String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)

Hi Beth! :wave: I hope your weekend went well and you managed to get some rest yesterday. How is this week looking for you? Don't for get to drink your water!!!! :drinking1 :banana:

TTFN - Sharon :sunny:
Hi All,

I'm sorry that I haven't been around. We ended up losing power after 13 inches of snow. No power=no furnace. :cold: We checked into the holiday inn, and have spent the last couple of days swimming and relaxing.

As usual, the weekend was incredibly busy and draining. I did have one moment of vindication. There is a doc who thinks he is God's gift. All the RN's are at the station and he decidedd to talk to me. I don't like him, and avoid him when I can. Well he tells me" You're looking pretty good now that you have lost the weight. I'd do you now." Oh, I am so flattered now. I dropped to my knees in fornt of him and my comment was," Really John!?! I did it all for you. I have wanted you for years. Forget my usband, it is you that I want." Complete change in tone, " John, thanks for proving in front of witnesses that a MD after your name does not mean that you are any less of an a... I find you pathetic and totally unattractive. I think it is rich that you would "do me" now, when you wouldn't know how in the first place." At this point, Jim told him he better leave before I took his ***** as a souvenier.

Ok, I am creul, but he is nasty. He comments on all the women, and he constantly sexually harrasses the nurses. I don't feel bad about it.

I am actually headed into work right now. I have to do 12 hours of mandatory OT. I then have Katie at noon. I am more than a little tired already. I have used up all of my reserve energy, and I am taking it easy on myslef this week. I just don't have the energy to work 48 hours, and exercise for over an hour a day. I worked out Monday and Tuesday. I will workout Thursday and Friday. I have also decided to eat off program this week. I had started to resent dieting and exercising. By giving myself permission to eat whatever I want, so far I have avoided a binge.

Ugh, I'm running late. Take care. I will get to journals tomorrow.
I am proud of you, but I swear I would be in admin so fast your head could spin if that MD said that to me! That is just out of line and you had witnesses!
Hi there,

I need to explain the situation above. The hospital I work at is very MD oriented. Our unit is also very independent. The nurses are very good at their jobs, and we really do run the show within the unit. It is more of an even playing field within the unit. The rns on our unit have a very different relationship with the docs than the ones out on the floor. We joke alot. The differance between what this doc said, and what another said, was his tone, and the fact that I don't like this man. If I were to go to administration, it wouldn't accomplish anything,and the dnamics in the unit would change dramatically. I definately don't want a MD vs RN atmosphere. I can definatly give as good as I get, and I can take care of myself. Thanks for your concern though.

I only had to work 10 hours last night. It was insane with 5 codes in 10 hours. I am totally wired, or is it a sugar high? I had a run in with some thin mints. Oddly enough, I feel like I am ready to get back on the healthy living wagon.

Plan for the day...
Get Katie off to school.
Take a 3 hour nap.
Pick up Katie and have lunch.
Possibly go to the Y, or 3 mi WATP.
Start laundry.
Claean bathroom.
Early bedtime.

B: lc toast with pb.
L: scrambled eggs and ham.
D: taco salad.

I am off to get Katie out of bed. Have a good day.
:worship: Beth, you are my hero today!! You certainly put that doc in his place - how dare he???!!!! YOU ROCK!! I LOVE the way you handled the situation. It's amazing what we can do with humor. :teeth:

I like the idea of easing off your diet plan and exercise a bit. Chasing Onederland can be exhausting! You need to find a healthy balance with diet, exercise and the other areas of your life, like the demands of your work schedule. You'll find the way that works best for you.

I hope your 3 hour nap helps! Sweet dreams, dear Beth. :cloud9:

You sound tired and wired. Do not, I repeat, do not go to administration. You and I both know what will happen. We too have that same dynamic within our unit. I think a unit is different than a floor any old day. You made your point and he did deserve it. He sounds like a jerk.:sad2: I also stay away from people like that. Some people are just idiots but somehow this would sway his way you know? It most of the time ALWAYS does. Hope you find a happy medium this week between food and exercise. Get some rest. I didn't realize that anywhere had gotten so much snow. I have been working and out of touch with anything else. Hope you guys have warmed up and have a nice week.
Sorry, I used to work in a hospital and we had nurses come to Admin with these issues and we dealt with them! I guess your's won't. (We dealt with them because one of our hospitals was sued BIG TIME and lost when they didn't deal with them.) If your's won't they are just setting themselves up. We were MD oriented (trust me all hospitals are MD oriented they have to be) but abuse was a whole different issue. (One of my really good friends wound up getting one of the top admitters thrown out, but he did go beyone words into touching!)

(0ne Admin's first approach was to threaten to tell the wife which he did on at least one occasion, Doctor apologized and was on best behavior after that but you had to know this wife to know why it worked we were all scared of her. We found out later she was stealing from Medicare when doing his billing for him. LOL!)
Well, I couldn't sleep this morning, so I did some disney planning. I really don't know what to do about airfare. I can get flights for $200 right now. With fuel prices expected to go up, I am not sure if I should go for it right now. They were talking that gas could be $2.50 a gallon by summer. With those prices, I doubt I'll get the $150 of last fall. Any advice would be appreciated.

