer in over 24 hrs. Unheard of. We're having 5 rooms painted in our house. DD's is done and looks wonderful. They are working on 2 rooms at once, so I'm juggling moving things around, taking down pictures, picking out new light fixtures, etc. It's fun, but I'm exhausted. I have been eating on plan. I don't remember exact thingd, but it's all legal. The culinary highlight was 5 strawberries with SF chocolate flavored whipped cream. Did have a fight w/ DH. It's resolved, and was stupid. I'm quite proud of myself. I didn't head straight for food. I went for a walk. I so wanted cookies, but I got out of the house. Walked for 45 minutes, and froze my tail off in the process.:rolleyes: Went to Curves on Monday, and I'll go again tomorrow. I didn't do WATP today. I just couldn't do it infront of painters. I'm going to try to keep up with my journal and read the others this week.
Hi Beth,

That treat you had sounds yummy! I can be guilty of not eating enough fruit and veggies. I don't really like the winter fruits but I can get some frozen strawberries and some of that whipped cream you mentioned. Thanks for the idea. I'm attending a party Saturday night (ladies only) and I want to make some taco meatballs and bring something sweet so I can actually enjoy a dessert at the gathering and fruit and whipped cream sound heavenly.

I hope your home repairs/remodeling is finished soon so you don't have to do your exercises in front of those painters. If you do maybe they will give you a discount for the floor show!
We need to get back on the painting too - stopped in the back part of the house (kitchen & family room). Good for you for getting professionals to do the work.

Good for you for cooling off with a walk instead of snacks. When I take off after a "disagreement" - DH usually catches up with me. So much for blowing off some much needed steam.

The strawberries sound delicious. We'll have to try them. Thank you so much for the information on Curves.

I have tried that chocolate whipped cream. It is so good!

Super job with staying on plan in spite of the current craziness. I hope you have another great day.
Laurie, I can relate to this being a busy week for you, same here. I wish I could keep up with everyone's journals every day, but with work and home life, it's a definite challenge. I'm going to have to try that chocolate whipped cream I keep hearing about, sounds good. Take care Laurie!:D
hi beth!..ugh! what a week you are having with all that painting goin on........funny bout the walk thing when disagreeing with our hubby's.....i do the same thing too.......but he always catches up to me....but he has to drive to do

hang in there!!!
Beth, I hope all the painting is finished soon! Boy, is that stressful or what!? I HATE having construction / remodeling projects going on in the house!

Now, on to the important stuff - have you been taking your iron? I used to have problems with low iron, and the iron pills always made my stomach sick. Now that I eat low-carb, including lots of red meat, I don't have that problem anymore. :D Keep those pills where you will see them - that's the only way I remember mine!

Also, you were so smart to go for a walk instead of turning to food! Way to go!!

Have a great day, Beth! :sunny:
Just a quick update. I am taking my iron pills. I'm not drinking enough water. The whipped cream was just heavy cream whipped with some divinci chocolate flavored syrup. It was yummy, and I totally controlled the portion by whipping it myself. Painting will be done Friday. It looks awesome. I'll try to check jurnals later. Thanks for keeping me honest.
Well, the painting is almost done, and my life can get back to normal. As soon as they were out the door, I put in my 2 mile WATP tape. I feel so much better.

Last night I learned a valuable lesson. I can't eat nuts. I measured out 1 oz. I savoured it. Then I got another oz. I then gave the rest to Dh to hide. I'm not counting it as a cheat because I was below my carb allotment for the day. I will not buy any more.

Breakfast: Low carb toast. 1 slice with low carb peanut butter. 1.5 teaspoon. Tea
Lunch: omelet with spinach, cheese and mushrooms Water. 2 sausage links
Dinner. I ate 1 shrimp (Margaritaville from Costco). It was disgusting, but DH liked it. Ate leftover roast beef, asparagus, and a salad.

If I need a snack, I eat some strawberries/cream. I did better on my water intake today. 3liters. Still needs improvement, but it's a start.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Beth: I can relate - I had to take them when I was recovering from pnemonia a few years back. I don't know why they can't make a vitamin in an easy-to-swallow time-release formula.

I hope you are not suffering too much in the snow and cold...we do the Detroit Sports Report from our studio here in Bellevue, WA. I was not fun having to deal with the Pistons score in progress last night during the show with the game delayed.

Be carefull out on the roads...


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