I have also been figuring out my PS. Yes, I know that I am not going until December, but it helps to think about WDW when I have insomnia. I think we will do the following breakfasts: CRT, PSB, Fresh, and CP. Dinners: Chef Mickey's, Ohana's, Hollywood and Vine, San Angel, LeCellier for CP package, Whispering Canyon,Flying Fish, Earl of Sandwich, and we may check out the new Irish Pub. I know that is a ton of PS, but with Katie's allergies, we need them. I can set up safe menus for her. I am also planning on attending MVMCP at least once. I also want to have a sleigh ride, and try for an Illuminations cruise. If we can manage it, I want to go to the campfire as well. We'll be exhausted when we come back, but we won't be going back for at least 2 years.

Suggestions and feedback on our plans would be appreciated.

I need to entertain my DD.

Have a good afternoon,
Beth, when I grow up, I want to be like YOU! :cheer2: Hooray to you for putting that sorry bugger :blush: in his place!!!!

I have to agree with Doreen about easing off the exercise and diet right now. . .when we don't honor ourselves, I think we set ourselves up for even more fatigue.

Take care, honey--
Hey... Erin stole MY line :rotfl2:

Beth - I agree with Erin and Doe about taking it easy. As for the airfare, I'd say GO FOR IT. I don't know what it usually costs you, but $200 is a steal for us and we were able to book our trip to Orlando for the cruise for $245 which is really good. You never know with all the problems with the airline industry if those will go up or not, but why take the chance.
Hi, Beth! Hope you had a great day. Hey, if you have insomnia tonight, could you please plan our trip, too? I can't believe we are leaving in 4 1/2 weeks and I have done so little planning. Just PS for Chef Mickey's on Easter Sunday and DH and DD16 are doing Behind the Magic Tour and DS11 and I are doing Mickey's Magical Moments.
I think the airfare sounds like a good deal -- we have really seen airfares creep up -- last year it was over $425/person, so we drove. This year we can't leave home until Saturday night after Jenn's rehearsal and we have to be back Thursday for another commitment and her rehearsal Friday, so we happened to get really good deal on SW for $176. Still can't believe it.
Grab it!
BTW, am jealous you are going at Christmas time, something we have never done yet in all our trips. I'd love to do MVMCP and a sleigh ride and all sorts of "cool" stuff -- too bad the Christmas decorations will be down by the time we go in January for the marathon.
Anyway, pleasant dreams, and when you aren't dreaming, happy WDW dreams! :love:
I understand the airfare thing... I am cautiously watcing our airfare and waiting for DH's and DB's school calendar to come out for our Christmas trip! I am so excited I cna't stand it! :Pinkbounc
Beth, your trip sounds so wonderful! I agree that all the PS's are a necessity with Katie's food allergies. One word of advice though - your trip sounds so busy that I'd prioritize the MUST do's versus the WOULD LIKEs. When you're 3 days into your trip and need to take an afternoon or evening off, it would be good to know which things you're willing to cut out of the trip.

Take the airfare - $200 sounds like a great deal from your area!

I hope your Thursday goes well! :sunny:
Uh-oh, you shoulda warned me. . .coming to your journal today is not good for me. . .there's waaaay too much WDW planning going on here! Keep in mind that we don't have a Disney vacation in sight AT ALL, so reading your plans is dangerous for me. I'm feeling an incredible urge now to look at a calendar and make tentative plans. Then I'll have to start checking airfares and availability and before you know it, I'll be talking to a WDW vacation planner on the phone. . .uh-oh, this could get expensive! :teeth:

I don't know how I missed this in your journal yesterday, but the truth is, I LOVE hearing about your plans! I say, grab the airfare while you can! As long as it's an airline you trust, you can't go wrong for $200.

Have a great day, Beth!

Well it is official now. I bought the airline tickets, so we are definately going to WDW! It is never official until something nonrefundable is purchased. I actually have money for airfare, tickets,hotel, and most meals saved already. Doe, I am scheduling some downtime into the trip. We can't go commando style all 11 days. Besides, I'll need an afternoon for laundry in there somewhere.

Speaking of laundry, I really need to get started on it. I am moving REALLY S-L-O-W-L-Y today. Actually, I feel a bit hung over. Having just the one day inbetween shifts this week has worn me out. I am not looking forward to working this weekend at all.

Plan for the day.....
Go to the Y for weights and light cardio.
Make dinner.
Go to bed when Katie goes to bed.

Meal Plan.......
B: Yogurt and tea.
L: Salad.
S: Strawberries.
D: I'm thinking crustless quiche and salad.

I'll get to journals a bit later. Take care and have a good day.
Hi Beth
Congrats on the tickets! You're going now!!!!! :Pinkbounc 11 days is AWSOME! MVMCP is my absolute favorite (I enjoy it much more than MNSSHP). Your plans sound so fun. I can't wait to hear more::yes::



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